• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 1,463 Views, 18 Comments

Foreknowledge 2 - Mr_Hippopotomonstroses

First off, read part one if you haven't. If you have this is part two to Foreknowledge as the main character tries to help keep Equestria on track and guide it safely to its future.

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Chapter 7: Night Mare Night

Chapter 7: Night Mare Night

I was making a few guns for emergency's. It was a work in progress, and I was taking a break. I had nothing else to do so I headed for the library. All over town, it was decorated in cob webs and spiders. It looked like Halloween. I reached the Library and just walked in without knocking. I got a book on Equestrian history and began to read. Moments later Twilight came down from her room.

"Hey Twilight."

"Oh, hi Night Wing. What are you reading?"

"A book on Equestrian history. What's with the town anyways. Why are there so many decorations?"

"Night Mare Night is tonight."

"That's right, how could I forget. That's why everything looked like Halloween."

"What's Halloween?"

"It's a humans version of Night Mare Night. Both festivities have the same basic principal as far as I know."

"You should tell me about it sometime."


"I'ma go get in my costume. Want to see it?"

"Sure. I'll be here."

She left as I read the history on Equestria. I was there for about a minute until Spike came down with a dragon costume. I'm not even going to ask. Three minutes later Twilight came in a Star Swirl costume.

"What do you think about my costume?"

"Are you some old pony?"

"What? No!"

"Star Swirl the Bearded Spike. That one unicorn who made several spells for other unicorn's to learn and use, that one famous guy."

"At least you know who I am. Do you have a costume?"

"I will. And i'ma have allot of fun scaring people with it. I should go get it ready, bye Twilight, bye Spike."


"Bye Night Wing."

I knew exactly what costume I was going to use. Wait, doesn't Luna come to this one? Better make plans for that. I got home and began to make an alien chest burster costume. It was simple and effective. I went, made my costume. This would be fun. I made my way back to Twilight's as it got darker.

"Oh your here. So what's your costume?"

"I'm wearing it."

"I don't see anything different."



That scared the shit out of her. She fell on her ass screaming as I laughed. She looked like she was having a major panic attack so I took my arm out and just made her calm down. With that over I explained her my costume and she just went to go get Spike before we left. We went outside where I was prepared for thunder and lighting. Knowing Rainbow would be doing that. If I knew something was coming, I wouldn't be surprised.

"Did you hear that Luna would visit tonight?"

"Yeah. I have to talk to her before she lands. I think I see her actually. Be right back Twi."


I sprouted wings and went to go talk to Luna before she could land. She spotted me before I reached her.

"Hello Night Wing."

"Hello Luna."

"What brings you here?"

"I came to tell you not to use your royal canterlot voice. It will scare the towns folk."

"Are you sure?"


I continued to talk to her explaining some things. I told her all would work out in the end as long as she didn't shout. She agreed to not use her canterlot voice. With the chat over we arrived and I led her to Twilight where she could help Luna get social. I had told Luna about my costume, for fear of how she would react with her magic. Aside from that, we played some games.

"So what do you guys want to play?"

"Lets go see the spider toss."

"Yes, sound like much fun."

"Hold up, there is a group of kids."



"That's mean."

"It's Night Mare Night. It should be scary, no?"

"I'm not sure if that's how it works."

"Some people like being scared. It's all in good fun."

We walked to a few games and won some prizes. There was a catapult targeting. I saw Rainbow resting on a dark cloud and a plan came to my head. I got us to go to that game. I everyone had a turn. As my turn came I made the adjustments to my catapult to hit Rainbow. They just stared at me, noticing my adjustments would miss the target no doubt. But I had a different target. I launched my pumpkin as other pony's watched the pumpkin fly over the targets and hit Rainbow. I hit her dead center. She had no idea where or how she just got hit by a pumpkin. Other where cheering when it made impact. They had been scared by her and her tricks so it was a good thing to see.

Luna was accepted pretty easy with Twilight and I guiding her on what to do around here. Things played out smoothly. Hold up, there is a group of kids and adults coming here. 3....2...1



They ran away. That never gets old. We had some more fun and I scared about half the town with my costume. It was great. Eventually, the pony's didn't give a fuck about Luna being there and instead bowed her way. This was going great. The rest of the night was uneventful. Oh wait.



He he. Luna has officially been accepted. Stamp and all. With that over, Twilight wrote her lesson and shit. I said goodbye to her and left to get some sleep. This day went great. And I got to scare the shit out of several pony's. Their reactions where hilarious though. And with that, I bid thee a good night.