• Published 17th Feb 2015
  • 1,337 Views, 21 Comments

An Unnamed Love Story - OCisbestpony

A simple story, really. Humans, love. Nothing fancy, or complicated. Just the open, and honest feelings of two young lovers coming together.

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Chapter Four: A Wild Yellow

Chapter Four:
A Wild Yellow

He actually kinda cute alright. Not cute in the way that a guy looks nice, but more like the way a guy acts. He was bein' right 'n nice to Fluttershy, and that was all right by Applejack's book. He'd even asked her on a date! That thought just tickled her pink. Fluttershy, that girl who never talked to folks, was the third one to get a date already. Twilight actually won that prize, some nice feller asked her out almost as soon as they got here ('course she said no, but she did get asked first all the same). Some young guy from her school. Second was Rarity, she always liked goin' on dates, and she didn't waste no time in findin' some nice guys to take her to dinner. Not that Applejack would have expected anything less. But what blew her mind outta the trough was the fact that Fluttershy got a date! And before Pinkie even! Then again, she was never sure if Pinkie actually went on a proper date. She'd spend all sorts of time with all sorts of folk. Sometimes one-on-one, sometimes in big groups. Pinkie an't never called them dates, though Rarity would disagree. Rainbow's idea of datin' was goin' to an airshow or truck rally (or just playin' some basketball). Not that she never found anyone to go with her, she just spent more time a hoopin' an' a hollerin then talkin' or payin' attention to who she was with. But Fluttershy, well shoot, that girl was so shy Applejack was never sure if she even knew what a date really was. And here she was, getting one with a nice young man!

Why then was Applejack jealous? She'd been on plenty of dates, even had her fair share of boyfriends too. Why then, was she jealous of Fluttershy? She was her friend! She should be happy for her. Was it because she had taken a likin' to him too? He was a nice feller, but it's not like she knew him or nothin' like that. Well, she was only a little jealous, nothin' too big. Only a little, nothin' too big, nothin' at all.

At least, that's what she kept saying to herself on the ride home. It was a quieter than normal ride, or rather, AJ was quieter than normal. Fluttershy however, was much more talkative. She spent the whole ride to the farm speculating what kind of animals she would find at the pound, and if she should get some. She had asked AJ if she could bring them to her farm, and AJ had responded that she would have to check with her uncle. He needed help around his place, and new animals would just complicate things. Just like this feeling of jealously was startin' to complicate things. She didn't like this, she didn't like it one bit.

The night passed without incident. And the morning came when the rooster crowed; before the sun was fully up. She awoke just about the same time as everyone else. Getting up, she put on her work clothes, and headed out. Breakfast would come a little later, and showering around mid-day. She was busy here, and that was just fine. The hard work would help keep her mind from thinking about things she didn't want.

Around 9 or so, she ran across Fluttershy. She was tending to the pigs. Apparently, one had injured itself on a fence, and she was trying to mend its wound. She was talking to them in a soft voice, almost as if they were delicate creatures and speaking in louder tones would scare them. Then again, she was always doing that. Perhaps that was the secret to her success. Applejack stood there for a minute, her arms full with a basket of feed she was taking to some horses, and with a smile on her face. She thanked her lucky stars that she had friends like her. She always tried to be a good friend in return; it only seemed fair after all. That's why she offered her a ride for the afternoon.

That thought caught in her mind. That's right, that was this afternoon wasn't it? It suddenly seemed all too soon. She suddenly wished that it was farther away, and that she didn't have to be there, or that she would be there alone. No no. She was not that interested in that guy, she bet he didn't even like country music. Given the way he looked, she'd guess he was more the kinda guy Twi would like. Why then … why did she feel this jealousy? It wasn't fair! Fluttershy finally got a guy who seemed interested, and this was how she reacted?!

“Oh! Applejack! I didn't see you there. Are you alright? Did you need help with something?” Fluttershy asked, interrupting AJ's thoughts.

Caught slightly by surprise, AJ hesitated a moment, “Um, uh, well, uh … nope. Just fine!” she let out a nervous laugh, “Just fine an' dandy, just takin' this here feed to tha' horses! Yep, nothin' else!” She let out a big grin.

“Oh good. I was worried there for a moment.”

“Why was that?”

“Well, you had this strange look on your face, like you were worried about something, so I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help.” Fluttershy answered kindly.

AJ was taken aback. Had she really looked that worried about it? Then again, she did tend to wear her heart on her sleeve. “Oh no, that's alright. Thanks anyway!” she said with a friendly smile. “Well, I gotta take care of those horses, they don't feed themselves ya know!” and with that she walked off.

“Applejack!” Fluttershy called after her. Stopping, AJ turned around to see what she wanted. “I was wondering … um … well...”

AJ rolled her eyes. She was in a bit of hurry at this point, and while she liked talkin' ta' Fluttershy just fine, it drove her up a wall the girl couldn't just speak her mind. “Well come on, spit it out! What is it?” Fluttershy's reaction was not what AJ expected. She recoiled as if AJ had just shouted at her. AJ paused for a moment. What was her problem? “Well? What is it? Come on, spit it out already!” AJ was getting slightly irritated.

Fluttershy looked almost as if she was on the verge of fleeing. “It's … It's … It's nothing! I'm sorry I asked!” she said almost with tears in her eyes. AJ was about to say something, but bit her lip. She had no idea what she was freakin' out about, and it was starting to get on her nerves.

“Oh for Pete's sake girl! What do ya want?!” AJ almost shouted.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back. Fluttershy fled. She ran quickly back to the main house, holding her face all the while. AJ let out a frustrated grunt. If that girl wanted to act like a drama queen, so be it! She didn't have time for it. So with that, she turned and walked to the stalls.

Fluttershy knew she was a bit sensitive, and bit of a crybaby, but even so! She didn't know why Applejack was so upset; she didn't know why Applejack had yelled at her. She was only trying to help Applejack and yet she got so angry! It upset her, and hurt her feelings. So, doing the most sensible thing she could think of, she ran and hid. She also cried her eyes out.

It was about an hour later when she heard a knock at the door. Looking up from her pillow (which was not yet quite dry) she looked at the door with groggy eyes (for she had almost drifted off to sleep while she was crying). She sat there for a moment, her half-awake mind not quite processing the event. The second knocking knocked her out of her stupor. She shook her head, got up quickly, and opened the door. There stood Applejack's huge uncle, Uncle Grapefruit. That wasn't his actual name, but he wanted everyone he knew to call him that, even his own children (though he also accepted Papa Grapefruit).

“Hey, are you alright there darlin'?” he said with less of an accent than Applejack.

Fluttershy sniffed, “I … I think so.” she managed.

“What happened?” he asked kindly, walking the two of them over to her bedside, and then taking a seat next to her. He was a very busy man, even more so since Fluttershy and Applejack moved in, but he was an irrepressibly kind soul. No matter how busy he was, he always took time to talk to Fluttershy when she would run off and cry (which happened more than anyone really wanted to admit).

“Well … I don't know! I was just talking to Applejack about the pigs when she suddenly just started yelling at me.” the tears started coming back. “A-And she looked like she was worried about something. So I wanted to ask her about it and … and, then...” she trailed off.

Uncle Grapefruit smiled, and put a gentle hand on her back. “Well, I reckon she's just having a rough day. Don't take it personally 'little lady. She don't mean no harm.” He said with a warm, toothy smile. Fluttershy loved that smile.

She sat there for a moment, letting that soak in. He'd said that before. And chances are, he'd say it again. Letting out a sigh, she collected herself. True, what had happened had hurt, but she was stronger than that. Applejack was her friend after all. She looked up into his eyes. “You're right,” she said softly, “I just took it too hard. I'm sure she has a perfectly good reason for doing that.” she gasped at a sudden thought, “Oh! You think she was upset about the pig that got hurt? I-I was trying my best you know! I really was!”

At that Uncle Grapefruit starting laughing. It was a deep rumbling laugh, but considering that he was such a large man, that was no surprise. He truly was huge you see. He towered over everyone on the farm, standing at a staggering 6'7, and weighing most likely over 300 lbs, most of that just bulk. He wasn't fat, nor was he covered in muscles either. He was just, big. He also dressed the part. Jeans overalls with a plaid flannel shirt underneath. The bed also sank a little under his weight when he had sat on it. “Really girl!” he laughed, “Ya need ta' just relax a little!” And with that he gave her a firm pat on the back. His only real downside: the fact that he sometimes forgot how strong he was. That pat send Fluttershy flying off of the bed, and tumbling to the floor. He sat there for a second, taking in what he had done. “Good gravy! Sorry about that Fluttershy!” he apologized as he leaned over and picked her up.

“Ow...” was all she could manage. That pat had also knocked the wind out of her.

“You an't hurt are you?” He asked, giving her a quick look up and down. She shook her head. “Well, that's good. Sorry about that! I sometimes forget just how small you are girl! You need to put some meat on those bones!” he said with that big grin of his back on his face, “But like I was sayin', I'd bet she didn't even realize what she's done. Kinda like me. I didn't mean no harm by it right?”

Fluttershy nodded. Air was not quite back just yet...

“There you go. I know that Applejack cares about ya, so why don't you go and find her and talk about it?”

She nodded again. Most of her breath was back, but she decided she would save her strength in case he said something that would require more than just a simple yes.

“Good! I think she's about done with the horses, why don't y'all just head over there and see if you two can't make up?” And with that, he turned his back to her and left the room, leaving Fluttershy alone with her thoughts.

She picked up the last shovel full, and dumped it into the large plastic barrel. Shoveling horse manure was not exactly Applejack's idea of a great time, especially since what had happened was on her mind. She planted the shovel into the ground and rested on the handle for a moment. Glancing out of the entrance of the stall she was in, and up the length of the stable, she remembered that one of the mares was expecting soon. Fluttershy had asked if she could help deliver the foal, and AJ's uncle liked the idea. She shook her head while a grin came to her face. Uncle Grapefruit treated Fluttershy like a daughter really. He seemed to take to her like mice to a corn field. She was happy for her though. Truth be told, she was worried whether or not Fluttershy would get along with him and his family. In speaking of which...

Applejack squinted her eyes a little as she saw someone walking up to the entrance of the stable. It took a few moments for her realize that it was Fluttershy. She had spent the last hour looking at horses and their manure, so her eyes had grown unaccustomed to the bight sunlight. And considering that Fluttershy liked yellow, she was hard to pick out from the bright glare of the outside.

“Well howdy Fluttershy!” she shouted while waving one gloved hand in the air. “What brings y'all over here?” Fluttershy looked surprised and glanced about, looking for the hidden place that Applejack's voice was coming from. “Hey!” AJ shouted again, “Over here! Turn to your left!” Obediently, she turned, looked down the way, and saw Applejack in one of the stalls in the back. With a smile, she walked over and joined Applejack in the stall. “Well then,” said AJ as she pulled up an empty crate to sit on, “what can I do for y'all?” She pulled another empty crate and tossed to Fluttershy, who managed to catch it and then sat on it.

“Well, I just wanted to say...” she trailed off. AJ waited patiently. “Well, you see, um, I just wanted to, um...”


“I just wanted to...”

“Well come on girl! Whatcha' wanna say?” Applejack said with a laugh.

“Well … I wanted to ask you … when are we leaving for the pound?”

AJ stopped for a second. She had forgotten about it while feeding the horses. “Oh nuts! What time is it?” she asked looking around for a clock.

“Uh, about 10:30?” said Fluttershy remembering what the last clock she looked at said.

“10:30? Let's see,” she paused for thought, “It'll take about an hour to get there, and we're not too sure where it is … so, how 'bout 1:30? That sound good to you?”

“Oh, that would be fine. But … um … could we possibly, if it's not a bother that is, put in some time to get cleaned up first?”

“What? Why? We're just goin' to the pound.” AJ asked a little confused.

“Oh I know, but I want to look nice for all of the animals!” she answered with a bright smile.

AJ rolled her eyes, “Fine. Just clean yourself up around 1 or so, okay?”

“Well, what about you? Won't you get cleaned up?”

“You know I take a shower around noon. I'll be clean enough when we leave.”

“Oh, ok then.”

Applejack watched as she stood up and walked out. It seemed like that feeling had passed for the moment. Aside from her inability to just say things (this drove AJ crazy), that was a perfectly normal conversation. With a smile, she stood up and went back to work … barely aware of the feelings that were hiding deep inside of her...

Author's Note:

So, I know Applejack would totally say 'Eeyup'. But to me, that's a sacred phrase, only worthy to be uttered by only the most softspoken of all farmers. Okay, okay, I might be exaggerating just a little bit. But in all honesty, It does sstrike me that her 'Eeyup' would be somewhat softer and shorter, thus 'Yup'.

And odd thing to comment on, but at least it explains why I did what I did to those who would wonder.

Also: it would seem that Uncle Grapefruit will soon find himself the proud owner of his own little pony.


I regret nothing :ajsmug: