• Published 6th May 2012
  • 964 Views, 5 Comments

Chaotic Memories - Zhooves

A pegasus wakes up with almost no memory of the past, and now he must try to recover them!

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Chapter 3 - The Truth

I still sat in the couch when Twilight had moved a pillow next to the table next to me. She did so in a stressed motion, as if she had little time to do it or something. As soon as she sat down, she turned her head towards me, with a slight hint of fear and surprise in her eyes.

"What did you do last night, after I went to bed?" she asked, almost as if she was slightly desperate for the answer.

"Well..." I began, trying really hard to remember every detail. Not that there were much to be remembered, but there was a lot in those books that I had read. "...I was just reading. Most of those next to me here. Everything I read about the Equestrian history and it's population - it all fell into place, like pieces of a puzzle. A lot of it didn't feel new at all - it was more like I refreshed it all.".

Twilight seemed to be lost in thought, as if she was processing everything I had just said to her.

As soon as it seemed like she had moved her attention back over to me, I continued: "It felt almost like I was... Lost in my own mind as I read the books. Like a dream. A strange sensation, if you can call it that." I stopped for a moment, remembering one peculiar thing from last night.

"It was then that I started reading this book about ancient mythology. It was one name that stuck out among them all - humans.".

Upon mentioning humans, Twilight's ears seemed to point straight up, along with a questioning look on her face, as she asked: "What about humans?".

"As soon as I read the word, I could feel that familiar feeling, like when I tested out magic last night. The weird part began when I suddenly felt dizzy, and blacked out again." I took a deep breath, held it for a second, and exhaled. I have to tell her about my dreams. I hadn't told her earlier as they were nothing but dreams, and I was afraid she'd think I was crazy or something.

Right before I could say any more, Twilight interrupted my thoughts: "So that explains why you are an earth pony now... Just like the time you became a pegasus and a unicorn. Who knows what's next?". She had a point. Maybe now that I had cycled through every pony-race, my true form will be revealed?

"Actually, the transformation isn't what's bothering me the most right now." I said. Twilight looked back at me with a puzzled look.

"What could possibly be bothering you more than switching between the pony-races?" she said while staring at me.

"The dreams I have every time I black out... They are always the same. Me in a world of chaos, talking to a strange creature...". At 'strange creature', her eyes widened.

"Strange... Creature? Did it happen to be a draconequus?".

At the sound of the word, my head started to ache. It kept on echoing while memories started taking shape. Almost everything one could know about a draconequus just came out of nowhere, and got stuck on my mind. That's when I realized what, or rather who I had been talking to in my dreams, and that he had known about my past all along.

"Discord..." I said in a low voice, but just like earlier, Twilight seemed to hear me anyway.

"Discord!?" she said, as everything suddenly started to darken. The name 'Discord' kept on echoing, as everything ultimately goes black for me.

I sighed. It had happened again. But this time I am more determined to get answers from Discord. Why hadn't he told me his name? And why didn't he tell me about the parts of my past that were bound to his own?

As i assembled my thoughts, the typical laughter could be heard, as well as Discord's shape materializing in his usual way.

"Why, welcome back!" he chuckled.

"No time for talk, Discord. I need you to tell me about my past. Now.". I sounded more determined than usual, probably because I now knew I knew Discord in person.

He gave me a really surprised look: "Oh? Where did you hear my name?" he asked.

"Don't you play dumb. You're trapped in my mind after all. All I needed to hear was 'draconequus', and a lot of details about you became clear to me."

"Oh, but... If you know so much already... Why do you have to ask me?"

"Not everything is in place. I only remember your name, your title - 'Spirit of Chaos', and that you are but a fragment of him, sealed away in my body."

He started to float around, chuckling: "Well... That's great... But did you know that even though I am only a fragment, I'm still capable of taking over your mind...?". Now he's grinning like he's in charge here...

"You wouldn't." I said at him.

"What if I told you... That I already have?".

Suddenly, chains materialize around me, and bind me to the ground where I stood. Discord moved towards me, with a claw stretched out towards my head. As soon as he made contact, it felt like he transferred images to me... Some of his own memories maybe?

An image of a strangely familiar-looking human with cold eyes appeared. He stood on top off a hill next to Discord, looking down at a land filled with war and chaos.

"This. This is your past." Discord said. "That human... is you.".

"It can't be...". More similar images burned into my mind. The human clearly worked with, or for Discord. Some images even showed the human casting spells to burn houses, to cause uproars and other things I don't even want to describe. They felt too familiar for comfort. I couldn't deny it. My memories revealed it to me as the images passed. That human really was me.

I start to loose a bit of hope... But then I realized that Discord were in charge of my mind, and I can't let that happen. As long as he's in charge here, he can do anything with my physical body.

I started to struggle to get loose from the chains. I concentrated every bit of power I had to just loosen them a little bit...
After maybe five minutes of fighting it, they finally got loose. My vision returned back to the crazy world also known as my mind.

"It seems I've just got to wait..." I said to myself. That's usually how I've gotten out of here, and I know no other way.

"What if I just concentrate...". And I did. I concentrated really hard, thinking about getting out of here. And it worked! A door appeared out of nowhere!

I opened the door, and was met by a bright flash of light.

As my eye-sight returned to me, I noticed I were a unicorn again, and I found myself standing on top of a small hill just outside what I guessed was... Ponyville? This couldn't be... I were only gone for maybe 20 minutes... But everything looks like... It could have been taken straight out of my head?

Everything was in chaos, just like the world in my mind. Day and night only lasted maybe ten seconds each, the houses were pointing in every direction, a pink pony with a hat with a propeller attached to it flew by me - upside down...

How could all of this happen in such a short matter of time?

That's when I noticed a huge mob of other ponies coming towards me.

"There he is!", "Get him!" I heard some of them yell. But I hadn't done- Oh, wait a minute... If Discord were in control of my body... Then maybe he could have made time pass slower in my mind? Unless that's random of course.

However, these questions had to wait. The mob seemed aggressive, and I had no plans on getting close to them. Well, at least now I can put my magic to practical use. I teleported to the middle of town - a huge leap that made me a little bit tired. There were more ponies here, but they seemed more troubled with getting everything under control - those who were still sane enough - rather than hunting me down.

I weren't familiar with the town, but from the short flight I had as a pegasus, I got a brief overlook of it. I didn't have to go far to see the big tree that contained the library.

As I approached the library, I bumped into what seemed to be a barrier-spell. Twilight must have set it up to protect the library. It didn't seem all that tough... I broke open a hole big enough for me to pass through, and I closed it behind me just in case it was there for something else but me.

As soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by two orange hooves smashing towards me. As if it was instinct, I immediately teleported past whoever was kicking after my face, and into the middle of the room.

Now I clearly saw that there were other ponies in the room. The one who tried to kick me, an orange-coloured mare wearing a strange hat stood in the doorway, seemingly surprised at my reaction. I also saw a cyan-coloured pegasus with a rainbow-mane and tail, who was now flying straight at me. I used a spell to stop her in mid-air, as well as the orange one who was now coming at me from behind. That was when Twilight came out of nowhere, pointing her glowing horn at me.

"Let them go!" she yelled at me. I obeyed, seeing as she probably knew the best. But with a sudden dumb look on my face, I realized I had just let two ponies who were just about to attack me loose again - with the result being them still going at me.

After getting hit in the face a couple of times, as well as a few really heavy kicks straight to my ribs, I teleported to behind Twilight, making the two other ponies who were attacking me fall over each other on the floor.

"Calm down!" I said with an almost commanding voice. "What is going on here?".

The Cyan pony got back on her legs: "Oh, you know really well what's going on!" she almost yelled at me. The orange one got back on her legs too, yelling: "Where's Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie an' Rarity!?".

"Who?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. The ones they're mentioning... Could Discord have done anything? If that's the case, then I'm probably the one who gets blamed...

The cyan pegasus took a step towards me, saying angrily: "Oh, you know who!".

I took a step back, while saying: "Friends of yours... I guess?".

"Sure are!" the orange one said, also taking a step towards me. I was getting cornered as the two kept on approaching slowly, when Twilight suddenly jumped in between us.

"Wait!" she said. "Don't you hear his voice? It's different from before!".

"That's true, but he can still be a spy, or faking it!" the cyan one said. She had a point there... What if Discord is using me to get here? But that can't be. I mean, what could Discord want here?

"But what if he isn't? He hasn't attacked us or anything yet, why would Discord wait when he has this opportunity?"

The cyan and orange ponies looked at each other and nodded.

"True that. Makes sense when ah' think about it." the orange one replied.

My head suddenly started aching a tiny bit, but it was probably nothing... Now that they had calmed down, I had questions I had to ask them.

"So, since that has been cleared now..." I turned to Twilight, "What's going on? What happened?"

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