• Published 20th Mar 2015
  • 236 Views, 6 Comments

Fire's Honor - 2099

Whirlwind Firestarter must find the truth and maybe friends and possibly love?

  • ...

The Discovery

Whirlwind Firestarter laid in his bed, his back was killing him. He was sure that the pain was not from the logs he lifted the other day, gosh it hurt! He got himself up and watched the sun rise, as this happened he wondered how the evil tyrant princesses known as Celestia and Luna could completely control the sun and moon cycle. He knew that they were some sort of great magic users, but in reality did not know much except for what Malik told him. Remembering that name, Whirlwind rushed off to prepare breakfast for the morning. He thought as he went down the clean stairs he swept yesterday that he would make Malik some pancakes with fried eggs on the side. He heated up the oven with a ignite spell and started cooking. An hour or so later, Malik arrived downstairs and started eating the food that was set out for him. "Very good, I swear you're getting better by the day, what is next on the to do list for today?" Said Malik after the two had nearly finished breakfast.

"Hauling logs to the river, no magic today, buck twenty apple trees, practice magic—" started Whirlwind.

"Just a moment, how are your studies coming along?" asked Malik.

"Well, I have finished all of Starswirl's books, I have completed The Essential Guide to Magic: Volumes: One and Two, completed Combat Magic for Beginners, Combat Magic for Acolytes, Combat Magic: Volume: Two, and the entire set of Magic Wards and Their Many Effects." answered Whirlwind, "Also I have finished the books on sword fighting and knife throwing, oh and I read that copy of Effective Melee and Magic Combat: Volumes 1-6." he finished.

Malik then asked, "Did you read Disguises and Magic Effects to Hide an Identity?"

"Yes, Master." came Whirlwind's reply.

"Good, here's the final spell book and you'll just need to take the finals afterwards....." concluded Malik, "now clean up these dishes, and finish those chores while I go into town for the Third Volume of Combat Magic."

The rest of the day went simply by, Malik got him the book, and Whirlwind started practicing his spells at sundown. That night he had a strange dream, he was in a city of some sort, and this giant alicorn was chasing him! Whirlwind woke up and could not rest, so he decided to do tomorrow's lesson that night. He slept in that morning, when Malik entered his room, he levitated the unicorn out of bed and downstairs into the kitchen. Malik then woke him up and asked what is the matter.

"I couldn't sleep last night, master, I had a dream I was in a weird city being chased by one of those dreadful alicorns, I guess I fell asleep...." Whirlwind groggily said.

"Here, you just practice spells today by the woods, I shall watch and see how your studies are coming along." Malik replied to the sleepy unicorn. They two of them headed out to the woods behind the manor, and he showed Malik several spells. He then show him the fireball spell; it went up and smashed into one of the largest trees Whirlwind had ever seen, and then the tree started falling his way.

Everything then went black.

Whirlwind woke up, really dizzy, he had no idea how long he had been out. He looked around and realized, I'm floating among the stars. Then he saw different parts of his life when he had helped others, being kind, generous, honest, told jokes, when he had been loyal to Malik, and when he had used magic. It all was there. He sat there watching his life in reverie. That's when he heard a couple of voices behind him. Their was a little purple colored unicorn with a flank sign with a big six pointed star surrounded by five smaller stars, and a big white, alicorn talking to her, the purple unicorn looked so happy, but also really sad. What was happening? His curiosity ignited, he decided to follow them, the two ponies continued on, talking about something to do with destiny or fate. Then he was about to say something when suddenly the alicorn asked "Hello? Who's there? Who is here? No else can be here unless..... The fourth of the line...."

Suddenly Whirlwind woke up in his bed with Malik and a few nurses around his bed. He sat up in bed and felt a weight on his back, he had wings! Then he felt the horn on his head and realized, I am going to be one of them! I am going to be a tyrant! No! Whirlwind started to shake with fear when Malik said "You shall not be one of them."

Whirlwind was relieved, but then he realized, he going to have to learn to fly!

It was much harder than he had thought.

A year had passed, and Whirlwind was sitting in his room, watching the sun set when he thought to himself, I now have nearly completed my studies, I have mastered all my flight maneuvers, and I know how to reach ultrasonic speeds. I should do something honorable, and do right by my master, whatever it takes. Malik arrived and yelled at him, "practice your magic, idiot, you don't know nothing except for books!"

Whirlwind, feeling deflated, went downstairs from his room and started his practice by conjuring a fireball, when all the sudden, his mostly black mane and tail set on fire and then suddenly he rocketed straight into the sky. He then started rocketing to the forbidden far lands, and he couldn't stop him self, he was coming towards a cloud. Yes he thought, I can slow myself down and maybe get back home. He went through six clouds and wasn't even showing signs of slowing down. He then saw a really large cloud and smiled, that should help slow him down! Then as he approached the cloud at high speeds he saw a building on the cloud. Oh, Buck...

He crashed straight through the building, and right into a sky blue colored mare with a rainbow colored mane and tail, and the both of them smashed onto the street. Whirlwind sat up, his mane and tail still ablaze. The mare then yelled at him, "Why in Celestia's name did you crash into me? There is no reason you should be flying like that—" then she noticed his mane, "why in the world is your mane ablaze? Hmmmm. Hey, I should take you to Twi, she could help with this!"

Whirlwind then asked who Twi was. Her reaction was a look that said 'have you been living under a rock?'. Then I asked were it was, and she said "in Ponyville!"

Something about my expression on my face made her just gape at me. She then said " can you follow me? And keep up"

Whirlwind looked at her and said "Yes"

She jumped up and then rocketed off at a easy speed. Whirlwind easily caught up with her, she then led the shaggy-headed alicorn to Twi's place. He saw the castle and entered inside with the rainbow maned mare. Twi was apparently the purple.... alicorn that entered the library where they were waiting. Twi's name was Twilight Sparkle, and then Whirlwind then stood up when he saw her flank's sign. He then said "I know you. You were that mare with the alicorn in that dream where I became an alicorn."

Twilight then replied with, "so you were that presence that we felt..... I thought I was my imagination, but then— Your mane's on fire!" she finished yelling. She then started examining it with all sorts of magic observation spells. And she then said "it is nearly as hot as Celestia's mane when it was on fire, but it is not burning anything....." She then examined Whirlwind's horn and wings. He was definitely an alicorn, and she thought, he needs to be brought to Celestia and Luna. Then suddenly the door slammed open and a pink mare was jumping all over the room. Whirlwind then weaved several spells and wards in in twenty seconds flat, had the mare restrained and subdued. Twilight reaction was in two distinct forms, pure amazement from the different spells' magic signature lingering around the room, and then shocked that Whirlwind had used them on Pinkie Pie. Whirlwind let her go but kept an eye on her. Pinkie then fell asleep. Twilight looked at Whirlwind slightly cross, he then shrugged a little. She finished his examination, and said, "You need real help. Do you know magic?"

"Yes, I know almost all forms of magic." answered the black alicorn.

"What have you read on the subject?" came from the purple alicorn.

""Well, I have finished all of Starswirl's books, and in addition, I have completed The Essential Guides to Magic: Volumes: One Through Seven, completed Combat Magic for Beginners, Combat Magic for Acolytes, Combat Magic Mastery Volumes one and two, Combat Magic: Volume: Two Through Nine, and the entire set of Magic Wards and Their Many Effects, oh and I read that copy of Effective Melee and Magic Combat: Volumes 1-6, Teleportation and Other Utilities, Aplications of Magic in Life" he finished.

"You've read all those?" Asked a very shocked Twilight.

"Yes" answered Whirlwind.

"So what do you do for a living?" asked a curious country pony that had entered,

"I am my master's servant, I maintain his estate and everything else, myself." Said a proud Whirlwind.

"You're a slave!?" Came the shocked reply of several ponies that had entered the library.

"I wouldn't say slave..." Muttered the embarrassed alicorn.

"We need to see the princesses," said Twilight, "pack your bags, and we shall take the train."

Suddenly they heard a magical pufft and they were in front of the castle doors with all their bags. And Whirlwind, then said, "We are here," with a look of reservation.