• Published 21st Jan 2015
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Follow the Wind - FrostTheWolf

It's all fun and games until you begin to turn into your own character and it happens to be a wolf. Would someone care to fill me on on how this is happening? Part of the OTverse by MidnightChaos

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3- Explanations and Expectations

Follow the Wind- Expectations and Explanations

“A fox-pony?” I asked. That was honestly the first time that I’ve heard of anything like that before. I’d heard of Seaponies, Bat-ponies, and even Vamp-ponies because of the Adapting to Night Comic series by Drawponies on DeviantArt. But Fox pony was a new one.

“Yes.” Chloe told us. “My OC is a fox-pony named Dreamcatcher. She was abandoned at birth because she was born prematurely, but the Fox Spirit named Sakura soon took her in and had her energy fuse with her so she was able to survive. She has fox like ears and a tail, but can also call upon and use a series of powers that were given to her because of Sakura.”

I opened the front door of the house using my keys and had everyone come inside before I closed the door behind us. “The Concept sort of reminds me of Ahri.”

“Who?” I heard Alex ask as we enter the living room and he took a seat on the couch next to Shay.

“Ahri is a champion in League of Legends. A game I play in my spare time.” I answered his question as I pulled up an image of Ahri on my phone to show him.

“Damn… She looks hot.”

“Alex!! That’s not our main concern here!” I snapped at him. “Mom is supposed to be coming home in a few hours and we need to try and explain to her what the hell has been happening. She’s already worried since you sent her the photo that you sent me.” It was then that I noticed that Alex looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. Something didn’t feel right about what he was going to say next.

“What do you mean the photo I sent her? I only sent it to you.” That’s when he checked his phone, just to make sure he was right. Turns out, Alex was wrong. He had accidentally sent the photo in a group message that was for me and mom.

‘At least that clears up the mystery behind how she received it. Good job, Watson.’

I sighed to myself, ignoring that thought. We needed to focus on what to do next. “Alright, so what do we already know about the current situation?”

“Well, to put it bluntly; I’m turning into a freaking dragon. You’re turning into a wolf. Chloe is turning into a Fox and we have no idea what Shay is going to turn into. Plus, everyone who is stuck in the same boat as us is heading towards Chicago in order to figure out how to fix this problem. Because there’s no way in hell that our health insurance is going to cover this.”

Alex was right about that. But then, a new question came from Chloe. “Well, one thing that confuses me is this. Raven said that Rufus told him that these changes occur in the morning and at night. If that’s true, then why did I get these ears a few minutes ago?”

“Maybe he was only referring to me.” I replied back. “In Biology class, I learned about Evolution and one of the things I remember is that different species evolve at different rates. Maybe your changes happen faster than mine.”

“Makes sense.” My brother commented. “Seems like the only way out of this is if we just tell mom the truth. After all, honesty is the best policy.”

Something about him saying honesty made me think about Applejack, which was odd because sometimes my brother reminds me of Discord since he lives by the phrase ‘What’s fun is there in making sense?’

Anyways, after everyone agreed with what my brother said, we all decided to pass the time by hanging out in the den. Chloe was on her 3DS along with me since I had Pokemon Y and she had Pokemon X. Alex was on the PS3; shooting Fallen and Hive in the face on Destiny. Shay was watching him as he played through with his Titan on the moon. He really liked it though when my brother slammed into a pack of enemies with his “Fists of Havoc” ability since it reminded him of when The Hulk went on a smashing spree in The Avengers. Especially when he treated Loki like a ragdoll.

As for me, going up against Chloe in Pokemon was easy, but trying to beat her was an entirely different story. We went against each other with only four Pokemon each and out of five rounds, I only won once. Plus, that victory by itself was by luck. Seems like Lucario, Blaziken, Absol, and Lapras weren’t able to hold on their own despite the fact that Lapras had “Sheer Cold” and three out of those four Pokemon had Mega Stones.

The thing that surprised all of us though was when we heard the garage door opening. It was only 4:30pm; which was over an hour early from when mom said she would originally be home. Plus, my dad was in Brazil on a Business Trip. Who would be opening it right around now?

“I’ll be right back.”

Walking into the garage, I was surprised to see that mom had pulled up in the driveway. She was quite early and normally, she wasn’t one for going back on her word when she tells you something.

“Raven. Oh thank god; you’re okay!”

“Mom? You’re home awfully early.”

“I came home as soon as I could. Your father was fine with me leaving early when I told him what was going on.”

Great. Now more people know that we’re part of the transformation brigade. So much for not trying to attract a lot of attention. As mom pressed the garage door opener, she then noticed the markings on my arms.

“Raven… What are those?”

“Mom, the same thing that’s going on with Alex is happening to me to. I woke up to find these across my body.” I flexed the muscles in my wrists to show what I meant exactly when the marks glowed softly before dying back down. She almost looked like she was going to faint. But I did my best to help make sure that she didn’t have a panic attack as I helped her inside.

Bringing her into the living room, Alex and the others soon came on out once they heard her. They were just as surprised as I am, but she told them the same thing she told me about coming home early. Now though, it was our turn to do some explaining. We took our time in helping her process everything because my mother can get easily confused and lost in a conversation if you say too much or don’t explain it right.

It took about twenty minutes to about half an hour, but we were soon able to tell her everything. About how Alex was turning into Shockwave, how I was turning into Rufus, Chloe turning into Dreamcatcher, how these changes were affecting more people than just us and also how everyone who was affected was going to Chicago because two teens were holding some sort of meetup in order to figure out what was going on and hopefully figure out a way to change us back.

“So… you need to go to Chicago?”

I nodded my head as I looked to my right. Shay sat right behind me on the sofa; getting comfortable as his sister was standing next to mom and Alex was behind her on the chair she was by. For some reason though, it felt like Shay was either hugging me or tickling me around my waist.

“Shay, can you please not do that? It just feels awkward.”

He looks at me, almost like a little kid with puppy dog eyes and just whined a little. “But your tail’s so soft…”

Wait a minute… Tail?

I turned around to realize what he was exactly doing. But more importantly, what just happened. I just grew a wolf tail and now he’s cuddling it like a teddy bear. Despite how “Cute” this might be to some people, I honestly did not expect myself to grow a fluffy wolf tail. In front of my mother no less.

“Okay… that’s new.” My brother commented. “I’m going to look up flights to Chicago on my Kindle and get back to you guys in a second.” He went off into the den like the cats when they were chasing a laser when we used the laser pointer on them. Speaking of the cats, both Charger and Capital saw my tail as a new cat toy as they whacked at it whenever I had my back turned to them. Both Mom and Chloe saw it as a bit comical while Shay thought it would’ve been better if I tried moving my tail to give them more of a challenge. I honestly did not know how the hell I was supposed to move a freaking tail!

Then Alex came out of the den with a long expression on his face. “Guys, I got some bad news.”

“Define Bad news.” Chloe stated.

“Bad as in all flights to Chicago are either booked or cancelled due to the amount of air traffic going on and the rush making it near impossible to get there.”

Now that was bad. We needed to go to Chicago, but couldn’t do it by air. A train ride would take too damn long and driving a car would be even longer. We needed a new plan and fast. That’s when I got a thought inside my head when I looked at the Sports page Alex was reading and seeing an NFL player on the front cover; Andrew Luck of the Indianapolis Colts.

“Hmm… What about Indianapolis?”


“Indiana is next door to Illinois and if Chicago is full with traffic, then why don’t we fly to Indianapolis and then just drive over after that? Chloe, you and me have a driver’s license so we can drive a rental car to Chicago and stop for gas every once in a while and split the cost when we get hungry. How does that sound?”

Shay himself was immediately onboard with the idea. Chloe was hesitant at first, but soon followed suite. Alex himself, after spending some time thinking, thought it would work. But he then reminded everyone that mom had the final say in all of this.

‘Well, of course she does. She’s the parent. Therefore, we must RESPECT HER AUTHORITY!”

*Sigh* …… You’re killing me, Brain.

“I’m okay with it…”

Okay, that was quick. Possibly too quick for someone like my mother. She usually took her time in thinking her answers before saying them.

“However, I’m letting you guys go there because I’m trusting you in the fact that you would be able to take care of yourselves on your own. Just make sure to call me though. I don’t want you to make your father and I worry about you.”

“Okay, mom.”

“Additionally, all of you guys should take some time to pack your things and get ready. We’re going to make sure you guys go out on the first flight to Indianapolis tonight.”

I spent quite some time packing a week’s worth of clothes, toiletries, and other things that I would need as we prepared for the trip. Some of these things included my wallet with some cash, the tool that Rufus gave me, my laptop bag, 3DS, and my phone’s charging cable. I added some reading material in the form of books and magazines in my bag as well for if I wanted to rest my eyes.

We had gotten the tickets for a 7:00pm flight out of San Diego to Indianapolis and all of us around now were ready to go. Alex had gotten everything he needed as well as Chloe and Shay when they stopped by their house. They also left a note for their mother since she was working late tonight, so now we were able to get on the road.

After having to stop at an In-n-out drive thru for dinner first. Why we almost forgot about dinner? I honestly have no idea.

Anyways, after driving on the highway for about twenty minutes, we soon pulled up to the airport and that’s when everyone got out. I hugged mom and kissed her goodbye as she drove off. For some reason, it felt like that would be the last time I was going to see her for a while.

‘Dude, you really need to lighten up. It’s not like the end of the world.’

Brain… For the love of all things holy, can you please think BEFORE YOU FREAKING SAY ANYTHING!?!

‘Sorry. No can do.’

Well, at least I tried.

Going inside, we got ourselves checked in and our bags checked out. A few TSA screenings later, we soon were on our way in the same direction along with a few other people who had these changes affecting them too. Some with horns. Some with ears. Some with wings. Others with things that I personally had no clue what they were supposed to be. But at least we managed for right now.

Getting onboard the Southwest Airlines flight we needed, the four of us got split up to where I was stuck with Shay and Chloe was stuck with my brother. To make things even weirder, Chloe and Alex had to sit next to a couple with a young child who was freaking out over Alex’s horns and playing with Chloe’s ears. Shay and I, though were in a more comfortable position as I sat nearby the window and he sat next to me.

“Hey Raven?”

“Yes Shay?”

“Do you think Alex and Sis will be okay back there?”

“I hope so,” I told him, sighing a little as he snuggled up a little and fell asleep. He was hugging my tail again… and looked so DAMN CUTE! After mentally punching myself in the throat, I took a picture with my phone and decided to send it to Chloe. She would probably get a kick out of her little brother still acting like a child again. A waitress came by my seat a few minutes later, offering us drinks. I asked for a Sprite and a bottle of Water for Shay when he eventually up. He was tired.

We all were tired. It had been one long, stressful day.

When I woke up again, I found myself in a similar dream to the one I had this morning. But this time, in a different setting. I look around to try and get myself familiar with where I was. It was a forest and in a clearing aboveground, I could see the moon’s light shine through. It took me a couple of minutes, but I soon recognized the area.

Everfree Forest.

Rufus himself step into the open clearing from behind a bush as I walked on over. He smirked a little when he saw my tail and the marks on my body. Almost like he was laughing or just plain amused. I personally thought that he was enjoying the fact that I was going to turn into him. But it didn’t seem like the case. “So, how do you feel with the tail and everything?”

“A bit weird at first, but for the most part alright.” I answered honestly. “Can I ask you something though?”

“Sure. Anything.”

“It’s about these marks actually… I believe I’m starting to get your powers.”

“Ah yes.” The Wolf answered back. “I saw a glimpse of when your Aura was awakened when you ran into that thug earlier in the day.”

“Yes I know, but how exactly do I control it?” I then asked him. “I know that I came up with the power, but I still want to know how I can control it so that way I don’t hurt anyone I’m with.” The wolf smiled. Not a creepy like smile, but a smile of satisfaction. This was followed by him howling with laughter.

“My friend, controlling it reflects on you. Since you concentrated earlier, you were able to channel your aura into your palm when you were struggling against that criminal. Aura is like a blank canvas and your mind is the paintbrush. All you need to do is picture something inside your head and you can create it. The same goes for the tool I gave you as well.”

At that moment, I took out what he gave me before the last time we met. Deciding to follow his instructions, I began to focus. I could feel the flow of my power flowing around me like wind as it took root. Then, I thought about a blade. Like a Katana’s edge. The Aura took form around the hand that held the tool and soon created the weapon I pictured. It even functioned like one when I cut a small twig in half.

“That tool is Latros.” Rufus told me as he came closer. “It means Hunter. You picture any weapon and channel your Aura into it and it will take form. As for yourself, picturing different forms or shapes will allow you to conjure those forms of energy. However, you must remember that the more you use this, the more stamina you use. So you must rest sometimes after you use these gifts.”

I thank him kindly, but then heard something move in the background. It caused a murder of crows to fly away out of the trees and Rufus himself got tense. He turned around, snarling a little at what was behind him. Before even I can do anything, I heard him say one last thing before he blasted me with a flash of light.

“Go! Run-!!”

Wednesday, October 9th 4:55am

I woke up rapidly like I had been sleeping through a nightmare. God, my body felt very sore after falling asleep in a chair with my tail getting gripped by Shay the “King of Snuggling”. Speaking of which, I wonder how he was this morning. I turned around to see him, rubbing my eyes so I can see clearly.

But he wasn’t there. All that was there was an empty seat.

‘Hit the panic button!!! We got a twelve year old on the loose!!!!’

I was now nervous. But for some reason, I felt something moving around in the pockets of my jacket. Reaching in, I felt something grab hold of my finger like it was a hamster. But when I pulled my hand out, what I found was something completely different.

Shay. Still dressed. Now the size of the palm of my hand.

‘Honey!! I shrunk the kids!!!’


“Oh… Hey Raven.”

“Shay, what the hell happened?” I asked him in a whisper, trying to not wake anyone else up that was onboard the plane.

“I… shrunk.”

“I know that. But why did you shrink?”

“Well, my character is a breezie and-.”

That was when a pair of dragonfly like wings came out of his back. Good lord, I felt like I had a small miniature version of Navi. Just less annoying.

‘More like he’s Issun and You’re Amaterasu if you get a sex change.’


Well, this is just great. We’re in midair, my best friends little brother just shrunk on me and now he has wings. How can this get any worse?

“Attention passengers. We are now arriving in Indianapolis, Indiana. Please stay in your seats and do not get up until we have fully landed. Thank you and we hope you have had a nice flight.”

Oh Luna, why does life always have to throw curveballs at me?

End Chapter 3

Author's Note:

And now we hit the road. In total, our bad of misfits contains a wolf, a dragon pony, a fox pony, and a Breezie that like snuggling against the Wolf's tail. Now if we could only make it in time before anything else gets out of hand.

Hope you guys like it.