• Published 13th Jul 2015
  • 364 Views, 11 Comments

We're a long way from home. - RuaTheGreat

A man called Peter finds himself in Equestria with nothing but his 2 friends and liquid metal in his blood. How will he cope in this strange new world?

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Peters POV
I raised my head groggily, groaning in pain. I stood to my feet, to find my hands and feet bound by thick cuffs.
On my fingers, I had these strange rings. Each ring had some sort of gem and was glowing with a faint aura. The rings seemed to have no effect on me except for a weird, but familiar, tingling. The confusion around me was so thick, that you could almost reach out and grasp it. That is, unless, your hands and feet are bound to the walls of a medieval era dungeon. Only one thing I knew of tingled like that, and that was Telerium. Then it hit me like a freight train.
“These cuffs and rings were made of Telerium! Haha! Nice try, but that won’t keep me in here for long.”
While I was busy examining the cuffs and rings, I had forgot why I had them on. After testing them, I realised that the Telerium was compatible with me, but I couldn't form it into any usable weapons or items. At least it would help in escaping, I guess. I decided against that until I knew more about what I was facing. As I thought of all the possible dangers, a certain memory stuck out; a memory of 6 pastel coloured ponies. Then it all clicked. I remember trying to harm one of the 6, then being hit by some sort of hi-tech beam. The said beam had rendered me unconscious.
While my mind was occupied trying to find all the possible reasons as to why the beam actually worked, I didn't see 2 red lights rolling back and forwards in the darkness. I mean, I have metal in my blood! That should have blocked the beam, right? As I began muttering a list of possibilities (a habit which helps relieve stress), I heard a strange noise. It sounded like gravel being crushed underfoot slowly. I froze, slowly turning to face the noise. When I finished, I saw 2 red lights rolling backwards and forwards slowly, as if in mid air. I stared at them, my heartbeat slowing when I finally recognised the lights. I breathed a sigh of relief, staring straight into the "eyes" of the beast as a smile graced my lips.

"KITT is that you?" I asked quietly. I sat in silence the faint whooshing of the lights the only sound until finally a familiar voice filled my body with relief.

"Yes it is me, Peter." KITT stated. I nearly cried out in joy until I realised where we were.

I quietly looked into the red lights and whispered "KITT, activate connection protocols."

He replied in a teasing tone "Thought you'd never ask!"

Instantly my body was bathed in a blue light, hearing a female voice say "Establishing Connection protocols," in a monotonous voice.

I waited 10 more seconds before the words I had been waiting to hear were spoken. "Connections established, Welcome Peter."
Instantly my vision was filled with an almost game like H.U.D (Heads Up Display) with my B.D.C in the bottom left corner and the time in the bottom right. I began sending mental commands; sifting through the vast amounts of info until I reached what I was looking for: Telerium reserves. When I read it, my heart sank. KITT was running on critical levels; unable to switch forms and me being stuck with only one sword and a pistol. Granted, I had indefinite amounts ammo, but I needed at least 30 seconds for the Telerium to return to me to be able to reload my pistol. I was imprisoned with only 2 weapons and 1 way to escape.

I turned to KITT and looked at him questioningly. I heard him sigh and say "Do I have something on my visor?"


"Then why are you staring at me?" he asked

"How did you end up in this dungeon? “ I asked bluntly

After a short pause, he hesitantly replied “Well, it’s a bit of a long story...”

“We’ve got time.” I informed him, motioning to the dungeon we were in.

3rd Person
Meanwhile, back in the Everfree Forest, everything was peaceful. All the daylight critters were sleeping in their nests or burrows, while the nocturnal ones were out hunting or foraging for food. After the events of the hairless ape last night, many of the critters were too frightened to stay outside their shelters, should there have been another one of those in the forest. Since another hadn’t yet been found, they needed to work overtime to make up for the food they didn’t get the night before.

In a clearing, there was a light blue spark, which most of the critters ignored, but didn’t leave unnoticed.

Another one, slightly brighter this time. The critters stopped gathering, and went to investigate the sparks.

Without warning, a massive shower of sparks flew out of the air, scattering the gathered critters.
The sparks died down, leaving a light blue orb, slowly inflating like a balloon.

When it finished growing, it hovered in the air, before disappearing in an explosion of the same blue light.
Left behind was what looked like the hairless ape, except it was covered from head to toe in silvery gray armour. On his chest, there was a light blue crystal, with slightly darker lines coming from it to every other part of his body. There was not much more to describe about it.

It took off its helmet with a click and hiss. The creature was male; just like the hairless ape, except with different hair and face. His hair was hazel brown and eyes were a deep, sea blue with a small purple tinge.

“Finally! I am home!” he proclaimed, looking around him

“Well, not quite, I don’t think I will join Zecora any time soon.”

“I wonder how Twilight and the girls are doing; I hope they don’t miss me too bad!” He chuckled.
He tapped his gauntlet, which came up with a holographic map. It showed several blue dots surrounding him, and the words ‘NO SIGNAL’ plastered in the centre.

“No signal? But how? The only way that could happen is if I’m in an alternate dimension, and the chances of that are...” he trailed off.

The Sugar Cube Corner

“Muffin, I’m coming for you!” said a cross-eyed Pegasus, sitting on a table while eyeing the blueberry muffin hungrily.
She was about to eat it, but was startled by a shout from the forest, causing her wing to knock it off the table.

Author's Note:

How you enjoyed this chapter. Also thanks to Muranuse for editing this and previous chapters.