• Published 6th Feb 2015
  • 791 Views, 61 Comments

The Super Awesome Story About Stuff - BlackRoseRaven

Tournament of Canterlot charity story. A group of very different ponies end up trapped together in a world that obeys the whims of a group of Draconequui and their audience.

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The Twelfth Night's Dawn

Author's Note:

This is a donation- and comment-driven story. If you want to donate, please go HERE. All you have to do is give me a donation, then contact me and tell me what you want to see in the story, and it'll be included into the main storyline. No matter how silly, ridiculous, out of character, or insane your idea is, I can work it into this story, in such a way that it continues to evolve and adapt the storyline. You can donate any amount, and ask for anything you want, but do note that the more you donate, the more time and effort your idea will receive. If you have any questions or comments, by all means, feel free to contact me or leave them below. Thanks very much, and enjoy the story.

Chapter Seven: The Twelfth Night’s Dawn

The first thing that Marina noticed was that the Director wasn't looking his best: he was disheveled and shivering, sweat visibly glistening on his forehead. His beady eyes darted fearfully back and forth as he shifted from hoof to hoof, fidgeting constantly beneath the glower of the Critic as the pudgy assistant rapidly took notes, glancing nervously up now and then.

“Now, my beautiful actors, my talented thespians, my... my friends! Let's get this all laid out, shall we?” The Director clapped his front hooves together as his draconic tail whipped nervously back and forth, grinding his teeth into a painful and strangely desperate grin.

River Styx frowned slightly as his eyes flicked back to the Critic and his assistant: the Critic had his gloved fingers tented together in front of himself, his eyes focused as he glared down at the Director. But he was tense, too, Styx thought: he wasn't just judging the Draconequus in front of him, he was afraid of something. Worried, not just angry.

Twilight's eyes roved slowly over the assistant: the Director was rambling away again, but the assistant didn't seem to be paying any attention to him. Instead, he seemed to be erratically jotting his own notes, the chubby little Draconequus whimpering a bit as his eyes continuously flicked up towards the ponies.

“Oh, will thou just shut up?” Luna asked crankily, and the Director puttered to a halt before the sapphire mare leaned forwards, opening her mouth... but then only sulked as both Twilight and Scrivener glared at her pointedly.

After a few moments, Luna dropped back on her haunches with a huff, looking grumpily over at Scrivener as the stallion asked quietly: “What do you want us to do?”

The Director blinked in surprise, and Twilight smiled a little as she looked back at Marina and Styx before turning her eyes forwards, saying gently: “We want to work with you, okay? I don't think anyone wants to see the... play disrupted any further. Right, guys?”

Twilight looked over her shoulder pointedly at Styx and Marina, and while the Royal Guard gave a noncommittal grunt, his genet chirped happily on his head, and Marina gave a quick smile and nod even as her eyes flicked nervously towards the group of Draconequus in front of them.

“Well. Aren't you a lucky one, Director?” the Critic said distastefully, as he brushed moodily at himself. “It seems you've managed to actually acquire the good graces of your actors for a change.

“Now, this play has been slipshod and ugly. Garbage. I want it better, and I want it better now.” the Critic continued as his voice became cold, narrowing his eyes as he stepped forwards and rudely kicked the Director aside. “No matter what we are requested to do, no matter what the audience wants to see, from now on, it must be coherent. Neither I nor Plutocrat will stand for anything else.

“So far you have given us a random collation of scenes, a collection of undesirable effects mish-mashed into one inglorious work. From here on out, we wish to see able construction. Chaos, too, has limits, you know: chaos has its own laws and methods, as difficult as it may be for you fools to understand that complexity.”

Luna glowered horribly, but managed to keep her mouth shut. River Styx looked almost as irritated, but he stayed silent as well; beneath the insults and the demands of the Draconequus, he thought he could hear what was almost a plea to them.

When none of the ponies spoke, the Critic nodded approvingly before he tented his fingers in front of his breast, saying calmly: “Well, at least you all seem to have fallen into line. That is excellent. Remember, it is the actors who bring life or death to the play: no matter how great our aspirations or how powerful our organization, it is the actors who have the ultimate duty in ensuring the success of these goings-on. The Director, of course, will be doing his best from now on to guide you. He has been... remiss, in his duties.”

The Director smiled nervously, lowering his head slightly as he gave a squeaky titter, and the Critic scowled at him before he simply spun around, reaching down and seizing his assistant by the ear as he passed to drag him away. The assistant yelped as he scurried backwards as best he could on his stubby little legs before both Draconequus simply vanished from sight.

The Director cleared his throat, then he clapped his front hooves together as he anxiously stared over his shoulder for a few moments, mumbling a little to himself before he jumped when Twilight asked: “What do you want us to do?”

The Director looked blankly back at the ponies for a few moments, and then he gave a weak grin before rubbing vigorously at his face. “Well! We... we started off on the wrong hoof, you know, that's what I think, and... of course it was so silly of me not to discuss the play with you ahead of time! We're going to just... take a brief moment to...”

The Draconequus broke off suddenly, nervously looking up towards the sky, and River Styx frowned as he followed his gaze, studying the air silently. He felt a chill run down his spine, but he couldn't see anything, but in the corner of his eye he saw Marina twitch.

He turned his eyes towards the chocolate mare, and she shivered a little as she looked slowly back and forth across a particular section of the air, before she yelped when the Director shouted: “Look at me!”

All eyes turned towards the Director as he trembled on the spot, before he gave an awkward smile and said in a lower, more-restrained voice: “Just... please keep your eyes on me. Please. Keep your eyes, on... me.”

His eyes were almost desperate. He was afraid, and quaking in his hooves. With his eyes, he answered the question all the ponies had, before he swallowed thickly and then said in a falsely-bright voice: “Well, a play has a beginning, a middle, and an end! And while we've done badly with the first half, we have a whole second half to go, you know! Plenty of time to make up our mistakes, so let's put our very best hoofs forwards and get this done!”

The ponies only nodded to him, and the Director looked almost uneasily at the group before he whispered: “You're really listening to me?”

“We're really going to listen to you. But you have to do us a favor, too.” Scrivener replied in a low voice, even though he knew that was probably pointless: it wasn't like whatever was listening in them obeyed the laws of physics, after all. “You have to tell us about... this, when the play is over.”

“When the play is over, you won't care anymore. You'll be free to go.” the Director replied dubiously, but Scrivener only gave a wry smile, exchanging looks with Twilight and Luna.

“Some of us... just like answers.” Scrivener replied after a moment, and then he cleared his throat, changing the subject smoothly. “So the play is about-”

“Rescuing the princess, of course!” interrupted Luna with a wide grin, and Scrivener slowly turned a horrible scowl towards her before the mare said cheerfully: “Well, 'tis true enough, is it not? And where did we leave off? Why, here, after a small contest of wits with a traveling mage! 'Tis easy enough to pick up from there.”

“Uh... yes.” The Director looked at them almost suspiciously for a few moments, and then he gestured awkwardly around at the rolling, verdant fields they were standing in, saying finally: “Well, we'll get your costumes on, and we'll... we don't really have to discuss the storyline, do we? Or... should we? I mean... I am the Director and I certainly know what's going on but...”

The Director puffed himself up, but then he deflated just as quickly, shrinking his head a little between his shoulders before he said lamely: “I didn't expect you all to actually be ready to work with me on this.”

“We don't want to get you in trouble, Director. I think all of us are starting to understand there's a little something more going on here than meets the eye.” Marina replied with a small smile and a glance back towards the group, Twilight nodding and River Styx grunting as his genet chirped on his head.

The Draconequus gave a fake, strained laugh at this, waving a hoof wildly as he said hurriedly: “No, no! There's absolutely nothing going on behind the scenes, don't be silly, let's move right on, let's not talk nonsense and get down to business! Our business is acting and that business is good!”

Luna slowly rose an eyebrow as River Styx rolled his eyes and Marina simply smiled as supportively as she could, before Scrivener Blooms said blandly: “Yeah. I can just feel that promotion coming on now.”

The Director scowled at him, and then he shook himself out before visibly regaining some of his old composure, saying firmly: “Now listen, all of you... actors. Our time has become a little more... limited, and we are to be constrained. But no matter what is asked of you, we must from now on attempt to fit it into a coherent and plausible storyline. You may be asked to improvise many a scene. But you will improvise, and you will do it well, do you understand? This is all for the greater good, all for our mutual benefit.”

“Uh huh.” Scrivener said dryly, but when Twilight looked pointedly at him, the stallion grumbled under his breath before saying in an almost-resigned voice: “Alright. Just... tell us what to do. I mean, do you just want us to... walk, and react to whatever happens?”

“Yes, that would be the best. We want it to feel natural, real, after all. Just... play the roles you have all been given.” the Director encouraged, even as he tossed a nervous glance up to the sky as absolutely nothing further happened and no real progress was achieved by his pointless rambling. “Oh shut up, Narrator, I am... I am just waiting for you to fulfill your obligations!”

The Narrator, of course, had no real obligations to the Director, but he did certainly understand that there was a certain mutual destiny between them all: so instead of denying the silly little dictator, as he most certainly had every right to, the illustrious and magnanimous Narrator instead offered his gentle hand and-

Luna cleared her throat loudly, then she said sourly: “Thou art more purply than a bruise.”

“That's a wonderful metaphor.” Scrivener said dryly, and then he winced when Luna leaned over and firmly bopped him with her horn.

The Director rolled his eyes, then straightened slightly and gazed over his actors appraisingly as they found themselves suddenly fully girded in the vestments of their given roles within the play. Luna posed in her armor with a wide grin as she looked over at Scrivener Blooms, who scowled horribly in the slender dress hugging his strong – yet feminine! – frame, as Twilight absently checked over her own robes.

Marina lifted her focal amulet to look down at the strangely-familiar stone as she shifted in her druidic raiment, and River Styx rolled his shoulders moodily in his leather armor... but it was better than nothing, admittedly, as his genet chirped before nestling himself into the safety of the pack on his back.

“Alright, great. Uh...” The Director clicked his tongue as he tapped his hoof against the ground, drawing his eyes thoughtfully over the group of costumed ponies. “Your motivation is very simple. You're a group of ragtag adventurers who have just saved the princess from the clutches of the evil dragon, and you have to get her home, safe and sound, so you can... all return to your own countries in peace, with your bags full of the king's reward.”

The ponies traded looks, and Styx finally shrugged as Luna grunted and Marina said with as much positivity as she could muster: “It sounds like a wonderful adventure.”

“Well, it had better not be too wonderful. We need drama, intrigue, and passion to make this work, and I need the four of you to fall into your roles and characters with just as much energy, or you'll doom us all.” the Director replied sharply, before he winced a bit and said hurriedly, as he glanced up towards the sky: “I... I mean, doom this play! Just... just do your jobs, please.”

“Yep. Sounds easy enough. Play make-believe, head for... wherever, deal with whatever we run into along the way in big... theatrical ways.” Scrivener said dryly, as he grouchily adjusted the straps of the dress. “Can I at least-”

“No, thou fits the role of princess far too well, Scrivy. Although I think thou should allow Twilight to help thee with thy makeup next time, thy lipstick is all smeary.”

Scrivener winced as he reached up to rub automatically at his lips, only smearing the lipstick even further, and Luna grinned widely as Twilight winced before the Director said flatly: “Your characters are assigned. You do your part, and I'll do mine. Do you understand?”

The ponies all looked at the Director for a few moments, and then they nodded, and he nodded back with a relieved look before he clapped his front hooves together, glancing over them awkwardly before he said finally: “Well, if there are no other questions or concerns, I think we have this just about wrapped up and ready to go! Sure, I know I'm asking for a lot of improvs from amateurs, but I have faith in... I mean, well, I believe in... I honestly think that maybe this will... be satisfactory.”

“Gee, thanks for the inspiring vote of confidence.” Scrivener said ironically, and Luna huffed loudly as she scowled in agreement at the Director.

The Draconequus glared back at them both, but thankfully, Twilight intervened, stepping forwards and saying quietly: “We're going to do our best. Right everyone?”

The ponies gave various grumbles of agreement, and the Director cleared his throat before he rose his head and squared his shoulders. “Good. You all know what to do, so I'm going to get out of your way and let you do what it is that you have to do. Just... stay true to your roles and stick to your characters and I'm sure you'll all be perfectly fine!”

With that, the Director spun around and hurried away through the field, the ponies watching as he ran off towards the horizon. Then Scrivener Blooms reached up to grab the edge of his dress, but before he could yank it off, Luna was suddenly in front of him, seizing him by the limb and grinning lecherously as she almost shoved their faces together with a lick of her lips. “Leave it on.”

Scrivener paled slightly as he stared at her, but thankfully he was saved – and Marina and River Styx were spared many a horror – by Twilight pointedly stepping forwards and clearing her throat, saying loudly: “We should get going.”

Luna groaned loudly, then she grumbled under her breath as she adjusted her armor before stumbling around in a circle like a dog chasing its own tail as she inspected herself, muttering: “Shield, sword, dagger, potions... aye, look at me, like a knight of the old order. It brings back such memories.”

Luna shook herself out as she stumbled to a stop, once more facing Scrivener, and she looked at him pointedly as he tugged despondently at his dress. “No. 'Twas thou and Twilight's great idea to play along for now, and thus thou shall keep thy pretty vestments on. We do not want to ruin the illusion, after all.”

“Can you at least loosen the corset? I feel my insides being compressed into uncomfortable new shapes.” Scrivener muttered, awkwardly rubbing at his midsection, but Luna responded by punching him in the stomach, making him wheeze and hug himself as he keeled forwards.

Luna grinned, even as she gasped for breath herself, and Twilight grimaced as she rubbed at her stomach before River Styx asked moodily: “Why the change of heart here? Why are we suddenly going to play along?”

“And why did the Draconequus suddenly put everything in order? I mean, everything feels completely different. Structured, logical... like we've fallen into some kind of definitive storyline.” Marina added uncertainly, looking nervously back and forth as she rubbed at the back of her head. “It just feels very...”

“That's why we're going to play along for now. We... have a theory.” Twilight said hesitantly, glancing nervously up at the sky before she shook her head and said in a softer voice: “Just trust us for now, okay? We'll explain when we can, but... well...”

“Yeah.” River Styx glanced up towards the sky as well, grimacing a bit: he knew it wasn't exactly safe for them to try and discuss any secrets right now. So, like it or not, that meant... “We'll listen to you. Just don't screw up.”

Twilight smiled all the same at this, even as Marina gave Styx a look, and the unicorn stallion scowled over at the mare before he grumbled a bit under his breath and nodded almost grudgingly to her. The chocolate mare smiled in return and blushed a little after a moment, and then she nodded back before she looked ahead and asked: “How do we know which way to go?”

“To the east. Always, to the east.” Scrivener intoned wryly as he gestured at the angle of the sun in the sky, and Luna gave him an amused look. “But honestly? I don't think it really matters which way we choose to go. It sounds sort of like the play is going to build itself around us, like it always has. It's just going to be a lot more... linear, now.”

“We can hope, anyway.” Twilight replied softly, shaking her head before she smiled a bit, glancing over at the others. “Remember, we have to take our roles seriously, so to speak. I've got an idea: while we walk, let's make up stories about ourselves, backgrounds for our... 'characters,' for lack of a better word.”

Scrivener groaned loudly at this, but Luna grinned widely and Marina smiled hesitantly, nodding in agreement. “It might make it easier for us. What do you think, River?”

River Styx only scowled horribly, even as his genet chirped happily before scrabbling over to one of his ears to tug on it, the unicorn stallion sighing tiredly before he muttered: “And here I thought Appleloosa was foalsitting.”

He looked up after a moment, then grouchily nodded, saying moodily: “Fine. I'm not going to make up a stupid name or anything for myself, though.”

“Perfectly acceptable.” Twilight smiled at him and nodded, and then she glanced towards Luna as the mare cleared her throat loudly. “Yes, Luna, you can-”

“Brynhild! Brynhild, the Night Maiden! I am the greatest warrior in this nation and the leader of this squalid little band of adventurers!” Luna declared pompously, raising her head high and earning glowers from the other ponies. “I am hero to the nation and the stallion every stallion wants to be, and every mare wishes to sleep with! In fact, all stallions wish to sleep with me as well!”

Scrivener Blooms sighed tiredly, and then he winced when Luna glared at him and almost shoved her face against his, leaning away for a moment before he rolled his eyes and said in a flat monotone: “Fine. I'm Princess Novella. I am the beautiful maiden who was kidnapped by the evil dragon for... unknown reasons. For unknown reasons, Luna.” Scrivener glared pointedly at the sapphire mare, even as she waggled her eyebrows lecherously in response. “My father is... King Morebucks. He uh... hired all of you. I guess.”

“He probably would have put out a call for routiers and freelancers, promising great wealth while securing the borders and territories around the dragon's castle with soldiers to prevent the mercenaries from escaping with his daughter.” River Styx said, and when all eyes turned towards him, the Royal Guard gave maybe the faintest blush as he glared back at them defensively. “Just... filling in the gaps.”

“Uh... huh.” Scrivener said slowly, before he moodily brushed at himself and said: “Although I really don't like being the token stallion in a dress joke.”

“Well, then be something more than that, Scrivener Blooms! What is it Antares always says when thou or Innocence are whining? Bitches bitches bitches.” Luna said loudly, tilting her head back and forth, and Twilight dropped her face in a hoof as Scrivener only looked dryly at the mare beneath his coiffed mane.

“That would be 'bitch bitch bitch,' Luna, not 'bitches bitches bitches.'” Scrivener corrected. “'Bitches' is more of a vulgar, colloquial term for 'wenches,' to use a term from your time period.”

“Oh, yes, like thou. Thou art my bitches.” Luna replied with a grin, winking at Scrivener. “And thou art a fine bitches indeed for such a mighty and virile stallion as I.”

“Oh good. So I'm in a dress and I'm now a plural.” Scrivener said sourly, and then he winced when Luna half-lidded her eyes at him. “No, you are not making a clone of me, and I am not going to 'make out with it like a sloppy prostitute.'”

“I was not going to say sloppy prostitute!” Luna said crossly, and then she paused before grinning widely at Scrivener and reaching up to grab him by the face with both hooves, mashing both his cheeks childishly. “I was going to say like my sloppy bitches.”

River Styx cleared his throat loudly as Marina twitched a little beside him, and then the Royal Guard said sourly: “Excuse me, but maybe for now we could focus on getting Princess Novella back to her father, so we can get our reward and hopefully end this play, assuming that we don't all end up in the dungeon after returning the princess or as victims of some other petty scheme on the king's part as a means of maintaining his power and eliminating anyone powerful enough to challenge the dragon, and thus likely the strength of his own kingdom.”

There was silence for a moment as all eyes turned to Styx, and he looked awkwardly back and forth before he said gruffly: “Just... thinking ahead as to what the Draconequus might do. Let's march.”

“I am Lord Brynhild! I will say when we march, cur, for I am in charge of this expedition!” Luna argued immediately, leaping to the front of the line before she sniffed loudly and faced due east, shouting: “March!”

It was a sloppy start, but all the same, the group fell into an awkward march, with Scrivener automatically trying to fall in beside Luna, until Twilight cleared her throat and gently ushered Scrivener back into the middle of the group, so they could better escort the 'princess.'

As they walked through the verdant fields, the world around them subtly changed: summer green became a mix of autumn colors, red and orange and brown leaves dotting the fall-stained grasses. The sun sank towards the horizon, becoming a great crimson fireball that painted the skies and clouds an array of gorgeous colors, and-

Luna cleared her throat loudly, then spat off to the side, making Twilight wince away from her before the armored mare said moodily: “'Tis all very strange. It has been too easy, as a matter of fact.”

Twilight looked quizzically at the sapphire mare, and Scrivener Blooms frowned ever so slightly. River Styx only continued to keep his eyes stoically ahead, but Marina cocked her head curiously as she asked: “What do you mean?”

“Well, simple! Think about it: we have encountered very little in the way of resistance, have we not?” Luna said seriously, and Marina blinked slowly before Scrivener groaned loudly as he realized what was going on. “Now quiet, Princess Novella. These travels may not be to thy liking, but all the same, 'tis better to be walking under the open air than trapped in the lair of a dragon, waiting to be ravaged by it, aye?”

Scrivener scowled horribly, but Luna only looked straight ahead even as her muzzle wrinkled up. “Yes! Aye, there are... dirty deeds ahoof!”

“Are they done dirt cheap?” Scrivener asked dryly before he could stop himself, and then he winced when the mare kicked a hoof back towards his face, narrowly ducking under it before he muttered: “Hey, what kind of stallion hits a mare?”

“Aye, thou has a point. Even in the old days, 'twas frowned upon.” Luna agreed after a moment, nodding thoughtfully. “Very well, Princess Novella. Know then that I shall find a different way to chasten thee for thy slouchiness. And know, too, that I, Champion Brynhild, do it only for the love of thee and my zealous devotion to Queen Morebucks.”

“I'm pretty sure we decided it was King Morebucks already.” Scrivener said dryly, and then he sighed tiredly when Luna pointedly looked over her shoulder at him.

The stallion opened his mouth to make some smart-ass remark, but before he could say anything, River Styx gestured ahead and said: “I see someone ahead.”

The other ponies turned their eyes ahead, and Luna frowned as she saw what Styx had: the dancing torchlight in the distance, the flicker of red flames, like oversized fireflies against the background of the night sky. Luna's eyes locked on this, before she asked meditatively: “What are thy thoughts? Friends, foes, or fools?”

“Do you want me to send up a flare?” asked Twilight, but Luna only clicked her tongue before she shook her head, glancing up at the dark, red-stained skies moodily.

“Nay, I do not think so. But light the area around us, Twilight, let us show whatever waits ahead that we have no fear.” Luna paused, and then she smiled suddenly at the mage. “Or nay. I shall call thee Morgan. For 'tis a fitting enough name anyway.”

Twilight sighed tiredly, but smiled wryly all the same before Luna continued thoughtfully: “And River of Sticks, thou art a fine enough stallion, so I shall name thee... well, I knew many a thief and many a rogue in my time, but one of the most popular stories was of Loki. Would thou like to be a Loki? He was always a great ass, and I am sure thou must have the potential for great assery thyself.”

Styx only looked moodily at Luna as she grinned widely at him, before her eyes flicked towards Marina as she added cheerfully: “And thou! Thou art quite the pretty but barbaric creature, which I must say, I do so admire in a mare. I think I shall call thee... Hild. She was always my favorite. Now thou can be one of mine favorites, too!”

“Uh. Thank you?” Marina smiled awkwardly at the mare before her eyes nervously flicked towards the lights they were approaching, as Twilight lit the way for them with her magic. “Is it just me, or are they not moving?”

“It might be a camp.” Twilight said, glancing over at Luna. But even if it was clearly more dangerous for them, Luna all the same only grinned and faced forwards, raising her head high.

“Aye, it may very well be. But I see no reason to change our path.” replied Luna with a shrug, before she rose her head proudly and declared: “For I, Champion Brynhild, fear nothing in all the realm, and all here know my name and that I fight for the honor of Queen Morebucks! I am the stallion all stallions dream of being!”

“King. King Morebucks.” Scrivener corrected, and Luna huffed loudly, glaring over at the stallion before she stiffened slightly as his eyes narrowed, as he gestured slowly upward with his head. “I think we have a problem.”

Luna turned her eyes ahead, straightening and squaring her shoulders, Twilight on one side and River Styx on the other as Marina automatically drew a little closer to Scrivener Blooms. Ahead of them, there were several large knights in full armor that covered them from head to hoof, their equipment emblazoned with a symbol that Luna recognized all too well.

The sapphire mare gritted her teeth as one of the soldiers stepped forwards, saying calmly: “Champion Brynhild. On behalf of the Holy Order of the Knights of Equestria, we hereby congratulate you on your successful retrieval of Princess Novella Morebucks. We will take it from here.”

“Thou hast my thanks, good sirs, but I have promised to deliver the princess safe and sound by mine own hoof to the throne, and to the throne I shall take her myself.” Luna replied evenly, her voice serious and sharp.

The Knights frowned at the oddball group... but eccentric as they were, there was no joking in their ranks now. Whether this was a game or not, these soldiers in front of them were clearly serious... and more than that, they had struck a low blow to Luna. A blow that only cut deeper when one of them said calmly: “Lord Ignominious demands-”

“How dare...” Luna forced herself to halt, and then she gritted her teeth before straightening and saying curtly: “Lord Ignominious may be a Paladin of the Order, but I am Champion to the King and Queen. Do not presume that I value his command any more than I value thine.”

There was an uncomfortable shift through the trio of knights, before one of them gestured quickly over his shoulder, at the vague, torchlit shapes in the distance. “The hour grows late. Will you at least deign to spend the night here with our company? And in the morning, we can escort you and her ladyship back to the safety of Morebucks Castle.”

Luna clicked her tongue, and then she looked at Twilight Sparkle, who nodded hesitantly. Luna grumbled before she looked over at River Styx, and the stallion glanced at her with slight surprise before he nodded as well as his eyes slid towards the soldiers, studying them intently.

It would obviously be dangerous: he had sensed from the start the hostility in Luna's body language, which had trebled when they had said the name of that Commander. But these knights were stiff and formal, obviously trying to follow their orders to the letter: that, however, could prove much more dangerous for them than if these were either bandits or traitors. If obedience was beaten into them so thoroughly, they wouldn't hesitate to use force if they were commanded to... and worse yet, their commands might come from somewhere even higher than this Ignominious...

For now, though, the safest thing to do was avoid starting a fight, and perhaps see what this Commander Ignominious had to say: doubtlessly, they would be meeting him soon enough, after all. River Styx let himself fall back slightly as they made their way towards the camp, which seemed to get much larger as they approached it: it went from being only a few shapes in the torchlight to what looked like a village of large tents.

It was buzzing with activity as well: suddenly the air was full of conversation and the sounds of clinking metal and the clanking of armor and weapons being prepared and readied. Bonfires burned between the clusters of tents, and paths between the cloth shelters were lit by tall standing torches: that explained the light they had all seen from so far away, Luna surmised. Except she was well-aware from her days of traveling in the past that they should have been able to tell far more, even at a distance, even with this village of tents sheltering under the blanket of dusk: then again, she wasn't surprised that the story was forming around them.

What did surprise her, however, was how logical, how structured it all suddenly was: how much of it made sense, in a sick and twisted way. And, of course, that there were no jokes, no gambits, no bits of silliness. Suddenly, the Draconequus seemed to be taking this all very seriously... except as she looked up at the now-night sky, her eyes studying the constellations above, she could sense from the cold magic in the air that it was the very opposite of chaos that was now powering this twisted fairytale.

All they could do was play their roles: and with the fact that these cruel playwrights had just dug some very personal memories out of her mind, Luna was prepared to play as seriously as the play wanted her to. All she could focus on now was getting to the end of the story, was achieving freedom from the constraints of this devious storytime so she could wreak her vengeance upon the heads of those who had put them here in the first place.

Twilight tossed Luna a worried look, but the sapphire mare shook her head quickly as the knights led them to an enormous tent that was marked by two huge flags of the Holy Order in front of it. Luna scowled at these as two of the knights halted, while the third approached the curtain that guarded the entrance of what was obviously the commander's tent, brushing it aside and leaning in to whisper something quickly.

After a few moments, the knight stepped aside to let out two massive guards in golden, enchanted armor: Luna smiled thinly as she noted the runes over the malleable metal, and River Styx narrowed his eyes at the tingle he felt run through his horn. He recognized that armor: it was pure gold, unlike the gold-polished alloy plate given to the standard soldiers. And while gold was a soft metal, it was also an excellent conductor, especially for magical energies.

The Dervishes loomed over Luna as they stopped almost on either side of her, but she barely spared the giant earth ponies a glance as she instead kept her eyes dead ahead, locked on the unicorn who emerged a moment later from the tent. His red cape flowed behind him as he approached, smiling coyly, slyly, as his dark eyes studied them with unhidden venom and contempt. “Well, well. Champion Brynhild. What an honor to meet the stallion with a mare's name and shape... fitting that he's walking our... 'ladyship' home.”

“It is not the shape or name that makes the stallion, Ignominious. But look who I am talking to: thou certainly knows it is not the maggot that makes the pony.” Luna replied evenly, and Ignominious glared at her before she asked coldly: “Why art thou present here?”

“To the point, as always. Fine, Brynhild.” Ignominious sniffed disdainfully, waving a hoof irritably away as his dark, dark eyes flicked over the band of adventurers. “I was sent by the throne to ensure that you arrived home safe and sound. After all, Champion or not, you are known well for your... eccentricities, and rumor has it that you and the princess-”

“Flapping tongues are oft the first to be severed, Ignominious.” Luna cut off shortly, glaring down at the stallion before she snorted in contempt and turned her displeased eyes towards the dervishes, who were both growling, one of them rubbing his hooves together threateningly. “I see thou certainly hast not changed, though. Thy company is the same as it has always been. Large-muscled brutes to do the hard work, with small enough brains they do not know better than to listen to thy idiocies.”

One of the Dervishes started to step forwards, but Ignominious quickly held up a hoof and caught him by the shoulder, the stallion giving a cold smile as he replied derisively: “And I see your chosen company hasn't changed either, has it?”

His eyes flicked slowly over the group, looking at Twilight as he said distastefully: “A disgraced mage, who dabbles in the forbidden arts.

“A wanton orphan raised by primitive beasts.” Ignominious spat in Marina's direction, making her flinch slightly and lower her head even as she felt her hackles rise, before the stallion's eyes flicked towards River Styx. “An outlaw. The dirty criminal element always has amused you most though, hasn't it? He looks just your type, Brynhild.”

“Aye, a stallion capable of taking care of himself rather than one who requires an army a hundred-strong to play nursemaid.” Luna retorted, and there was such a sick sense of deja vu in her stomach as she and the handsome and yet pathetic stallion glared back at her.

After a few minutes of silent glaring, Ignominious finally dropped his gaze and looked away, muttering under his breath before he drew his eyes up to the night sky, and Luna smiled disgustedly as he spoke to her without looking at her, but instead with his eyes pointedly fixed on the moon above: the same thing the coward had always done, in the old days. “Like it or not, Brynhild, I am here under the orders of the King and Queen. We have no choice but to work together, and I will make you a deal: if you stay out of my way, I will stay out of yours. Frankly, I don't give a damn what you do with the princess, as long as she arrives back to the throne in one piece.”

Luna glowered at him for a few moments more, and then she snorted before nodding grumpily and muttering: “Very well. Give us a tent, preferably as far away as possible from thine.”

“Oh, don't worry, Champion Brynhild, the last thing I want to listen to is the sound of whatever sick escapades you and the rest of these rejects get up to when left to your own devices.” Ignominious replied contemptibly, finally returning his eyes to her... but only for a moment, as they hurriedly dropped to her hooves as her glare cut through him like a laser.

He gestured awkwardly with one hoof, pointing vaguely in the opposite direction of his tent as he muttered: “Escort the Champion and her company to the tent we've set aside for her. And Champion Brynhild? Try not to distract my soldiers.”

Luna wanted badly to give some nasty, snide remark in return, but she forced herself just to smile sweetly before she turned to follow the knight that strode past her. The others followed wordlessly, only Scrivener Blooms tossing a look back over his shoulder, and shivering a bit as he caught the cold hate in the eyes of Ignominious as he strode away.

He turned his eyes back ahead, but Luna only shook her head, murmuring quietly: “Nay, he will not move against us himself. Not tonight, not tomorrow; there are a thousand other problems that are all too possible, but thou knows as well as I that he is sly, and he is a coward. And together, those things make him dangerous, but also predictable.”

Twilight and Scrivener both nodded, before Marina asked hesitantly: “How did you know him?”

Luna didn't reply, only smiling faintly as she looked straight ahead, and there was silence as they made their way down the dimly-lit paths between the tents until they finally reached their destination.

The sapphire mare had to admit she was surprised to find they were still within the boundaries of the encampment: their neighbors were distant, but there was a guard tower posted only twenty feet away, and there were simple wood-spike barricades set up around the rear of the tent to help keep them safe from ambush. Luna looked over it with a grudging eye, but at least on the outside, it seemed serviceable... large enough, in fact, that they would all be able to set themselves up comfortably inside.

The Knight bowed to her politely before he excused himself, and Luna watched him leave as Twilight wandered towards the tent to stick her head inside. She smiled as she found there were already several sleeping rolls laid out for them on the simple tarp floor, and then she nodded once before stepping back and saying quietly to Luna: “I think it should work.”

“Good. It is... better than I expected.” Luna admitted after a moment, and then she smiled a little as Scrivener joined the mares, chuckling quietly and shaking her head. “It reminds me of the old days, Scrivy. Remember when we traveled across Equestria? They were good times, even if the end of the journey... was not so sweet.”

“I don't know about that. The journey still isn't over, right? It's just gotten even bigger.” Scrivener replied softly, and Luna chuckled quietly at this as she gave the stallion a smile, before she reached up and adjusted his coiffed mane for him, making him wince. “Can I please take this dress off now?”

“Nay, not yet. I want all of thee still in thy roles for the moment, we have work yet to do.” Luna replied firmly, as she spun around on the spot. Scrivener sighed as he turned around, then he yelped and jumped when Luna firmly slapped his rump, the mare adding cheerfully: “Besides, having a mare like thee around is inspiration for a mighty stallion like myself.”

“I don't want to imagine what I'm inspiring.” Scrivener muttered, as he reached back and rubbed at his rump grouchily.

Luna simply shrugged cheerfully, and then she turned her eyes towards River Styx, asking: “What does thou think, then?”

Styx looked moodily over the tent, then slowly paced to the side to eye the defenses: with the defense tower looming over them a short distance away, they certainly looked safe enough... but he also noted, from the irregular shadows only a short distance away... “That tower is sitting at the edge of a forest. It wouldn't be very difficult for someone to sneak up right beneath them. Or for archers or mages to hit us from there.”

“Very good, Styx. Thou hast a nasty, sharp mind.” Luna said approvingly, before she turned her eyes towards Marina and winked at her. “Perhaps our wildmother can do something about that.”

Marina blinked, and then she smiled lamely as she rubbed at the back of her head as she looked towards the forest. She wasn't quite sure what she could do, but she did remember how when they had fought Karl the Dragon, she had been able to call up strange powers... and well, I guess I'm sort of getting that instinct again. “Well... it can't hurt to try, I suppose.”

“Good. Twilight... I mean, Morgan, go with her. Aye, I suppose if we are to stay in character, I should be speaking to thee with the names I have generously bestowed upon each of thee.” Luna said thoughtfully. “Loki, keep an eye on our Princess Novella. We cannot have anything happening to our charge, can we? I, meanwhile, am going to take a stroll around the camp and check the mood and mettle of the troops.”

“Please don't start any fights.” Scrivener said dryly, and Luna gave him a wry grin and a wink in response.

“Of course not! After all, I am Champion Brynhild, the stallion whom every stallion-”

“Let's go, Marina.” Twilight gestured quickly to the chocolate mare, and Marina was admittedly happy to have the excuse to leave as Luna huffed loudly at their backs.

The two made their way to the edge of the forest, Marina unable to help from glancing up at the guard tower as they passed. She noted that there was some kind of beacon light on top of it, but the guards certainly didn't seem either all that concerned or very interested in keeping watch: one of them was slouched over the railing, half-asleep, while another seemed to be engaged in conversation with some other pony up top... and Marina didn't think it was with another guard.

She craned her head up curiously, and she thought she saw a mare in a dress for a moment before the pony stepped away from the edge, as if she was trying to hide from sight. Marina frowned a little at this, but Twilight only smiled a bit as she followed Marina's eyes, saying quietly: “My guess is that Ignominious didn't leave us with exactly elite guard.”

“Do you know how Luna knows him? Or is that not appropriate to ask?” Marina asked after a moment, and she blushed a bit when Twilight shrugged hesitantly. “Okay. I uh... well, do you know any magic that would protect us?”

“Why don't you try and do what you did before, Marina?” Twilight encouraged, and Marina nodded with a small smile as she faced the forest, absently playing with the amulet hanging around her neck as she took a slow breath.

She closed her eyes as a green glow twisted around her horn, then gave a soft breath as she felt the magic flow through her, more than her channeling the energy herself. It was like she was a conduit for some natural power in the air, allowing her to shape and twist the trees before them into a new form; branches and ivy grew and pulsed, writhing and wrapping themselves together into a net-like fence of organic growth.

Marina wheezed and relaxed after a moment, blinking a few times before she smiled as she looked back and forth: for as far as she could see in either direction – which, granted, wasn't that far in the darkness of the night – the edge of the forest had become a nearly-impenetrable wall of bramble and wood, which no pony would be able to pass through easily. And she had faith that the wall extended far beyond what she could easily see.

Twilight flicked her horn, creating a ball of light that she sent gliding quickly along one side of the wall, and the violet mare smiled after a moment as she proved Marina's feeling true: the natural fencing extended dozens of feet. The purple mare recalled the ball of light to check the other direction, but Marina had felt the magic extend either way, and sure enough, it had.

“Incredible, Marina. I think you did a great job with this, it should make it a lot harder for anyone to sneak in from here.” Twilight said, and Marina smiled before the purple mare chuckled and corrected: “I mean, Hild. Luna must really like you to call you that.”

“Really?” Marina smiled a bit, glancing back in the direction of the camp as she said softly: “I mean... I'm just happy to hear that. She can be a bit of a...”

“Pain in the flank.” Twilight supplied, as they headed back towards the tent, and Marina smiled again as the violet mare shrugged and gave a soft laugh. “I won't disagree with you there. She can be difficult, and she can be a pain, and she can be a lot of things... but she's a good pony at heart. She fights hard to do what's right, and to protect other ponies. She's just... always had her own way of doing that.”

“So we can see.” River Styx said dryly, from where he and Scrivener Blooms were seated in front of a burning blue bonfire. Twilight only smiled, however, her eyes flicking towards Luna's signature flames before they moved curiously to the other stallion.

Scrivener only shrugged a bit as he awkwardly brushed out his dress, the stallion muttering: “We're all supposed to try and stay in character, right? Well, here I am. Obviously completely in character. Not just a stallion in a dress.”

Twilight gave him an amused look, and River Styx glanced over at Scrivener before he said plainly: “You shouldn't talk about yourself like that, Princess Morebucks.”

Scrivener gave River Styx a horrible look, and Marina covered her muzzle to hide a smile as Twilight glanced curiously towards the inner camp. “So Luna... or uh, Champion Brynhild, I mean, she's actually going into the camp?”

“It seems that way.” Scrivener shrugged as he looked up, adding: “Your guess is as good as mine, with how fuzzy our link is. But I do get the sense she's not going in just to antagonize Iggy. Even though, you know, Luna and antagonizing things generally goes hoof-in-hoof.”

Twilight smiled again despite herself, and Scrivener hesitated for a moment before he turned his eyes towards Marina, adding: “And to answer your question, Ignominious was one of Luna's first relationships. Unfortunately, he chose to make some pretty stupid mistakes.”

Marina softened as she looked in the direction that Luna had gone, and River Styx frowned a little before he asked: “What does that mean for us?”

“That depends on how close to Iggy that uh... 'actor' is.” Scrivener Blooms said delicately, shaking his head briefly. “Like Luna says, though. Iggy is a coward, and he won't attack us directly. That's not his style. Even when he was desperate...”

He quieted, reaching up and rubbing almost compulsively at his forehead, and Twilight smiled a little before she said softly: “As long as we stick together, we'll be okay. We just have to watch out for each other. That's how we got this far, right?”

Styx grudgingly nodded as Marina smiled and Scrivener simply shrugged. But then all eyes were drawn upwards as Luna's voice came cheerfully: “Aye, that is right, Morgan Heldóttir! As long as we have one-another, then all shall be well. Truer words have never been spoken.”

Luna strode up to the edge of the fire, and when all eyes looked at her expectantly, she shrugged a bit before becoming more serious, looking between the ponies gathered around the campfire. “We have a strange mix here. Many of the soldiers are young, and not as dedicated to the cause as they are to their commanders. The officers, on the other hoof, seem to be a mix of the sly and the serious. Some, I believe, Ignominious must have picked by his own hoof for this mission. Others, however, I feel were sent by the Order themselves, or perhaps even the Throne, to act as watch and guard.”

The others nodded slowly, and then River Styx asked: “So you don't have any problem with the Order itself?”

Luna grumbled a little, tilting her head back and forth before she said finally: “I will reserve judgment for the moment against this Order. But all organizations are merited not by their ideals, but by their members and their leaders, for every tyrant has started off as an idealist.”

River Styx grunted in agreement as Marina shifted a little, asking: “Then should we be worried about...”

“We will take precautions, of course. We do not want anything foul to happen to dear Princess Novella.” Luna answered easily, with a wink over at Scrivener Blooms. The stallion scowled back at her, before Luna became more serious as she said pointedly: “And if thou does not begin to play thy part, then we may end up with more suspicion on our hooves.”

“Mares are meant to be seen and not heard, Champion Brynhild. So I'll just stay quiet in the background.” Scrivener replied drolly, and Luna rolled her eyes before the stallion smoothed out his dress automatically as he looked back and forth, asking in a quieter voice: “What do you think we're up against?”

Luna only shook her head as the others traded looks, before Styx looked up and said: “Whatever that thing was, I don't think we were really able to hurt it. And I think it... learned about us.”

He had almost said ate into us. What the hell was that even supposed to mean? River Styx rubbed almost nervously at his head, and Marina frowned slightly as she caught this rare, almost vulnerable gesture before she added: “Maybe that's why the play is suddenly so structured. Why it's... clearly taken things from your life, Luna, and fused them into it.”

“Maybe that's why we all feel more compelled to play our roles. Why it's not just madness and chaos anymore. Did the Draconequus really want their audience to pay attention to us, or did...” Scrivener quieted, then he shook his head briefly before he glanced up in surprise as the Director strode calmly out of the darkness to join them at the campfire, quietly taking a seat in the circle of ponies that had formed around the bonfire.

“You did very well today.” he said abruptly, and then he smiled briefly around at them all as he reached up to rub slowly at his face, his draconic tail shifting nervously behind him before he sighed and lowered his head slightly. “The scene is over. The play has begun. I mean, did you really think that mishmash bogswaggle before was the play? No, no. A play never begins at the beginning. The play begins halfway through. The first half is nothing but lies and red herrings and nonsense to confuse the audience and scare off the people who aren't willing to invest themselves in the story, or lack thereof. Look at all the greatest works! How much of the first act can be cut away? How different is the prologue from the epilogue! But it's true of every good story, you know...”

The Director smiled faintly as he brushed his hoof through the grasses beside him, murmuring: “You can't predict where the journey ends. And at the end of the day, the story is all about the journey, not the ending.”

There was silence for a few moments, and then Twilight Sparkle asked: “Are all these ponies... other actors, or...”

“You won't hurt anyone if you end up having to hurt them.” the Director answered: a glib sidestep. And before anyone could ask anything else, he quickly cleared his throat and clapped his front hooves together, smiling around at them. “You all put together a great scene and exceeded my expectations. See? High praise, a worthy reward for your accomplishment here.”

Scrivener and Luna both visibly wrestled with themselves not to say anything, before River Styx asked dryly: “We played make-believe for you.”

“Oh, stop being such a stick in the mud.” grumbled the Director as he gestured irritably in Styx's direction, and then he shook his head quickly before sighing and sitting back, saying finally: “You can all take a brief break for the night, while we set up the next scene. But keep yourselves in character, all the same. You don't... things are rather... well, you have to stay on the move! That's the fun of improv on the round stage!”

“Fun indeed.” Scrivener Blooms muttered, and then he shook his head before asking quietly: “What the hell is the-”

“Oh, look at the time, I have to go!” the Director almost shouted, shoving himself up and stumbling away before he tripped and fell on his face with a yelp. The ponies stared at him for a moment, and then the Director cleared his throat before he awkwardly pushed himself up and mumbled: “Great... great sets, very well constructed, yes. I... excuse me.”

The Director hurriedly pushed himself up to his hooves, quickly running off into the darkness, and Twilight sighed a little before Luna snorted in amusement and remarked: “'Tis funny. But I think he is starting to actually grow on me. Much like mold.”

“Much like mold.” Scrivener agreed, before he smiled a little over at the other ponies. Marina shrugged agreeably, and River Styx only shook his head... but as he looked around at his odd companions and his genet chirped happily on his back, he thought he understood precisely what Luna meant.

These ponies had grown on him, too.