• Published 15th Mar 2015
  • 237 Views, 0 Comments

The Story of the Star - MysticMelodie

You know, there is a story out there that would surprise most ponies. Not only is it older than life as we know it, but only one pony in all of Equestria knows it. It’s no story about some great evil beast, or a civilization that disappeared into

  • ...

A Sister, a Brother, and a Beast

This story starts back in the time when Humans roamed, where their cities spread out for miles. Back before there was a need for magic to move the sun and the moon, when hands were the only thing needed to manipulate machinery. It starts in a small town, directly between two of those sprawling cities, where a young women, just twenty, was going to lose everything.

“Mark! Mark, I don’t have time for your silly games! Mark!” Scarlet would have gone on, but there was a sudden rumbling from the ground. “Well, that’s strange.” Life over the past year had become increasingly weird, from solid structures crumbling from the top down, to people vanishing without a trace. It had been happening everywhere, not just in her home town.

“Scarlet! Scarlet, run!” Mark called out in a panic. Had it been any other day, he would have been calling for her to run away from him, but it was different today. Today there was a threat that may as well cause the apocalypse.

“Mark, what’s going on?”

“No time, just run!” He grabbed her wrist, pulling her along with him. “I’ll explain when we get somewhere safe, and far away. Somewhere far, far away.” Scarlet pulled away from her brother, her gaze confused and angry.

“Why do we need to leave?” She got her answer from a roar that nearly shattered both their ear drums. “Ok, running!” The two of them ran from the sound faster than most of the other people around them. They had been running most of their lives, even more so after both of their parents vanished earlier in the year. Another mile, or four, wouldn’t be too much for them.

“Coming back here to see if the house was still intact sound like such a good idea now?” Mark flashed Scarlet a cocky grin.

“Would you just shut it!” Scarlet groaned as they ran. “We’re going to need a car if we really want to get out of here.”

“There’s a dealership about a mile from here in the direction we’re headed”

“You really think they’ll just have keys in the cars?”

“You and keys! You know that at this point, finding a key for a car will get us killed!”

“True. We can do it your way this time.”
With a plan in mind, the two ran the rest of the way in silence, stopping once they had reached the dealership. Picking out a car was easy. They chose a sturdy truck, and after a bit of rewiring, were off. Several hours of nonsense bickering and a stop at a gas station for supplies, they had managed to escape the radius of the beasts roar.
“What now, Star?”

“I honestly don’t know. I don’t think we can go back, or even stay where we are at this point.”

“Ya, don’t think stopping is an option unless it’s the last one.”

“Well then, we’ll just do driving shifts until we run out of gas, I guess”

“Sounds good, you get the first shift.”


“Don’t hey me, I've been driving since we got the truck.”

“Ugh, fine.”

Days passed, never stopping unless switching shifts, until they reached the one place they had never been. New York, crumbling and in ruins, not a soul in sight.

“What happened here?”

“I don’t know, but we just ran out of gas” Mark’s groan of disappointment was followed with the sputter of the truck”

“I don’t think that we could use the truck here even if there was still gas. Too much rubble.” Scarlet grabbed her backpack from the back seat and started to climb out. “ You coming, or are you going to sit in that truck until a building crumbles on top of you?”

“You really want to explore this place?”

“Course I do,” she smirked, “This is New York after all.” She shut the door of the truck, grinning. “and we could probably salvage supplies from some store here”

Mark climbed out of the truck reluctantly, grabbing his own backpack. “True..” Sighing in defeat, he gestured forward. “Lead the way, madam.” Scarlet snorted and they made their way into the abandoned city.

“You think whatever destroyed our town did this?”

“Not a clue. I really hope not.”


“Hey, look! There's an athletic store, they probably have stuff we can use.” Mark jogged over to the broken windowed store, Scarlet in tow. Unknown to either of them, what had caused the destruction of their once peaceful hometown was indeed nearby, though it definitely didn't look like what had attacked them there.

Scarlet pulled her head out of a rack of sweatshirts. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“I think someone might be here.”

“You sure?” Scarlet nodded, grabbing a sweatshirt that was clearly going to be a bit big on her thin frame.

“Come on, I know I heard something.”

Walking out of the store, the first thing either of them saw was a man. A man dressed entirely in black, armor underneath a cloak that looked as if it belonged in a story book or novel of some sort.

“Who are you? Are you a survivor? Are there others?” Scarlet took a step toward the man. The man just smiled, his form shifting until a black dragon stood where he once had.

“He’s no man, Star! That’s the beast that attacked us!” Mark stuttered out, fearful.

It was there that they realized life would never be the same again. In the remains of a once powerful city, there now stood only three souls. A sister, a brother, and a beast.

Author's Note:

I know this isn't pony, but it will be. It is actually the back story for one of my ocs. Be patient with me. I don't have no schedule for this.