• Published 14th Jan 2015
  • 453 Views, 4 Comments

one last mission - RC

A pirate thef stole the elements and now its up to the nightfall pirates to get them back.

  • ...

chapter 1, backstory

Author's Note:

Sorry for the dialog heavy chapter. But hey, saves room for later.

*spitfire calls the wonder bolts her crew because she misses her past.
*ol' cook'e would treat them to a stew made of beef rabbit, and vegetables, hence why they where so strong as they grew up.

Chapter 1, the beginning

As twilight studied the latest of her assignments she reminisced of a time when she was free to roam the grand line and the open seas, of a time when her friends were not put in new and odd jobs as a penance, of a time when she was truly free.

While she reminisced spike was on his way to the basement with the letter that was labeled: For Captain Nightfall's Eyes ONLY. Spike knew that this letter was important, especially as clestia had put that name on it. He found twilight in her basement study, where she had faded into to her memories, no doubt remembering their last time upon the beautiful sea, their true home.

"Twilight, a letter from Clestia. It has the name on it." said spike as twilight returned from her trip down memories lane, with his entrance.

"Thank you spike. Do you think...? No never mind, it’s probably just a fruitless hope." she sighed as she opened the letter. About mid way through her eyes widened and a smile began to grow upon her face. When she reached the bottom of her page she said "Spike. Send the letters. We're back."


As the final customer left her shop for the night rarity looked wistfully out the window remembering her times navigating the tides by just the sun, the moon, and the stars. Now, she just wanted those times back, times where she didn't have to tell the guards that she was going to the practice range and when she was truly free.

During her musings a letter appeared before her, a letter with a familiar seal and ribbon. Rarity began to smile at the sight. 'Looks like it’s time to break out the ol' iron skin.'


After her practice with her crew* spitfire began to relax in her personal quarters. Away from the bustle and bustle of her new day to day life as captain of the wonder bolts. She had new respect for her old love; she had no idea that it was so hard. She simply walked towards her kitchen to make a simple meal. As she entered the kitchen she noticed a letter, a letter she’s been looking forward to since their last trip.

"Aw yeah!"


As the new bloods came into the yard guard trainer eagle eye began his inspection. Each held an air of hope, respect, or arrogance. 'This is going to be a fun batch' "ALRIGHT, ENOUGH CHITCHAT. LISTEN UP I’m only going to say this once. You may have come here with hope to protect equestria, stop pirates, bring honor to your families, and look like a bad ass to the young ones. Well that all fine and good until you take an arrow to the knee, a knives to the back, a blade through the throat, or a cannon ball to the torso. Every one of you probably will end up DEAD if you keep that mind set. Me and my team faced many of opponents with this mindset. And now, each of us have a new job and a new respect for the dead and damaged! You all need""SIR"" hold that thought." eagle turned to the corporal who called to him "yes?"

"Sir, a letter. One with the mark you said to notify you immediately of."

A genuine smile began to forum upon the trainers face "Bout time. Take over for me here and be sure to show these new bloods what happens during fights between ships."



Twilight lead her friends to the train that would take them to port canterlot, where they would meet the prince and princess. She held a giddy grin upon her face, finally after 4 years of acting as a student of the princess she was going to be back in action.

"Twi, ya never told us the princess wanted. Just that ya needed ta head to canterlot." said Applejack.

"Don’t worry AJ, I’ll tell you when we get under way. Oh and Rare, you have lost your touch have you?" "Never." said Rarity with a look that made fluttershy shiver.

Twenty minutes later, after the train got underway, twilight pulled out a letter and began to recite from the page:

Dear Twilight,

I regret to inform you of a theft. The elements of harmony have been stolen from the vault thanks to a theft , all we know of him is that he is a Pegasus with a silver eye, and eye patch, and a black coat & mane.. I need you and your friends to get them back.

We are letting you out on bail with the cost being the elements of harmony. Your ship will be returned and you and your friends will get their possessions back from the armory. We need your help captain. You and your friends are our only hope of returning discord to stone should he break free.


Princess Celestia and Prince Nocturne

"I think we need a back story now. Eh Twi" said Pinkie.

Twilight looked to spike and rarity, hey shared a nod and each lifted their left fore-leg. Twilight dispelled the illusion that she had kept upon herself, rarity, and spike revealing a starburst within a solar eclipse with twin katanas crossed beneath it. A set of colors that hadn't been seen in two years.

"My real name is Twilight Nightfall Andromeda Sparkle. I’m more commonly known as Captain Nightfall. My first mate is elusive gem, or as you know her..." "Rarity Belle" "Yes. She has been my navigator for years. She is also a skilled assassin. Never doubt her skills. She is swift efficient and was ranked number 2 at her former guild.

"Spike here is our sniper, never doubt his capability because of his size, that was a part of his punishment from Celestia, he's not allowed to have access to his horde, normally he is about our height or larger, depends on the cannon we need to use. Dash, you know our chef and wing blade master, fire bolt, or more commonly..." "Spitfire" everyone turned except twilight who was smiling as she had seen her watching them from the back of the car. Spitfire walked over to the group and gave her marefrend a light kiss on the cheek while the others minus elusive and spike gasped at the unexpected sight.

"It's been too long love," said twilight to spitfire
"I've missed you dearly. But there is time for that later, you have some introductions to continue." said spitfire as she bopped Twi on her nose with this statement.

"Tease." complained twilight before she continued "As I was say-"
"WAIT A MINUTE! You’re in a relationship with no other than the captain of the wonder bolts and you didn't tell me!?" said rainbow who was mildly shell shocked by the bomb that was dropped on her head.

"Yes. And if you would let me continue, you would know why I didn't tell you. Anyway, the last member of our crew is eagle eye, a guard trainer in canterlot. We were not the ruthless bastards they made us out to be. In fact we are actually some of the kindest, boldest, and most efficient, you will find out there. We only keep a half of the treasure we get. It is divided equally between the five of us and one quarter put towards fixing the ship. All that left goes to the orphans and widows of those who thought us a opponent who they could best us and refused to yield till the're dead." a far off depressed look appears upon the four pirates before them "each received a proper pirate burial, one worthy of a captain.

"We ruled the sea for years until we where captured by the elite marines of equestria. A branch of the marines who hold ships which travel below the water at speeds that near 20 knots. They hit hard capture the crew unseen and take the ship back to port for the trial of the crew. We where one such crew. Our ship is in dry-dock to keep it safe. We were given roles to help the common citizen and our families. Fire and i are both orphans from the griffon countries; we kept each other safe till we manage to slip aboard a ship. Luckily or unluckily, we boarded the ship of the red baron of the seas." the look of surprise that passed over elusive eyes but quickly was hidden. "Some of you think you know the barons story, but were here to tell you, you’re dead wrong. The red baron was a griffoness who raised me as her own, fire was raised by ol' cook'e the chef. We both were forced to hide our gender from the crew because of an old superstition. Only we three and 'ol cook'e knew our secret. Spitfire here was his apprentice, nothing like a bite of griffon cooking and now I can actually have some prepared like it use to be*. Anyway, we grew up on the sea and learned everything we needed to. Then come the event of 7 years later, an assassin who welds chakrams of steel and gemstone darts boarded our ship during the night and killed my mother while she slept. I saw her and know exactly who it was but I also know of her crimes, Against equestria and the griffon kingdoms. Murder, arson, theft, destruction of private property, and cannibalism to name a few. So I decided I would find that assassin and make them work for us and protect us from the trouble of the land.

"Me and spitfire left after cook'e took an arrow for spitfire, he died before he even hit the ground. Lead to our cutie marks coming simultaneously, spitfire became a burning ball of flame thanks to her consumption of a devil fruit. Mine happened much the same way, except with lighting instead of fire. cook'e gave each of us a 'pick me up' he had found, two devil fruits. he diddnt even know what they where but he know that we needed one tat day. after we ate them spitfire here could control and consume fire and I could control, consume, survive and turn in to lightning at will. No pinkie, I won’t demonstrate. The devil fruit I ate was the goro goro no me. Spitfire ate the meru meru no me."

"ALL OFF FOR CANTERLOT NEXT STOP!" shouted the conductor as he passed through the car, startling all except twilight, spitfire, elusive, and spike each of who had seen him enter.