• Published 6th May 2012
  • 1,330 Views, 13 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: The Jet Chronicles - JetBraveheart

Jet Braveheart, the best adventurer ever, crash-lands in Ponyville. What will happen to him?

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Chapter 2/Dream 1


“Everypony, hush! I think he’s waking up!”

Jet slowly opened his eyes, trying to adjust to the bright light. He awoken, his left arm completely bandaged up. He looked around, seeing the Mane 6. Jet started to speak.

“Oh, h-hello!” he said, smiling. “Thanks for the convenient care!”

“Anytime!” Rainbow Dash said, sounding a bit cocky.

“Twilight, does my wound have stitches?” Jet asked, unraveling the bandages slowly.

“Um, no. We weren’t sure if you needed them.” She said. Jet took off the bandage, revealing the nasty looking wound.

“Yeah, this is going to need stitches…” Jet said. “Do you have any vicryl sutures?”

Twilight’s horn started to glow a deep shade of purple. Across the room hovered a first aid kit, surrounded by a purple aura. These materials levitated into Jet’s hands, the aura fading away. Jet’s jaw dropped to the ground.

“Something wrong?” Twilight asked, looking puzzled.

“Y-You…just…w-with your horn…and…” Jet couldn’t comprehend what he just saw. Twilight giggled.

“Oh, well I’m a unicorn, so I can use my horn to cast spells and use magic.” Twilight said. Jet burst out laughing.

“HA! MAGIC? THAT’S SO AWESOME!” Jet said, taking out the necessary supplies to bind his wound together. “I wish we had that kind of magic back on my Earth.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked. “Don’t you have any magic where you are from?” Jet sat up.

“Well, it’s not really magic, it’s just illusions. You know, tricks of the mind. Lies…” Jet started to stitch himself up with his right hand. The ponies backed off slightly, kind of disgusted, yet shocked at the same time.

“Um, are you sure you can do that without any help?” Apple Jack asked, carefully observing the stitching process.

“Don’t worry about it.” Jet replied. “My father taught me how to do stitch wounds like this when I was 10.”

“And WHY exactly would your father teach you something like THAT, my dear?” Rarity asked.

“Well, you never know. If I was going to be an adventurer, I needed to know at least some basic survival techniques!” Jet said, continuing with his stitching.

“Wow!” Rainbow Dash said. “Are you famous on any other planets? Have you traveled through galaxies? Have you…”

“DASH!” Twilight interrupted. “Let him focus!”

“Eheh…sorry.” Dash said. “Got a little too excited.” She smiled awkwardly.

“That’s alright!” Jet said, finishing up. He bit off the excess thread from his arm, sewing the rest back together. “Ah…that feels…strangely better.” He stood up from the couch he sat upon. “Well, I better get back to my space pod to examine the damages and such…”

Fluttershy sat him down. “Oh no, you should stay here and rest. It’s dangerous to go alone!” she said, fluffing his pillow for his head. Jet lay down on the couch. Apple Jack laid a blanket across him, and Twilight handed him a book.

“The History of Equestria…interesting…” Jet said, inspecting the book.

Twilight smiled. “I thought you might like it. I mean, you are going to stay here for a while, correct?”

“Well…I guess.” Jet said. “I’m kinda stuck here, if you know what I mean.” He chuckled, looking at all of them. “You know, for being on a foreign planet and just meeting you girls, it’s been a pretty amazing experience. I want to thank you all for being so kind to me and helping me out. I’ve never had anyone be so kind to me…”

“But you’re so kind and friendly!” Pinkie exclaimed. “Why wouldn’t anybody be nice to you?”

Jet sighed. “Well…I guess you can say I was the reject of the pack. Born an only child, I had different interests than most kids. Different clothes, different personality, they all picked on me for every little thing…I just stuck out like a weed in a garden!” Jet’s voice started to sound a bit choked up, his lip slightly quivering. He looked down.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” Pinkie said. I-I didn’t mean to upset you!”

“It’s alright.” Jet looked up at her, and then smiled. “You didn’t know any better.”

Twilight cleared her throat rather obnoxiously. “Well, I think everypony should let Jet rest. It’s getting late.”

“Alrighty.” Jet said. “I’ll catch up on some reading then.”

Twilight did not disapprove this idea. “Okay! Goodnight Jet!”

“G’night partner!” Apple Jack said.

“Sleep tight!” Dash added.

“Have a pleasant rest!” Rarity said, yawning.

“See ya tomorrow!” Pinkie exclaimed, giving Jet a hug. This time, Jet blushed, giving her a hug back with his right arm. The five ponies left, while Fluttershy started flying up the stairs to her room.

“Goodnight Jet!” She said. “If you need anything, let me know!”

“Thanks Fluttershy.” Jet said, grateful. “Thank you so much for letting me stay here for the night. I really appreciate it.” He smiled. “Good night!”

She smiled, then made her way to her bedroom. Jet started to read the book Twilight lent him. He read if from cover to cover. He read about Luna and Celestia and how Ponyville was founded and the unicorns and the pegasi and basically everything about Equestria. When he finished reading, he passed out, the book lying on his face.


“Hey! Look at that kid’s weird clothes!” a child from the lunchroom said. Everyone looked at where he was pointing. The finger drew attention to a boy who was wearing a leather aviator cap with goggles. Around his neck was a plaid scarf. To compliment it, he wore a long red long-sleeved shirt with a plaid design. Also, he wore green overalls, with two big yellow buttons on either side. Lastly, he bears brown dress shoes that look like they haven’t been shined in a VERY long time. He carried a metal lunch tin. All of the children laughed at him.

“Look at Jet! He looks ridiculous!” a kid said.

“He looks like he was born two hundred years ago!” another child said.

“What’s his problem?” a kid asked from the table on the right.

Jet, being only 8 at that time, didn’t know what to do. He stood there, ready to cry. “What are you a-all laughing at?” he asked.

“At your stupid clothes, you loser!” a tall boy said. Everyone started chanting. “Loser! Loser! LOOOOSER!”

Jet started to tear up. He ran out of the lunchroom, crying. He ran, ran…until he stopped in front of the gymnasium. He sat down, opened his lunch tin, and pulled out a ham sandwich. He put on his goggles over his eyes.

“I’ll show them…I’ll show them all…”