• Published 28th Mar 2015
  • 5,332 Views, 124 Comments

Arrived at Dusk - aliengirlguy

In desperation a boy escaped everything, even himself, to a place that would give him a new name, a new life, and the magic of love and friendship.

  • ...


5 years later…

Dusk was late, very late.

No, Celestia was not being tardy in setting the sun, Dusk was the name of a certain teenage stallion who was galloping for the train station, a heavy saddle bag strapped his flank over a faded creamy white shawl that was tied tightly over his back, trailing down his flanks, the wooden beads of the worn fringe banging against his hind legs in a steady rhythm with his frantic dash for the train.

Behind him, glowing in an aura of silvery light was a bushel load of luggage.

"Rump feathers!" Dusk swore as he heard the last minute whistle just as he careened past several irritated looking ponies towards the platform.

With a flex of magic he levitated himself and his luggage over the crowds heads and landed gracefully, along with his luggage, on the caboose of the candy colored train as it pulled out of the station.

"Close one," the conductor commented, as the brown pelted unicorn with black mutton chops and spiffy conductors uniform took his ticket with an easy flex of magic and tore it to indicate he had boarded, handing it back to Dusk who levitated it back into his charcoal grey saddle bag.

"Thanks," Dusk said, still catching his breath, "I was delayed by a neighbor of mine, nice ol' mare, but she's a bit of a talker."

The conductor chuckled as he led Dusk inside and settled him in a seat, which he took gratefully, "so, I take it your headed out to Ponyville? Bit of a change up for a city pony like yourself."

Dusk settled back more comfortably, not minding a bit of idle chit chat, it was something he had gotten used to over the 5 years that he had been living in Canterlot.

"I'm looking forward to it," Dusk replied idly, levitating a bottle of apple juice from his pack, offering another to the conductor who took it gladly, they both took a swig, before he continued.

"Got folks you're visitin' out that way?"

Dusk shook his head, "I'm afraid all my folk are long gone, I'm setting up a shop in Ponyville, a tea shop"

"Shame to hear that, the folks I mean," the conductor said sympathetically, "I lost my parents in a flash flood on the way home from Manehatten myself. As for that store of yours, that sounds like a fine idea. I've been to Ponyville many a time and as far as I know they have no tea shop, just a café in that respect, as far as selling tea goes."

Dusk nodded.

Eventually the conductor took his leave, thanking him for the chat and the juice to attend to his duties.

Dusk sighed as he leaned back and watched the scenery fly by.

5 years. 5 hard years it had been since Dusk had stumbled out of that alley that he had been reborn into, and left his old identity behind him. He had taken on the name Dusk, after the time of his arrival. It had taken a fair bit of a learning curve to adapt to yet another new world, though to his credit, it had not taken to long, as he was always rather good at adapting to new situations.

Harry had spent time observing the nuances of being a pony. He had learned about the four different types of dominant Equestrian native ponies, such as the Unicorns, Pegusi, Earth Ponies, and Alicorns.

Much to his consternation the alicorns, what he was, were a very rare breed. There was only three mentioned in the entirety of Equestira, all Mares, though one of them had apparently gone bat-shit crazy and had been sentenced to the moon of all things close to a thousand years ago, and all the alicorns were royalty.

Dusk was keen on keeping it just those known alicorns and no other, having had enough of the spot light in his old world, thank you very much, and had stolen the first thing he could, a shawl from a used clothing half-piece bin, when the shop keeper wasn't paying attention, when he had realized quite quickly that he didn't see any other winged unicorns among the general populous. It had also helped that he had hidden out in the Equestria National Library among the oldest, mustiest and little read tomes on History, which proved quite invaluable in learning about his new species.

Of course, being an alicorn wasn't the only thing he learned about. Cutie Marks were another thing Harry learned about quickly. Apparently, when foals reached about 11 or so years of age, they developed cutie marks, permanent natural symbols on their flanks that represented a key identity trait, usually associated with a particular special talent that dictated somepony's place in the world for the rest of their lives.

It reminded him a little of the Wizarding World and their pressure on knowing what you wanted to do at a young age as well, though at least the Wizarding World they usually didn't expect one to start having a general idea until they were 13, but still! It seemed kind of young to figure out something that uniquely defines you and then have that dictate your path in the world.

Dusk himself had been nervous about this cutie mark business, being of the age when ponies should be starting to discover their special talent, but when more and more time past, and he had discovered plenty of special enough skills (some more unique and kept under wraps then others) he had at first thought he might be a bit of a late bloomer, but after he turned 14, he had come to the conclusion that whatever magic had made him Dusk, had perhaps not completely translated over to this world completely, after all humans do not have cutie marks. As a result, even though he was now 17 years old, he was still a blank flank, something that wasn't possible in the world of ponies if you are one.

As a result Dusk kept his flank covered most of the time as a result.

One of those talents that Dusk had found an immediate affinity for was magic. Perhaps because of his year at Hogwarts channeling magic through a wand, channeling it through a horn wasn't to different, it was just intent, and not wand movement, and rarely words, at least for the mundane things. It had been an awkward week or two to train himself from not moving his head in the wand movements he remembered from his human days for things like levitating.

Dusk had been lucky in his first month, to find a hostel that was willing to take him on, first month free, when an old mare named Flower Petal had learned that he was basically homeless and an orphan. She even set him up as an apprentice to a nephew of hers, Brew Bag, who taught him the fine art of tea making. Through those two earth ponies Dusk found a home and a family, and they made sure that he was given a home, an education, and when they realized he had a good dab hoof at it, tea making and gathering, and thus a career when he was old enough. They also made sure he attended a general public school of foals when a truant officer discovered him when he went in for his chamomile tea and found him manning the cash register during a school day.

He was grade assessed and made to attend classes in things like history, math, arts, home economics, and of course magic lessons, mandatory for all unicorns, usually just basic stuff like levitating objects and so on, before unicorns eventually got their cutie marks and their magic usually narrowed to a particular magical purpose associated with their talent. The only class he was not required to attend was gym, much to Dusk's relief (having to remove his shawl was not exactly feasible for him). A school nurse pony had not been pleased with the results of her magical scans (which had not picked up on his Alicorn status for some reason fortunately) when he went in for the annual physical assessment, and he was forbidden from the rigorous class, and put on a strict diet to build up his body weight.

He was still rather small and slight, much to his displeasure. It seemed the effects of the Dursleys treatment of him followed him even now into a new body years later.

Eventually, when he had passed school, a quiet faceless foal among many, who had made strides to be sure he didn't make any friends but still be friendly enough to engage in conversation if put into the situation thus making himself unmemorable, and satisfied with the causal relationships he had with customers and his pseudo family. By the time he had graduated, Brew Bag had declared him a full Tea Master, and had even shed a proud tear gruffly when Dusk had returned From Canterlot Licenses and Registration offices with his license to run his own business.

Dusk had thought long and hard and had finally decided to open his business in Ponyville, attracted by the idea of the quiet simplicity of a small town, especially one that didn't have its own resident Tea Master. Brew Bag had a cousin who ran a small inn there, and would be putting Dusk up for however long it took him to set up shop. He had already been given a loan from the bank and the address to an empty building that sounded perfect for his needs. It was a bit of a fixer upper, according to the information, but that merely made sure that he wouldn't owe as much as he would have had it been pristine. He estimated that if he did decently well, he would pay off the loan in under a year.

And now, here he was, on a train yet again starting another stage of his life, though this time not to a magical school as a speckled little human, but a quiet life of selling tea for affordable prices, exactly as he had hoped for.

Harry levitated the latest Daring Do novel and settled in for a quiet read.

Ooo ooo ooo

The shop he had his eye on was, as he expected, definitely a fixer-upper.

It was a condemned standalone two story, with grim looking faded grey walls, peeling roof tiles and more weeds then lawn at the moment.

It was also a bit further from the center of town then he had been lead to believe, in fact it straddled the edge of town before heading into a place called Sweet Apple Acres, a prosperous farm and apple orchard.

"This will take more work than I thought," he grumbled to himself, as he eyed the dubious foundations.

He nodded to himself, took a step back, and closed his eyes, pointing his horn in the direction of the building, taking a moment to consider what exactly he wanted, before he summoned his magic.

With a blinding flash of silvery light, the condemned building was consumed in a silvery bubble. Dusk grunted as he sat on his rump, and let out a gusty sigh.

The spell he had used was a rather powerful carpentry incantation that restored a building as if it were new again, and had the added benefit of having a one way ticket to the caster's subconscious and would apply alterations according to his wants and needs.

The only drawback to this spell was the immense energy needed to maintain the construction bubble for the next 24 hours. It was usually handled by at least three unicorns, but Dusk had always had a goodly amount of magical reserves, and otherwise would have cost him a pretty bit; he certainly wouldn't be doing anything strenuous for a while, and minor spells was going to be hard to do.

He levitated his things, grunting as he was treated to some of the actual weight, and made his way back into town and to the inn, the Prancing Butterfly, where he was being given lodging for the night until his new place was up to scratch, though it took him quite a while, as he continually had to take rest stops, thanks to the magical drain, but he made it, and Hard Mead was waiting for him. The earth pony's plump silhouette and tan pelt and mane a welcome sight to the weary pony as he collected his key, dragged himself and his things up the stairs and finally collapsed into bed, falling asleep instantly.

Ooo ooo ooo

When Dusk awoke the next morning, he was still rather tired. After getting up, pulling his mane back in a loose pony tail with two smaller ones framing his face, and his tail in its usual black silk bindings at the base, he trotted downstairs for breakfast. A brisk daisy salad sandwich and a bottle of apple juice later, he felt a bit better and decided to go out for a walk and get to know his new surroundings. He kept his things in his room, with the exception of a saddle bag, which he wore slung over his back over top his shawl.

Ponyville was comprised of straw roofed, tan walled buildings with burgundy trim, usually with up to 3 floors and no building was constructed in the same shape, despite the similarity in color and construction material. There were also rather opulent buildings painted beautiful colors and fashioned somewhere between Victorian era architecture, the leaning tower of Pisa, and carnival rides he remembered from picture books from his old world.

They all came together strangely well, despite the difference in architecture. From what he could gather, many of the more successful businesses and organized public spaces, like the town hall for example, were the fancier buildings.

Dusk could also see tall towering tents and pavilions and booths being set up, and realized that in all the excitement of moving, he had forgotten that it was the Summer Sun Celebration. He hadn't realized that it was being celebrated in Ponyville this year.

He wondered if he had enough time to jury rig a stand and sell some of is his tea?

He frowned to himself.

The construction spell would end early this evening, so he might be able to cobble together something quick for the evening festivities when all the ponies would be staying up to watch Celestia raise the sun, perhaps a table at the town hall then?

It wouldn't be an impressive stall, he wasn't the artistic sort, but it would at least get his hoof out there, and have the benefit of introducing him to the small town as well.

Satisfied with his plan, and sure that he had the necessary supplies shrunk in his baggage, though he should perhaps pick up a bit of ribbon later maybe, for decoration, he turned his focus back to his surroundings.

From what he could tell, Ponyville was also a heavily mixed community, like Canterlot, but was simpler in terms of everyday living. There was less opulent dress, and there didn't appear to be any obvious class divisions like the capital. Everyone was also friendlier, and often gathered in groups to laugh and chatter together.

He was just perusing a stand being manned by a unicorn selling dried fruit, when a glint of gold caught his eye. Curious, his head turned and beheld one of the Canterlot royal chariots landing nearby being pulled by two rather burly white Pegusi in golden helmets with blue plumes.

The passenger was a lavender unicorn with purple and magenta mane with what looked like…yes, a baby dragon in her company.

"Guess you’re not the only new arrival," the seller commented, as he took Dusk's gold piece that he handed him from the pouch around his neck.

Dusk shrank his purchase and stuffed it inside with his money before giving a polite farewell and continuing.

He didn't get far though as he was suddenly bowled over by a blur of pink.

Dusk groaned as he got to his scrambled back onto his hooves, rubbing the back of his head briefly then graciously offered a hoof to help the pink mare that had bashed into him, only to have his hoof ignored as she took one look at him, let out an opened mouthed gasp, leaping into the air and dashed away from him, heading in the direction of the newest arrival, then have the thing repeat itself.

Dusk lowered his hoof bemusedly, blinking a few times and wondered what he had done to frighten the pink mare with the blue eyes, the other mare looked just as confused. He finally shrugged, figuring she was likely the local town eccentric. He had seen a fair few in his short life after all and went about his business.

After enjoying the excellent weather and the peaceful bustle of the town, Dusk was convinced that he had made the right choice in moving out to Ponyville.

Eventually, he wandered out of town towards Sweet Apple Acres, his closest neighbor, and definitely a product source he hoped to utilize for a few of his apple-based ingredients.

As he passed by the glowing silver bubble that was his magically induced construction site, he noticed the lavender unicorn and her dragon from earlier examining the magical bubble curiously; as he came upon them he heard the dragon commenting.

"I thought you were in a rush to get to the preparations for the festival done and get to the library? Why are we stopping here?"

The mare replied, "I am, but I just had to stop by and examine this magic. I've studied it, but I have never been this close to a magical construction bubble before, it's rather impressive, and a little unusual being just one color, they're usually a couple of different ones, signifying the magical signature of each member of the unicorns that created the bubble."

"Thanks," Dusk said from directly behind them.

The lavender pony yelped and whirled around.

"Sorry about that," Dusk apologized, rubbing a hoof on the back of his head, "I seem to be startling ponies a lot today."

"That's alright, I was just examining this magic, I tend to get a little absorbed sometimes," the lavender pony replied, waving it off.

"Tell me about it," the dragon grumbled from his perch on the unicorn's back.

Dusk chuckled as the unicorn shot a look at the dragon who ignored the ponies ire and introduced them.

"Hi, I'm Spike and this is Twilight Sparkle, were here overseeing the set up for the festival."

"I thought that chariot you two rode in on was Canterlotian."

"Have you been to Canterlot?" Twilight asked curiously.

"I actually just moved here from Canterlot yesterday, that spell," he gestured with a hoof, "is mine, I'm just waiting for the 24-hour period to end before I move in. I'm staying at a local inn for the time being."

Dusk was confused when Twilight starred at him in utter bafflement.

"Did…ehhhh…did you just say this is your spell? Just you?" she asked a little faintly, "all by yourself?"

Dusk blinked, shrugged and nodded.

"Did you go to Celestia's Academy for Magic?"

Dusk frowned shaking his head and letting out a soft laugh, "Celestia no! I'm not exactly rolling in bits nor am I from a family of connections, besides, I did pretty well just learning on my own once I got the basics down…are you alright?" Dusk asked the last part in concern when Twilight Sparkle appeared to be choking on something.

"I'm…I'm fine!" she squeaked, "Well…I best be off, I got things I need to do…for the festival and all…"

Dusk nodded and barely managed to get out a goodbye before the lavender unicorn was speeding away.

"Huh, ponies sure are in a hurry in this place, oh well."

Deciding that maybe he would forgo the visit to the farm for a time, he decided that he would pay a visit to a boutique that one of the venders had mentioned to him that would be able to sell him some ribbon for his tea table.

Ooo ooo ooo

The boutique appeared to be empty when he arrived, a foal by the name of Sweetie Bell said that her older sister, Rarity, who ran the store was over at the town hall overseeing the decorations.

Fortunately, the eager little filly was old enough to sell him some nice blue and gold ribbon and a pristine white table cloth with sparkles in it.

Pleased with his merchandise, he thanked the young filly and made his way back to the inn where he helped himself to a hardy lunch of deep fried onions and cheese with a side of sweet grass salad and a mug of mead.

After his lunch, he retrieved the necessary shrunken supplies for his booth and made his way to the town hall.

A helpful earth pony waved him over to a spot along the left side wall, where a few other vendors were setting up food.

His spot was next to a golden tan mare with blond mane and a cowpony hat that was setting up what looked like a veritable feast of pastries.

"Well howdy!" she greeted him, grabbing one of his hooves and shaking it with both her own in a rather strong grip that made him wince, "well it's a plum pleasure to see another new face in town! You must be the new feller that's openin' shop in the spot next door to my land!"

Dusk managed to retrieve his hoof, and nodded, shaking feeling back into it circumspectly and replied.

"My name's Dusk, I arrived yesterday, I'll be opening up a tea shop, you must be one of the Sweet Apple Acres Ponies?"

She nodded, "yep! I'm the one who’s in charge of the whole kebuttle…you need anything from apples, I'm your pony."

Dusk nodded saying, "actually, I was planning on visiting to see if I could work out a bit of a contract with you. I need a few things for my teas that come from apples and the tree's their grown in."

"Sure! You come by any time you're ready and I'll whip up a mean brunch like the one we gave that other new pony, here," she unceremoniously stuffed an apple cupcake into his mouth, "on the house!"

Dusk to a moment to chew and swallow, trying hard not to choke.

When he was able to speak again he choked, "thanks!"

After that, the two chatted amicably about small things as they both finished setting up.

Dusk had his canteens and tea kettle ready to percolate once the festivities near sunrise began.

"Hey, you headin' on over to the library later? Nearly everypony is going to some big shindig put on by Pinkie Pie, and I can assure you that she throws a mean party."

Dusk checked the time and noticed that his construction spell should be finishing up any minute now.

"Maybe later, my new home should be ready soon and I want to move my things in and get things settled before I return to pony the tea table for the big event."

"Well, I suppose one's got to attend to one's homestead, though fair warnin' to you, that Pinkie spread the word around town to make sure that you arrive at the library with one of us, I think she was all set to throw both you and Twilight Sparkle, that other new pony in town, a surprise hoe down. She's most likely goin' to make it happen later, even if you don't show up."

Dusk grimaced, "I'm not much of a party pony, I tend to prefer doing things quietly."

"Sounds like you'd get along with Fluttershy, well, if yer sure?" Dusk nodded emphatically, "I'll let Pinky know, just be aware that she might take it as a challenge."

Dusk sighed but nodded his understanding.

When the two were finished setting up, they left the town hall, parting ways to attend to their individual plans for the night.

Ooo ooo ooo

The spell had indeed finished construction by the time that Dusk arrived with his things.

Dusk had to admit, that the spell certainly took a great deal of improvisation from his personal desires and purposes for the building, just as it had been described to him.

The building had been reformed to look like a tea kettle, a tall one with a wide bottom, three stories and a pristine white and engraved with soothing swirls of pale jade. The roof or lid of the place was a dark green that matched Harry's eyes and looked pretty hardy.

The spout of the tea kettle arched over a space for a garden and a trellis ran from the opening of the spout to the ground, waiting for a few climbing vines.

Harry surveyed the spot and had to admit, the exterior was perfect. The grounds just awaited the seeds he would need to plant to start his garden and lawn, and with a few decorations, some furniture and appliances inside, and it would be ready to go.

After he had moved in his things, unpacking and unshrinking the more immediately necessary things and surveying the interior, finding it exactly what he had wanted, he left his new abode and made his way along the star and moonlit paths towards the town hall and began settling up. By the time he was done, some rather well partied and satisfied ponies began trickling in.

Applejack herself looked quite satisfied, and explained that she had drunk a few ponies under the table. Cider though, not mead, since she was manning the food for the night.

"Yep, strongest bladder in town," she chuckled as she related some of the stories from the party, "poor Pinky Pie and Derpy didn't know what hit 'em."

Dusk rolled his eyes as he began dolling out paper cups or mugs for those who paid the extra bits, of tea. He wasn't surprised when he made quite a killing on stomach soothing teas and anti-headache blends, with Twilight Sparkle being of the later. Poor mare looked rather worried about something and rather tired. Apparently she hadn't enjoyed her welcome party it would appear.

Finally, as the minutes counted down, the moment that everypony had been waiting for arrived.

A choir comprised of colorful singing birds began tweeting in concert grandly, being conducted by a butter yellow Pegasus with large turquoise eyes and long concealing pale pink mane and tail that Applejack whispered to him earlier was the pony called Fluttershy that she had mentioned.

A stately earth pony with pale brown hide and varying shades of grey in her short wavy mane and tail, with a cutie mark of a officiates scroll on her flank and golden spectacles on her muzzle took the stage, and a spot light came on, centering on her.

Dusk and the rest of the ponies manning the food tables, hurriedly shut down their tables and went to join the large gathering of ponies, they would return to work after Celestia began the festivities with the raising of the sun.

"Mares and gentle stallions," the official looking mayor began, "as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun celebration!"

All the ponies cheered.

"In a few moments," the Mayor continued, "the sun will rise on this, the longest day of the years!," more cheering, "and now it's my great pleasure to present the pony that raises the sun and the moon herself each year, the good, the wise, Princess Celestia!"

With a trumpet of horns, and little birds with their tiny feathery chests enlarged, ready for the presentation music, the spot light turned from Mayor and shone on the royal balcony as royal blue curtains pulled aside.

Only…the Princess wasn't there!

There were gasps from the crowds and a horrified, "She's gone!" shrieked a unicorn with rather stunningly coiffed deep purple mane and tail and a pale white pelt.

Frantic whispers began to circulate through the crowd, the mayor tried to calm everypony down.

Then Dusk felt odd, a strange sensation snaked up his spine, up into his skull and right for his horn which suddenly felt oddly cold.

The lights suddenly grew dimmer, and all of a sudden, where Celestia was original supposed to address everypony, a wave of midnight blue and black magic arose, then swirled menacingly and bloomed outwards resolving into the mane and tail of a large dark alicorn with black and palish lavender armor on her flanks, hooves, legs and chest.

Her eyes were large and cold blue ice, her fangs gleamed in the low light.

"Well, hello," the mysterious, and definitely overly magical and dangerous mare addressed the public, "it's been so long since I've seen your precious sun loving faces."

'Well that was not exactly a friendly hello,' Dusk thought to himself wearily.

The further revelation that she was called Nightmare Moon, the infamous mare in the moon that had spawned many a ponytale and one holiday was not good, and neither was her declaration that she would ensure that the sun would never rise again.

Twilight Sparkle seemed aware of her, and when Nightmare Moon disappeared in a hurricane of lightning and dark magic, she ran off, closely followed by a few other ponies.

Dusk himself slipped away in the entire ruckus and galloped in the opposite direction from the group of 6 ponies who were heading for the library.

He had a heavy filling in his gut. If the sun never rose again, then the balance of the world would be thrown askew. Many things depended on sunlight to live and without it; ponies and other creature would eventually starve, if the planet didn't freeze first. he had read enough science fiction in his old world to understand that.

He gritted his teeth as he galloped for all he was worth. He was just one tea seller, but he knew he had to do something, and with a grim determination, he knew what he had to do, he just hoped that he had enough in him to do it.

Author's Note:

For those of you who ask, no, his alicorn status will remain under wraps for a long, long, long, time.