• Published 2nd May 2015
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Welcome To The Masquerade - Xhadow

The story of an Equestrian Assassin's quest for revenge, justice, and peace.

  • ...

The Life We Lead (Or DNA Sequence 1)

I rested against the dusty chimney waiting for my elder brother. The princess's yellow orb deigned to kiss the highest towers and paint the city and skies in vibrant colors that seemed to put a spring in everypony's step. I looked out over the buildings and towers, laid out just so by unicorn engineers all those years ago and imagined that the buildings held a treasure map in their shape that could only be seen from above.

"You sure you're not a Pegasus," My brother panted, collapsing to the cool clay tiles, "I've never seen anypony run that fast, and across rooftops no less. Man, you had to be flying."

I laughed, shaking off the compliment, "Nah, the rest of the world just slows down."

He laughed, "Anyways, congrats on the mark, bro."

"Yeah...that," my gaze drifted to the stylized capital "A" with some disdain. How was I supposed to know what my talent is with a mark like that?!

"It's cool, bro," My brother, Thunder, reassured, settling in next to me. "You'll figure it out, besides you've got all the time in the world."

I found myself smiling a little, I adored my elder brother.

"Let's go tell mom and dad," he suggested, swinging over the side of the roof to grip the drainpipe. "Come on, what're you waiting for?"

I had a feeling, like I was supposed to be here. It was just... right. I pulled myself onto the long, black minute hand of the aging clock tower and, bracing myself against the stained glass background, I climbed the near-vertical minute hand.

"Hey, get down from there before you break your neck," Thunder begged from the street, glaring up at me.

I balanced on the end of the clock's hand and glanced around the city to get my bearings. There! That should do it.

I closed my eyes and leaped off the building.

Thunder screamed, racing to catch me.


I shook the clinging straws and sandburs from my mane and coat as I surveyed my surroundings. I left myself concealed in the hay wagon, just leaving enough of a gap for me to see what was going on around me. There was Thunder less than a block away loosing his head.

He walked towards me calling my name, and nervously checking every possible hiding place and side street.

"Hey, Rider come on man, stop it. It isn't funny," he called, glancing around the wagon. "Rider," Thunder looked down the alley on his right, then his left.

"Tag! You're it," I shouted, leaping over my brother and tagging him.

"You..." he bit back a curse of shock, "I'll get you for that!"

I squealed in excitement as we took off down the dark street. He was right on my tail.

I turned down an alley, leaping over the wall of metal trash cans. Thunder...was not quite as graceful.

The cans and lids thundered down the alley.

He was only down for a second before he was back to giving chase, now he was angry. I was going to get it for sure now.

The sound of thundering hooves echoed down the alley, shattering the silence.

I need a way to the rooftops, I thought to myself, scanning the road ahead for any accessible routes.

That'll work, I poured on all the speed I could muster, sprinting towards a rain barrel leaning against the brick wall.

I jumped, hooves barely touching the top of the container, before jumping again. I braced myself, running on the wall before leaping for the fire escape on the other side of the alleyway. With a small effort I pulled myself up and continued running. I had to get home before Thunder did or I would be stuck down the well for sure.

Thunder yelled at me from the streets below before heading off for home as fast as he could go.

I leaped over the small alleyway and rolled onto the next rooftop, barely stopping my momentum from carrying me over the edge to the pavement below.

"No, no, no," I pleaded, grasping at anything I could get my hooves on.

I scrambled back onto the shingles and continued running towards the next building.

I swallowed my fear, this gap was twice the size of the last one, I poured on all the speed I could.

The world ground to a halt as if somepony put the brakes on in a speeding carriage.

I thundered towards the gutter, and jumped with all my might.

I sailed over the sparse market stalls, bartering ponies, and guards.

One of the guards raised his hoof towards me, a ball of energy blasted out of it and headed right for me.

I squeaked in pain and terror as the energy slammed into me, knocking me off course and sending my singed form plummeting to the streets three stories below.

I laid there crippled and silenced by the pain for Celestia only knows how long, watching the guards discuss what they were going to do with my body.

"Dump 'im with the rest," the unicorn who shot me down suggested.

"Nah, that's too good for em, we should flush him in the harbor." A rough Pegasus mare who wore the armor of a mercenary decided.

"No, No, my friends, what we're going to do..."

I pulled myself awake, my head felt shattered like I had picked a fight with a buffalo and lost. badly.

I placed a hoof on my head, not surprised when it came away bloody.

I tried to stand, but my right foreleg refused to support me.

I screamed in agony as the burning limb made contact with the freezing pavement. I winced, tucking it up as best as I could and started limping home.

It was easily midnight when I got home, Luna's moon was shining, gracefully lighting the night sky.

"Mom, dad, help..." I yelled as I fell into the darkened doorway.

Something's wrong here, my ears leveled at the scent of smoke, Very, very wrong.

I dragged myself into the sitting room that rested just over the servant's quarters and the whine cellar. I made my way over to the trap door. I couldn't keep myself upright and simply gave up, and collapsed unconscious just a few feet from the door.

Fast-Forwarding Memory...

"My, my, how the little master sleeps..."

I recognized the voice, it was Clara, our hired hoof around the house, although she preferred the title of servant because she was working off a debt to my father.

"You're lucky to be alive, if you will pardon my saying so," she continued resting her icy hoof on my chest for several seconds. "It's very fortunate I know how to heal."

Clara's "healing" consisted largely of potions and had minimal spells involved. But, what can you expect from a zebra?

"...Not now, Clara," I groaned, shifting away from the light and struggling in vain to return to the blissful embrace of unconsciousness.

"You have slept half the day already, young master." she argued, gently shaking me awake, "bad things have happened, very bad things."

"What have you broken now," I sighed struggling to sit upright.

The cellar was dark, and still well-stocked although several bottles of the cheaper whines were however and the ornamental sword's case was badly cracked as if somepony tried to break into it.

"No, no," Clara paused, trying to translate her thoughts into Equestrian, "not me...others, others came...took the other masters."

"Wait," I tilted my head, confused, "what do you mean 'took' them? Took them where?"

Clara tapped her hooves together several times before explaining, "to the field."

"That narrows it down," I grumbled, struggling to sit up against my injuries.

"Yes, narrow," Clara confirmed, wrapping her scarf around her neck and pulled on the end.

My blood froze. "They hung them?! Everypony?"

Clara's gaze fell to the floor as she whispered a pagan prayer.

My shock gave way to rage, and for the first time in my life my thoughts turned to violent revenge, "Who?"

Clara paused her chanting and gave me a confused stare.

"Who took my family?"

"She was a big mare...had the armor of the sun," Clara said before continuing her chanting.

"By the Immortals..." I cradled my head in my hooves, "Celestia's Paladins...."

I knew I couldn't take them down, not even the guards can stop the Paladins from doing whatever they wanted.

"Young master needs to be trained," Clara observed, tracing the outline of my cutie mark with her hoof, "I can teach...yes, many things...need to learn."

"I can't go up against the Paladins, Clara! Nopony can," I pushed her hoof away and returned to my hopelessness.

"An Assassin will destroy them," Clara insisted, pushing my gaze to meet hers, "You...the Assassin."

I stared into her steely brown eyes, unable to tell her different. She was so sure I could do this that I almost felt it myself.

"Now," Clara gently pushed me back into the makeshift bed, "heal, young master...then learn."

I felt my eyes close against my will as Clara started mending my scars and burns.

Fast-forwarding Memory...

The days melt into weeks as Clara's training absorbs all of my time. For an Assassin some of the training was...unusual to say the least. It seemed for every lesson that was for the body, three passed for the mind. Sciences, the arts, and even music. Finally, after what felt like years of rigorous training she declared me to be ready.

"Young master," Clara began, a slight tremor in her hooves, "Your own weapons."

I took the brown paper wrapped parcel from her strong hooves with a slight bow, "it is time then?"

"There is one more thing I can teach," Clara pushed a pair of silver hoof-guards towards me. "When the mission is done, return to me and I will teach you."

I pulled on the string and let the paper fall away from the robes. My eyes widened in admiration, Clara made this for me.

It was mostly white with a hood that concealed my face, there were lightly enchanted, engraved metal details that ranged in color from silver to cobalt. It offered protection for my shoulders, chest, back and had two braces for my back hooves as well as several loops and pouches for storing any weapons and treasures I might need.

Slowly I buckled myself into the protective garment and laced the bracers onto my hooves.

With a flick of my fore hoof a blade lashed out, as long as a medium sized dagger, and retracted as quickly as it came.

Can I do this, even with everything... I thought admiring the polished Earth Pony steel, Can I kill? Is this my destiny to bring death to other ponies?

Clara silently watched my every move, simply content with observing her student's struggle with himself.

"You will bring justice and peace to many," She banged her hoof against the worn wooden floor. "This is indeed your battle as it has been with every Assassin, to strike out the heart of corruption where even the Immortals can't reach."

"Are there others," I asked, breaking my gaze away from the weapon.

"It is not for me to say," Clara responded, gazing towards the stained-glass window.

"I will take my leave then," I bowed, turning towards the door.

"Bring me one of her feathers," Clara ordered, without turning around, "that way I know where you stand."

I threw the hood over my head and stepped out onto the busy streets. I knew where to go: The Market District.

I faded into the crowds with ease, slipping past the guards and mercenaries hunting me.

I wandered the sea of ponies and carts, listening to the conversations with hungry ears.

"It's almost like he's a ghost," a mint colored Pegasus commented, "he's just disappeared, not even the guards can find him."

"I know," her fire red unicorn friend nodded, "I hope he doesn't haunt the city or anything..."

"You worry too much," the green Pegasus dismissed her friend's concern with a wave of her hoof, "I mean, even if he tried we're on top of the largest silver veins in all of Equestria so he couldn't get far.

"You sure about that," I asked, keeping my gaze low to hide my face, "according to the shattered glass theory silver doesn't effect specters."

"So...what you're saying is," the unicorn gasped, "there's no way to stop them?!"

"Don't be silly," the Pegasus admonished her superstitious friend, "there's no such thing as ghosts in the first place."

I didn't stick around to hear the end of the debate and simply cut through the alley into the market. This is too easy. Something's not right here...

I peeked out from between the buildings, studying the market stalls, vendors and customers alike. I didn't see anything unusual for a while.

Slowly I stepped out into the open, head swiveling. He has to be here somewhere...There!

I saw the gold-armored whore hustling one of the merchants, she had three of her elite thugs with her and they were gutting the old merchant's stand for no reason.

"Why are you doing this," I asked from right behind the thugs.

They leaped around like startled cats, looking for somepony to beat up.

"You're interfering with official business," the closest thug reached out to push me away, but I took the advantage and slit his throat.

The other guard, enraged charged me head on but I sidestepped and stuck him between the ribs and he fell without a sound to the stained paving stones.

Somepony in the market screamed. Then everypony lost their heads.

In the confusion the whore ran, ditching her friends and leaving behind her target.

Son of a... I snarled at the surrounding chaos, trying to pick her out, where are you, you murdering...

Time slowed down as I caught sight of my target, she was across the plaza and ducking into the alleys, trying to hide.

I sheathed my blades and ran towards the half-gutted cart. Bracing one hoof against the top of the cart I jumped, grabbed a low hanging window box and pulled myself up the building. Come on Rider, you can't loose her now!

I chased her through the streets for what felt like hours until she finally stopped. I let her catch her breath, think she was safe.

The blade clawed into her exposed chest, her body breaking my fall.

"This is for my family you dirty whore!" I slammed her head into the pavement tears of rage freely flowing.

She choked on her own blood, coughing up a great deal of it to the once pristine street. "If I give you the list...would...would you spare my life...?"

"What list," I held my bladed hoof inches from her muzzle, "WHAT LIST?!"

"The...Conspiracy...they made me..." she reached into her overcoat and withdrew a large, black notebook. "I...will trade...for my life..."

"Why should I even consider this," I placed the blade at her throat, ready to end this once and for all.

"Because...because you're better than them..."

My hoof slipped and she fell limp to the pavement, "better than who?"

A grim, bloody smile split the guard's face, "still innocent? Surprising."

"Never bother the merchant's without reason," I ordered, reaching for the book.

She pulled it away, "there's actually...something you could do for me."


"You see that old dock house over there," she pointed off towards Poor Stallion's Wharf, "destroy the building and this book is yours," she shoved the book into one of my pockets.

"Wait, how do you know I'll go through with it," I asked thoughts reaching my mouth at an alarming speed.

"Morality, my dear. Plain simple morality," her grim smile spread further betraying her deeper amusement, "the Assassin's weakness..."

She blacked out, and I took off towards the wharf, wondering just why she wanted this building destroyed. "This book had better be worth it!"

Fast-forwarding memory....

I pulled myself from the water, shaking the clinging, frigid liquid from my coat.

There was quite a few armed thugs surrounding a fire in a metal trash barrel.

I froze, "oh, that makes sense..."

They approached me in slow motion, hooves striking against the softened wood, swords in their teeth and magic.

I flinched back into a stable stance, blades ready.

"Let's skin him alive," one of the gangsters suggested around his weapon.

They seemed to like the idea as their approach became much more organized and violent.

Alright, this could get interesting... I placed my back to the water and braced myself for the fight.

A unicorn's horn flashed red as she charged, I slapped the blade aside and shoved my blade into her throat.

I shrugged the body aside, and out of the way.

The five remaining criminals eyed me now with some concern.

What? They're scared now? I shook my head, getting back in the fight.

They had me surrounded from the front and either side. I had to be careful not to let my guard down for anything.

One of the stallions on my left nodded, and he and his partner on the other side charged in for the kill.

I ducked under the blades, rolled over the back of the Pegasus, breaking her neck on my way to the ground. I rolled onto my hooves and glared down my other attacker.

"Scat, guys! It's the guards," one of the remaining thugs screamed before taking off into the back alleys.

My other attacker, an earth pony gave me a long slow nod before sprinting off after his comrades.

I turned to the collapsing building, looking for any obvious ways of destroying it.

That'll work, I thought picking up a discarded bottle with an almost evil smile.

I cut one of the corners off of their captain's garment and shoved it down the throat of the bottle. I then placed the end of the fabric in the fire, waiting for the flames to cling to it reliably.

When it was sufficiently on fire I took aim and threw it into the building.

"Halt! In the name of the Princess," one of the elite guards shouted as they sprinted towards me.

"Oh, great." I sighed, here we go again.

Memory Error....Re-stabilizing...

Blood traced its way down my cheek like crimson tears. With a shaking hoof I searched for the source, my ears were bleeding.

I glanced feverishly at the muted world around me, from the dead guards to the burning wreckage strewn across the whole harbor. I started, shaken for home to see Clara and ask her what could do that much damage.

I stumbled over a small pouch of some metallic powder, curious I swept as much of the spilled substance as I could back into the bag, Very interesting...

I turned the bag over, noting the emblem burned into the canvas. It was a simple cross, at the time I didn't think anything of it and stuck it in my pocket.

I looked over the hill to where my home rested, miles away and groaned Why is everything so far away?

Fast-forwarding Memory...

"Clara, I'm back," I called into the silent cellar. It was dark, but that wasn't unusual for the strange zebra. "Clara, I found something I need your help with."

Carefully I descended the stairs, steeling myself for an ambush. It wouldn't be the first time she attacked me this way...and it wouldn't be the first time I fell for it either.

The last step squeaked in protest, and it was damp.

I sniffed the air suspiciously, under the usual scents of the alcohol and damp was something familiar. Blood.

"Rider, my dear," A sharp blow from behind knocked me to the floor. "I was wondering when you would come home you naughty colt."

The whore that killed my family stepped into view out of the clinging darkness.

I felt my eyes slam closed against the pain in my head and then I blacked out.

Author's Note: