• Published 3rd Jan 2015
  • 356 Views, 3 Comments

Adventures of Chimera Corps - Fractured Note

Five side and one main character spend their days playing good old fashion tabletop games. In this D&D adventure we follow Chimera Corps on wacky, crazy and insane quests... One little problem arises however, when they are sucked inside the game.

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1 Game Day

“Rule number one: Nopony says anything about me ever being here got it?” The white coated mare with violet mane stated immediately after entering the room.

Another mare trailed in right after her. This mare also had a white coat, but this mare had cobalt blue and cyan stripes in her mane and a tail to match.
“Oh, I don't know Rarity, I think it would be hilarious to tell your friends about this. I mean come on, Rarity of all ponies playing Dungeons & Dragons? That's unheard of!”

“Vinyl you wouldn't! I have an image to uphold. I can't have all of Canterlot knowing I'm doing this. I'll be ruined.” The mare put on her best puppy-dog face she could muster. “Please Vinyl, nopony can know”

“Oh alright, but only because you said please.” Vinyl gave a slight smirk and was enjoying every bit of it. It wasn't every day a disc jockey had power over a high class pony like Rarity. “Now come on, you can thank me later, but right now I have a campaign to run.”

The two mares made their way over to a tabled packed full of ponies, dice, books, and assorted snacks. The ponies were hard at work writing up each of their characters.

First, we have Soarin, the Dexterity Fighter. Made to run at the enemy with cat like reflexes and quick fighting styles. Soarin seems to have modeled his character after himself. The Pegasus pony has a pale blue coat and a dark blue mane. No doubt he was snacking on one of Granny Smith's sweet apple pies. It was obvious since there was a stain on his character sheet. “Seriously Soarin? You had to be eating pies while you wrote this?” Vinyl stated while holding up the messy piece of paper. The paper had a dark red stain on the side, definitely apple pie.

“Hey, it's not my fault these pies are so good!” Soarin says with his mouth full of apple pie. Some of the pie spits out of his mouth has he speaks.

Next, we have Maud Pie. She has a gray coat with a grayish blue violet mane and tail to match, no surprise there. Also modeled after herself... She is playing a Cleric however. Definitely important in any party. She can heal and buff her own party or even deal damage to her foes. She specializes in a certain god. She has chosen to be a Cleric of Pelor. This is god is true good. He is the most commonly worshiped deity among ponies. His main domains are good, healing, strength, and sun. Pelor is the god of the sun and his title is The Shining One.

After Maud is Cheerilee. She chose to be an... Orc barbarian? “Wait. What?” Vinyl cut in with shock in her tone. Vinyl stopped dead in her tracks after reading that. “Uh. Cheerilee? Why are you an Orc Barbarian? They have to be one of the most destructive, rampaging monster in the game. Not to mention probably the least intelligent. Why would you play something like this? You want to look like a large green earth pony with tusks? Seriously?”

“Well you see Vinyl.” Cheerilee spoke up shyly. “I do deal with children on a daily basis and as much as I love them and my job... Well, it stresses me out and sometimes I just want to rip the head off the next thing I see! Do you ever get that feeling Vinyl?” Cheerilee spit out quickly with of touch of anger in her voice.

“Uhh... No, I can't say I do. Well let's move on shall we? He-he...yea...”

Rarity has decided to play something exotic...Of course. The only issue is that it takes forever to write up and nopony really knows what her skills are and what she can actually do. It's always the same thing. Sure it's an exotic character, but they are always played the same. It's like a different pony with the same personality.

Vinyl speaks up. “So what are you exactly Rares?”

“Why I'm a Shadow Caster of course!”

The DJ gives a sideways glance to the mare. “And what does that do?”

“I can control the shadows to do my bidding. It's practically in the title.”

“So you can have your shadow do your chores and make dresses for you while you lay back and relax?” The DJ couldn't stifle a small giggle through her teeth as she spoke. “Maybe even give you a pedicure and even massage your back for you. Ha ha. I can't even. Why did you pick something so crazy, so outlandish, so...”

“Amazing!” Rarity cut in. “Sure it is something different, but it'll be fun. At least I'm not playing something dirty, like a disgusting Barbarian.” She gave a puke face towards Cheerilee.

“Alright Rarity, whatever you want. You are our... special guest.” The DJ jokingly gave a mocking face to Rarity, acting all high and mighty.

Lastly, we have the new guy. His name is Thunderbolt Sentinel. This Pegasus Stallion has a solid dark yellow coat with matching mane and tail, but has black stripes to accent the yellow. He is new in town, but quickly became good friends with the other mares and gentle colts. His character is a Druid. He decided to play this solely because the Fighter class is covered and the party needed a druid. He also has healing powers, similar to the Clerics, but has a different fighting style. He specializes in nature magic and wild shape. He takes on all forms of nature to defeat his foes.

“Well, now that everypony is done with their characters, I believe we can start.” Vinyl said with a hint of energy and glee. “To make things simple, the party has been traveling together for awhile now. They have become close friends and they trust each other with their lives. They are in the land of El-Quest-Tria.”

“Wow. So original. Where did you get that name from?” Sentinel says mockingly with a sly grin on his face.

Vinyl clears her throat and replies, “I made it up on the spot. Isn't it great? I'm so good at making up names.” Vinyl brushes her shoulder off to add flair to her statement.

“Yeah.. Your just about as good as I am with making up names on the spot.” Sentinel responded. “And I'm bad at making up names.”

“Anyway, They were in the western capital of Alfiem. The group has recently come across some mercenary work. The request is posted on the wanted board. A group of thieves and bandits have set up camp just south of here. The armed forces are currently busy with other matters and don't have time to deal with small time criminals. The poster does state the authorities want one man alive. He is the leader of the band of thieves. His name is John Hitchcock.”

All except Maud broke out into uncontrollable laughter. Rarity was trying to keep a strait face, but to no avail. Cheerilee just put her head to the table and laughed into her hooves. Sentinel immediately started rolling around on the floor. Soarin was holding onto his stomach because he was laughing so hard. And of course the DJ couldn't keep a straight face, as she was the one who planted the little joke. Maud was the only one who sat straight faced. Her face looked as hard as stone.(Ha, get it? Stone? Maud?No? Tough crowd. Sorry, no more author interruptions.)

“Alright. He he. Okay, that was funny, but come on we have some serious business.” Vinyl forced out between laughs. “It's time to start our first encounter. Unknown group of adventurers vs. a bandit camp. Who will win? I really hope its the adventurers, because I can't handle waiting for people to write up characters. Oh wait. I have the power to decide! Get ready! Get set! Let's fight!

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! And remember do not just down vote because you didn't like it. Please tell me why you didn't like it so I can fix it in the future. I'm only trying to get better at writing, because I know I'm no where near perfect. Thank You!