• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 516 Views, 6 Comments

The Song of Musical Prowess - The Euphonium Brony

Musical Prowess isn't like other ponies, because unlike them all, he doesn't excel at what his cutie mark tells him is his talent. On top of that, no one really wants to give him a chance. This is a story of one colts dream to finally achieve excelle

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The Hotel Room

The Story of Musical Prowess: Chapter 3

Where was I? The last thing I remembered, was an incredible amount pain, and someone who saved me. I took a look around and found I was in…..a hotel room? Confused, I took a closer look and saw the mare who was in distress. She was asleep on the couch across the room. Not knowing what was happening, I tried getting up.

“Ouch!” Instantly, a shot of pain went through my leg and up my back, causing me to go rigid, and fall back onto the bed. The mare woke up, and and rushed to my side.

“Sir, are you okay! You shouldn’t move around like that!” Her voice had a distinct southern drawl.

“What’s your name miss?”

“I’m Apple Cider, what’s your name mister?”

“Musical, Musical Prowess.”

Well, it sure is nice to meet ya’ Musical. I guess this is as good a time as ever to say thank you!”

“Thank you? For what?” I was still confused as to what had occurred.

“You head-butted that brute of a stallion. I can’t believe you did that!”

“But, I didn’t stop him, he knocked me out…” I winced, pain filling my head again. “Who stopped him?”

“A royal guard happened to to coming up the road. He saw what was happening and chased him off.”

“Where did he go? Is he still here?” I felt as though I should thank him of something.

“No, he left shortly after we got you here. I stayed to make sure you were okay.”

I looked at the wall opposite to where I was laying. Yet another thing I’ll have to do once I arrive in Canterlot.

“Well, I’m just happy you’re…” She leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I instantly grew a light shade of pink.

“No Musical, I’m happy you’re okay. The town doctor will be here shortly to make sure you’re fit to go.”

We sat and talked about various things. What I was doing on the road, what she did for a living. Turns out she’s from the Apple family that provides apples all across Equestrian, and she was traveling to deliver apples to Manehattan. Before she could finish talking, the local doctor came in.
“Okay, Mr. Prowess, I’m just going to give you a quick x-ray and we’ll see if you’re good to walk, does that sound fine?”

“Oh course Doc, do what needs to be done.” I was already thinking of getting back onto the road. Where was I going to go next? Phillydelphia? Baltimare? Ponyville? There were so many options that I had, that I just couldn’t pick.

The doctor fired up the x-ray, and took a few shots of my leg, and my back. After taking a few minutes to resolve the images, he froze. Something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong.

“Doc, is everything okay?” I knew it was a dumb question, given is sudden shift in demeanor. What he said next, made all of my hopes freeze, and the color drain from my world.

“Well, the impact upon your back only had minor injuries, however, you landed with your full body weight onto you back right leg. It is broken in several places, and is cause severe internal bleeding. I recommend immediate amputation if you are to survive.

I….I don’t know how to process this information. I’d lose….my leg? I had just left Manehattan, this can’t be happening. My eyes began to tear up, and the doctor could sense I needed time to think.

“I’ll, give you a few minutes to think.” The doctor left, and Apple, just as shocked as I was, said “Well, are you going to go through with it?”

I looked at my leg, something that has been a part of me for so many years, and now, I’m going to lose it. How will I walk? How will I get to Canterlot? Can I still be a musician? So many doubt crept into my ever more clouded mind. Apple noticed the inner turmoil present on my face, and tried to comfort me.

“Hey, stay with me Musical, come on, you said you were a musician right? How about you play something, that’ll cheer you up won’t it? I found this bag with your pack and assumed it was your instrument.”

“Yeah, it is, I don’t think this is the right..”

“Nonsense! Music is supposed to to help show our deepest emotions, at least, that’s what Pa’ always said.”

I knew she was right, and after building up some courage, I said, “Hand me my Euphonium.”

After propping myself, she handed me the key to my future, or, was it now? I had no idea if the future was the same as I had envisioned, but I didn’t care. Music is still my true passion, and in this time of sadness, I need music more than ever. I brought the instrument to my lips, and played the most beautiful lament I could think of.I played for about 3 minutes, and when I stopped, I noticed Apple was crying.

“What’s wrong Apple?”

“Nothing, that was just so beautiful. Where did you learn to play like that?”

I honestly had no idea. Since I purchased it, I had in natural talent to play it. I wasn’t very refined sound wise, but I could certainly play it well. While playing it, I felt an inner calm that I haven’t felt in awhile. I knew what needed to be done now.

“Doc, can you come back in now?”

“Have you decided what to do? Will we amputate?”

After thinking for a second, I confidently said, “Yes, I’m ready for the operation.”

Connor Bentley
"The Euphonium Brony"

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