• Published 6th May 2012
  • 1,742 Views, 34 Comments

Dark days - Dashie4747

When Luna hears a voice telling her to betray Celestia, It begins to bring out her evil within

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Call of darkness

Chapter 2

Twilight sparkle arrived at her destination many miles from her home. She had been sent by Celestia about an important issue that needed to be resolved. Here friends chatted and laughed jokingly behind her but she didn't share there laughter. Twilight new that something was wrong and whatever it was would require all of her friend’s serious cooperation. Twilight hurried into the castle not stopping to admire the beautiful scenery of Canterlot around her. The guards let them pass and they were greeted by Celestia who stood in front of them. Twilight could tell that her mentor was deeply worried because of Celestia's feeble attempt to keep a calm face. All six bowed before Celestia as she approached them. Twilight was eager to find out what was wrong. "Celestia, what’s wrong?" she asked concerned. Celestia looked at the six ponies that stood before her and then she began to explain the situation. She told them about how Luna had vanished without notes and how there where strange lights coming from her room before. Twilight looked puzzled before looking to her five friends. "So? Maybe she's gone away somewhere and forgot to leave a note" said rainbow dash abruptly out of the simplicity of the situation. Twilight shot a look at her friend but Celestia didn't seem to mind.
"I understand that's a possibility, but it is unlike my sister to go somewhere with such short notes". Now it was pinkie pie's turn to talk.
"Or maybe she was just missed her friends on the moon and wanted to see them again or maybe..." she was cut off by applejack who was now concerned for pinkie pies sanity.
"Pinkie pie that's ridiculous, she was all alone on the moon in the first place so why would she go back?" asked Applejack now looking rather serious.
"Well maybe she just made friends with some aliens!" Pinkie squealed all excited about her theories about Luna's sudden disappearance. At this moment Twilight would have face palmed if she didn't only have hooves.
"okay, okay look we can discuss what we think happened later" Twilight said bossily and all the other ponies gave her looks.

She turned to Celestia who seemed to have drifted off into day dream which wasn't like her, another indicator that something wasn't right.
"So what do you want us to do princess" Twilight asked ready to offer her and her friends assistance. Celestia replied reluctantly.
"I want you all to try to find her whereabouts but to not confront her if my suspicions are correct". Twilight looks confused again. "wait, what do you think has happened princess?" she asked interested at her mentors suspicions.
"I think that although my sister has forgiven me for my punishment in which I gave her, I feel as thought the revenge that once plagued her has returned within her to wreak havoc once more". Celestia suddenly was submerged in a trance once more on what the future events could hold if her suspicions where to be true. All of the main six gasped and begun to wonder if what Celestia was wondering was true.
"So your saying that Luna has turned into nightmare moon once more?" said Rarity looking as though she was about to dramatically pass out. Celestia nodded with as much uncertainty as the rest of them.
"I'm afraid so" said Celestia quietly.

Suddenly as eerie silence flooded the room at the prospect of nightmare moons return. Finally what seemed as days gone by Twilight finally spoke. "Well we will let you know if we find anything on Luna's whereabouts" said Twilight optimistically and they began to leave towards the door. Between them they began to reassure each other that it wasn't true and that Luna had just left on short notice and would be back soon. But deep down them all feared the worst. Celestia heard Twilight mumble the words "I bet she's just gone out somewhere, she'll be back soon". Celestia waited before they had left and whispered the words under her breath. "That my apprentice is what I'm most afraid of".

The guards stood before the doors that contained there silent prisoner. There armour glistened of the few rays of light coming from the outside world. The hallway was quiet and the guards stood motionlessly. Finally one of them turned to the other one unable to cope with the silence and boredom that has previously silenced them. When he finally talked even his whispered echoed through the dark hallway. "Hay, want to hear a joke?" said the first guard. The second guard nodded reluctantly, after all there was nothing else interesting to do so it would at least reduce the chance of him dying of boredom. The second guard smiled and began the joke enthusiastically. "Knock, knock" he had a smirk already printed on his face. "Who’s there?" the second Guard asked still concentrating on his job, “Doctor". "Doctor who?" said the second guard already knowing where this joke was heading. "Doctor hooves actually". The second guard stopped and looked at his fellow workmate who was still grinning hoping to entertain his focused friend, a blank expression covering his face. Suddenly he began to burst out laughing causing the first guard to grin. He had no idea why he was laughing at such a terrible joke but he did so for the fun of it.

Out of nowhere came a bolt of energy that exploded while hitting the first guard who collapsed to the ground in pain. The second guard stopped laughing instantly and went to aid his fallen friend who lied injured on the floor. Electrical energy seemed to glow of his friend's wounds that bled deeply. He then looked up to check if the threat was still present and to his horror it was. Standing in front of him stood nightmare moon, her horn glowing brightly after firing her precision bolt of energy. He stood up and formed a defensive position which made nightmare screech a cruel laugh. She suddenly vaporized into a mist of dark smoke. The guard looking around for the attacker backs away into the door behind him. His friend still lay helplessly on the ground. His injuries bound him to the floor. The second guard suddenly felt a cold wind brush past his face and he backed against the door some more. A sinister but also persuasive voice began to whisper in his ear. Its tone was soothing and calming.

"Noble and great guard of the princesses motives, be as kind as to let me visit my dear friend?" said the voice calmly. The guard laughed mockingly and spoke out to the voice. "You just attacked my friend! Why would I do what you say?". The voice was now darker and more sinister than ever. "I'll persuade you" it said and with that the dark mist once more appeared but this time wrapping itself around the guard. Suddenly the guard yelped in pain as nightmares grasp gripped him and shook him violently. He then falls to the floor screaming for here to stop. Nightmare materialized out of the darkness of the hall way and walks towards the guard. Here horn glowing and here wings outstretched. The guard rushes to the door and opens it allowing Nightmare through. Here magic leaving a trail behind here.

Nightmare walked calmly into the room that imprisoned Chrysalis. She stood motionlessly staring at the walls of her prison. She spoke without turning to see Nightmare who approached her silently. "I knew you could do it my dear" she said in a wicked tone," and don't worry you are soon to get your revenge on your sister and take her place with me as ruler of Equestria!” She turned to Nightmare who stood glistening in the dim light that only just lit the room. "You’ve done well" said chrysalis and suddenly she lowered her horn and began to fire a magic bolt that struck nightmare causing her to cringe. Nightmare began to glow with a new source of power received from the changeling queen.
"Use this power to bring the pony I need most, Twilight sparkle".

Nightmare looked surprised wondering how one pony was so significant and what for. "Why? What for?" asked Nightmare, energy surging through her. "Twilight sparkle is one of the most magic ponies in all of Equestria, If we have her we can force her to bring back my army of changelings to once again try to take over Equestria", Chrysalis said it with passion as though it was the perfect plan. Nightmare smiled an evil grin and then she left the confinements of the prison with her new companion.
As they walked out other guards ran out to stop them but with no effect. The Guards fell one by one to the power of the two all power full beings. Not long after all the guards lay on the floor motionless, electrical and magical energy torturing their bodies. Chrysalis turned to Nightmare just before she takes flight to seek her target.
"Nightmare wait" she said causing Nightmare to pause.
"Make sure you bring Twilight back alive, we need her". Nightmare then drew an evil haunting look on her face. Madness raged through her like a racing car. She smiled at Chrysalis and then took to the skies. A storm had begun to brew in the distance and the future looked dark.