• Published 2nd Apr 2015
  • 715 Views, 8 Comments

A New Life, or an Old Strife? - Chrome Masquerade

My friends and i had long been fans of MLP. How could we have known that it was true?!

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Big Reveal

“Oh, bad! Oh, bad! Oh bad bad BAD!” said Caramel.

“Wrong show.” Thunder commented dryly.

Nearly everypony glared at him, but i chuckled. “Wouldn't that be an interesting crossover?” on cue a picture appeared next to me. It had the main six in a flying bus driven by Princess Celestia, saying various lines from some of the students in The Magic School bus.
“Never mind.” i sighed. “Already been done.”

Everypony laughed at my unintentional antics. But then they began squabbling.

“We HAVE to get this out. People need to know this!” Whisper said, frantic

“That would only make people resent us!” Thunder countered.

“The mare has a point. We have to do something.” Kendo defended.


“Go on a radio station?”

“Not obvious enough”

“Call the national guard?”

(deadpan looks)

“Maybe call on Jerry Springer?”

“I don't see how THAT would help."

“Point taken. His counterpart, Ellen DeGeneres, then?”

“That could work.”

“Okay. How do we get there?”

Crystal closed her eyes for a moment. “I think i have a spell for that.”


“All we'd need to do is call them and use the spell. It would send us through the lines to their station.”

“That could work.”

“Thing is, one of us would have to stay here so we could come back.”

“Who, then?”

“Well, Winter is exempt because we need to have our leader there. I'm off because i need to cast the spell on both ends.”
i thought for a moment. “Kendo Rein, i'm counting on you to guard the house until we can get back.”

“Got it, GL.”

“Now somepony get me a phone.”

Moments later i got the number in.


“Uh, hi. We would like to schedule an interview with miss DeGeneres?”

“Okay, what about?”

“No doubt you've head about that shockwave near Iowa? We have news about that.”

“That would be interesting! How soon can you get here?”

“How much space is there where you are?”

“About 15 feet, either direction.”

“Put the phone on the floor, face up. And stand back.”

“How far back?”

“Back. Way back.”

I turned to my team “Crystal, do it.”

“Before we go....” Crystal's horn glowed, blue light illuminating the room. “There. This should limit the amount of magic we exude. And now...” Moments later we were heading along the wires, going faster than the speed of sound! We were living lightning, it was Glorious!
Eventually we came out on the other side, inadvertently bowling the one who answered over.

“OOF!” he exclaimed.

“I did say 'way back'. Whoo! What a rush!”

“WHOA! You guys are PONIES! Awesome!”

I swear to Celestia, right then he squeed. We have a Brony here.

“Uh... Names?”

Pointing at each of my friends in turn, “Okay, these ponies are Thunder Roller, Caramel Cream, Crystal Charmer and Whisper Wishes. I'm Winter Fields.”
I turned and addressed the phone still on the floor.

“You can hang up now, Kendo.”

“Good luck, guys!” he said, before we simultaneously hung up.

“So... you guys really have information on that... thing?”

Crystal replied “Yes, but you're not going to like most of it.”

“So why did you come?” he queried.

I said, a little forcefully, “Because people need to know this. Because this is one of the more popular shows this side of Oprah. Because going to Jerry Springer probably wouldn't benefit us in the long run.”

Just then, the main lady herself came to the back. “I heard that we have some special gue- (gasp!)”

Thunder rolled his eyes and said, “Five. Four. Three. Two...”

Ellen excitedly exclaimed, “ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Real little ponies!” with that she hugged the five of us.”
Then she squeed too.

“Uh... Miss DeGeneres?”

“Just call me Ellen, please.”

“Alright. Ellen, we have vital information regarding that event.”


“Yes. People will really need to know these things.”

“Hmm... I think i got it.”


“I can fit you in this time tomorrow, should you desire.”

“So soon?”

“I'm a Pegasister. What can i say?” just then i noticed that Ellen was scratching her leg for like the fourth time since this conversation began.

“Uh, speaking of which... Crystal, would you check Ellen here?”

“For what?”

I looked back at her worriedly.

“Oh. OH! That. Right” she stepped over and scanned Ellen with her magic. “Well, Ellen, it seems that you're one of the next ones.”

“Huh?” she said, puzzled.

“You appear... to have a cutie mark.”

“Really?” she lifted the side of her skirt to reveal a pair of dolphins, leaping in opposite directions.

“That's where the changes began for the rest of us.”

“Whoa. Really?”

“Truly.” i said. “We were all human once. If I'm correct, you have the mark of Sapphire Shores.”

“My favourite pony! That said, i think it might be best if i fit you in today, before these changes accelerate.”

“If you don't mind. People need to know this.”

She turned to one of her assistants. “Alright, Randy, you know what to do.”

“Yes Ma'am!” he said, saluting before dashing off.

“Okay, prepare yourselves, people! We're on in 40, don't forget!”

Slightly later we were in the in-studio spa.
“So this is why you look so young.” i said, the lot of us getting a bath with several spa types of chemicals. Sorry, trade secret.

“Oh, yeah.” Ellen said, towelling off. Nothing like it.” She got into the outfit that she had picked. Her usual jacket, black pants and a white T-shirt captioned “Brony and proud of it!”.

“If i knew that this would feel so nice i'd come here every day.” Crystal said.

“I'm flattered. But now we have ten minutes to prepare.”

We jumped out of the tub and got towelled down by nearby assistants. “Okay, let's go for it.”

“You stay in the back, I'll call when you should come in.”

When she got on stage she had her jacket closed. The crowd cheered, happy to see their favourite host.

“Hello, everyone! Welcome to my show. Today i am going to reveal a couple of secrets to you. Firstly...” She opened her jacket, “I'm a Pegasister. Yeah, i, like a lot of ladies, loved My Little Pony when i was young. How many of you thought the same?”
Several hands in the audience shot up.

“Ah. Any haters in here?”

No hands at all.

“Great. I always wished that i would be able to meet some. And here's where the second secret comes in. Everyone, say hello to our special guests today! Winter Fields, Thunder Roller, Caramel Cream, Whisper Wishes and Crystal Charmer!”
We trotted in in order, the crowd cheering, and sat on the couches conveniently placed nearby.

“So, welcome to the show!” Ellen started.

I said, “Glad to be here, Ellen.”

“So... if i may ask, how did you even get here?” she queried

“Well.... the show was mostly accurate. In season 5 you know what happened at the end. Discord banished us from Equestria, each and everypony he could find. This curse would have broken when we became 25, but Thunder Roller here scored a hit on him back in Equestria... with an Orihalcon blade. So he decided to add a few extra and sent us back in time an extra four years.”

“Wow. On to the next subject, you had something important to tell the world?”

“Yes, we do. Crystal, would you please?”

Crystal trotted up and used her magic to project a diagram she had before.

“As you can see from this picture and the key on it, the shockwave here has all the indications of being... the Sonic Rainboom.”
a few people gasped.

“If you like that, get a load of this.” Crystal responded, going to the next diagram.

“This shows the ley line network around the area. As you can see, the pegasus magic turned the ley lines to Equestrian magic.”

“And what does that mean?” Ellen asked.

“It means that the area just saw a 100% increase in pony population.”

“But... there weren't any before.”

“Exactly. By now the city has been ponified.”
More people gasped.

“Unfortunately, though no fault of the ponies, i might add, before you jump to conclusions, it gets worse.”

“How much worse?” Ellen asked.

“As a person changes to a pony, their excess body mass doesn't simply... vanish. That would violate the laws of thermodynamics. Instead it becomes excess magical energy. This spreads through the air, in turn changing the environment and ponifying more people. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. In other words, start making your OCs, people, because within 5 years we won't be looking at earth. We'll be looking at Equis 2.”
At this people started panicking. The crowd was beginning to get rather loud. Using some of my inherent power, i channelled it into my voice for a single word.

At this the crowd became hushed. Panting with exertion, i said, dryly, “That's. Better.”

Ellen commented, “Whoa. That sounded like the Royal Canterlot Voice. Like Luna used during Nightmare Night.” then her eyes went wide. “Wait, how do i know that? I never saw that episode.”

As if on cue a pair of buttery yellow pony ears appeared on Ellen's head. “Oh dear.” she commented.

A hand was raised in the audience.

“Yes, you?”

“Yeah... is there any way to stop this?”

“The short answer... No. It WILL happen, it's... just a matter of time.”

Another voice was raised. “I knew it! These ponies are gonna take over-”

“HEY!” i stopped him, “We didn't ask for this! We were human once, just like you. Do you think we WANTED to become these ponies?!?! This isn't our fault. If you want to blame anypony, blame Discord. And i assure you, he WILL pay dearly for what he did.”
I turned to my herd. “Let's leave it at that.”

Crystal said “I have Kendo Rein on the line.”

She cast the spell and suddenly Caramel, Whisper and Thunder were through.

I turned to the crowd. “Before i go, if any of you find yourselves transforming, you can come to our home about 20 miles from Oshawa. It's set up for over 50 ponies right now. If you want to come, you'll find that you know the address.”
I turned to Crystal. “Let's go.”

As we left a clip of Twilight Sparkle next to the My Little Pony logo.

With that it disappeared as suddenly as it came.

Author's Note:

No, i didn't ask Ellen DeGeneres who her favourite pony is.