• Published 1st Mar 2015
  • 157 Views, 0 Comments

Darkened Skies - BrokenStar54

What would you do if the land around you was waged in a never-ending war? Will you cower until death? Or will you fight back, pushing deeper into enemy territory?

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Chapter 2: Fallen Flame

A storm was coming. At least that's what they said. Several of the weather ponies had been speaking of it for a while now, yet there wasn't one in sight. So when a young Unicorn emerged from his house, umbrella in hoove and ready to challenge the effects of the weather, he found himself to be rather disappointed.

"Oi, lad! Whatcha got there in yer wee little hoove?"

Wonderful. It's the neighbor pony. Everyone calls him A.A. Not exactly sure why that is, but that's the least of mine concerns at the moment. He's gonna think I'm crazy for bringing an umbrella out on a day like this.

"It's my umbrella, as I'm sure you can-"

"I reckon yer gonna fight off the enemy with that, then? Ha! You'd be better off using a gardening trowel if ye plan to fight with an object such as that!"

I don't want to deal with this right now. I really must be going...

"I don't intend on fighting anyone with anything. Now if you'll excuse me, I have urgent business with the small council in the town hall..."

"Aye, that you do. Well I'd best get back to picking turnips. I bid ya a good day, wee lad."

"Um... Likewise."

Alright now that that's out of the way , I should probably get going. Just last night I received a letter from the cutest mail pony. She asked that I tipped her in muffins, of all things. While her request seemed rather humorous, the contents of the letter were rather serious. It was a request from the mayor of our town, Lady Whiterose, asking for my presence in the small council meeting at 9:00 AM on the morrow. Seeing as it's almost 9 O'clock, I can say with utmost certainty that I will be late.

I proceeded down the busy streets and winding roads that lay within the town. The morning was bright and full of life. Ponies were all moving from one place to the next, all trying to get through the hustle and bustle of the early morning.

I kept winding my way through the crowds when I spotted a construction site that took up the entire road. I looked around for a way past and I saw a ladder nearby. An idea came into my head, and I sprouted a wicked grin.

I propped the ladder against the side of a building and started climbing. Once I got to the top, I started galloping on the roofs of the houses. I got a few complaints in the form of yelling, but that didn't matter to me at the moment. I noticed a small crowd down in the town square, staring up at me while pointing whooves. It seems as if I've started a commotion of sorts. I certainly hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the flank later.

I leaped from the roofs of the houses and onto the pavement below. I emerged from the crowds unscathed, and ready to enter the town hall.

I looked down at my hooves. Fashioned on one was a small gold trimmed watch. A present from my father, given to me moments before his passing. I peaked into the small glass frame and counted.

"8:59," I told myself.

Looks like I did make it on time. Strange how things work out sometimes.

I opened the large oak doors and walked inside the building, ready to face whatever challenges the day would present to me.

I enter the town hall and look around, I see an elegant mare behind a massive oak desk, piled high with important documents. She turns towards me as I step up to her.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a hint of impatience. Obviously wanting to be alone.

"Yes I'm here to see Lady Whiterose."

"You have an appointment?"

"No, but I have this paper." I pull out a strip of parchment and give it to her.

"Alright, third door on the right down that hall" she points with her hoove at one of three halls behind her. "Will that be all?"

"Yes ma'am, thank you."

I walk down the hall and pause at the door, collecting myself before I enter, however, somepony already knew I was here.

"Please, come on in." With out further hesitation, I open the door.

I was greeted by a group of old ponies, way past their prime, and wearing expensive suits. They all looked at me, expecting something. A long moment of silence hung between us, finally it was the mayor that spoke up first.

"Well if it isnt Fallen Flame, on time as always. Glad you've made it, please take a seat." She motioned to an empty chair in front of the council.

I did as I was told and plopped myself onto the rather uncomfortable chair. Hard to believe ponies could sit in these things for hours on end, discussing and debating whatever topic seemed most important at the time of their meeting.

"I'm assuming you've called me here on rather urgent business, seeing as I'm rarely invited to these council meetings," I piped up.

Lady Whiterose glanced at me, reached across the table and grabbed a small pitcher filled with ice water.

I looked around the room as I waited for the answer to my question. On the other side of the room there were several selves piled with books, vases, and an assortment of other things.

"Indeed I have," she responded as she proceeded to take a sip of water.

"Well, what is it then?" I asked impatiently.

I heard gasps from the other ponies who sat around me. Apparently they were in shock at my display of rudeness towards the mayor.

"You're quite aware that there's a war currently being waged on Equestria, aren't you?" Lady Whiterose asked me.

"I am indeed aware of this. It's rather unfortunate to hear such troubling news. And here I was thinking that we wouldn't see such dark times again for a good long while," I responded.

"What if I told you there was a way that YOU could help turn the tides of the war?" She asked.

I pondered what she had just said for a moment. How could I, of all ponies, make any difference whatsoever?

"I would ask you to elaborate further." I said.

"You're the only pony here in River Run who has past military training. You didn't serve very long... at all. But the council and I believe you to be best choice to send on a special mission into enemy territory."

"You're kidding me, aren't you? There are PLENTY of other ponies in this town who are much more capable of taking on this task than I am."

"You're wrong. There's something in you. A light that will never die out. Your father saw it in you, and so do I."

It felt like I suffered a crushing blow to my heart. How could she bring up dad at a time like this? Everytime I'm reminded of him it hurts. I loved that old stallion...

"And besides, if that isn't reason enough, then maybe this is. While there are rumors that your brother has been spotted somewhere near the enemy, I cannot confirm nor deny this."

My brother... It's been almost three years since I last saw him. Nobody knows what happened to him. One day he was here, and the next he was just... gone. Him and dad meant almost everything to me. And with dad gone and my brother nowhere to be found, I had lost almost everything that was important to me.

"Please, Fallen Flame. If there's a chance that your brother... my son, is alive then you must go. Your father would of wanted you to do this."

I looked at her. Hard to believe that she was my mother. She looked so different nowadays compared to back then. Age had begun to take it's toll on her, and running the town didn't seem to help.

"What must I do?" I asked.

Author's Note:

Thanks to my friend for letting me use his oc in my story.

Also, if there is anything wrong with the story, let me know.