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Chapter 4

"So I take it I'm not the family pet anymore?" Snow asks, leaning away a bit from mom, looking her in the eye with a smile, waiting for an answer.

"No I guess not, but would you be then?" Mom replies with a shrug.

"Maybe a daughter?"

"I guess that could work. What do you think Dalton?" Mom turns her gaze to me.

"I don't have a problem with it."

"Yay!" Snow shouts happily, hugging mom a second time. "I have a mommy again!"

Mom smiles a little, returning Snow's hug, and running a hand through her mane. "My children are ponies." She chuckles a little at her own joke, whereas I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, funny, mom. And my parents are humans." I joke sarcastically, causing mom to laugh even more.

"Ye-yeah, good one, Cloudchaser!!" She points a finger at me, laughing even harder now as Snow removes herself from hugging.

"Are you guys fighting?"

"No Snow. Mom seems like she's a little high right now is all." I reply, watching my own mother who barely laughs, who is now having a laughing fit.

"What does that mean?" Snow tilts her head to one side

"It means she's being a silly filly." i smile gleefully with my response.

"Okay then!" Said Snow happily, as she takes an apple, and eats half of it in one bite.

"So, Dalton...have you gone to the bathroom lately?" Mom asks with a sly smirk.

"You know what mom? for that I hope when this happens to you, that you turn into a stallion so you would know what it's like!" i bark in return, shooting a glare in her direction.

"Me too, so I can shove my new dick in your face!"


"What's a dick?" Snow chirps, smiling widely.

"OHHH, nothing dear, just a body part you will find out about when you're older." smiled mom nervously, ruffling Snows mane.

"Okay! Hey sis, since you're Cloudchaser now, can I call you Cloudchaser? Dalton doesn't really fit you anymore." asked snow, staring deep into my eyes with her cute infested, ginormous ones.

"Uhh, I find it awkward enough that I'm Cloudchaser, so...I'm not sure if I wanna..."

"Peeeeaaasseee?! Snow begs, coming over to me, with her face three inches from mine cutting me off

"Dalton, just let her. I think it's cute." Mom coos.

"Ugh, fine. Only if I get to call you flitter." I prob a hoof on Snow's chest.

"I was going to ask you if you could call me Flitter." Snow replies, throwing herself at me and hugs me.

"You seem to be adjusting to this very well."

"I think it's fun! plus I'm cuter, plus I can talk, plus I can fly, or will be able to. Plus we're sisters now, aaaaannnd-"

"Okay, I get it Flitter! it's good for you!" I snap sarcastically, I pull her from me, putting a hoof over her mouth. But...wow, calling her Flitter all of a sudden seems...natural. not because she's turned into her, it just...feels right.

"So what now?" mom asks. "And are you, or are you not going to finish your food, Cloudchaser...?" Mom suddenly freezes at the fact she just blurted Cloudchaser, and referred to me.

"Umm, I don't know. I'm not really all that hungry. And why did you call me Cloudchaser?"

"I'll just take that then." mom reaches down, and takes my plate. "And I'm not sure why I did." she shrugs, and walks off into the kitchen.

"Hey, Cloudchaser, can we go for a walk now? I've been waiting for ages." Groans Snow, falling onto her back, in between the couch and table, her forelegs spread out.

"That's if mom is alright with it."

"Aww com'on! You promised!" Snow's eyes begin to water up, as she sits up against the table in my lap.

I open my mouth to answer when my phone's Amazing grace ringtone goes off inside my backpack.

"Hold on a sec, I'm gonna see who's calling me." I gently remove Flitter from my lap. I think of flying, and my wings begin to flap in an even manner, as I become airborn. I turn myself to the right, towards the door, and my wings push me forward. with how fast this is, I'm probably Equestria's slowest flyer. As I get over the other couch, I slowly decline, and land softly on my hooves on the welcome home mat. The ringing from my phone continues as I fumble with the pack in my forelegs trying to open the bag.

"Like this silly!" Flitter chirps again, as she somehow appears next to me. she takes the bag from me, and holds it in her forelegs, and grabs the zipper with her mouth, and pulls it open a little. She then shoves a hoof in the hole, and pushes it open to the other side. Then she holds the bag out to me.

"uhh, thanks." I take the backpack, reaching inside, feeling around for my phone. when I find it, it's on its 6th ring, and by defying gravity and the laws of physics, I pull the phone out, with it flat on my hoof. I come to find the caller is Kevin, and I use my other hoof to tap the talk button, and I hold the phone up to my ear, which feels weird. Of course with them being on top of my head rather than the side. "H-hello?" I say softly into the mouth piece. my phone is one of those small iPods everypony at school uses. wait. Did I just say everypony?

"Dalton" A quiet voice asks. So quiet I cant tell who it is, or what gender this person is.

"Y-yeah it's...its me. Is this Kevin?"

"Yeah. Everything alright? You don't seem to well. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just a little nervous. Did...did you see the news?"

"I did. I guess this whole thing started yesterday, and they just found out I guess."

"It happened to Snow too. you know. My dog. She can talk now and everything."

"that's... cool I guess, but uh, it happened to me too..."

There is a long pause of silence. Who knows what he must be going through right now. Does anyone else but me know about it?

"H-how is that going for you? Who did you turn into?"

"I looked online and I guess I turned into this one named Lightning Dust." He...She says with a long sigh.


"When are we going for our walk?" Snow asks.

"Just a minute." I whisper back.


"How am I lucky?!" Kevins voice rising, and now I can definetly tell its Lightning Dust.

"Well, if you learn to fly, you'll be the only one who is just about as fast as Rainbow Dash who I told you can break the sound barrier. So I guess that would be a good thing."

"Really? I could break the sound barrier? How? with these little wings?"

"Looks can be deceiving. I'm stuck as one of the slowest flyers. Lucky me."

"So, do we still have to go to school?"

"I don't know, but I'm gonna take Snow, or should I say Flitter out for a walk."

"Sure. Who's Flitter?"

"Who Snow turned into. We're twin sisters now, Since Cloudchaser, and Flitter are twins in the show."

"Okay. Do you think your parents would mind if I were to stay at your place for a while? having Christian parents makes me the devil now."

"I can ask my parents. Where are you now?"

"I'm actually on your block right now. I figured that since you trusted me with this that I could trust you maybe. Two legged walking isn't all that easy either."

"I bet. Are you gonna be alright? I mean we aren't even guys anymore."

"Who Ya talking to?" I hear a voice ask. I crane my neck around to see my dad coming into the living room.

"Kevin." I reply

"I don't know Dalton. I'm having mixed emotions right now." replied Kevin sadly. "I'm gonna let you go now. I'm almost to your house."

"bye." I hang up the phone, and tuck it back in my backpack.

"What did he want?" dad asks, walking over to me.

"It happened to him too." I reply, looking up to my towering father who looks like a giant now, from my sitting position.

"I wonder how many people have changed by now." he lets out a long sigh, and crouches down, and sits back on his haunches.

"His parents kicked him out, and he wants to know if he could stay here. Or should I say she."

He's about to answer when here comes a knocking at the door. I can tell its Kevin since the knock came from such a low origin, and made a low clopping sound. I stand up on all fours, and turn to face the door. Won't be able to reach the knob from here, and think how hard it would be to turn the knob.

"Let me get it." dad says, getting up, and making his way around me. He turns the lock on the knob, and opens the door. On the other side is a pony in a dark brown hoodie, with the hood up, and Jean pants. "What do you need?" asks dad firmly.

"My human body back." says the pony, reaching a sleeved foreleg up, and removes the hood.

"Well you came to the wrong place bud." dad says softly

"Dad it's Kevin." I snap, opening the screen door. Kevin walks in without another word, heading for the couch where she sits, hanging her head with a sad expression.

"The things my parents said to me." she says softly, as I make my way over to her, sitting next to her. I see tears beginning to build up in her eyes, and she turns her head away, shutting them.

"What happened, and what did you mean by two legged?"

"My dad shot at me with his shot gun, and one of the pellets hit me." She pulls up the right pant leg, revealing half of the leg, covered in bloody bandages. "I was up in my room watching Worlds funniest home videos, which you know that show pulls me into a trance and I don't even know what's going on around me." She turns her head back to me, despair in her eyes.

"Yeah, I know." I reply softly.

"Well, my mom came up to bring me my dinner as always, and when she came in, she pretty much screamed at the top of her lungs. It was then I noticed I was half pony. My legs had changed, this...tail was next to me, and half of me was covered in fur." Kevin sighs again, but is soon being hugged by Snow, who once again, seemed to appear out of nowhere.

"It's gonna be okay. I know what it's like to be shot." said snow reassuringly, placing her head on Kevin's chest. Kevin can't help but daww at the situation, and returns the favor. Now mom comes out of the kitchen. She was probably washing the dishes while I was on the phone.

"What's all this I hear about being shot?" she asks worriedly.

"Kevin's dad shot him." Dad replies before I even had the chance to open my mouth.

"Oh! How rude!" mom comes over and wraps Kevin and Snow in her arms. "Let me see." mom removes herself, and sits on the table to examine Kevin's leg, carefully grasping it with only her fingertips. After a few more seconds she stands back up. "It didn't go all the way through, so it's still in your leg, and by how much blood there is, it does seem to be that you it an artery. if that was so, you wouldn't have made it here."

"How do you know?" Kevin asks.

"I used to be a doctor. It was for a very short time though. Eventually all of the flesh and blood stuff I had to deal with, had me puking my guts out. but I did do a few operations with people who got shot."

"Okay. And I was wondering that since my parents kicked me out, if I could stay here for a while."

"You stay as long as you need. Don't need you out there with a wound like that." Mom beasties her hand at Kevin's leg. she then pulls Kevin into another hug, running her hand through her mane.

"Thanks. You guys really have been more of a family to me than mine." Kevin replies, returning the hug.

"So I guess we won't be going for a walk today, will we Dalton?" Snow looks at me, watery eyes again.

"I don't think so. But we can get up early for one before I have to go to school. I assume since this is a worldwide thing, they will still want teachers and students alike to go."

"okay then." she replies sadly, looking down.

"Yeah, but in the mean time, you two should get to bed." Said dad, before he heads back into his room.

"Your father has to go to work again. he's taking somebody else's shift because they had a funeral to go to I guess. Right now I'm going to go Set up some blankets in your room for Kevin to sleep on. Unless he's okay with the couch, which I don't recommend since he could fall and hurt his leg."

"So what are we going to do about the bullet?" asked Kevin.

"I'll get some tweezers, remove the bullet and stitch it up. Be right back." Mom walks from the dinning room, and into the hall on the other side of the living room, with Snow following right behind her.

"So, if I do learn to fly and everything you think I could really break the sound barrier?" Kevin looks to me with his new yellow eyes.

"Lightning Dust is a side character and only appeared in a couple episodes, which in the one called "Wonderbolt academy" you would see that she and RD are pretty much the same, but they never had Lightning Dust break the sound barrier, but I assume she could."

"Sounds cool. Did Rainbow Dash ever do it?"

"I forget what the episode was called. But Rainbow Dash was in this race I think that Rarity really wanted to watch, so Twilight used a spell to give her magic wings Since rarity being a unicorn, can't fly. Plus the stadium was far in the sky. Anyway, the sun had burned off those wings, sending Rarity plummeting to her doom, and three of the Wonderbolts, Soarin, Spitfire, and some other one try to save her, but with Rarity flailing the way she was, she ended up knocking them unconscious."

"Sounds intense. Seriously. I'm interested." Kevin chuckles a bit, smiling a little. "First I turn into one, then I become interested in the show itself."

"Yeah, I know that feeling. But anywho, Rainbowdash also saw it, and she had been flying really high at such a high speed, so I don't know how she saw. But she did, and she rocketed down, and you could see like this cone begin to form around her, and her face was all over man, like you couldn't tell it was a face!" I laugh a bit for my own silliness. "She was about to slow down cause of the force she was flying against. But she did break the sound barrier, making a sonic rainbow which is a rainbow colored ring that is made., and right before hitting the ground, she was able to catch four ponies like that, I have no idea how, and that's how she first broke the sound barrier."

"Wow. Now that I hear you say it, I wanna see it!"

"Heh. Never thought you turning into a pony would make you want to SEE the show. I mean you of all people...and...ponies, would want to even THINK about it!"

He shrugs in return, once again, having nothing to say, like usual. Or should I say she?

"I dunno. but, man this wound really hurts!" She rubs her hind leg with a hoof as an attempt to probably ease the pain. I've never been shot before, but I was told it feels like sompony takes a knife and stabs you, then holds a lighter on the gash.

"Due. Its a piece of metal stuck in your leg. it's gonna hurt."

"Yeah, shut up. Ugh where's your mom. with the tweezers?"

"I don't know, but I all of a sudden don't feel to well..."

My stomach growls and constricting pain begins to occur.

"well, what's wrong with you now?" Kevin gives me an annoyed look.

"I feel like I'm gunna barf." and before I know it, I'm galloping to the bathroom.

Author's Note:

sorry if this chapter sucked.