• Published 10th Apr 2015
  • 615 Views, 8 Comments

Behind Glass - Xhadow

A human turned pegasus struggles with existance and other paradoxes whilst imprisoned at some city zoo.

  • ...

Just another day at the office...

Celestia paced uncontrollably, she had other symptoms of a imminent breakdown. She was like a time bomb, just waiting for the right second. She had been slacking in her duties lately, leaving most of the legal struggles to her younger sister. Her very concerned younger sister.

"Celestia, what is going on?" Luna demanded as she burst into her sister's bedroom. "You've been slacking off, sleeping in, and..."

Luna's anger shattered when she saw her.

Celestia was sprawled out on her bed, weeping uncontrollably. She hadn't even noticed the disturbance in the room.

"...he tried to kill himself, Luna. Why would he do that?" Celestia asked, her bloodshot eyes carving into Luna's soul.

"Who? There hasn't been any case of suicide for centuries," Luna couldn't figure it out, why would Celestia be stressing herself this much over a legal case that was centuries old?

"I...," Celestia composed herself as best as she was able, "I don't know his name. But he's real, Luna. I know he is..."

Slowly, so that her rambling sister wouldn't notice Luna paged her guards.

"He's out there, Luna...we need to save them."

"Wait, them? that's a plural term sister, you said there was one," Luna asked, confusedly tapping out the conversation on the floor pager.

"There's two of them, in captivity. Maybe more, I can't be sure...I know they're out there, Luna you have to believe me!" Celestia leaped off of the over-stuffed bed to the marble floor. "I'm not crazy, sister."

"I..." Luna started, unable to refute her sister, unsure if she wanted to.

"There's exactly twenty-seven point nine, two, one, six portals connecting Equestria to its surrounding neighbors through an indirect magical conference. There's seventeen sets of armored hooves coming down the hall to restrain me, that you called just a few seconds ago." Celestia paused her almost meaningless observations, "I'm as sharp as ever, Luna. You can trust me, I'm not crazy."

"I hope you're not, sister but I can't take that chance." Luna had tears in her eyes, "I can't risk Equestria...it's too much."

"I know," Celestia sighed, pulling her sister into a tight hug, "and I wouldn't ask you to."

"I'll visit and write to you," Luna assured, "as soon as this clears up we'll find them. Okay?"

Celestia smiled for the first time in days, "I look forward to it, could you also get Twilight and her friends to write to me. I may need their assistance."

"Of course."

The door flew open and several guards of both departments stormed in and subdued the compliant princess.

"I will find them, and then we'll save them. Together." Celestia vowed as the guard carried her out of the room.

"Yes...together," Luna muttered into the empty room. Once again, she was alone with her thoughts.