• Published 19th Jan 2015
  • 6,856 Views, 275 Comments

The Unbinding - awesomesauce4

Isaac escapes the Basement, only to find that the world has changed significantly since his absence...

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Chapter 18: Exploration

“So, what happens now?” Luna asked nervously, gazing up at her son. Isaac chuckled.

“Now?” He replied, standing up. “I’m going to go end this, once and for all.” With a wave of his hand, the Chest materialized in front of him. Isaac pushed up the lid of the toy chest, revealing an inky black, improbably sized hole in the bottom.

“Isaac, wait!” Luna cried as Isaac put a foot in. He looked at her curiously. “Please come back safe,” Luna begged.

Isaac smiled. “Of course I will,” he soothed.

Without further hesitation, the Godling jumped down, into the familiar depths below.

--Basement I--

Isaac landed with a thump, and sat up uncomfortably. He looked around. It was a normal Basement floor, no sign of the strange fire he had encountered in his dreams. Extending his silvery, gossamer wings, he got to his feet, feeling distinctly strange in this new body. The Treasure Room was directly above him, its enticingly gold door beckoning him in. Isaac decided to see what it was, and stepped into the room. He was already extremely powerful, having absorbed the Body, the Mind, and the Soul into his body before entering this place, and as such had no need of any more Items. However, he could not deny his curiosity.

To his surprise, there was nothing there. The Treasure Room was simply empty, as though someone had taken the item and left. But who could have done so? Isaac shrugged, and continued onward.

The Basement was empty – not a single monster in sight. What was going on? Everything he knew about this place had changed – and worse yet, the Mind wasn’t telling him anything. Isaac wandered until he came across the Boss Room, the hazy red glow urging him forward. Now feeling somewhat anxious, Isaac stepped in.

To his surprise, the room was occupied. Very occupied. It seemed as though every Basement Guardian had decided to take up the sole, cramped room. The Duke of Flies, Pin, and a single massive Larry Jr. were in one corner, and in another were Famine, the Widow and Haunt. Gemini, Steven and the Gurdlings were in the center. For a moment, they didn’t notice Isaac, but then he took a single step forward. Instantly, they all turned to face him, leering stupidly as they prepared for battle. Isaac simply held up a hand, and a beam of purest pink energy shot out of it. Homing towards every single Guardian, it quickly destroyed every single one. Isaac allowed himself a small smile, watching his newfound immense powers. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad.

--Basement II--

Isaac traversed through the second floor of the Basement. Once again, the Item for the floor had been taken, and no monsters were present. It was unsettling. He came across a lone key, and decided to visit the Shop. Backtracking across a few rooms with moving spikes – perhaps the only serious hazard in this odd run – Isaac held the key up to the Shop door, and it disappeared into the lock as the door opened.
He stepped inside to find a curious sight. There were no Shopkeepers, and all the items on the floor were free. Isaac looked curiously at a ‘0 ¢’ sign, before remembering Charity’s gift to him. Smiling, Isaac stepped forward and picked up the Stopwatch. The power to control time… how powerful did he need to be?

Traversing through the rest of the Basement, he came across a large room. Isaac couldn’t make out anyone in it, but he could hear whispering from a corner. Hiding behind a rock, Isaac peeked out to find the strangest sight.

A familiar dark gray unicorn sat in the corner, weeping. The Crystal King had gone a long way from what Isaac remembered: His armor was tattered and tarnished, his horn was cracked, and his mane and tail were dusty.

“Hello?” Isaac curiously called.

Sombra didn’t even turn around, muttering to himself. “I never meant it… I’m sorry, I won’t hurt you again… please… please…” he mumbled, barely audible.

Isaac walked up, and put a hand on his head. “Are you okay?” Isaac asked quietly.

Sombra fell silent, still weeping. “I’m the new Wrath,” he sniffled, the soft, sad tone contrasting heavily with his gruff voice. “I have to fight you…” and here he prostrated himself on the ground, bowing low to Isaac, who stepped back in shock. “Please don’t hurt me! I don’t want to go through millions of years of torture, I can’t, please!”

Isaac surveyed the fallen King for a moment, then swept him up in a hug, Sombra gasping in surprise. “You don’t have to,” Isaac whispered. “B-but – he said he’d torture me if I d-didn’t, and then the other one came along-“ Sombra blubbered, but Isaac put a finger to his lips.

“I’m here to offer you a third option. Will you come with me?” he asked.

Sombra looked up at him for a while. “Will it hurt?” the King asked quietly.

Isaac laughed. “Not at all. I think you’ll like it.”

Sombra looked at the floor, then back at Isaac. “V… very well. I t-trust you,” Sombra quietly muttered.

Isaac placed his palm upon Sombra’s forehead, and his third eye opened wide as Sombra began to glow. His form glowed brighter and brighter, as Isaac poured Love energy into him. By the time he was finished, Sombra stood tall, a smile on his face. His armor had been reshaped into a softer, smoother form, curling lines radiating out from an etched heart in the center. His horn was fixed, as straight and lined as any other unicorn’s.

“Who… am I?” the new Sombra wondered out loud. Isaac smiled, and took him in for another hug, which Sombra gladly returned.

“Welcome, Kindness,” Isaac answered. “Welcome to my family.”

The two traversed through the rest of the Basement, Kindness almost constantly smiling. “Are there more of us?” he asked, as they came into the empty Boss Room, the trapdoor opening as they entered.

Isaac grinned. “Just Generosity so far… but I aim to fix that,” he remarked, and Kindness chuckled.

--Caves I--

The two landed in Caves I without event. Kindness flinched as a drop of water hit him on the nose, laughing a moment later as he realized it was only water. Isaac smiled at his antics, and they ventured onward.

“What do you think will be waiting for us?” Kindness asked after a while.

Isaac shrugged. “Everything they can throw at us,” he answered after a moment of thinking. Kindness paled, and Isaac laughed and clapped him on the back. “Relax!” he soothed. “I will protect you.” Isaac continued onward, and Kindness stared at him in shock before shaking his head and following.

Suddenly, there was a giggle behind them. Isaac turned around, but saw nothing. Kindness had noticed it too, though he was more nervous.

“What… was that?” the unicorn whispered.

“No idea…” Isaac answered. Shouldn’t the Mind allow him to know everything?

They continued through the first half of the Caves without much happening. Upon encountering the Treasure Room, Isaac peeked inside to find yet another item had been taken. Curiously, a new object was in the room, despite not being on the Item Pedestal. It had an appearance like a cross between a Donation Machine and a Gambling Machine, and was labeled ‘Restock’. Curious, Isaac approached it, only to find that nothing happened.

“Maybe it needs a coin to activate?” Kindness wondered, having entered the room as well.

Isaac shrugged. “I haven’t found any Coins so far…” he replied curiously.

Kindness smiled, and pulled out a Dime that had apparently been hidden in his hair. He inserted it into the coin slot, and pulled the lever. To their disappointment, nothing happened.

“You’ll need an Item in the same room for that machine to work, Lord Isaac and Sir Kindness,” a soft female voice greeted them.

Isaac and Kindness whipped around to spot the newcomer casually leaning against the wall. At first, Isaac thought he was seeing Eve – but that was ridiculous, Eve was already fused back into his soul. The Child’s bloodred hair and dripping, blindfolded eyes were further clues that this was someone new.

“Who are you?” Isaac inquired. Some part of him felt like he recognized this Child… but how? The demon, for her part, merely chuckled.

“You may address me as Lady Lilith… and my partner, the Incubus.” A small, vaguely birdlike familiar swooped out from behind her, emitting the same giggle Isaac had heard earlier.

“Lord-God! Godlord, good lord, Lord good?” the strange creature cackled, beak upturning in what Isaac assumed was a smile as it finished its question.

Lilith smiled. “Quite so, my dear.” With that, she gestured for them to follow, and Isaac and Kindness looked at each other in consternation as they reluctantly obeyed.

“I have been keeping the monsters of this place… occupied, shall we say, while the rest of you had your adventure,” Lilith informed him as they walked.

“Occupied, occudied!” the Incubus added.

“Indeed,” Lilith finished. “But tell me, Lord Isaac. What do you remember of your past life? And not here. Before here,” the she-demon clarified, gesturing around at the damp Cave walls.

“Um. Not much,” Isaac answered.

Lilith frowned. “Perhaps that is for the best,” she murmured. For a moment, she fell silent. “Do you like your mother?” she suddenly asked.

Unnerved, Isaac slowly nodded. “She was mean, but… she was my mother. We are talking about my human Mom, right?” he added, and Lilith silently nodded.

“I know of no other,” she reminded him. “And it is interesting, that you choose to love her despite her not returning such.” Isaac, not knowing what to say, remained silent. “Motherhood is… important,” Lilith muttered. “From the smallest rodent to the largest elephant, each has a mother. And the mother must always protect the child,” the Matron added, her red hair swaying from side to side as she appeared to ponder aloud.

They came to the Boss Room, and it was empty once more. “Isaac…” Lilith voiced after a moment of silence.

“Yes?” Isaac asked, feeling awkward. He felt as though Lilith did not drop her ‘Sirs’ and ‘Madams’ lightly.

“You must hurry,” she whispered. “Tarry not, for only a half-hour may pass before our opportunity is lost forever. Hurry!” she shouted, all of a sudden, startling Isaac. He set off into a run, Kindness galloping to keep up, and as they dove through the trapdoor to the next floor, all Isaac heard was the squawks of the Incubus behind him.

“Hurry! Hurry! And above all, worry!”

Lilith watched them go for a moment, as twin trails of red made their way down her face.

“Mother? What’s wrong, Mother?” the Incubus asked.

“N-nothing,” Lilith answered.

She crossed the Boss Room to a rock, which she carefully lifted to reveal a small, heart-shaped locket and a glowing blue hourglass. Sniffing slightly, the Matron opened it to reveal a photo of Isaac and his mother, smiling, as the former hugged the latter tightly.

“Was it worth it?” Lilith murmured. She carefully removed her blindfold, and bloodred eyes gazed up at the black ceiling. After a moment, she seemed to have found her answer. “It’s for those tears I died…” she whispered, before the hourglass activated, and she disappeared.

--Flooded Caves II--

They landed in Caves II with a thump, Kindness sitting up with a groan.

“What was up with her?” he wondered.

“I do not know,” Isaac answered. “She seemed worried.”

Inside, he was mainly worried about who Lilith was. He knew he was complete: Every part of his Soul was accounted for. So, who was the Matron? How did she fit into all of this?

They came to the next Treasure Room, and once again it was empty. Isaac was beginning to suspect a theme. Exiting the room, the two skirted spikes and pits before coming to a strangely marked room. ‘ISAAC’ was scrawled above the door in rough letters, rather reminding Isaac of his own childhood script. He looked at Kindness, who bemusedly gazed back. “Well, I do believe I should enter,” Isaac joked, and Kindness stared at him a moment more before laughing.

To Isaac’s surprise, it was a Bedroom, the sole, neatly made bed in the corner occupied by a lone, gray figure. Isaac grimaced as he approached the familiar face.

“Hello, Pride,” he uttered, and Pride looked over at him. Tear tracks marred the Sin’s once-spotless visage, and there were cuts and bruises all over his gray body. Nonetheless, Pride readied himself into a battle stance as soon as he caught sight of Isaac.

“You again,” Pride snarled. “Haven’t you done enough? Look at me. I’m ruined. I look like… I look like you!” Pride burst out, sobbing and falling backward onto the bed.

Kindness glared at Pride, who wasn’t paying attention as he continued to pity himself. Isaac simply rolled his eyes, walked forward, and placed his palm on Pride’s head. Once again, there was a bright glow.

When Isaac sat back, Pride had changed significantly. He had transformed into an earth pony, for one thing, though he had no Cutie Mark. His coat was now a pristine shade of white, the injuries and cuts from before having faded to only memory. His mane and tail were a familiar shade of gray, and his eyes sparkled green.

“Who are you?” Isaac asked.

“I… I…” the new being stammered, before lowering his head. “I’m nobody important.”

Isaac smiled, cupping the pony’s chin in his hand and gently lifting it so that they gazed eye-to-eye. “You are Honesty,” Isaac decided, and hugged the new pony tightly. “Welcome to my family.”

Honesty followed them outside, blinking with surprise as he stepped into the Flooded Caves. “So… that’s it? I get to be part of… whatever you’re doing?” he asked. Isaac nodded. “But… why?” Honesty continued. “What have I done to deserve it?”

Isaac smiled. “Nothing at all,” he answered. “That’s why I gave this role to you. I want to see you prove you can do it – not to me, but to yourself.”

Honesty was silent for a moment. “I… I’ll try…” he mumbled.

Kindness bumped him on the shoulder. “You won’t just try. You’ll succeed, I know it,” the gray unicorn encouraged. Honesty gave him a small smile.

They came to the Boss Room, and Isaac motioned for his two followers to stay behind.

“But we can’t just leave you!” Kindness protested.

Isaac laughed. “I’ll be fine,” he dismissed. “Just stay safe.” With that, he stepped into the Boss Room, and the door shut.

Isaac gazed around at all the Guardians that surrounded him. They all glared back, wary of making the first move. “Peace?” he suggested, and they appeared surprised. However, they were apparently unconvinced, and readied their attack. Isaac shrugged, and raised his palms. “Worth a try,” he muttered under his breath.