• Published 8th Apr 2015
  • 518 Views, 5 Comments

The Changed One - peacevic

A newcomer to Ponyville gives some of its residents first-hoof experience with the multiverse theory.

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The Lost One- part 7

Author's Note:

I am so sorry for how long it took for this chapter to come out, especially after the story was on hiatus.

The Lost One part 7

"All the technology of the universe and you couldn't put in some kind of inertia damper?!"

I was clutching the railing desperately as I shouted, with Derpy and Twilight barely holding on beside me. It would've been funny to see if whatever pony organs I had in me didn't feel like they were being squished into my back hooves.

The pony I was shouting at scowled at me. Then he looked back at the controls in confusion. "There should be one here somewhere..."

"Any time now, Doctor," Derpy urged.

"I know, I know." He scratched his mane with the hoof that wasn't securing him to the console. "I'm looking as fast as I can."

But before he could find it, the Tardis suddenly slowed and we all dropped.

"Well that was something," Twilight groused.

"Not my fault," The Doctor said defensively. "Verdant's the one who said we couldn't just materialize."

While Derpy could fly and Twilight simply teleported, I had to climb back up to the bridge. Being a magic-less unicorn was not helpful when it came to my mood. "One wrong move and we ruin everything, Doctor. You know this."

Despite my saying this, the idea to fly instead of whooshing everywhere was so much easier to justify a few minutes ago.

"Well, we should be fairly close to that energy signature. So there's that." The Doctor rechecked the scanner as Twilight and Derpy gathered by the door.

"Yeah, there's that," I said. Then I remembered something. "Twilight, put the dress on."

The Princess groaned. "Do I have to..?"


After Twilight reluctantly re-clad herself in her disguise we all ventured forth. The Tardis had seen fit to set down on a small outcropping overlooking some sort of tower which, judging from the advanced level of tech on display, must have been built during the war with the zebras. We could see ponies, who were clearly guarding the tower, moving around the base of it. The Doctor passed out some binoculars.

"Well, shit."

"What is it?" Derpy hadn't looked through her pair yet.

I jerked my head in the direction of the tower ponies. "Check out their cutie marks."

They all did just that, and to a pony they grimaced. Twilight lowered her binoculars. "Raiders."

"How do you even get a cutie mark like that?" The Doctor wondered.

"So that's it, then. There's no way we're getting in there."

"Not so fast, Twilight!" I flashed a grin at her. "I just had the best idea ever... I think."

"I don't know, Verdant..." Derp tugged at the collar around her neck. "Are you sure this'll work?"

"I am 100% mostly sure. But what I'm certainly sure about is the fact that I don't want to know why the Doctor has collars and leashes on the Tardis."

The Doctor smiled a bit as a memory resurfaced. "That Neighfertiti sure was a wild one."

"Don't want to know!" I quickly grabbed his leash in my mouth and gave it a jerk, yanking him back to the present.

"Alright, alright." He grumbled as he recovered. then he turned serious. "Awkwardness aside, this plan is ..."

"It's ridiculous, that's what it is!" Twilight pouted on the other side of the Tardis' control console.

"You're just sour because you don't get to come along."

"Exactly!" She nodded emphatically. "I'm the most powerful of us, magically. What if you need my help?"

I walked to her side and looked straight into her eyes. "You wouldn't be in a position to give it, because they'd kill you the second they found out you're an alicorn."

"Ugh, what is with this world and alicorns?! Celestia, Luna, and Cadence were alicorns!"

"Celestia and Luna were," I said softly. "I'm not so sure about Cadence."


I turned and trotted back to the others, not wanting to get bogged down in a discussion about my personal theories. It didn't affect our current situation. "Anyway, time to get going. Cross your fingers!"

"I don't have any fingers," She reminded me.

I shrugged. "Then I guess you'll have to cross your legs."

Having successfully delivered my witty retort, I picked both of the leashes up with my mouth and led Derpy and the Doctor out.

"Don't forget," I whispered just before we reached the tower, "you have to act like you're scared of me."

Derpy coughed. "No offense, Verdant, but that won't be too hard."

"Good, now shush." Her honesty was somewhat painful, offense intended or no. Plus there was a guard, a unicorn, coming into view.

"Hey, who the buck are you?!"

Welp, here we go. I dropped the leashes and stomped a hoof over them. "Just a humble trafficker, buddy. Not here to cause a scene."

"What do you want?!" The stallion raised his gun a bit higher.

"Right now two things," I growled. "One, go ahead and point that gun somewhere else. Two, a place to stay for the night. It's getting late."

"This ain't a hotel."

I let out an exaggerated sigh and dismissively waved him away. "And I ain't interested in talking to the hired help, buddy. Why don't you go ahead and call your boss?"

"Get down on the ground!" The guard had heard enough and apparently decided the simplest solution was to just take all three of us prisoner.

Unfortunately for him, he made the same mistake just about every lowly guard seemed to make. He got close.

In a flash, I swept the gun's barrel away so it wasn't pointed at me and jabbed a hoof against his chin. While he was dazed I grabbed the stock of the rifle with my mouth and smashed it across his stunned face. Seeing him drop was totally worth the shock my teeth received.

"So... what's going on here?"

I stiffened as I heard the amused-sounding voice. Slowly, I turned to see a pony in power armor, flanked by a few Raiders, looking straight at me. His helmet was off and a brow was elegantly arched. I quickly tossed the confiscated gun away and returned his faint smile with one of my own, projecting an air of complete confidence. "I was just asking if I could talk to management. The Ranger armor's telling me that's you."

"It's good to know I'm wearing honest armor," He quipped.

"I hope it's treating you better than the last pony to put it on."

"I am the only pony who's worn it." His eyes narrowed and my breath caught in my throat, though I didn't let it show. I couldn't afford to let them see any fear, or else the pack of wolves around me would devour Derpy and the Doctor. And me, obviously.

But on the other hand, I couldn't be too bold. I had to tiptoe the line between a servant and a challenger. Without any magic, there was no way I could beat an earth pony in power armor. Plus there were a lot of guns pointed my way.

Luckily, the head pony's dangerous mood passed. He smiled again and brushed a bit of dust off. "Though that's an easy mistake to make. It's not often you see somepony like me... in this sort of company."

"No, it's not," I agreed cautiously.

"If I might ask, what brings you to my tower?"

"I'm plotting out a new trade route, and was wondering if I could make use of your lovely little tower as a way station of sorts. A place where I can rest and resupply." I stooped and gave the leashes a jerk.

As Derpy and the Doctor stumbled forward the armored pony gave them an appraising once-over. "Is this your primary commodity?"

"The only one I deal in," I replied. "Far easier to steal ponies than it is to steal guns or medicine."

"Pretty wise of you." Armor Pony nodded approvingly.

The Raider to his left gave an angry stomp. "Horseapples! You expect us to believe a unicorn's leading two slaves around without using his magic?"

"You're not too smart, are you?" I gave the critical pony my most condescending sneer. "Like I'm going to tire myself out and give them a chance to escape. No, my magic is best saved for... demonstrations of what happens if my prisoners try anything." I spun and threateningly advanced on Derpy. "How about you tell 'em about your sweet little filly?"

The combination of my sudden tone change and how quickly I was in her face caused Derpy to squeak and flinch back. Though it kind of hurt that I could bring a tear to her eyes just from that, I swiftly capitalized on her reaction. "See? That's what you want in a prisoner."

"They certainly are docile enough," Armor pony agreed, "but you killed a pegasus? I'd have thought you would get a decent amount for one, what with how rare they are in the Wasteland."

I scoffed. "For that filly? Nah. Bugger couldn't even fly. Wouldn't be worth the cost to feed."

"Well, I don't see any problems with this request. For a percentage, of course." Armor Pony extended a hoof.

I shook it. "No other way to do business, really."

Armor Pony directed his underlings to lead Derpy and the Doctor to a holding cell, and I gave as terrifying a warning as I could of what would happen if either of them were damaged in any way. The leader gave assurances while I silently prayed my friends would be ok.