• Member Since 7th Sep, 2013
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Not yet XD

Comments ( 69 )

I wanna know the message and image

Oh, for fuck's sake... :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:
I'm seriously pissing myself laughing right now. More the fact this is now a thing than anything else.
edit: in all seriousness, I'd like to offer a friendly suggestion. Consider upping this to Mature simply because of the title. At the moment, absolutely anyone can see this story on site, even children and any possibly offensible parents.

Seriously? Another one? These things are coming out too fast for my taste ( no pun intended). I loved the original, the second was good, the third I didn't love, but I didn't hate. I really don't know what to think about this one.

I honestly had nothing to do with this one, but I'm glad you didn't love or hate my fic.


In truth, yours was good. I just felt it lacked a certain something. But the main reason I didn't love yours is because it came out so soon after the sequel. This one is...well to save time I am going to say...not great, but surely not a train wreck. But yours is still better. And also they keep coming out so freaking fast.

Mine almost didn't happen since they took so dang long to approve it, but I had no idea a sequel would come out this fast.

I understand. No one can predict such things. Dear Celestia, if this actually gets to a 6th sequel, I will eat my hat (I don't own a hat, not unless you count a giant hunk of plastic).

It's like Five Nights at Freddie's, but actually good.

Also who were the pranksters, and what were the messages? Seriously give us something!

These stories are treading the path of LOHAV. The Semenverse is upon us. Repent.

... And just like that, the jizz-verse is Born...

Hilarious as always. :rainbowlaugh: whoever did this...:pinkiecrazy:
Also, please put a "mature" tab on this.

Calling it, Pranksters were Celly and a Dragon.

Message was 'Gotcha'

5842004 5842579 this was actually brought to my attention :trixieshiftright: I originally forgot the tag and it was denied [It's only the second thing i've ever published, i'm not used to it, at least not on 'this' site XD], The mods had me up it to teen, but I just updated it to mature from private advice as well.

5842013 I know the feeling... when I first saw the stories, I was like 'oh this is gonna be dumb' and literally did that exact motion in real life, but I trudged on, because of morbid curiosity maybe... I never imagined I'd be inspired to add to it... Or perhaps it's more like, I saw an opportunity to put forth my inspiration to 'do' something before someone else inevitably did, and 'did' for once.

5842297 5841847 Unfortunately, I left this vague on purpose! you'll have to guess! :D ... for me it was the next logical step in the pranking hierarchy, with discord excluded because that would just be unfair!

5842410 Iiii.... have heard of this LOHAV thing... While I am a strong believer in 'to each their own, so long as it does no harm', I didn't particularly like the stories I read from that fad... no offense to them, but It just hit me like 'self insert power fantasy free for all'

5842205 Ironically, I feel like I may have unintentionally weakened it's quality with my adamancy of using as few as possible of 'details that would make it too obvious who these next level of pranksters were'... There was much more I could've done, but I also didn't want to take it 'too' seriously... It might not have been neccesary too... But I just couldn't deny the morbidly curious inspiration that drove me to write this.

Well, Kirk did once tell Spock that the best reason for climbing a mountain was 'because it's there'... from that standpoint I can hardly deny you an upvote.

... mind you, Kirk promptly fell off said mountain and nearly died, but whatever, :moustache:

This is getting out of hand now :rainbowlaugh:

5843059 Really? I think the original bed-room painting prank was pretty out of hand already XD

Make it so

This was a good idea, but... all these randomly-capitalized words (and randomly lowercase words which should have been capitalized), the characters don't feel like they're speaking, the anonymity was pointless because we can tell it's a full-grown dragon and Celestia... I can't like this, I'm sorry.

This could very well be the next gelatinous stepping stone on the great white path, but I'd strongly recommend a proofreading. The 'random' words and phrases in singular quotes got a bit distracting; not sure if they were for emphasis or not, but italicized text is a bit better way of doing so. A few places I spotted odd capitalization and punctuation issues. Nothing cataclysmic, but over time they build up and distract the reader.

Ultimately the comedy value in this series has come down to timing and delivery. The snickering of Rainbow as she waited for the slow realization. Pinkie smiling and acting implausibly innocent as an enraged Twilight came by to return the canned "goods". I... Didn't really feel any point like those in this chapter. There was no punch, just... Suddenly Semen, which may not make for a good Betty Crocker product.

Timing and delivery are hard. Sometimes they come naturally and other times they take a lot of effort. Slow buildup, though, is the key. Most prior chapters focused on Twilight and the very gradual realization that, once again, somepony has invaded her life with an industrial quantity of dragon semen in a way she's not seen before. The reader should be snickering as they read, knowing in advance the salty flavor of the prank but not the precise nature of its gooey presentation. This one starts at that reveal and doesn't have much build up or payoff. It's not bad, but it could be so much more.

How the hell did this trilogy make it to it's fourth story...

The quote is a little older than Star Trek. It was first attributed to George Mallory, who died climbing Mount Everest in 1924.


I was right, this is the next 'X is in your bed'.

That's even more morbid... that's 'morebid', :raritydespair:

That'll be the big twist of the series. Dragon cum is ponies. DRAGON CUM IS PONIES!

Linking directly into other peoples' chapters on someone else's fics without permission for your (and others') own personal agendas... that's pretty low, dude. Even I asked Syeekoh if it was okay to promote mine on his original story first.
If you want things to die, the best way to make it happen is to ignore them. Every negative comment and even every downvote still contributes toward heat for the story; every blog post, every story/chapter/Skype rant/whatever all contributes to the perpetuation of things. Negative attention is still attention.

tl;dr: Don't like, don't read. Let others enjoy their fun while you do something else. And just so you know, I never expected this whole thing would explode when I revived the idea... but neither do I regret that it has.

tl;dr: Don't like, don't read.

That's the worst kind of defense you can have for any work. By that logic, if you didn't want people to read it and risk not impressing some of them, why did you ever upload it to a place where people could see it?

Because we wanted people who would like it to read it. If you don't like it, there's over 100 other stories on the front page to read.

The fact you keep coming here (hehe) is only going to make it worse when it doesn't die down and you coming here to whine about it keeps it popular.


if you didn't want people to read it and risk not impressing some of them

I did it because I thought it was amusing. You could always read my blog post if you like.
I mean, sure, I figured it would be a touchy subject for some. I didn't write mine to get popular. It was only ever for my own amusement. I was just inspired by a story and wanted to add my own to it, and yes I did ask if it was okay with Syeekoh before I even wrote my first word. How could I have foreseen it would blow up so much? I honestly did not expect this to take off like it has.

I mean, I really don't know what else to tell you. It's only become a thing because, clearly, though you and many others disagree, a lot of people find it amusing. Do they/we/I possess a mentality of 5yo's? Probably. But we can write what we like. If people decided that, for whatever ungodly reason, these stories are worth paying attention to, that's their call.

5844075 Dude, I love that explanation :D

5844080 yo dude! 5844243 Has a point! I can speak from, unfortunately, considerable experience... I mean, There's some cool stuff on youtube that I would never have found, if some borderline psychotic haters hadn't firebombed it with... well, I won't repeat what they say, it's not appropriate for this site and would make pinkie pie cry :pinkiesad2: And I'm not actually 'comparing' you to them, just using them as an extreme example of what the others explained, from what I've seen so far, You're fine and just have an opinion to spread, while 'those' are possibly mentally damage in some very dangerous ways.

But suffice to say, this explanation is actually quite true... There's a reason that the saying 'any publicity is good publicity' exists, not that I'm out for bad publicity mind you, it's just kindof how things work.

About the only way to noticeably dislike something and make that give it 'less' attention, is to have some kind of army that will make people 'afraid' to give it more attention. or... ya know, dozens of uninteresting hard-heads who'll glance at the name of a story and instantly down-vote :D


There would be at least one more story I'd rather read on the front page if it weren't for these ones cluttering it up.

It's clickbait. A non-story wholly contained within the title, while the rest is pointless filler. Me "whining" here isn't what makes a difference. It's the fact that people will click on this because of course you'll click on a title like this.

I wouldn't mind that at all if it was at least funny, but none of these are funny. It's always the exact same thing: there's jizz everywhere. That's somewhere on the level of armpit farts in terms of humor.


I honestly did not expect this to take off like it has.

You wrote a sequel to a clickbait fic with an equally clickbait title, and you didn't expect it to take off?

Yeah, right...


There would be at least one more story I'd rather read on the front page if it weren't for these ones cluttering it up.

>implying you would actually read the other 99 anyway.
It's not like these ones stop the others you would rather read from coming into existence at all. They just get approved a few minutes later, that's all. Hardly a big deal.

You wrote a sequel to a clickbait fic with an equally clickbait title, and you didn't expect it to take off?
Yeah, right...

If I wanted it to, I'd have written this on my main, which has a shitload more followers, and blogged about it too. I made this account specifically to a) keep some level of anonymity, and b) to start with zero followers and therefore minimize its chances of gaining traction. As you can see, my plan backfired in rather spectacular fashion.
Seriously. We keep harping on about this, and the heat from our comments alone will actually send it into the feature box before you know it. If you don't want it there, I suggest you just drop this where it is, and stop talking about it.

5844306 Also, quick question... clutter? There currently exists only 5... 5 out of all the stories that appear on the front page, or rather 2 given time passing, does not a 'clutter' make. ^.^ It's just kinda 'there'. And I only made the title what it is because it fit the theme of the other onces, that's literally the only reason.


Since you guys are content writing about the same shit over and over again (I just found out that there are over 4 stories based on the same exact premise), I'm not about to stop talking about it and pointing out that it's a turd just because you asked me to. Either that, or it should work both ways: I delete my comments, you delete your stories.

Oh, not so appealing now, is it?

And besides: even if this is giving the story extra heat, I don't give a damn. Let it get featured. At least it will do so with all of my comments under it that point out what this really is (unless the author is going to be cute enough to delete them all)


I love how you guys keep banging on and on about how the only thing I'm doing here is giving you extra publicity. I don't care how many extra views/faves/etc. my comments are going to give you. All I care about is pointing out the quality of this fic and the trend as a whole.

Case in point: your fic has terrible grammar, a nonexistent plot, and the premise is used the exact same way as all the others have used it before. It doesn't even have the appeal of being offensive or disgusting at least. I mean, how is everyone not throwing up just from the smell of all that spunk? Oh, it's all for the sake of joking about other things? Right... too bad none of that is funny either...

Still enjoying your "negative publicity"?

5844393 wow, you've really got a stick up your bum don't ya? XD You kinda sound like a critic who just needs 'something' to vent at... far as I'm concerned, who cares if someone writes about something stupid like this? It's funny to 'someone'.

And You clearly didn't pay attention either ^.^ I said I wasn't out for publicity, I did this for fun, to write a stupid little thing that I managed to get an idea for... you know what 'fun' is right? That thing you enjoy no matter how much someone else complains about not liking what you did for fun? See, that means I already got all I wanted out of this :D Perhaps I just didn't care enough to be 'serious' about a story about a spoogy prank war to worry about every little inch of grammatical correctness.

But, I think I'll stop bothering here, I wrote what I intended, it got some laughs, it got some expected hate and auto downvotes, It's not like I need to 'defend' it, the positive receipt of the majority is more than enough... Besides, compared to youtube haters, you're actually coming across as incredibly tame, if a little overly self assured that you're affecting us 'negatively' by repeating how bad you think the stories are.

And no, I'm not going to be 'cute', as you put it, and delete your comments. Save that for those sensitive little twats on youtube who want to scream and rant irrationally about something without having to hear that the vast majority of people think they're a complete psychotic dumbass. You're entitled to your opinion, however rudely it may or may not come across, And I tolerantly accept that you don't like this half-hearted attempt at doing something silly for the pure sake of being silly.

Now I'm going to do that thing... you know the thing, that 'fun' that isn't wasting 'more' of my time in a back and forth that didn't even matter from the start.

Shhhhhhhhhhh. Rest now.

I delete my comments, you delete your stories.

Um... deleting the stories would also delete your comments anyway. Therefore, what you suggested gives you no net loss whatsoever.
Let's make it more fair. I'll delete my highest rated story if you do the same to yours. Suggest some real stakes next time.

I don't think you realize how this looks. We're not upset. We know people don't like it and we accept that. Making demands at us looks childish, like we need to bend over to sate your tastes.

If all your comments stay, I doubt Black Pony cares. But you stomping your feet at us and demanding we delete our stories looks silly to anyone reading the comments, regardless if they like it or not.

Just let it go, dude. No one thinks less of you for not liking it.

Listen, while DA is being a not nice person, let's be honest here. This fic is pretty terrible. It's pretty obvious that the author didn't care to write something good, and just wanted to bandwagon. It's just a bad fic.

5844512 Is it bandwagoning when reading someone elses sequel to a really silly sequel sets forth some inspiration for the next inevitable step in said series and finds themselves unable to resist writing something deliberately silly to add to it?


no, seriously, is it? I'm not sure! I've never bothered to examine the intricacies of bandwagoning and what qualifies XD

Still waiting for the Major to be behind the great semen war.

This series of gag one-shots never stops being funny...to me at least.:pinkiehappy:

I'm kinda curious now...we know that the white hoof was celestia but who was the dragon? Could the author be making a secret G1 reference? Is it a crossover that we never heard of? Is this really the only time this Idea leaves anything to the Imagination? One thing is for certain...

Somepony is going to probably make this the new version of Fimfic authors are in your bed.

5844944 You remember Cards Against Equinity?

This now feels like that then.

5846539 ohhhh, i totally didn't think of that before... but you're right, it could totally be one of those totally random and ridiculous things that comes up in that game...

5846489 dude... is your icon a warframe thing?!

Can't help but think there might be an inadevertant explosion in the dragon hybrid population after this...

5846894 It was from deviantart...and I just thought it went well with my techno moniker username on...actually everywhere.

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