• Published 26th Mar 2015
  • 338 Views, 9 Comments

Hyperventilate - The Isapie

Twilight and the gang are hyperventilating. Pinkie is just hyper.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Before you ask: I do not own MLP: FIM, or Star Wars. MLP: FIM belongs to Hasbro, and Star Wars belongs to Lucas-actually, Disney now.


By The Isapie

Chapter 1


There was much to do.

For one, Twilight had to tell Pinkie that they were giving her a surprise birthday party. Or Rarity. Or Applejack. Or Rainbow Dash. Or even-


-Well, not Fluttershy then.

So Twilight had to tell Pinkie.

The last time the group had tried to give Ponyville's resident party pony a surprise birthday party, Pinkie nearly ended up in Canterlot Asylum. That was her not-so-sweet sixteenth. Since then, five years had passed. Five years of Pinkie planning her own birthday, and her friends giving her massive gifts that she refused to accept, but accepted anyways. Sugarcube Corner now had two ice-cream machines, a spare oven and three icing sets that they hadn't even touched yet.

So naturally, the remaining Elements of Harmony wanted to give their youngest member a special surprise on the day she became a real mare. Twenty-one was a big number, and an important one too. It meant that a mare was of marriageable age, which meant in that particular era that this mare should have a special somepony.

But Pinkie was Pinkie. She defied all rules of pretty much everything, which probably meant old traditions as well. So her friends didn't bother her about finding a coltfriend.

The remaining five Elements were gathered in Twilight's throne room in her castle. "I've prepared a checklist," she announced, pulling out the aforementioned checklist. Rainbow Dash grimaced. "Really, Twi? A checklist for everything, I swear that's all you eggheads ever do."

She even hovered up as to not get hit by another cascading piece of parchment that stretched three kilometres long. Thankfully, the list was barely just the size of a standard 8-and-a-half-by-11 piece of paper.

Twilight looked at the top thing on her list: tell Pinkie we're doing a party for her. She smiled as she remembered her confrontation with Pinkie Pie earlier that day.

Around nine-thirty that morning

Knock knock knock

"Yes? Who iiiiiiiiis it?" Trilled Pinkie happily as she rolled up her yoga mat from her morning exercise. Probably Mrs. Cake asking if she could run and get some eggs, or Mr. Cake asking desperately if she could track down the twins. She didn't mind either of those chores anywho!

In fact, the pony knocking on her loft door was the one she'd expected the least to be knocking at such an hour: Princess Twilight Sparkle, the youngest princess of Equestria.

"Good morning, Pinkie Pie," greeted Twilight cheerfully, but clearly nervously. Pinkie decided to humour Twilight a bit. "Good day to you too, Your Grand Majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle!" She announced gravely, sweeping into a deep bow. Gummy popped out of her hair, blinking his own "Good morning" to Twilight, who flinched.

"Pinkie, you don't have to call me princess," she reminded gently. Pinkie popped right back up, giggling "Of course, Twilight silly! You told us from the very start that you didn't want us to call you princess! It made you feel awkward! And I don't want my friends to be awkward around meeeeeeeeeee!" She smushed her nose against Twilight's before sitting down in a clump, letting some of her hair fall straight.

"But when you came in, you said 'Good morning, Pinkie Pie,' which you never say unless you feel nervous! And when I was doing my morning practice earlier," sniffed Pinkie, "My hair was sproing-y and floppy, which means one of my friends is feeling not like herself! So I had to remind you that I'm just your friend, Pinkie, so I called you princess so you'd remember that you don't hafta feel awkward around me!" She finished, returning to her previous bouncy mood and giving a massive, genuine grin to Twilight.

"Although it kinda puts me in a bootstrap paradox," she suddenly said, "or does it?"

Twilight shook her head. "Pinkie, I came to tell you something very important. It's April 30th. That means it's just three days until your birthday," she began. Pinkie nodded. "Uhuh! On May the third. Mama always said she'd never have a filly or colt on a holiday, because that filly or colt wouldn't get the best of their birthday. That's why I was born the day before..."

She suddenly pulled a lightsaber out of her hair and donned a brown cloak. "STAR WARS DAY!" She bellowed, before breaking into song.
"STAR WARS, DADADADA STAAAAAAR WARS, DADADADA STAAAAAAR WARS, DADADADA..." Twilight sighed and cast a brief silencing spell on Pinkie, who continued to happily hum the Star Wars theme.

"That's not the thing, Pinkie. On your sixteenth birthday, the girls and I tried to throw you a surprise birthday party, but you kinda went cuckoo," continued Twilight. "Well, you're turning twenty-one this year, so I thought maybe we could throw you a surprise birthday party, but tell you in advance so you wouldn't go..." Twilight paused. "...cuckoo again."

Pinkie's cloak fell apart and landed in a heap around her on the floor. Gummy fell out of her hair and the lightsaber crystal out of the handle. Even her face fell. "But then it won't be a surprise party!" She blubbered. Twilight smiled.

"It still is, Pinkie. You see, you only know there's going to be a party. You don't know what it's going to be like. That way, it's still a surprise party," she reasoned. Pinkie's grin came flying back onto her face as she wrapped Twilight in a massive hug.

"Thank you, Twi. Thank you so much," she whispered, a few happy tears coming out of her eyes. This was going to be her best birthday ever...

Back to present day

"I'm so glad this is going to work out," sighed Twilight as she checked off the first box. Sadly, there were five more to be marked as complete. Twilight sat up straight, her eyes burning with fire and her wings spread for emphasis.

"Girls, gather around. We've got a party to plan."