• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 690 Views, 1 Comments

A Song of Sun and Moon - Gvozdi

AKA Equestria Rises: the Two Sisters. Celestia and Luna are the daughters of Selena and Solaris - the high priests of the Castle of the Sun and Moon. Life changes drastically, as they are gradually introduced into a world of kings and magical tyrants

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Prologue - Have Silver Sword, Will Travel

The castle was now in their view, the nomadic travelers have come from a land far away to get here today. The Everfree was a forest once entirely inhabited by the mystic, Elven race of Deer-kin. With the recent invasion by foreign beings, the Tribes of Ponykind - many have been forced out of their homes, some placed on reservations and others willingly adopted into the new paintings of civilization the Ponies claimed to be making on this new canvas. Some, however - were not too keen on their home being gradually taken by these new occupiers. An insurgency brewed, only recently quelled though after the Deer guerrilla campaign was halted by the conjoined efforts of valiant knights. The volunteers came from all three tribes, with their own histories, their own cultures and something unique to offer the battlefield. With the Deer pushed back far beyond the borders of their new homes, the knighthood settled and disappeared into obscurity. The Everfree was less forgiving than the defeated and surrendering Elven-kin, like a body trying to rid itself of infection - bizarre creatures began to appear in the forest, not of this world. They hunted and devastated some colonies, their first targets always the daring explorers who ventured farther into the uncharted territory.

The ponies of Equestria suddenly needed heroes to hunt these mythical beasts. Truth be told, however - it was the pony tribes that ran away their noble monster hunters years ago in the past. A grave mistake, as their enemies and new natural predators had an unfair advantage without anypony evening the odds. It was said that the Deer, known for their great expertise in sorcery and magic, rivaled only by unicorns and the zebra tribes, placed a curse on the Forest. The Deer worshiped gods that moved between different realities, "spheres" or realms, their greatest shamans claimed they could move through these arenas of existence with ease. Local folklore speculated that the Deer have opened a portal from another world somewhere inside the Everfree, which allowed for the monsters that lurked in one's nightmares and within the nearest shadows to break on through. Unicorn magic-geniuses are rumoured to be deep within the ruins of the Elven civilization, trying to find a cure for this colony-devouring disease known as the monsters.

It was for these reasons, that the visiting Thane had carried on his back - not a blade crafted to slice the flesh of fellow pony, but instead one crafted from silver ore and shards of magical meteorite. A weapon favoured among the now exiled race of Hexers, magic mutants who dedicated their lives to monster hunting - the Silver Blade was especially effective against beings of large magic concentration such as the Deer. But of course, its original intent and purpose was more than simply heritage. The sword was more than capable at being able to slice down monsters and whatever else lurked in the forest, with lit eyes and hungry stomachs. The tall stallion was shrouded in other enchanted armours, but also various furs - obtained through trading and their own hunts. The feathers of a harpy nestled their neck, it provided not just warmth, but a similar shade of glistening black as their royal mane - tucked beneath a king-like crown, with the extensions of a warrior's helmet.

His wife was close by, like she often was even home. Her own coat a much lighter gray than her husband and Thane, their body not wrapped in armour or gauntlets - instead padded, navy blue fabric with loose, knitted strings and beaded ornaments native to their home country. Rather than a Silver Sword or even a dagger, the mare carried pouches of medicine and magical ailments. It was often in the early days that a King's court always had a mage or sorcerer - one who could conjure magic that typical unicorn kind could only dream of. It just so happened, that these unicorn guests found more than political alignment - soon falling in love which each other. If not obvious at first, the evidence of their love was trailing behind them with apathy and exhaustion. A young colt, wearing little other than their impressively curly black mane - with an odd, handsome face even for their age.

"This is it," Fuerza noted, her modest and skinny face looked up at her husband's. A sweat upon her brow, their darkened coats soaked the heat on this day strongly - not helped at all by their winter garbs. The Sorceress of Snowreach pointed forward again with a hoof as they tread over a cobblestone bridge. The artistically placed stones sang when armoured and unarmoured hoof alike trotted upon it, truly the work of unicorn architects - as simple and elementary as it was. "That is it, the Castle of the Sun and the Moon." Their destination was reached, this secluded, almost abandoned location was actually the one place where unicorns were at their utmost equality. The two unicorn tribes came together as one, under a single belief and religion. In these times, unicorns were the only ones who could raise and lower the moon and sun through conjoined magic and ritual. The Unified Castle was where both halves met, not having to worry about the troublesome things like noble blood and politics. But these were times of change and times of absolutes.

The Thane of Snowreach adjusted their headgear slightly, the metal stuck to his sweat-laden mane. The stubborn stallion huffed out a dehydrated sigh, their journey was thankfully at an end for now. But they were used to long travels, this was just another place on the map for them. The Everfree proved exciting in theory, but it seemed now that the myths around its apparent danger were greatly exaggerated. "I don't like it here, not cold enough. It is supposed to be better by nightfall, but what is the point when the sun rains down beams of Armageddon?" Thane Oscuro was not known for his kind words, but rather his poetic sense of justice. He was no poet, nor dictator - merely a stallion like any other king deep down. Perhaps he knew of his mortality better than most, giving him the uncanny and unroyal ability to complain.

Fuerza brought her snout to the air, her mane's curls rested in the neck of her unworn hood. The soft winds of the Everfree pushed the white-dyed harpy feathers around the hood's rim gently. Catching the eye of their young foal, who watched everything with a blatant lack of curiousity and wonder - yet still mesmerized by the new sights around them like any child would be. "Oscure!" The words came with only slight scorn, but perhaps also with a hint of humour. "We best be on our best behavior... it so rare that we are actually welcomed into such a realm, let alone one such as this - which hardly has interested itself in unicorn tribe politics in the past." The nomadic family stepped onto a well constructed, magically stabilized wooden bridge - swaying only slightly due to the reinforced ropes. Beneath them and to their side, a large chasm - a pitfall of impressive proportions. Something unlike their kind has seen to such scale.

Sombra noticed this almost immediately, while his heart sprang and thundered like a tight drum at the sight of such a fall, his eyes were constantly drawn to it. The boredom of the trip grew intense on its last few days, he contemplated jumping into the pit that separated one side of the Everfree from the other - just to see if anypony, specifically his parents, would even take the time to notice. Now the castle a few solid trots away, it looked nothing too different than the embassies and strongholds back home in Snowreach. "Great, another castle to visit..." The young colt sighed, they just wished to find something new upon the journey sometime. While this was more a temple than a fortified barracks, it inspired no new thoughts or ambitions within his eager, yearning heart that grew tired of their own simple, despite privileged - existence.

In the Royal Garden, darted with tall stocks of sunflowers that reached towards the sky was a member of the nearby temple. The white stallion picked his head up from their attending of the small, bright plants budding near his hooves. A soft, growing beard worthy of bard and golden, flowing locks that looked like the sharp, shimmering blades of the sun's rays. Their cutiemark was a simple image of the star over their planet itself - the sun on his flank was full of grace, worthy of any praise. "Selena!" The monk of the sun called out for his wife, their hooves quickly hitting the ground as they trotted into the castle - their doors ceremoniously half-open at all times. Inside the twilight-like lighting of the castle, used to best illustrate the unity of the two tribes, a beautiful mare is awoken from her brief moment of contemplation and meditation. "The guests have arrived early!" Her husband alerted, which warranted a subtle nod in response as she stood from her own mat on the floor.

With the Snowreach family coming closer still to the doors, Sombra's nervousness and timid nature became more and more apparent. Suddenly, the boring castle was huge in size and every sound from within belched out like it came from the echoing stomach of a hungry dragon. It was nothing like what he had imagined or hoped, in fact - there was a sense of dread almost surrounding the place. While a location of harmony and unity, it felt as if it was - like many lands, built on the bloodied throats of others. Every great achievement was crafted out of the bones of an enemy and slithering in the sheets of past rulers, to drink a chalice of the indigenous victims' blood. "A-are you sure there are others my age around here...?" So eager he was to find a friend of his age, not knowing of their royal status or at least - a pony who did not become intimidated or bothered by it. The life as a young prince was often with its own sorrows, alongside the considerably better conditions of living.

Oscuro was also skeptical to a degree, his coat hairs heightened at the sound of harpies in the distant trees. They were confident with the Silver Sword, hopefully the sight of such alone would scare them away. But at the same time, their clothing and armour had the feathers of fallen harpy - for decoration, tradition and intimidation. While harpies were cold, hated creatures, they did provide much warmth in that of which could be plucked from their mutant wings. "Yes, yes of course." He reassured his son, Sombra. Even if it was only to momentarily distract himself from their own paranoia. Their hazel eyes gazed into the relative darkness of the temple - which had only a few rare beams of solid, golden sunlight peaking through the heavenly realm. "This temple is at least inhabited by a few of your age."

A soft nudge from his love captured his attention. Their eyes scanned away from the doors and back at her warming face. A strand of her hair had escaped the braid across her forehead - a traditional wear for one's mane as a gifted magical user. Slightly curling around the rim of her elegant, polished horn and cutely hovering in front of her face - the lock of hair had caught his eyes with a reminder as to why he decided to marry such a specimen. Despite the taboo of Sorceress mares, who have their own secret assembly and order, along with religion. But he looked past that, like he would so many of her faults and she would do the same for him - as love was the focus on what truly mattered, what brought two together as lovers. "Are you so sure, sir Thane...?" She quipped, but also prodded forth to see how much he truly knew about this land and castle. For Oscuro also had a tendency to embellish his own knowledge. "We do not know much of the customs in the main lands of these unicorns, for all we know - this is a temple of high priests and no monks."

Gentle, yet steady hooves stepped toward them from the darkness of the temple. A graceful mare of a deep blue colour for her coat and a pitch black mane and tail. When the light hit her just right, they would project the effect of starlight hidden within her hair - glittering like the darkest and calmest of night skies. Having just awoke from her brief, spiritual slumber - she was a bit distraught and confused of her surroundings. Yet remained to act aware and fully in control of her world at all times, despite being entirely unsure just where her two daughters had ran off to. Luna was probably snoozing somewhere, she often basked in the dark night and slept during the day. While her mother understood her reasons, she still chose to consider it malingering and something easily avoidable, with proper discipline and self control of course. For the oldest, Celestia - who took after her father's likeness, it was harder to tell. Young and restless, she always searched for something to catch her interest. The mare shook her head lightly, hoping the two would be found in time to at least make them look more presentable for the guests.

Solaris opened the doors in their entirety - a lukewarm sensation of air pushed into the faces of the nomads. The scent of candles and incense was strong - as well as a ghostly chill that irradiated off of the Mare of the Night in front of them. The inner chambers of the castle were remarkable. Polished floors and a true tribute to the modern times, but not without being still heavily rooted in tradition and the culture of their religion. Tapestries of the sun and moon, of prophecies and origin myths adorned the walls and pillars. Oscuro smirked, a bit unimpressed and ultimately finding the location better fit for a throne room. "Welcome, welcome!" The Sun Raiser greeted, he ushered them in with his warm smile and radiating face. Truly a son of the sun if there ever truly was one. Oscuro's opinion lowered further, seeing the monk to be more fit of a wannabe scholar or poet - than any pony worthy of raising the sun.

It was a bias, however - for yet there was no sun to be seen in their home back in Snowreach. Where the clouds and vicious tundra cast a forever lasting veil of blackness upon the people. Before their isolation devastated their connections to the other tribes, they were devout followers of the Church of the Moon. They once held the largest Lunar Basilica in all of Equestria, only for it to be destroyed by the new age Zealots. Snowreach, being so close to the home of the Windigos of which all ponies fled from in hopes of new lands for their civilization and kingdoms - the unicorns refused to be displaced, ensuring that they could hold back the creatures that thrived on hatred. And so, figuratively and literally - the inhabitants of Snowreach became the coldest ponies around. Some have called them mutes, their face looked as if carved from coal. The only emotion they often showed was when the sting of hunger entered their bodies yet again, after another unsuccessful harvest. "It is a privilege to be here." Fuerza announced, truly words not commonly heard from her people's mouth.

Oscuro rolled his eyes so hard, one could swear they heard them click. "We are here for one reason and one reason only." Now that he had seen the face these High Priests, they were no longer intimidated. But with the ever constant crowing of nearby harpies, he would rather indeed - be inside with their company than any pony else. After all, they had managed to stay within the temple happily with little to no problems or conflicts. But they were not here for anything short of diplomatic reasons, much to the dismay of the temple - who had always welcomed pilgrimages and their pilgrims. "The high Jarls seem to refuse my request to further investigate the Hidden Kingdom of Riches." Oscuro sounded likely like a mad-pony to anypony but his family. A stallion obsessed with an apparently mythical empire of ice-like crystals, untouched by the Windigos and long ago forgotten by the existing tribes of today. "My quest to venture farther into the land of the Windigos is halted, due to a lack of supplies, support and funding."

Within minutes of being there, the Thane had already unraveled his scroll of abrupt diplomatic topics. Frankly embarrassed, Fuerza stepped in front of her husband for a moment - almost as if she was acting as a barrier to stop his words from reaching anypony but himself. Oscuro attempted to raise a hoof in protest, but often knew better than to go against the kindness of his heart-filled wife. That and it would not be the first time she had cast a silence spell upon him. Nothing was worse than the attempt to speak words, only for dry air to leave his throat - his vocal chords feeling as if they were temporarily teleported to another dimension. "Oh, don't mind my husband." Her eyes were closed and her smile was pleasantly enchanted with a charm to make her more convincing and forgivable. "Him being the Thane of Snowreach and all has gotten a bit to his head."

Oscuro was unimpressed, yet still enthralled by his wife's kind actions. Even if it was just some sort of jinx she had put on him, it was likely they did not even mind. Being brought into the temple, Sombra's eyes grew wide with wonder - the fear was gone and now there was only an eagerness they have not felt in years. Few temples from his land were constructed in such a way, even the old Moon monasteries were shrouded in darkness and a rather land architecture - made only to represent surface of the moon. Grey and seemingly deadly, vacant and distant. Sombra had still yet to see the young foals around his age as he was promised. But, it was true - he was not the only young one to be taking up the temple's vacancy.

The daughter of Selena, a filly of the night just as her mother, was indeed catching a nap from the watchful eyes of her parents. She had few ambitions when there was light out, especially the kind necessary to complete the chores and studies of the day. Her clandestine slumber was disturbed by the sound of the large doors being opened earlier, now the voices of adults had intruded her home, many with unfamiliar tones and accents. The only one she truly recognizing being that of her mother, "Such a pleasure to see you here in our halls. I hope the travel has not been too harsh." She opened an eye groggily, if only to remind herself that she was hidden in a forgotten niche behind one of the many tapestries in the castle. Grumpy as ever, the filly scooted further inside and rolled over to face the stonewall. The moving had disturbed the stationary tapestry, unmistakable that there was somepony behind it - for there was no winds in the corridor. Sombra noticed it almost immediately, while his parents were busy being their traditional boring, political selves. A slight chill went up his spine, unsure if a monster may have hid behind the tapestry or just another hooved being like himself. This place could have easily passed as haunted in his mind, he would not put it past a vengeful specter of some sort or maybe even a wraith.

Sombra had forgotten, or at least managed to ignore, the small spat that took place behind him. As polite as it could possibly be for an argument, harsh words would not be spoken - but instead soft diction and overly aggressive attempts at persuasion dominated the war of tongues. Oscuro was especially prominent, at times it seemed that he even begged and lowered himself to the level of what he would consider a peasant. His voice would tremble - he was desperate for whatever he came here for and at any moment, his spirit acted as if it would surrender to the temple High Priests if anything could be done in his favour. "All the Jarls respect you, if you simply just allow us to hold the council here..." Even with desperation, he spat his words like venom - heinous disregard for where it may land.

Selena was far from a push over, the mare was just as authoritative as any queen with the way she presented herself. But in the case of spiteful, scorning words - she rather sit back and observe, listen - inspect. She would take her time, after they analyzed and compiled both arguments - all with the perspective of both sides in mind. For there was never always a fair answer or even an entirely neutral one. Her husband, Solaris - the High Priest of the Sun, they were far less subtle with their approach. Hardly ever to shame, but easily able to show his own disapproval and disappointment with the subjects at hand. "I thought you and your family came here to seek guidance from us." After all, they were informed that they sought out asylum from the situation in their homeland temporary and were in need of some form of spiritual rehabilitation. But what was brought to the temple instead was an inquiry to break a long standing tradition, to introduce politics on this sacred ground. "Instead, it appears you have come to use our respected temple as a lure for the Jarls..."

The Mare of the Moon would finally step forward, she would cut in with a calm, respectful and polite posture. With a far from homely-grin, one would find it hard not to be charmed by her rather motherly appearance and mannerisms. It was for sure she had learned such skills dealing with the task of raising two young daughters of varying ages. "How about we move this conversation to a place where our guests can rest and recuperate, as well?" Selena suggested, having already turned around to lead them into the dining hall to partake in food, drink and some relaxation in the cool, dim lit atmosphere. Solaris could not help but to blush, greatly noticeable on his white face, at the leadership his wife could portray. Reassuring and oddly attractive, he always had a place in her for which he could confide and perhaps draw inspiration and his own strength from.

Before Oscuro could argue, Fuerza once again - in a similar contrast to Selena and Solaris, took the forward march in the conversation. Her husband was not pleased with another interruption, notable from the expression on his face - which withered like a dying tree in the tundra. "Oh yes, do not take my husband so seriously, he uhh... he is-" She wished she could just simply apologize, but risk further demeaning the Thane who already suffered from a strike to his ego. Fuerza had to lay it down gently and subtly, just as Selena had moments before. "What a great idea!" The Sorceress would break from the subject before entirely and encourage the suggestion of the Moon Raiser. With a smile that could coerce and shame her husband into anything, she lured him into following the monks of the temple.

Sombra assumed the usual and that his parents, along with the kind members of the castle, had forgotten him. There was no shame in this, for now he had the option to do whatever he pleased. They stepped closer toward the phantom, possibly possessed tapestry - now only to stand in front of the large fabric, amazed by its size and suggested weight. The image sewn into it being a legion of Moon-Mares, raising the moon with a look of content and blankness on their face, as if almost in a trance of some sort. What truly interested him was what was underneath and behind it, truly. With one last look around to make sure there was no pony to scold him for his actions, they poked their head beneath the fabric and looked up. Rather than a secret doorway or cave entrance, there was nothing more than stone wall.

The hidden, sleeping filly came to notice in her brief lapse out of sleep that the tapestry had moved. It meant only one thing, surely there was a specter nearby waiting for her to reveal herself. It a product of the paranoia that a pony can get when awoken from a deep sleep, unaware they are even awake at times. Luna gave herself some mental space to think and organize her thoughts, the fear subsided and she knew now that her hide out was to be discovered by her sister Celestia. Even worse, it would be one of her parents - about to pull he rout of the comfort of her dark niche and into the boring world of studying magic. She curled herself up to make her softer, their blue coat tones would hopefully act effectively as a camouflage against the dark rock walls of the castle.

The colt from Snowreach saw the strange, dark shade of blue against the wall. It was too soft and fleshy to be a mythical gargoyle, a gremlin-demon made of stone and bound to locations through magic sigils and courses. With their hooves placed firmly against the wall, almost pushing himself up further with his own hind ones to get a better look - he gulped and decided that it had to be a pony. With the risk minimized, they managed to mutter a call out to them. "H-hello? Is anypony up there...?" Luna's head shot up in surprise, a movement that definitely proved she was not some part of the wall. She would realize that the one to find her hiding place was not somepony she knew at all, or at least - she never heard their voice. With a careful, calculated roll - the blue filly looked down from her niche at the intruder with a pout. How dare some colt waltz right into her secret nap spot. Her mane a considerable mess, suffering from what her sister would call "chronic bed-mane", she never felt the need to make as big of a fuss about it as much as her mother wanted her to.

Sombra looked happy to see it was not a gargoyle, but still surprised as if he had seen one. Who was this unicorn? The filly who behind the tapestry?

Author's Note:

Well, here it is
The first of what I hope is many, many chapter in this story
Originally a role play between my friend Ravenpuff and I (who also supplied the sketches for the cover art here)
This was probably the most fun I have ever had with a role play and to finally bring it to life as a story to share with everyone here is rather great
As I get to relive some of my favourite moments, while also adding on to it
Making it a unique adaption, rather than just a straight up novelization of the rp text itself

I do apologize for any errors, english is not my first language and I am very our of practice writing it
So hopefully this project will change that, as I get back into practice and writing in general
A very ambitious road ahead for this project and it all starts here

With numerous inspirations from a variety of fiction, some tributes and some just subtle references - I hope you all enjoy this perhaps slightly more Eastern take on the history of the Alicorn sisters
This is the very innocent beginning
But the story only gets darker as they age and the world around them continues to change

Selena was created by Puffy, while I created Solaris and Sombra's parents

Comments ( 1 )

It’s a shame there isn’t more of this.

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