• Published 24th Apr 2015
  • 804 Views, 7 Comments

Gilda returns - PonyStory

Gilda returns to see Rainbow Dash again. She wants to apologize.

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Chapter 1

Gilda landed on Ponyville territory. She wanted to see Rainbow Dash. Last time she saw her was then when she yelled at her at Pinkie Pie's party. And she called her a flip-flop. Gilda wanted to apologize from that.

When griffon went trough Ponyville everyone whispered and pointed at her. Gilda sighed. She had turned everyone against her. She didn't got any friends and that was thing what she had to fix. Finally she saw Rainbow Dash.

"Dash!" she shouted to mare.

Rainbow was surprised at first, but that surprised look disappeared quickly and changed to angry look. Gilda stopped and looked down.

"What are you doing here?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I wanted to apologize for things I did last time we met." answered Gilda.

"Well...That's not going to work."

"But...we are friends." said griffon.

"We were friends, Gilda." corrected Dash.

"But I'm sorry." apologized Gilda.

She almost cried.

"This is not enough. Have you forgot what you did?" asked angry pegasus.

Now was everypony gathered around them.

"No, I haven't. This is haunting me every night. I just want to apologize." tried Gilda to prove herself.

"You still think you just walk here and apologize? You just can't fix it. You would better go away from here." said Rainbow with little bit a friendlier voice.

"But...Dash...please." begged Gilda.

"Ugh. I don't forgive, after that you called me flip-flop. And how you acted with my friends and others. I can't risk with that again." said almost yelling Rainbow Dash.

Then Pinkie Pie said:

"You ruined my party for you. And you called me Stinkie Pie. And popped my balloons, ruined my flying machine and called me and Dashie Queen Lame-o.".

Then from everywhere started indictments.

"You broke my sound mixer!"

"You ate my muffins!"

"You broke my cello!"

"You ruined my roses!"

"And my daisies!"

"You ruined my cake!".

There came them more and more.
But then Fluttershy said:

"You yelled at me and scared my animals. And you almost burned my cottage down. I wouldn't forgive you either.".

If Fluttershy starts indict then things are got serious. Everypony nodded. That was too much for Gilda and tears came from her eyes.

"That's not fair. I'm changed. I will not do that again. How you don't get it?" yelled Gilda.

"But I don't trust you anymore. I was your friend, but you failed me. I can't forgive you now." said Rainbow.

Gilda took herself together again and said:

"I know it's gonna change nothing but I wanna just say-I'm sorry to everypony. I really regret these things I did or said. I just want to get some friends again. I understand if nopony here wants to see me again. Dash made it really clear. So it's better if I go now.".

With these words she flew off. What they didn't knew was that Gilda stopped on nearest cloud and laid down on it. Then she couldn't hold tears back anymore and she started crying.

Rainbow still stood on same place.

Then Twilight asked:

"What's wrong Rainbow?"

"I just think I did wrong decision. Now when she flew off, I think I had take her friendship offer. I just feel s-so...awful." said Rainbow quietly.

"You can still fix this. I saw that she laid down on one cloud. Go and talk to her." said Twilight.

"You're right Twilight. I acted wrong and I have to fix this. Right now." said Pegasus and flew off.

She found Gilda in few minutes. She landed on a cloud near griffon. But when she saw that Gilda was crying she started to doubt. But she was sorry about her and she would wanted to kill herself right now. Why I did this to her? thought RD.

Then she took herself together.

"Gilda..." Rainbow said

When griffon heard her name she looked around and saw Rainbow Dash.

She looked down and said:

"I thought you don't wanna see me anymore." said sad griffon.

"I know I left that sign but...it's not true. I thought about it and I acted wrong. Now it's my time to apologize. I'm really really sorry. I didn't meant that. I know you meant these apologizes truly. I should had listen you from beginning. I have forgiven you now. B-but it's o-okay if don't want to be f-friend with me n-now." with that last sentence Rainbow started crying.

Gilda flew next to her and said:

"I will be your friend, Dash. But please stop crying. I understand why you acted like this. I would do the same. And I forgave to you."



Then Rainbow suddenly hugged Gilda who was surprised at first but then hugged back.

"You're best, G." said Rainbow Dash.

"Thanks RD.".

Then Rainbow understood that Gilda had really changed. She wasn't mean or grumpy anymore. And she was sure that will not do anything bad anymore. Now they had to make others to understand this.

"I hope others forgive me after what I did." said Gilda when they didn't hugged each other anymore.

"Sure they will. We just have to explain them that you're not bad anymore. But I still have one question...Why did you did all this before?" asked RD.

"I don't even know. Maybe because I was jerk."

"Well that don't even matter. Only matters that you're good now."

Then they went to the ground. When everypony saw her with Gilda they were surprised. At one moment Rainbow dash is yelling at her and wants her go away and on second moment she talks and is friendly with her.

"Listen everypony! I made a terrible mistake. I should forgive to Gilda in the first place. But no I yelled at her and I was mean. Now I see that she is good pony...I mean griffon. I beg you to forgive her 'cause she hadn't deserved acting like this." said Rainbow to others.

"But you just told us to not forgive her." said Vinyl Scratch.

"Yeah I told so, but forget that. Like I said I undervalued her. She can be very nice and cool. And I acted like she did last time, so we're stabilised."

With that Rainbow won everypony's approval. Gilda smiled when she saw that she's welcomed now.

"Thanks Dash." whispered Gilda.

"No problem, G. I just wanted to you be welcome here. By the way to you live still there where you have always?"

"Yeah. I don't have so much money to change living places. Can I sleep in you're house tonight? Like we were young."

"I love that idea." said Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

Take note: If you're mad at someone and he/she is mad at you too, but offers you to be friends again, you should take that offer. The most valuer thin in the world is friendship.

Comments ( 7 )

The English language was butchered here today let's all have a moment of silence.................

Gilda still the best!

I don't remember Gilda trying to burn down Fluttershy's cottage.

If Fluttershy starts indict then things are got serious.

I just think I did wrong decision.

I should had listen you from beginning. I have forgiven you now.

I did wrong decision too, reading this... this...

Please... please tell me this is a trollfic.

5901780 I know I wrote this in a somewhere, but I just needed more things what Gilda has done to everyone, except jelling at Fluttershy and calling Rainbow Dash a flip-flop.

Is English your first language? I'm not trying to sound mean or condescending towards you, but it seems here like you need a lot of help with it. Not to mention plot, characters and story structure in general. I can help btw


1) English is my second language
2) I started to learn this in class 2
3)I'm in class 6, so I have learned that like only 4 years
4) Even if I'm best of it in our class, I still need to learn.
5) How can you help me with it?
6) And you aren't mean :pinkiesmile:

Last time she saw her was then when she yelled at her at Pinkie Pie's party. And she called her a flip-flop.

So yeah, that's my review of this story.

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