• Published 31st Jan 2015
  • 708 Views, 19 Comments

Survive the Night - WRLB

Twilight discovers the horrors of the Equestria Museum by playing a deadly game of hide-and-seek with a mysterious pony. Little dose she know, that the shifty pony has control of life like replicas of her friends! Can she survive the night?

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1:13 AM-Upper Left Hallway

Fluttershy was wandering around the area, hopelessly trying to find Applejack, or anypony else for that matter. She could have sworn that she saw Applejack a moment ago but after a while she realized it could have been a cruel trick created by the light. What made her trek worse was that she had absolutely no pony to talk to.

If she was in a nice cool, relaxing, and familiar environment, she wouldn’t mind this but now she was in a cold, uncomfortable, and unknown territory. She needed somepony to talk to, have a plan, and know what they were doing. As Fluttershy trotted down the hallway, a faint flashing blue light caught her attention. She was cautious due to her last experience with strange lights.

After inching towards the light, Fluttershy heard the whistle of a faint breeze. As she listened closer the noise formed into a faint voice. The further she trotted the more it sounded like it was calling out to her in an indecipherable language. The light grew brighter and flashed more violently. As the hallway grew somewhat bright, Fluttershy was able to make out the body of a silver pony lying on the ground.

Its eyes were closed; its legs looked like they were ripped right out of their sockets. A deep impression was visible on the pony’s flank. Fluttershy was expecting to see red blood and body tissue everywhere. But instead she saw nothing of the sort. Every second or so, tiny bright lights, like mini white fireworks, blew out of the pony and faded out of vision.

Lying next to the pony was a shiny blue object. By the texture it looked like a stone. The breeze became stronger and the whisper sounded more demanding than ever. Fluttershy was hypnotized by the stone. She had no other choice than to touch it. The light of the rock consumed her vision and everything around her became as white as snow.

Fluttershy closed her eyes. Strong winds were going up against her face moving her cheeks right and left. Then she heard a voice, no voices, lots and lots of voices, each with their own tones and volumes. Her body felt odd. She distinctly remembered touching a rock, but she was lying on what felt like a wall. A wall that felt soft, cold and transparent. She had no choice but to open her eyes.

She was greeted by a bright blue sky filled with white fluffy clouds

“Where am I?” she shouted when suddenly she realized that she could talk!

She looked down. A stadium shaped cloud was directly below her. It was filled with uncountable amounts of Pegasi. She was about to scream. She was afraid of heights and by the looks of things there were no signs of ground anywhere. Surprisingly, however, she was distracted by her…blue hoofs…blue wings…blue body… rainbow mane… rainbow tail…

“Sweet Celestia!” Fluttershy exclaimed in realization. It was then when she heard the screams of a pony from below. She looked down to see her friend Rarity falling to her death. Without hesitation Fluttershy turned her body around facing downward.

“Don’t worry Rarity,” Fluttershy announced, “I’m a comin!”

While she was going down and what seemed like record pace, she couldn’t help but feel the effects of déjà vu. The faster she fell, the more force she felt. Wind was blowing against her body at what felt like 100 miles per hour. As she passed through the stadium, she started feeling like she was being cooked in an oven. As what felt like electrical sparks flew, she gritted teeth and pushed forward. A big boom could be heard behind her, but that’s not what caught her attention. It was the voice of a pony above her screaming, “A SONIC RAINBOOM! SHE DID IT! WOO!”

She picked up Rarity and a few other Pegasi as well. When she re-entered the stadium, she heard the cries of a voice she knew very well. She looked up and there she was, jumping for joy.

“A SONIC RAINBOOM!” her other self said, “YEAH!”

With that, her vision fade out to white and all was silent again.

Fluttershy blinked for a second or two when her vision slowly came back. Her body was the same before she touched the rock which now vanished without a trace. She was back in the dingy, dark hallway next to the motionless pony. She was back where she started!
But for some odd reason it didn’t bother her as it did before. She stood up and looked around.

Yes, she was still in the same dilapidated environment, but she wasn’t going to let that stop her. She was going to find Applejack, and she was going to find the exit even if it killed her. She felt the strength of a thousand horses. If somepony was going to slice her neck open, they better be prepared. She was going to knock him or her out like it was no tomorrow. Then, with a hint of realization, she thought to herself, That’s exactly what Rainbow Dash would say!