• Published 5th Jan 2015
  • 596 Views, 24 Comments

Life in Ponyville:New Town, New Beginnings - SeaBreeze173

A young pegasus moves to Ponyville.

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Chapter 6: Old Friends

Sea Breeze laid on her back on the comfy bed, Angus sprawled out at the end. It was Saturday, so she could sleep as long as Angus wanted, which, knowing him, could very well be all day. And after staying up until very well past midnight with her sister, Sea was ready for a full day of sleep. However, somepony just didn’t know how to leave a girl and her dog alone.

“Sea Breeze! It’s time to get up! Twilight’s family will be here soon!” Amethyst shouted from the other side of the closed door.

“Mmmm, five more minutes, Ma” Sea groaned, rolling over and planting a pillow over her head.


“Ugh,” the pegasus lifted up, looking at the clock. “EIGHT AM?!” MOM!!!”

Thirty minutes later, Sea Breeze made her way down the castle stairs with Angus lazily following behind her, the dog tripping over his own feet as he attempted to put one paw in front of the other. Sea’s family’s house still had about two weeks worth of repairs to go. Sea Breeze was trying to figure out how to smuggle her bed in Twilight’s guest room to her new room.

After letting Angus relieve himself and giving him his breakfast in the kitchen, Sea made her way to the sitting room. Inside were her parents, Lightning, Juniper, Spike and Twilight with four other ponies, two stallions and two mares. Sea immediately recognized the stallions and one of the mares.

“Shining Armor! Night Light! Velvet!” Sea Breeze called out enthusiastically as she trotted into the room.

“Hey kid,” Shining smiled, taking Sea into a hug. Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Twilight and Shining’s parents, hugged Sea next.

“My how you’ve grown, Breezey,” Velvet gasped. “You’re certainly not the cute little twelve year old we saw last. Now you’re a beautiful young mare.” The mare wiped a few tears from her eyes.

“Sea, I’d like you to meet somepony. Dear?” Shining called, a pink Alicorn walking up beside him. “This is my wife, Princess Cadence,” Sea bowed to the pink alicorn, as the only other princess she had met was Twilight.

“None of that now,” Cadence smiled, pulling Sea up. “Treat me just like how you would Twilight. And call me Cadence.”

“Okay,” Sea gave Cadence a hug. “You said treat you like Twilight.” the mares laughed.

The ten ponies sat around the dining table, eating the breakfast Spike and Amethyst prepared, talking happily with each other. The stallions (and Lightning) were chatting about stallion things, Amethyst and Velvet caught up with each other, as it had been five years since the foalhood friends had last seen each other. Junie was making Spike choke on his food with all the jokes she was telling him while Twilight, Cadence and Sea Breeze were sat at one end of the table, Twilight telling Cadence how she and Sea Breeze knew each other.

“You know, Sea Breeze, you look familiar. I used to foalsit Twilight. Were you ever with us?” Cadence asked the grey pegasus

“Wait, you’re that Cadence?! I don’t remember you having wings!” Sea gasped.

“I usually kept my wings covered with a shawl if other ponies other than Twilight and her family were around. I didn’t want any unnecessary attention.”

“I understand. Now that I think about it, I do remember Shining being all lovey-dovey when he was with you. I never thought you two would get married!”

“I was surprised when he asked, but now, I don’t know what I would do without him,”

“Awww” Sea sighed, sinking into her chair.

“So Sea, do you have a special somepony?” Cadence asked suddenly. Sea shot up, “What? Of course not,” she said too fast. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What about Thunder Bolt? You two seem to spend a lot of time together,”

“Bolt and I are just friends. No romance, I swear!” Sea Breeze’s ears plastered themselves against her head.

“She’s lying!” Juniper suddenly popped up between the mares, earning a surprised yelp from her sister.

“Junie, I will kill you,” Sea growled. Juniper ignored Sea, turning to the princesses.

“A week ago Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom and I were playing behind the castle when we saw Sea and Thunder Bolt fly up,” Juniper’s loud voice got the attention of Spike and the rest the ponies, with them coming up on either side of the table. Juniper continued with her story, “They were talking and then Bolt started to lean in towards Sea and Sweetie Bell shouted ‘now kiss’ and Sea chased us away but we came and saw her go after Bolt and kiss him on the cheek!” Juniper sat down on the floor, panting after her long explanation.

Everypony looked flabbergasted. Bass Tempo, Night Light and Shining Armor all had horrified looks, the mares were about to burst with glee while Lightning and Spike had looks of disgust plastered on their faces. They all stared at Sea Breeze, her face covered in a bright red blush and trying to make herself as small as possible on the chair.

“Uh, heh heh, I, um, gotta go do something! Bye!” Sea Breeze spread her wings and flew out of the dining room and to the castle foyer, opening the doors and quickly flying outside.

After flying away from the castle as fast as possible, looking back to make sure her mother, Twilight or Cadence were not following her, Sea began to slow down and instead lazily flap her wings as she caught her breath. Feeling better, she began to once more pick up speed. She turned her flight path so that she was going straight up, going up nearly a full mile. She then turned and began free falling. A several hundred feet above the ground she pulled up and began doing a series of flips and twists before gradually slowing down and landing softly on the green grass. The pegasus sat down, breathing heavily as she smiled up at the sky.

“That was quite a show,” a familiar voice said behind her. Sea flinched and turned her head, seeing the brown coated, blonde maned colt. She smiled and nodded, still trying to catch her breath. Bolt came up beside her and sat down, their coats nearly touching.

“How long have you been watching me?” Sea finally asked.

“I was heading over to Princess Twilight’s castle when I saw you fly off. So I followed you. Been standing over there for the past twenty minutes watching you do your tricks,” Bolt looked at the mare.

“By the way, what had you flying away so fast? I nearly lost you a few times” He shifted so that he could see her eyes.

“Just a little something with the family. Twilight’s family and sister-in-law, you know, Princess Cadence, came to visit. Twilight, Cadence and I were talking with each other when Cadence just comes out and asks if I have a special somepony,” Sea blushed slightly, glancing up at Bolt. She swallowed, continuing, “I really didn’t know what to say so I said no, but Junie jumps up and says how she saw me kiss you last week. Everypony just stared at me and I flew out.” Sea finished, looking down at her hooves.

Bolt sat beside her, wide eyed as he tried to figure out what his crush had said.

“Huh. Wow,” he gazed down at the grey pegasus beside him, who still had her eyes locked on her hooves. “Sea Breeze?”

“Yeah?” Sea lifted her eyes, looking straight into Bolt’s blue eye.

“We’ve known each other for several weeks now and, uh,” Bolt blushed slightly, earning a giggle from Sea. He cleared his throat and went on; “I’ve began to, uh, think of you as more than a, friend.” He said it quietly, but Sea heard every word as if he had shouted them. She thought for a few minutes, Bolt getting more nervous with each passing second.

“I don’t mind if—”

“You know—” They both started at the same time.

“You first,” Bolt said. Sea took a deep breath. Alright Sea, it’s now or never, she thought.

“I feel the same way about you,” she finally got out. If Bolt could have smiled any larger, his face would have split in half. He pulled Sea into a tight hug, Sea hugging him just as tightly. After holding onto each other for what seemed like forever, Sea finally thought of something…

“Um, Bolt?”


“How are we going to explain this to my dad?”

Author's Note:

Chapter 7 will be out tomorrow. If you see anything that needs to be fixed let me know:pinkiehappy: