• Published 19th Jan 2015
  • 639 Views, 8 Comments

The Revolution will be Ponified - Dark Water

Discord sends two warring armies to Equestria! Hilarity ensues. A crossover with March of War.

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Discord was Bored

Author's Note:

March of War is a turn-based strategy game about an alternate World War fought with Diesel-punk weapons. Learn more about the game and its universe here, http://marchofwar.wikia.com/wiki/March_of_War_Wiki. I will explain more about the universe in later chapters, and will also be responding to questions posted in the comments.

Discord was bored.
In the millennia since Celestia and Luna so rudely overthrew him, Equestria had been transformed into one the most peaceful realms in all the multiverse, sure there had been the occasional bright spot in the long stretch of tedium (whether or not he was directly responsible for said bright spot). But, for the most part, life in Equestria had been one long stretch of days filled with order ‘shudder’, and harmony ‘retch’. What Equestria really needed, was some conflict to spice things up, and nothing says “conflict” quite like war.

That was it! Discord would travel to a world filled with war, and bring that war to Equestria! But which world to visit, #40,000? No, that was so overdone. Besides, Slannesh needed to learn to let go, Discord was not the type for a long-term relationship. He decided to voyage to a lesser-traveled part of the multiverse. Looking through the portal, Discord began to find suitable subjects for transportation…


Shogun-occupied Northern China

Great Wall fortification line

The fortifications that stood before Maxim Dragomirov, Chief Commissar of the Manchurian Expedition Corps of the Red Army, may have been ancient, but the Shoguns had reinforced it, expanded it, and upgraded it to the point where, according to their pompous windbag of an emperor, it was more than capable of standing up to any of the amazing weapons that the People’s factories have produced in the 50 years since the Great Patriotic War began. Today the Red Army would prove this so-called living god wrong. The twin 480mm cannons of the artillery walkers would shell the walls to dust as the large accompanying force of infantry, tanks, and even Sickle helicopters ran interference. Once the walls were no more, all remaining troops would push through the breech with the walkers targeting clumps of remaining Shogun forces. It was unsubtle, sure, but Soviets only knew one way to wage war, directly, and with maximum available force. “FORWARD COMRADES! IN THE NAME OF PROLETARIAN LIBERATION!!”, He shouted into his loudspeaker.

Hiroshi Tokugawa, Daimyo of the Great Wall Defense Corps, stood on top of the wall, watching the oncoming red tide. He knew that if the Soviets were to win here there would be nothing standing between them and Beijing, he had to hold the line here. Fortunately, he was Hiroshi Tokugawa, descendant of the great Ieyasu Tokugawa, the shogun who brought an end to the Age of Warring Clans! There was no way that these gaijin brutes were going to defeat him. The Artillery walkers were to be his main target. However, the Soviets also had deployed a large force to run interference for the cannons. He would need to keep them busy. “Archers, flame arrows on the large Soviet infantry clusters! Rockets, fire on the tanks! Shredder tanks, take down the Sickles! Type 60s, maneuver around the enemy flanks to target the Cannon walkers! Everyone else, move out from the wall and finish off any Soviets who survive the barrages from the wall! Fight with honor! The Sun Goddess is watching!”

From the Equestrian side of the portal, Discord flicked his tail and grinned smugly. These two armies were perfect! On one side, there was an army fighting to liberate the commoners from the upper classes, and on the other side, there was an army who worshiped a sun goddess! Not only would there be a battle between the humans, the ponies would also get involved! This could turn out to be the most fun Equestria has had since the time he briefly retook the throne! Slipping though the portal, the spirt of disharmony wasted no time. Snapping his top-left claw, he transported the Soviet force. Snapping his top-right claw, he transported the Shogun force. With his work complete, the god of chaos then went home to whip up an extra-large tub of popcorn and watch the conflict unfold.