• Published 9th Jan 2015
  • 630 Views, 5 Comments

Worlds fused - graysean86

Two worlds are brought together by surprising circumstances

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Chapter 1

Author's Note:

Author notes:
Hello this is Graysean86 and im going to answer obvious questions that might pop up.

First off yes I know the title isn’t that good its my first fanfic cut me a break.

And for those of you wondering, yes the mlp characters are turned into mobians. And what are they wearing well I couldn’t think of anything so they’re (the main 6 and CMC) wearing their E.G. (equestria girls) outfits (with two changes 1. Twilights shirt is dark purple with light purple sleeves 2. Applejacks shirt color is changed to a red variant.)

So if you have seen the eg movie I need not explain what they are wearing. Now as what they would look like as mobians look up the mlp characters as sonic characters to get the idea (they are still ponies just sonic style).

The story takes place a little bit of time after the “Twilights kingdom” 2-parter but before the second eg movie, and a little bit of time after sonic lost world with some elements of one of the sonic tv shows (note: not the SatAM series)

Which one is it? youll find out in a later chapter. NOTE: new sonic games released or mlp episodes aired after the first chapter was put online will not be considered as canon to the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own any mlp or sonic. All characters items settings and scenarios belong to Hasbro and sega respectively. the only thing I own is the story.

Chapter 1 the Arrival

T’was the day of the Grand galloping gala and Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, otherwise known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, were off in a field doing their usual gig.

“Ugh, This is taking forever,” Scootaloo cried out. “We’ll never find our special talents out here!!”

“Do try to keep an open mind,” Sweetie Belle said reassuringly.

“Sweetie Belle’s right,” said Applebloom “Ya never know when destiny will come flyin at ya. OW!!!”

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Applebloom was hit on the head and was now on the ground rubbing the spot where she got hit.

“What hit me?” Applebloom asked as she picked herself up from the ground.

“It was this diamond,” Sweetie belle said looking at the gem. “Although, I’ve never seen a green diamond,” She added.

Then from somewhere they heard a noise.

“Did you two hear that?” Scootaloo asked her friends.

“Yeah ah did,” Applebloom replied, “Let’s check it out.”

“Wait a minute, we don’t know what it is and it could be dangerous.” Sweetie Belle argued.

“Oh come on, where’s your sense of adventure,” Scootaloo said as lead the way to the noise.

It was about five minutes before they found the source of the noise. And boy were they surprised.

“Who is that,” Applebloom asked.

“A better question would be ‘What is that?’,” Sweetie belle whispered to her fellow crusader.

Later that night

The grand galloping gala was in full swing. It was a such a peaceful night even Princess Luna was able to attend. Currently the mane 6 were enjoying a chat amongst themselves. (a/n what they’re wearing right now think of there gala wear but for sonic characters)

“THIS IS THE BEST GALA EVER,” Pinkie Pie exclaimed in her usual amount of happiness.

“Pinkie Pie, can you at least try to be civilized tonight,” Rarity told her friend, “Although, I must agree this gala is quite ravishing.”

“I just wish Spike could come,” Fluttershy responded quietly but loud enough to be heard.

Spike was a baby dragon and Twilights personal assistant. He was currently home sick.

“Yes, little Spikey-wikey would have enjoyed this,” Rarity whimpered. “How did he contract dragon pox again, Twilight?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight wondered. “He hasn’t been in near another dragon for months.”

This was true. The last time he was near another dragon was when he was near the douches who wanted to smash an un-hatched phoenix egg.

“Well anyway, thanks again Applejack for letting Spike stay at sweet apple acres for the night,” Twilight said.

“Notta problem, Twi,” Applejack replied. “Seems to me, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were real keen on getting Spike better.”

“Aw would ya quit worrying about him. He’ll be fine,” said Rainbow Dash said. “In fact, he’s probably in the middle of another one of their plans right now. Besides he’d want us to enjoy ourselves.”

They all laughed for a few seconds before Applejack said, “Yeah Rainbow’s probably right.”

Twilight then saw the two rulers of equestria: Princess Celestia and her younger sister, Princess Luna. Princess Celestia was an alicorn like twilight but much older. She has a pure white coat and feathers with a mane and tail of multiple colors examples being sky blue, cobalt blue , light green, and pale pink. She wore a dress that was a slightly darker shade of white than her fur and on it near her feet was an image of the sun, she wore a crown and a gold necklace with a purple gem in it and gold colored shoes. Luna was also an alicorn, but slightly younger than Celestia. She was a dark blue fur with a mane and tail like that of the sky on a moonless night. She wore a dress that was a slightly darker shade of blue than her fur with black around the shoulders and the end. On the dress was the image of a crescent moon. Luna also was wearing a necklace and crown that was a sparkling black. On the necklace was an image of the crescent moon. She wore shoes of the same silvery blue hue of her gloves. Twilight then saw the older of the 2 motion for them to come over and they went.

“So how is everyone enjoying Twilights first gala as a princess?” asked Celestia.

“It’s going swimmingly, princess,” said rarity.

“I am glad to hear that, Rarity,” said Celestia

And just as she opened her mouth to say something else, the doors to the room slammed shut with a loud bang and then all of a sudden several metal objects crashed through the roof and, just before they hit the floor, they unfolded into what looked like giant metal rabbits. A closer look revealed the words “egg gunner” painted onto the legs. They dispatched all royal guards that tried to attack them ,rather easily, before making their way up to the royal pony sisters. They then aimed what looked like weapons at them, and then a metal sphere floated through one of the holes and floated towards the princesses. It lowered itself revealing a strange creature in it bowing to the princesses. When it arose it spoke.

“A pleasure to meet you at last, rulers of Equestria,” it said. “I am Dr. Eggman, and I have come here to take from you the secrets to the Shadows of Disaster and the miracle powers you combined with your magic to seal them away: Your precious Elements of Harmony.”

A look of absolute terror and surprise grew on Celestias face with each word this “Eggman” spoke. She finally took up courage and said to him, “ they are not here. And if they were, I would never give them to you.”

“So since they aren’t here,” Eggman said. “Then would you be so kind as to show me where they are.”

“No, I will not,” Celestia said defiantly, her sister and her most faithful student now standing on either side of her.

A look of most loathing sneered across Eggman’s face before turning into an evil grin.

“As you can clearly see, Your highness,” Eggman said evilly. “You are in no position to do anything. Nothing is going to stop me from releasing the shadows and double goes for reconquering Mobius. OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!”

Then suddenly a male voice cried out of nowhere, “Who’re you calling nothing, Eggman?!”

Everyone in the room looked for the source of the voice, but Eggman, who was also looking around, looked up at the statue that was behind the princesses pointed and cried out: “Sonic!!”

The ponies in the room all looked at the statue and gasped in shock and surprise. Standing on top of it was a blue creature with emerald green eyes and a peach muzzle and arms. He wore white gloves as well as red and white shoes with a gold square buckle on each. He had several spikes on his head and back. It was smirking.

The equestrians all looked at Eggman and could see he was trembling with rage, staring at the blue creature.

“How did you – No matter, this will be the last time you interfere with my plans, you annoying pincushion,” said Eggman. “Egg gunners: target Sonic and DESTROY HIM!!!”

The equestrians gasped when they heard him say to destroy the creature.
The gunners moved their weapons to just above princesses and used them. They were different from what the ponies were used to: spears, swords and lances, stuff like that. But these shot lasers like a unicorn or alicorn could but they were faster and shorter.

They saw the creature jump off the statue just before its head was destroyed. Then all they saw was a blue shadow moving from gunner to gunner and as the shadow moved each gunner was destroyed. The only one who could see how the thing was destroying the gunners was Rainbow Dash, who was used to moving at incredibly high speeds. ‘Could he be as fast as me?!!’ Rainbow thought. ‘no way, im the fastest, but still…’

After the final gunner was destroyed, the creature rounded out and came to a screeching halt in front of the princesses and stood up.

It looked up at Eggman and they could see that he was beyond just mad.

“Rrrgggh,” Eggman growled. “I swear Sonic, the very moment I release the shadows, I’m going to devote all my resources to killing you.”

“tshh, like that’s ever gonna happen, Baldy McNosehair, “ ‘Sonic’ said.

“oh shut up,” eggman hollered.

Several ponies in the crowd snigger at the blue creatures comment, one of them being Rainbow Dash.

“Anyway, what are doing here,” ‘Sonic’ asked.

“ I see no reason to do that, goodbye!!” Eggman exclaimed as his floating half circle shaped chair rose out of a hole in the ceiling.

They all just stood there for a few seconds. ‘Sonic’ then said, “Well that takes care of him for now, anyway, seeya around.” And he began walking off then the princess of the night took a step forward and said, “Wait, forgive me if I am being rude, but Who are you?”

The creature stopped turned around with a smirk and said, “I’m Sonic, Sonic the hedgehog.”

‘Sonic the hedgehog’ Rainbow dash thought, ‘I’m gonna have to remember that.’

“Now I gotta go put a stop to eggman,” Sonic said “seeya round” and he raced of into the night before anyone could say anything else.

Applejack was the first one to regain her composure and said, “WHO and WHAT was that feller?”

“someone really awesome,” Rainbow dash says in almost a fangirl way (which she usually reserves for the wonderbolts) and was starry eyed for a few seconds, until she realized what she had said and saw her friends who staring at her with a surprised and “knowing” look in their eyes. “Did I just say that out loud?” she asked.

“Oh, you most certainly did, darling.” Said Rarity who was surprised.

“Well, sounds like “Ms im to cool for romance” has got a crush, never thought it be a hedgehog though,” Applejack joked.

“I do not have a crush,” Rainbow dash said.

“She denied it,” said pinkie pie. “She totally does have a crush.”

Before Rainbow dash could retort a scroll appeared in front of Twilight in a wisp of green fire and landed in Twilights hand.