• Published 7th Mar 2015
  • 1,549 Views, 22 Comments

Love's many directions - Lunasservant1985

A human immigrant seeking work in Equestria is smitten with the music and personality of one Octavia Melody, but suspects it all may be for naught when he sees she is very close to another mare one night...or is it?

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New Guy

"Alright you slackers eyes forward." The grey stallion with a sleek and shiny black mane and with fancy vogue shades on practically barked at us humans before him. "Now listen, I know you've been through immigration from your world to this new one, you've been through the process of getting your papers in order to live and work here thanks to the royal order's bottomless generosity, and many of you are still living in migrant camps or even...the human's ghettos, but I want you to listen and understand one thing, you're working for me now. No matter what you've been through before is no excuse to slack off from your jobs. If I had my way, none of you would be even near the suave and class of." Drone drone drone, he was giving us the usual talk most of us had been expecting. Not all ponies treated us humans like less than...Well human but a lot of them; especially unicorns, saw us as beings that had not even the right to an inkling of respect.

He had been talking about the process of being allowed into Equestria, followed by the living conditions most of us humans who cross over to this world, often are left to when you first pass out the gates between the worlds. After which we first are all examined by teams of medical ponies, I remember it all painfully. In theory we all had to undergo what they did to us for health and safety reasons, we were striped down to our underwear (and yes they did separate us by gender) and made us stand before panels of Nurse ponies.

"How do you feel right now? What is your family history? Any mental illness or history of heart disease or diabetics?" They made notes on blemishes or visible abnormalities before moving us along. The whole process was beyond humiliating, and my first time going through it, I half expected some pony in a Southern Colonel's outfit to show up and start auctioning us off. No such thing did happen, the closest was being directed to companies looking for workers, the best days where when places like Sugar Cube Corner in Ponyville or Sweet Apple Acres wanted help, or even places like one called Carousel Boutique which in spite of being a place run by a unicorn, the one in charge was actually quite kind to humans, but that was not meant to be my fate on that day.

Fate had it I was to be sent to live in the housing complex run by the unicorns know as Prince Blue Blood and Fleur De Lis. The housing was not too bad, better than the rumors of the work camps (in the country) and ghettos, (in cities) but it was from the higher standard of living they had. Still it was a relief to finally be able to lay down in a bed after hours of waiting, the unknown and the fear of being sent back deported through the gates back to Earth constantly hanging over my head like a dark cloud.

"Well your settled in and the worst part is over." I told myself, "now all that's left is seeing what job the ponies have in store for you good buddy." Another part of myself deep inside my head had another way of thinking. "These ponies have only just started making your life hell, you and I both know they hate our species, they hate our people moving into their world and most of all they hate you." "Face it buddy boy, this is the end." It was gonna be a long first week for me in my new home, the word hung in my head as I wandered about my apartment to the window, looking out into the cramped and dark streets of the human housing out in the dark and lonesome night...Home.

Which of course brings me back to my first night serving the high society and posh in some restaurant I would most likely never make enough to even order a salad from. My new boss giving me and the other bus boys and waiters our orientation/introductory berating and belittlement.

"So without further ado, get to work, work hard and maybe you'll make something of your selves, be good to me and we'll get along just fine, slack off and cross me?" "I'LL BE YOUR WORST NIGHT MARE!" The snooty unicorn trotted of, leaving us to get to our posts. I had it fairly easy, all I had to do was stand by the rolling belt that brought the fine China back to be washed. It had to shine like new China by the time it got back to the kitchen or else, the boss unicorn's words not mine.

The other guys working the kitchen mostly kept to themselves, for a lot of us there we came to work and nothing more. Few of us save possibly myself had much of an interest in a social life. Be it with other humans or ponies. For the most part those humans that came to Equestria where very sound minded and level people. A majority where grown guys, but a few gals made the trip over as well, very rarely did I see whole families together at the immigration station, a place called Mare-is Island in Manehattan. Every now and then, a guy that came over into Equestria, was not so level in his head. Now and then a lunatic or two would slip in past the eyes of even the most watchful ponies, there. hadn't been nothing serious though...Yet.

As I stood at my post washing dirty dishes that had just moments ago held tiny portions of food that was charged at outrageous prices, A bus boy that had been bringing cups and wine glasses to the sink stopped and stared at me. The guy looked no different than me save in his face, but we had on the same black slacks with a red vest over white shirts and big goofy looking shoes. It was often said they gave us incorrectly sized clothes like shoes or pants to further make us look like fools. He had this empty blank look in his eyes and his face was paler than a newborn foal, as the Equestrians say.

"I swear I'll gonna get back at these horses one of these days, and it wont be pretty, know what I mean? he said with a very disturbed look in his eyes but also a very solemn look, like he was about to cry or at the very least looked like he instantly regretted and felt remorse over saying that, as he set the bucket of cups on the edge of the sink.

"Hey don't even talk like that! you trying to get booted out the country man?"

"Screw this country, these..things are just...I've had to deal with this since I first got here, they've been degrading and dehumanizing me since day one and I'm sick of it all! I'm sick of getting pushed around like a roach, I had enough of that back home on Earth, I came here thinking they would be different here than the screwed up stuff I left behind on Earth, high class and stiff upper lips, real blue blood scum, makes me sick.

"Look pal, I know it may seem hard and quite frankly, you're really starting to creep me out so why don't you just go on home, I'll cover for you and punch out on your behalf OK?"

"Uh sure if you say so, name's Tony Tenor, but why are doing this for me if I sound crazy to you?"

"I didn't say that Tony, I just think you need some time to get your head clear before you do something you regret." To this day I still like to tell myself if it wasn't for me, Equestria would have had a major problem on its hands, though I can never be sure how sincere Tony was in his threat to go on a rampage, and I never asked him. It was better just saying he dodged a bullet and had his friend who was willing to cover his sorry skin that night to thank for that. My first day on the job and it started off...Interesting to say the least.

For the most part that night I didn't see many ponies, few of them came back there as the cooks in the kitchens received the clean dishes on the belt, the novelty of seeing talking magic ponies had long worn out, it was one those things almost all humans where long used to by that point, we had long accepted, some more reluctantly than others that magic existed and they the Equestrians where all real and used it, they mastered it, they owned it, it was no longer all that big a deal to me to see them. At the end of that first night, my boss looked oddly happy for how he'd been five hours ago, trotted up to me and he said.

"Good news kid, there was a full house tonight and the bits are rolling in, I've decided to invite the human staff to the final concerto performance tonight as a reward, are you interested?" I always had a thing for classical music, thanks to being a major fan of the book and movie A Clockwork Orange, the way a good dulcet tone ring in ears, a soft and harmonious melody that could speak to my very soul...Yeah i watched the movie a lot.

"Got nothing better to do so why the hell not?"

"Watch your tongue boy if you like this job, but I will let it got since I'm in good mood."

"Yes sir." I replied changing my tone."

"That's better, the performance is in the bar section at eleven before we close at midnight, don't be late got it?" I nodded and went to change. I had no idea at the time but my interest in ponies was about to be re-sparked big time.