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Metal Gear Pony

'Sorry, my alien friend. For my master I shall do what I must,' mused Royal Chronicler as they made themself comfortable against one of the nearby trees of the Everfree Forest. Having spent almost a week in Everfree Forest Royal Chronicler felt at peace in the dangerous and strange woods. As they sat in the dark, overlooking the little cottage, their eyes wondered towards the stars above, 'As far as missions go, this isn't too bad.' Royal Chronicler traced the waves of dust and stars in the heavens and found themselves entranced, “Can't get a view like this in Canterlot, that's for sure.”

As they lost themself in the stars above, the bottom floor of the nearby cottage began to glow with an unearthly teal glow, the same one Royal Chronicler had seen every night since they had been there. 'Alright, just what is that thing doing?' growled Royal Chronicler as they rose from their roost. While their caution and unease about their quarry had kept them at a respectable distance, Royal Chronicler could no longer let this go. They had to investigate. Taking a moment to ensure their hooded cloak was secure and their mask in its proper place, preparing themself to investigate

With Prince Blueblood's words still fresh in their mind, Royal Chronicler prepared to move, 'Now, how to avoid detection?' After they surveyed the landscape, Royal Chronicler weighed their options, 'Direct approach? No, too much open ground...How about the creek?' Cautiously stepping out from the border of the Everfree Forest, Royal Chronicler made their way to the creek. Peering over the banks of the creek, they examined the ice. It appeared strong enough, but having trained their entire life for missions like this, Royal Chronicler knew better than to trust things on first glance.

'Let's take this slow,' thought Royal Chronicler as they place a single hoof upon the ice and pressed down hard. The ice held. Seeing the ice had remained strong they pressed hard again but with two hooves instead of one. The ice held. 'Alright,' mussed Royal Chronicler as they spread their hooves, and their weight, across the ice, 'seems sturdy, let's hope it holds.'

Calling upon all their years of training and experience, Royal Chronicler took the first step down their long trek from their place in the woods to the little cottage; well tried may have been a better way of saying it. “Whoooooaaaaaaa!!” screamed Royal Chronicler as their hooves got caught in their cloak and sent them sliding down the frozen creek.

Royal Chronicler tried their best to stop themself only to send themself further out of control. "Crap, crap, crap!" thought Royal Chronicler as they closed in on the bridge down the way. Despite their continual flailing, Royal Chronicler's race to the bridge ended with a fast and heavy thud, and a snowy burial afterward.

“Thank Luna no one saw that...” groaned Royal Chronicler as they dug themself out of the snow and ice.

'That was just pathetic,' came a voice in Royal Chronicler's mind.

Royal Chronicler buried their face further into their hooves, 'Hello...dad.'

Royal Chronicler's response came in the form of a sigh, 'What did I teach you all those years ago?'

Royal Chronicler sighed deeply before thinking, 'See your target, but don't be seen. Know your target without being known.'I know, I know, but you have to admit this mission isn't like other missions.'

'No!' screamed Royal Chronicler's father, 'The only thing different about this mission is the target, that's it. Treat this mission as you would any other...and if you make a mistake like that again and I'll make you go through your training all over again, from day one!'

Recalling the horrors of their training, Royal Chronicler shivered before saluting, 'Yes, sir! I won't let you down!'

'Just don't let yourself down...' there was a slight pause before their father spoke again, 'My little shadow.' Royal Chronicler smiled as they felt the magical connection between them and their father dissipate.

“Love you too dad,” whispered Royal Chronicler as they walked up to the cottage. Peering through the window they had just assaulted, Royal Chronicler looked and saw the creature sleeping on the simple couch, its legs on a small coffee table. Because the creature was tossing and turning, and also the distance between them, Royal Chronicler couldn't see its face.

'Now to get inside,' thought Royal Chronicler as they checked the window for security devices, and once satisfied simply lifted the window and crawled inside. Royal Chronicler scanned the room and made sure their entrance went unnoticed.

Once inside Royal Chronicler went about their business, 'Alright, let's take this nice and slow, prioritize advanced technology and information available. Next, detailed analysis of the creature.' Royal Chronicler went about the house and found it to be fairly standard: a few decorative knickknacks scattered around, pieces of furniture, a few bookshelves, and other household items, 'I have to give the pegasus credit, she's got good taste. Though all the bird houses and animal staircases are a little much.'

As Royal Chronicler found themself distracted by the hanging birdhouses, their hoof accidentally fell upon a strange device that began blasting music throughout the house, 'Oh no! Oh crap, how do I shut this thing off!?' While Royal Chronicler tried desperately to quell the strange device all they managed to do was make either the music louder or to make it play different; sometimes louder, music.

'Oh please, oh please, just stop making noise!' cried Royal Chronicler as so more noise started echoing throughout the house; coming from upstairs, 'Oh come on!' As the sounds grew closer, Royal Chronicler began to panic, 'Crap! Crap! Crap! Crap!' Just then the creature thrashed violently and one of its paws landed hard on the floor, caughting Royal Chronicler's attention. Striking inspiration Royal Chronicler batted the musical device to the slumbering alien and hid amongst one of the darker corners of the room; just behind one of the larger chairs.

No sooner had their tale whipped behind the chair, than did lights flood the room, “What's that noise?” groaned the obviously tired pegasus to whom the cottage belonged.

'Oh, nothing, just me making quite possibly the dumbest mistake in my entire career,' thought Royal Chronicler as they watched the pegasus trot over to the sleeping creature.

The pegasus meanwhile found the strange device resting under the alien's paws and smiled sweetly. Taking the small device into her hooves, the pegasus turned the thing over and lightly tapped the center, silencing it.

'Well...now I feel like an idiot...' groaned Royal Chronicler as the pegasus laid the device onto a nearby coffee table.

“There we go, nice and quiet,” the pegasus stopped to chuckle, “Not the you would hear it, huh John?”

Royal Chronicler quirked an eyebrow but remained silent, making a quick mental note on the alien's name. The pegasus looked over John for a few moments before hovering into the kitchen. When the pegasus returned she held in her hooves a damp cloth and began administrating it to John's brow, “You poor thing,” whispered the pegasus after hearing John whimpering a bit.

Thanks to the pegasus' help, John seemed to stabilized; even its flailing stopped. John's last bit of moment left it curled up in a fetal position half covered in a sleeping bag, with a big smile on its face, leaving both Royal Chronicler and the pegasus smiling. 'Has a bit of...strange charm to it, doesn't it?'

“Why are you always so restless?” asked the pegasus as she covered John with the very large sleeping bag. “I wish I could help you...” the pegasus lend in close and placed a soft kiss on John's forehead. “Hopefully that will help some,” the pegasus' face became bright red and she quickly raced upstairs afterward, barely turning off the lights in her mad dash.

As their eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room again, Royal Chronicler contemplated what they had learned and saw, 'Okay, the alien's name is John. Judging from its voice and the pegasus'...actions, it’s male.'

Making sure the coast was clear Royal Chronicler emerged from behind the chair and silently moved towards the coffee table with the musical device resting quietly and picked it back up, placing it in one of their pockets. 'It's not much, but certainly better than nothing, besides I'm sure Lord Prince Blueblood can find a use for it.' With their main objective complete; if barely, Royal Chronicler sighed in relief and looked at the now smiling John.

As Royal Chronicler watched John sleeping the teal light flashed brightly and they suddenly felt themselves growing incredibly tired. “What now...” mumbled Royal Chronicler as they slothfully stumbled back behind the chair they had been before, managing to hide themself again before slumping to the ground. As soon as they fell asleep, Royal Chronicler began to glow a bright teal, just like John.

Where the teal light left John dreaming about the end of the world, with fire raining down from the heavens and zombies overtaking the Earth, Royal Chronicler's was completely different. “Where am I?” asked Royal Chronicler as they woke up and looked around. Where previously they had been in a cottage just outside the town they found themselves in a large bed, surrounded by satin curtains and wonderful marble pillars. Looking themself over, they were no longer wearing their hooded black robe or mask, but instead were clad in a toga, plain and white.

Pushing past the curtains Royal Chronicler looked around the room. Besides a few aroma candles, and a large crystal chandelier, the room was empty, with a single door leading out of the room. “...what's going on?” whimpered Royal Chronicler as they retreated back behind the curtains.

As Royal Chronicler sat confused, a faint voice could be heard coming from behind the curtains.

“...come to me...” The voice, while faint and fairly creepy, seemed to give movement to Royal Chronicler's hooves, almost as if controlling their body.

Following the strange voice, Royal Chronicler rose from the bed and left the room behind them, and walked down a large hallway whose end was beyond their sight. As they journeyed down the hallway they began to take notice of the beautifully rendered stained glass murals on either side.

“Huh...these windows...why are they all of John's kind?” whispered Royal Chronicler as they kept going, their eyes wandering the windows as they passed. At first Royal Chronicler just looked upon the window panes with an appreciative glance, but over the length of their trek they began noticing tiny changes. Where at first the paintings showed a group of creatures like John wearing nothing, but tastefully covered through foliage, and running in open meadows with a large silhouette in the background, over time the paintings moved past the prancing creatures and towards the silhouette.

Gradually the silhouette took up more and more of the paintings and became more defined. In the end Royal Chronicler could see another of John's kind except, “Something doesn't feel quite right...” said Royal Chronicler as they focused on the image. The creature was massive in scope, with skin and eyes of shimmering gold, seating upon a throne adrift in clouds. Probably the most off putting thing about the whole image was what the creature was holding in its paws; a crude scythe.

When Royal Chronicler turned away from the image they found themself standing at the end of the hallway they spent so long wandering. “Finally,” sighed Royal Chronicler before they turned to see just how far they traveled, “T...that's not possible...” When they looked back they found themself standing at the cusp of the bedroom, not a mere ten or so feet from the bed they woke up on.

Before they could focus too heavily on the sight before them, the voice returned; louder and more convincing, “Please...come to me...you must hurry...there...isn't...much time...” Choosing the strange voice over the strange disappearing hallway, Royal Chronicler turned and galloped; nearly running off a cliff to their death.

“Sweet Luna!” screamed Royal Chronicler before the sight before them solidified in their mind, “...wow...” Looking over the edge of the cliff, Royal Chronicler saw a sprawling city overlaying a massive island. The city was partitioned into three sections, with moats and walls separated each section, with a single channel lined with bridges intersecting each of the sections leading to the mountain on which Royal Chronicler was standing on top of. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't see anypony walking the streets, “Is the city deserted? Why?”

“Please hurry!” came the voice again, pulling Royal Chronicler from their thoughts, “Behind you!”

When they turned around Royal Chronicler could see a massive temple atop a large staircase. Running up the stairs more of the temple could be seen. It was simple, circular in shape with a ring of smaller cylindrical stones leading to three massive pillars, with the one in the center standing taller than the other two, and with a small wall in the center. When Royal Chronicler entered the ring of stones they could see a stone sitting in the center. The stone was large and had the image of a net carved on its side and a light glowing brightly from its top.

“Touch the stone!” called the voice, the light pulsing with each word.

“This better be legit...” mumbled Royal Chronicler as they placed their hoof on the stone. The stone began to glow brightly and soon exploded into a ball of fire, “For crying out loud!”

“Be calm,” came the voice, “I won't harm you.” When Royal Chronicler looked through the flames they saw a snow white unicorn stallion, with a mane of brilliant yellow, clad in brilliant golden armor and on his back a bow with a quiver full of arrows covering his cutie mark.

“Lord Prince Blueblood?” asked Royal Chronicler before dropping into a sweeping bow.

A chuckle brought Royal Chronicler's attention back up the stallion before them, “While the bowing isn't new, the mistaken identity is. Arise, Royal Chronicler. While I cannot tell you my name rest assured that I am not your master. He is a pathetic scoundrel beneath my notice, and beneath yours for that matter.”

Not used to hearing anypony insult their lord, Royal Chronicler didn't process what the stallion had said. “What do you mean?”

“It doesn't matter,” said the stallion absently, “besides, as I said there isn't much time.” Throughout the conversation the stallion had a calm; almost cocky, demeanor about him, but that quickly changed when thunder rumbled in the distance. Immediately his face became fearful and he began to shake.

“Listen well! A great and powerful darkness is coming to your world and the boy sleeping on the couch is your best chance at defeating it.” The rolling thunder roared once again and dark clouds could be seen stretching towards the them from the distant horizon.

“What's going on?!” asked Royal Chronicler, seeing the storms moving without pegasi to guide it.

“My father is coming,” explained the stallion, looking more fearful by the second, “he's forbidden me from aiding you and I cannot actively disobey him; the Styx does not abide falsehoods. But when you came in contact with the magic linking the boy to my chosen disciple, it gave me an opportunity to act.” A bolt of lightning lashed forth from the clouds and struck the small wall, smashing it to dust. “Listen carefully!” screamed the stallion, “The child of iron, born of chaos, must seek out the anchor and bring the darkness to a halt. You, blessed children of gold, must help him and rally behind him, lending your purity to strengthen his resolve.”

The clouds finally blanketed the area, bloating out the sun, casting a deep shadow across the temple. The clouds began to ripple with lightning and the clouds parted to reveal an elderly stallion, with a long flowing white beard and eyes wreathed in lightning. “The child of iron must seek the anchor held in a vase, in the abyss at the heart of the world. Amidst the denizens of evil; in the womb of chaos!”

The stallion in the sky brought his hooves together and upon pulling them apart, revealed a bolt of pure lightning, which he aimed at Royal Chronicler. “You must awaken! Tell the boy what I've said!” cried the stallion as he shielded them from the bolt cast by the elder stallion above.

“NOOooooooo!!” screamed Royal Chronicler as they awoke on the wood floor of the cottage. No longer were they clad in the white toga, but were once again in their robes and mask. Their chest heaved and they could feel their heart racing. They laid still trying to catch their breath when the lights came on.

“Who's there!?” asked the pegasus as she hovered over towards John, still sleeping quietly on the couch. Still feeling the adrenaline from their dream, and not in their right mind, Royal Chronicler sprang up off the ground and looked towards the pegasus; who returned the gaze fearfully. “Who are you!?” Catching themselves, Royal Chronicler didn't speak but instead made for the door, only to be cut off by the pegasus, “On no you don't!”

Thinking fast, Royal Chronicler ran upstairs, 'Get upstairs and jump out the first window!' Running up the stairs with the pegasus in hot pursuit, Royal Chronicler stumbled and hit their head against a large bookshelf, sending a cascade of books raining down on the pair of ponies. Royal Chronicler covered their head with their hooves and only to yell when something heavy hit their wrist. 'Ow! What in Equestria! Wait, what is that?'

Looking briefly at the heavy object, Royal Chronicler grabbed it with their magic and placed it in one of their many pockets, alongside the musical device from earlier. The pegasus was trying to pull themselves out of the pile of book, giving Royal Chronicler the time needed to make their break for the window.

Just as they reached the window and opened it, a loud series of thuds could be heard coming from the stairs, risking a momentary glance, Royal Chronicler turned to see John, half asleep and confused; rubbing his head. This quickly changed however after he saw the pegasus under the pile of books, which his sleepy face was replaced with a cold vengeful glare, and said only one word as he picked up the pegasus. “Run...” John spoke barely over a whisper but the intent was clear, whatever he was planning to do to them would not end well.

Royal Chronicler took a leap and hit the snow running, tucking into a roll to avoid needing to stop. Forgoing any attempt at stealth, Royal Chronicler cut through the field in between the cottage and the Everfree forest, running as fast as their hooves would carry them. When they breached the border of the forest, they could see John charging through the snow, taking large strides with the pegasus close behind. Where the pegasus looked worried about John, his sights were locked on Royal Chronicler and his eyes sent a horrified chill up their spine.

Casting a series of quick spells Royal Chronicler kicked up a large blast of snow and ran headlong into the forest, figuring whatever waited in the forest was preferable to facing John; at least they knew what to expect with a Manticore. “You better run!” roared John, his anger fueled voice tearing through the serene quiet of the night.

Charging through the woods, Royal Chronicler didn't stop until they came to the mouth of a cave in on of the cliff faces in the forest. After days of staying awake, and the night's wild events, Royal Chronicler was tired; both mentally and physically. 'I...I...must...sleep... No! Report first, sleep second.'

Taking a quick minute to catch their breath, Royal Chronicler channeled their magic and sent a message; ignoring the sounds encroaching upon them. “Home Base...come in home base?”

'This is Prince Blueblood, do you have anything to report?'

“Yes my master,” moaned Royal Chronicler, “I was spotted by the alien, otherwise known as John. Continual observations of John, has been aborted.” Royal Chronicler panted before continuing, not see the club rising behind them, “Primary objective, retrieval of advance technologies, has been a...” The crack of the club rang out into the darkness of the cave as Royal Chronicler hit the ground, blood trickling from the back of their head and following upon the earth; which drank eagerly of it.