• Member Since 9th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I just recently started to write stories directly towards the FiM actively, though I have been writing for years, publishing numerous stories at Mibba and the eventual pony story, as far as to the MLP

Comments ( 4 )

5842585 Sadly, I have rarely had the luxuary to enjoy the benefits of either Proofreeder or Editor. I have tried to make due with a few tools to the effect, knowing this is a very poor replacement.

I try to make the best use of any constructive comment I come across, even if I fail to express the gratitude on occasion, and miss a few pointes given as well. If this is an error on my part, or the one writing the message, I leave unsaid.

Furthermore, I can confess, I do have some problems with the grammar as well. I try to squeeze in the story within the boundraries of the grammar, such as I understand it, which may not always be the best or even a good solution, from some reactions I get back.

I found and corrected the words as you suggested, for what little it may improve the story in the eyes of the readers. That paragraph refer to what could have been dialogue, if these had been spoken or thougth words. How does one express his instance?

I can only hope the story impÄroves along the process. Not saying that adding a chapter and words to the story changes the quality of the story, more along the line that I can have a chance to improve both the chapter and the story as I progress the story. Including any comments like yours, and any other who may choose to be kind enough to take the effort. I migrated her for this very purpose, the increas in feedback from the readers. How can one develop, if none points out the mistakes and errors one is making?

5842821 As much as I may enjoy the help to find every last typo I made, this is mainly tedious work in order to remove the mistakes I basically already know. Time I don't quite feel I have. Published author s have armies of people taking these tasks off of their hands, if you trust the story they constantly explain. Of course, why not? They can be afforded these services?

The rest of us, the once who are not famed will have to fend for themselves. My passion is mainly for the Ponies, and the Ponies or ideas behind the story. I want the story to tell you an adventure. This means I have to go places you haven't been and include events and characters I may not be fully comfortable with. I need to express the details in my way to let you see the images of what they do and where they go.

I know story telling isn't about knowing the big words, but to find the finer detrails, the naunces that makes all the difference. Going over a dictionary is not the point. I want this story to sound as if the characters are there with you.

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