• Published 5th Feb 2015
  • 926 Views, 7 Comments

FlutterBlaze - RoboCheatsyVA TM

Aria Blaze, a member of the Dazzlings, finds herself having a lot in common with girl that she didn't expect.

  • ...

1: Practicing Battle of the Bands

I ran as fast as I could. I was running late, like, really late for practice. My friends and bandmates Adagio Dazzle and Sonata Dusk (well Sonata isn't exactly my friend because she's the worst and so I honestly don't like her all that much) were waiting on me so we could practice and discuss our song for battle of the bands.

Oh yeah, you're probably wondering who I am. My name is Aria Blaze. I'm 18 years old and I love ninjas! I have my cutie mark already, but I don't really care much about that. Yeah. I also like singing a lot and I'm part of the Dazzlings.

Yes, I know what a cutie mark is. I know what it is because I'm a siren (the cutie mark thing makes sense, ok?) from Equestria. The other Dazzlings and I were banished from Equestria and had to come to this world: the human world. I'm certain you're wondering why we were banished.

Well, we were banished because we put everypony under a spell and make them adore us. Of course there's something more to the story but you didn't think I was just gonna tell you everything, did you? So anyways, back to my story.

I was rushing to get back to the small house in the city that the other Dazzlings and I live at. I was running (no pun intended) an hour behind schedule. I reached the door of our house and searched my pockets for the key to unlock the door. I then remembered I had left the key behind on accident and really couldn't believe I did that because that's the kind of thing Sonata would do.

I pulled out my cell phone and called Adagio.

"Hey Adagio, I-" Adagio cut me off mid-sentence.

"You locked yourself out, didn't you?"

I chuckled nervously.

"Yeah. Could you get the door for me?"

I heard angry footsteps coming toward the door. Adagio yanked the door open. "Next time you decide to lock yourself out, make an effort to show up on time," she snapped.

"Okay, okay. Sheesh, you lock yourself out and show up late once and you get labeled for life," I said.

"This is the fifth time you've done it this week," Adagio said.

"Oh. Okay, whatever," I said.

Adagio and I entered the house. Sonata was standing there overly perky, as usual, because she's the worst. Her expression changed from perky and bubbly to a face of disappointment when she saw me. She thinks I'm the worst, but really she is.

"Aww, I thought you moved out and were never coming back," she moaned.

"I wish you'd move out and never come back, 'cause you're the worst," I said.

"You are!" Sonata fired back.

"Stop being such idiots, you two," Adagio said in annoyance. "Now can we get to our song?!" she continued.

"Yeah, let's," I said.

"I know Sonata's annoying and all; but, you could stand to show a little more enthusiasm like her," Adagio said.

"Woo hoo..." I said in a weak attempt to be enthusiastic.

Sonata walked up to me and pat me on the back. "No, the worst, that's not how you do it," she said.

I scoffed.

"Then how do you do it?" I asked.

"You do it like this-" she paused and took a deep breath. "Woo hoo! Go Dazzlings! Yeah! WOO!" she cheered.

The one thing Sonata's actually good at is being enthusiastic. That and blowing your cover.

"Okay," I replied flatly. As you can probably tell, enthusiasm is not my thing unless it comes to ninjas or singing or both. Ooh, singing ninjas would be cool; they could do ninja moves while singing!

"So, can we start discussing our song now?" I asked.

"Yes, it's about time we start!" Adagio said, "Do you have any ideas, Aria Blaze?"

"Yeah. I thought the song would be cool if it was a drum and bass kind of deal but still fit into the rock category," I said.

"I like it," Adagio said. "No- scratch that, I LOVE it."

Sonata was nodding excitedly.

"Ooh, we should start out with a vocal hook similar to ours from 'Battle of The Bands' or as you may or may not call it 'Let's Have a Battle'. Then, I really loved the bass idea, so we should have that as our intro before and during our vocal hook," she said.

"I love that too," Adagio said.

"Yeah! Adagio, of course, can write the lyrics, and Sonata and I can sing back up as usual," I said.

This is so exciting; I can't wait to hear the lyrics and how the song turns out! Sonata and I exchanged excited glances; the one thing we have in common is our love for music.

"Now, how about we practice 'Under Our Spell' real quick?" Adagio suggested.

"Yeah, let's do it!" I said.

"Woo hoo!" Sonata cheered.

"Oh whoa oh, oh whoa oh
"You didn't know know that'cha fell
"Oh whoa oh, oh whoa oh-"

Adagio signaled to me and Sonata that was enough.

"I just wanted to practice the intro. Not that we really need the practice, because if we lose in any round we can force our way up the bracket. However, I want to be a bit more discreet with our powers so we can keep Sunset Shimmer's knowledge of what we're planning to a minimum, especially since Sonata nearly blew or may have blown our cover already," she explained.

"Yeah. It's a safe idea," I said, stealing a glance at Sonata.

Sonata rolled her eyes.

Comments ( 7 )


I must photoshop Aria in here. Because NINJA ARIA IS BEST ARIA! :pinkiehappy:

Why is this on hiatus?

5591047 Where did you get the icon for your avatar?

5596805 What do you mean exactly?


Ha ha! Thank you! One day I was just like: Aria Blaze should be a ninja!


It's a story that I've stopped working on so I could focus on others. But I will begin working on it some more soon. :twilightsmile:

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