• Published 12th May 2012
  • 851 Views, 28 Comments

Love Heals - OrpheusMorpheus

A love story involving a pony with a special talent for healing

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I stood in the operating room wearing my face mask and surgery clothes. My front two hooves were covered by gloves. Dr. Scalpel was fully dressed in surgery clothes and was examining the pony on the operating table. Many other doctors were also surrounding the table. Scalpel began to draw some preliminary lines with a marker on the patient's chest about where the appendix is located. Hopefully, Scalpel would be able to quickly cut open the pony, remove the appendix, and close the pony back up.

I stared at the pony on the table. She had a very light bluish-green coat and a very pale blue with some white streaks. I could see that the corner of her cutie mark was gold, but I could make out no other traits about her because of the tarps covering her up.

Scalpel made a small incision in the pony's lower abdomen. He then asked me for the towel to clean up some of the resulting blood. I levitated him the towel and took it back when he was finished. The whole operation was very routine, and I had helped with appendectomies many times in the past. Luckily, I had become used to the patterns of the operating room and didn't need to think about what I did, so I was able to spend most of the operation thinking about the purple mare.

No matter how much I tried to forget about the pony, she kept appearing in my thoughts. I knew that I had seen her somewhere before, but I could neither remember where I'd seen her nor what her name was. Either way, her image was still vivid in my head even after three days. Her beautiful purple mane, her perfect figure, and her unblemished face would never leave my thoughts for long.

"Scissors, please," said Scalpel, his voice suppressed by my thoughts. I levitated him the scissors without thinking about it, and then went back to thinking about the color purple.

Her beauty was unmatched by anything I had ever seen. I had seen models in magazines, but she was more beautiful than any of them. Her simplistic beauty didn't need makeup.

What am I thinking? Ugh, I need to stop thinking about this mare! I tried to concentrate on the operation. I saw Scalpel cutting the appendix out of the patient's torso. As I observed, I saw something deep violet in the collage of organs. Oh, screw it. The rest of the operation had a deep purple hue to it.

I was sprawled on my bed at home after the successful operation. I was still trying to find my way out of the maze of purple, but it seemed that the labyrinth had no exit. I was drowning in a purple ocean of sentiments, and my lifesaver had just popped.

Realizing that there was no salvation, I thought about accepting the fact that I was in a hopeless one-way relationship. It happened to other ponies, so why couldn't it happen to me? It made sense that the only possible joy in my life would be on the other side of a pane of one-way glass, that the love of my life would be on a mountain and I in a plain, that my heart would have a permanent hole.

My stress began to get the better of me. I felt a "moment" coming on. My body writhed in pain, my eyes darted left and right, and my legs flailed wildly in the air. I jerked my head back and forth as my mind was assaulted by memories of my parents. I could see them playing with me in the fields, tucking me in at night, showing me their undivided and eternal love. I could see my mother coughing in bed with a case of pony pox. I tried to help her, but I was still ignorant about the ways of healing. My father caught the pox later that week, and I was charged with bringing them food and helping them throughout the day. I could see my parents slowly withering away from the mutated strain of the virus. I saw countless doctors examining them and prescribing them pills for the symptoms. Finally, I saw my mother breathe her last breath, her whole body covered in small lumps. My father died later that day from a combination of the pony pox and stress. I saw the pain I felt for months, and I saw the eventual callous that formed over the wound. I saw my first "moment", and I saw the doctor telling me that the stress-related incidents are incurable and will persist forever. I saw myself at the library buying a book on medicine. I saw myself studying healing and helping small animals recover from minor injuries. I saw myself healing a wounded filly on the street, and I saw my subsequent cutie mark, the Rod of Asclepius. I saw a montage of scenes from my life until my memory sat on the incident with the purple mare. Finally, I was jerked back to reality. I lay on the floor drenched in sweat. The moment ended. The callous hardened once again.