• Published 1st Apr 2015
  • 229 Views, 0 Comments

Crying for the moon - MrGreviouss

Trixie exploring the cold north i hopes of a new start

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Crying for the moon

Crying for the moon - a Trixie / Silver Jaw story

A cold mountain pass connecting the diamond dog tunnels to the Minotaur lands, very few ponies pass this area.

Earth ponies take the challenge to grow crops on barren land, Pegasi teams try and fail to contain the worst of the cold north weather.

And the number of unicorn could be counted under a dozen, afraid of the bipedal barbarians who use them for gem hunting and wound mending.

"But nut Trixxie, she will wow and awe new crowds and be loved once more" The blue show mare had her signature cape tied round her barrel in attempt to provide extra worth, the snowstorm she was currently trapped in threatened to take her if she stopped and the mountain pass she was crossing was too narrow to set up camp.

"Trixxie ha-aas travelled far from ponies to clear her name, a liiitle bad weather will not stop...” A chunk of stone breaking away from the mountain causes one of Trixie Wagon wheels to slip over the edge causing her to panic "No no no, Trixie won't be beaten"

Trixie horn light up as her magic enveloped the back wheel and began to spread over the carriage, but Trixie was tired and her hunger caused her magic to be cut short the sudden drop caused Trixie to be pulled with the cart further over the edge.

Trixie was now faced with falling over the edge of the mountain a mix between fear and the raging storm caused her to not notice the thud of someone leaping down the mountain, but she did feel the not so delicate pull as her cart was brought back over the ledge.

Trixie turned round to find her saviour but the snow blocked her vision, there was a sudden bump as the back of Trixie’s cart hit her rump. Her cart was being pushed with enough force to keep it steady on the narrow path. It several more minutes but Trixie was now traveling down the mountain slope signalling she was near the next town.

Approaching the town the snow storm slowly started to fade but continued a slow trickle of snow; the magic that controlled the weather here must let in a little snow or was not powerful enough to cover the entire town.

After entering the slightly different biome Trixie took off her wagon straps making her way round the back "Trixie would extend her gratitude"

Trixie failed to find her words after seeing her helper, she had become used to seeing the minotaur, diamond dogs but this bipedal was huge not just tall but wide "Trixie is in between shows at moment"

With one swift swinging movement the tall figure cleared the snow from the top of Trixie cart "But after performing Trixie can provide a fitting reward" Trixie was unsure if the creature clearing snow from her cart could understand her but with mention of reward it paused, letting out a muffled sigh from under the many layers of cloth concealing its figure.

There was a ripping noise as the creature approached Trixie with one of the posters covering her travel home, reaching under its cloak it placed down a small bag.

Rattling inside Trixie could hear glass clicking until it appeared a large quill and small ink bottle presenting them to Trixie, it took her a second to register what was happening before taking the poster with her magic and began to autograph it "The great and powerful Trixie is external grateful, erm who should I make it out to?"

No response came but instead the cloth covered creature grabbed the poster and gave it a quick over, then came accepting nod as the poster was carefully rolled up and placed under the cloak. After the creature leaned towards Trixie causing her to freeze up momentarily, only reach behind her one of her ears to give them a quick scratch.

Then standing back up it began to stride away from Trixie, each step giving an avid thud crushing the thin layer of snow underneath. Trixie watched the creature leave round one of the corners of the large northern building, had she still been in pony territory the bipedal head would probably still be visible.

A low grumble from Trixie stomach broke her trance "Trixie requires sustenance and shelter" with that Trixie hooked back up to her cart to search for an Inn for the evening.

At Snowhoof sheriff's office

A dinging noise followed by cold air entering the small office, causing sheriff Smallhorn to stir from her lazing position "I'm in the back I'll be out now, it's a little late for a social call"

The short minotaur huffed in annoyance at possible having to work so late, entering the small office had to do a double take at the towering figure crouched at her notice board Err can i help you buddy?"

The tall figure faced towards Smallhorn nearly twice her height, there was a rustling sound as 3 scrolls were brought forward for her to inspect "Oh these are wanted posters, 2 are no longer valid and this Redhorn as escalated let me grab the details. The bring in alive bounty is now double at 1000 bits and dead is 800, Redhorn has taken 3 hostages 2 young dog lasses and a Minotaur boy. The 3 kids are all local, the girls are sisters with no family to offer reward, the boy has been working for him but I think its forced labour. But the town’s leaders have placed 50 bits dead or alive, I'll leave that up to you"

The Minotaur let out a sigh before handing over the updated wanted poster, taking the scroll the towering figure began to leave. "Happy hunting"

Followed by another blast of cold air entering the office as the door opened and closed.

The tall bounty hunter began to make its way to the edge of town were the makeshift weather control meet the snowstorm, on the journey into town the tall figure had noticed several lights and the only people that would be stuck out in this weather needed help or did not want to be found.

A mountain cave hidden from the town by violent snow storm,

"Oi eye patch! Bring me the pretty dog lass, i think it's time she contributes to her survival" A young Minotaur appeared wearing an eye patch over a still fresh untreated wound.

"But Redhorn she still tired from your last session"

"I don't care about how tired she is, bring me the young pup or volunteer yourself instead!"

A large hammer came crashing down to signify his point.

The young Minotaur face fell at Redhorn’s comment, he had already lost an eye laughing at what he thought was a joke from Redhorn.

Moving to the back of the cave the small Minotaur approached the other two captives, the smaller dog huddled close to her sister while the older sister was void of all facial expression. Not looking at her directly he tapped her shoulder a few times.

"Redhorn wants you" There was another pause, as he placed a hand on her shoulder,

"If you don't go he'll come for your sister" In an instant the vacant eyes filled with rage and disgust at what the young Minotaur had said.

Redhorn’s ears flicked, he could hear moment outside in storm the repeated sound of snow being crumpled "Forget the pleasure kid it's time for business, toss me my hammer"

The small Minotaur left the side of the angry diamond dog to approach a pile of loot to the side of the cave, which housed Redhorn’s large hammer.

The snow crunching outside the cave stopped.

Redhorn grabbed the hammer from the struggling Minotaur, only to be pushed back in corner with other captives. "Get back there and watch those girls!" finishing his shout Redhorn took a battle stance, only to lose confidence as the huge figure entered his cave.

"Well the bigger they are, the harder they..." The Minotaur swung his hammer at the Shrouded giant but before he could complete a full swing his target moved into the blow, red horn felt the impact of the hammer vibrant his hand but no pain escaped his target only a grunt that sounded like it took pleasure in the hit.

Redhorn made a gasp for air as a large hand grasped his throat and another at the underside of his tunic, with a quick pull Redhorn was thrown into the ceiling then a loud thud followed by a metallic twang as the Minotaur and mace hit the ground.

Redhorn was given no rest as he was once again lifted and slammed into the side of his cave this time with a lot more force, this caused a moan of pain from the wanted Minotaur and moan of pleasure from his attacker.

It was the second slam that caused some of the stolen objects at the back of the cave to fall startling the smaller dog which hid behind her sister, all throughout the beating the older dog never took her vacant eyes from the violent display.

The bloodied minotaur was lifted up to eye level with the cloaked figure his hoofs now dangling in the cold air, small green orbs peered at the minotaur. One hand was brought away to move some of the garments covering the creatures face revealing its mouth.

One of Redhorn’s eyes had closed from impact with the wall but the other went wide "there silver..." No sooner had the words left Redhorn did the silver fanged beast rip into the minotaur’s neck causing his final screams to be gurgled.

Turning from the 3 young viewers Silver tossed the twitching corpse out the cave into the snow and proceeded to spit the gory contents from its mouth, then fixing his head cloth to hide the large silver chompers returning to the 3 young spectators.

Noticing the oldest dog eyes with a small sparkle of life and a small devilish grin across her muzzle, it was worth losing 200 bits for.

The 3 young ones look at the blood covered bounty hunter with a mixture of feeling, the younger dog had just witnessed someone being killed quite violently and was too shocked to understand she was being saved. The older sister had been abused by Redhorn and took great pleasure in his lifeless corpse.

Though the young eye patch wearing minotaur boy was sweating, he had not been so innocent helping Redhorn in fear of his own life being taken by the brute. It didn't help his growing panic when the tall figure came and placed it's backside down in front of him, ruffling inside it's cloak produced a familiar wanted poster.

Young eye patch heart sunk at the small attached to the poster with his illustration, before he read the short description to confirm his suspicions "Small male minotaur light brown, dark brown mane with one eye missing covered by an eye patch"

While the minotaur had been reading his wanted profile Silver had pulled out his backpack and began rummaging, revealing a square piece of wood with several bits of cloth wrapped around it and a small vial containing red liquid.

Silver forced the piece of wood into the Minotaur mouth bringing the potion to eye allowing the short text labelled to be read.

‘Warning, it's gonna sting’

Silver tugged on the young mane forcing the minotaurs head back, tearing of his eye patch the milky eye exposed to the open air. The red liquid was poured into the eye and open wound surrounding it causing a sizzling of flesh, as the wound was cauterized and healed.

This caused the young Minotaur to bite down on wooden plank adding another notch to the gross muffler. After the sizzling stopped the now eye patch - less lad was released falling to the fall clutching his scar free face "I can see again... but why?"

Redhorn’s wanted poster was held up with a large digit pointed towards the bottom attachment, eye patch wearing and scared face then the illustration of the small minotaur was ripped to several pieces.

"Don't be so stupid he's letting you go, but you’re not coming back to Snowhoof"

The vacant eyed dog walked over to the corpse at the cave entrance, several kicks to the side of the dead minotaur.

While the older dog found closure in beating the corpse Silver had moved to the back of the cave to inspect the stolen loot, once again causing a large thud as backside made contact with the floor.

The younger diamond dog pup stared in awe as 2 long arms separated the loot into several bags, only stopping to inspect trinkets that weren't bits or gems placing them in a larger sack.

The young dog was first to interrupt silvers work "Whatcha doing with all those shinnies"

Silver lifted one arm to find the curious pup underneath, handing her 3 small sacs pushing her back towards the other 3 cave dwellers "Big sis, the nice violent thing gave me these"

The older sister stopped her kicking to check the bags, each full with bits and gems. Judging by how there was 3 she begrudgingly moved over to the young Minotaur "Here looks like you’re getting a head start"

Tossing the coin and gem filled sac "Wow this is heavy, there must be a hundred bits in here"

Finished looting silver collected 2 packs of trinkets and bits placing them under the cover of his cloak, moving to the front of the cave Silver peered outside at the snow storm which had gotten worse.

Looking over to the small pup and then to the lack of room available underneath in cloak, with a huff settled by the side of the fire for the evening.

It was early morning and Trixie had set up posters around the town for a show she planned later that day,

"This will give Trixie plenty of time to find work to fill her coin purse, the life of traveling show mare trying to reclaim her name has not been a lucrative one. Trixie relies greatly on the northern lands lack of magic to line her pockets"

There was another ding in the sheriff's office as the blue unicorn entered, this provoked a low grumble from the office in the other room.

"Great late and early, I'm just in the back I'll be out in a minute!"

Sheriff Smallhorn had a slightly more annoyed tone being forced awake so early, it didn't help that the office was empty when she enter.

"Trixie is down behind the desk, Trixie requires information on this towns set up"

Smallhorn discovered the magician hat wearing mare just short of her desk "Oh a pony, we don't see many of your kind round these parts what is it your after?"

"Trixie would provide her great magical powers for work, Trixie helps farms, medical facilities and weather teams. Trixie prefers a rockless environment with no purple unicorns"

"Err okay, well I'm guessing your Trixie. Best bet is Windswept she's an older Pegasus on the farm outside of town, it pretty easy to find its one of the only areas that has sun"

"Trixie thanks you, make sure you stop by my cart later for the show"

Levitating 1 of the posters over to the sheriff Trixie made her exit, leaving a tired and now confused Smallhorn.

"Wonder what she has against rocks"

Trixie left the sheriff's office to scan the area and true to Snowhorn’s word the cloudy town ended with a perfect square cut sun patch, clearly Pegasus weather work.

Arriving back at her wagon Trixie hung up her cloak and hat ready for the show later, grabbing her saddle bags filled with magical Items for enchanting and restoring mana on the job

But most importantly her work credentials, entering a land of criminals and narks a good portfolio of references put the normal folks at ease.

Saddle bags packed Trixie turned to the mirror and Levitate a brush to control her magician hat her, still staring at the mirror she began practicing her line's.

"Hello I am Mrs Lulamoon, Mrs Beatrix Lulamoon and I would like to offer my services as a proficient unicorn mage"

A mare with neat mane and pleasant smile looked back at Trixie,

"Well time for Trixie to earn her keep"

Silver was awoken by a tiny and over curious diamond dog pup fiddling with the cloth concealing face, only to stop when the tiny green eyes met the curious pups blue ones.

"Err its morning and the storms stopped, i didn't see anything I promise" A series of low grumbles escaped from the covered hood as Silver scratched behind the pubs ears, standing to full height and looking around to find the cave was 1 short.

"Wants the storm let up i got rid of him, he has the bits you put together so he'll be fine and I don't have to look at him anymore"

Silver brought the younger dog to her sister facing her away from Redhorn corpse, the older dog flinched away as Silver reached for her paws but yielded under a gentle touch moving so her sister ears were covered "What's going on?"

Silver walked over to Redhorn’s corpse planting a foot on to the dead Minotaur back grabbing one of lifeless horns and began to pull, several gore filled tugs later and the head severed being placed in a cloth wrap with the wanted poster.

Rising from the beheading Silver gestured towards the cave entrance, which caused a slightly disgusted but pleased dog to grab her sister and the leave the cave. The journey back to town would be longer since Silver had company, should be no later than the afternoon.

Mrs Lulamoon approached the farm outside of Snowhoof, it had small house in the centre surrounded by several fields.

Mrs Lulamoon spotted a small group of Minotaur in a field clearing snow from whatever they were trying to grow, the largest Minotaur noticed Beatrix and stopped working to give her the evil eye.

Beatrix took the initiative to calm the minotaur down "Morning sir my names Mrs Beatrix Lulamoon, I've come to offer my services as a great and powe… Ahem, as a learned unicorn”

"Oh, and what services would a unicorn provide at a simple farm?"

"I can pump your soil full of magic, it's quite a potent fertilizer or powers some runes to keep a critter free area" Beatrix levitated her work documents to the minotaur "my special talent is getting creative with magic, please read through my previous requests"

Three smaller Minotaur approached, as the father read through Beatrix’s paperwork "What's going on papa?" the two younger minotaur’s came forward each were a good height sporting a colourful mane, while a smaller one hid behind her father.

"Mrs Lulamoon is a traveling mage, she has interesting tricks that may take some pressure off your mother. Can you get her for me Littlewings?"

Beatrix took in the small minotaur that had been hiding behind her father, she had become familiar with some of the northern hybrids but what she saw had her impressed.

The small minotaur stepped away from her father, she had plain grey fur like her father's which colour scheme extended to the feathers of the large wings protruding from her back.

Beatrix watched as the wings flapped several times lifting the minotaur before she took off to nearby clouds "They were small and cute when she was born, now she puts most stallions to shame"

Beatrix let go a light giggle "I can imagine, there quite spectacular"

Two sides of the same moon.

A soft thud caused Beatrix to turn from the Minotaur father, she was greeted by the image of an older Pegasus mare landing with the help of her hybrid daughter.

The first thing Beatrix noticed was that the mare was heavily pregnant showing more than normal, no condition to be flying or working the weather Beatrix would take advantage of this but first.

Letting loose a filly squeal approached the startled pregnant mare.

"Oh my you must be Windswept, look at you your glowing. How far along are you?"

"I'm just coming to the end now at 10 months, and you would..."

"Look at how big you must be expecting another Minotaur" The hybrid daughter used her massive wings to completely hide from the peppy mare.

"Actually this time I'm expecting a pony, she's going to be a big one though"

The Minotaur father moved over to his wife "I'll have you know that my first boy will be adequate Minotaur size... for a pony, now Windy Mrs Lulamoon is a traveling mage she has some good stuff in this book”

"If you think it’s going to help the farm"

"I'm thinking of trying to help you, we both know you shouldn't be flying so close. Mrs Lulamoon what would you suggest to get my wife away from weather duty and relaxing inside? bear in mind we do well but can only afford the high class stuff"

"I understand now let me think, can Mrs Littlewings work the weather like a Pegasus?"

The mention of her name caused the hybrid to release a small meep, rustling her features " Y..y..yes I'm just a little slow"

This caused Beatrix to smile at young ones shyness hiding behind her feather fortress.

"That's great, i think it’s best if i clear the sky's around your farm and set some runes up and cause a sun trap. I can make it so the only clouds that get in have to be carried by your daughter, that should take your wife out the sky's and free you and other kin from clearing this snow. I could then fertilizer your fields as you'll have more spare time for growing hmm"

Lula raised a questioning brow at the minotaur.

"Reading over your previous clients runes sound great, but pricey"

"Trixie would be willing to part with some runes, if you stock her traveling cavern with supplies and a signature of good work"

"Supplies i have plenty, consider it a deal Mrs Trixie?" the minotaur extended a set of digits, which Beatrix took and shook.

"Then I won't delay, I need your assistance in marking these runes Mrs Littlewings"

Beatrix levitated 4 medium sized runes from her saddle bag, each the size of a ponies hoof "If you place your hands on them they will register to you, that way you can bring clouds into the farm"

With a shuffle from the feathers of solitude a small set of hands poked out from the feathers fumbling in the air. Beatrix let go a giggle at the display levitated each runes under the young hybrid hands, as each rune made contact the blue aura surrounding them faded replaced grey one as they hit the ground.

"These are yours dear, if you make a square around the farm it'll be a barrier of sorts just no flying. I'm going to start blowing these clouds up"

Beatrix planted her hoofs firmly in the snow charging her horn with a large amount of magic, she needed to be quick if Trixie is to make her show.

The crumpling of snow was all that could be heard as awkward group of a tall figure and diamond dogs worked towards snow hoof, until the curious pup peered over her sister shoulder

"So why did you save us mister?"

"Don't bother him, he's a bounty hunter taking care of bad people for bits"

"Is that why you need the bad minotaur head?"

Another awkward pause followed as group entered the town area "You said you didn't see anything"

"I didn't, but now I know what's in his bag" The older dog let out an annoyed huff at being played by an infant, Silver only continued to steer the girls towards the sheriff's office.

After all, it was payday

Author's Note:

I did a thing, its terrible but i had too

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