• Published 16th Mar 2012
  • 1,436 Views, 74 Comments

Eternal Darkness - Cookies Need Love

This is the story of how Celestia and Luna had to bring light back into the world as young fillies.

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A History Lesson

Once more Luna found herself waking in a strange place. She couldn't help but wonder why this was happening so much to her lately. She could barely even remember making it through the door and onto the couch. Then, of course, nothing until the first moment when she became aware of the blanket lying over her. Luna slowly raised her head up, blinking blearily. Though sleep blurred eyes she could make out a flickering fire, with a mare sitting by it and a book spread out in front of her. Luna glanced around and saw Celestia curled up on the other end of the couch.

Luna stretched, arching her back and spreading her wings. The motion made the blanket tumble off her and onto the ground. At the sudden movement and the creakings it created in the old couch, the mare by the fire looked around. Immediately a warm smile spread over her face and she stood to help Luna to her hooves. When the young filly was once again steady, she took a moment to closely study Cloudchaser. She was a full grown Pegasus mare and her fur was as blue as a clear sky. Her short, wavy mane and tail of a slightly darker shade of blue matched her eyes. Cloudchaser smiled down at Luna as the pony looked up at her. Luna could see many years in those eyes. Years of pain and joy, happiness and anger. It was clear that Cloudchaser had lived a long life.

"You're up! Before your sister too. Of course, us younger sisters always have more energy," Cloudchaser spoke first. Her kind, quiet voice broke the silence that had built up in the time Luna had studied her host. The young filly quickly broke her gaze away from Cloudchaser and instead directed it to the floor, embarrassed to have been staring. Cloudchaser let out a soft chuckle, amused at the apparent bashfulness of the pony.

"Oh, don't be embarrassed, dear. Come, sit by the fire and stare all you want," Cloudchaser encouraged. She kept her voice low so as not to disturb the white filly still sleeping peacefully on the couch. Cloudchaser turned and resumed her place by the crackling fire. She placed a hoof on the book spread in front of her. Luna hesitated, then stepped closer to peer at it. Another step and she could tell it was a photo album opened to a picture of two ponies. Cloudchaser saw where Luna was staring and lifted her hoof to beckon her closer. Luna hesitated but her curiosity got the better of her. She ended up standing right next to Cloudchaser and staring down at the picture. Her eyes widened at what she saw there.

"That's me with your mother. This was taken so many years ago....." Cloudchaser trailed off, her eyes misting over with memories. There were two young fillies in the picture, grinning and playing. One was sky blue with wings, and the other had a green mane, white fur, a horn and wings. Luna studied her mother as a filly, eyes wide in amazement. She had never considered Gaia as existing before the way she was now. Kind, motherly, and all grown up. But here, in this picture, she had a mischievous glint in her eyes and a sly grin. Young, carefree, and a prankster.

"You two..... knew each other?" Luna gasped. She glanced up at Cloudchaser to see a sad, reminiscent smile on her face.

"We were the best of friends as filly's. I went with her on the Voyage," Cloudchaser replied. Just then a new voice spoke up from the couch.

"The Voyage? You were there?" Celestia asked, shock and awe in her tone and expression. She shook the blanket off and gently jumped off the couch to join Luna and Cloudchaser by the fire.

"Yes, I was there," Cloudchaser said proudly. Luna looked between the two, brow furrowed in confusion.

"Am I the only one here who doesn't know what's going on?" Luna commented a little grumpily. She didn't like feeling left out, and the way the two were talking about this Voyage thing was making her feel like she should know what it was. Luna squirmed as Celestia turned a disapproving older sister look on her.

"Honestly Luna, did you pay any attention to the tutor?" Celestia shook her head in exasperation. Luna glared at Celestia's condescending remark and was just opening her mouth for a snarky retort when Cloudchaser interceded.

"Now, Celestia, I'm sure even you could do with a refresher. Besides, those dusty old snobs don't know the real story," Cloudchaser said. Luna smirked with satisfaction that Cloudchaser was on her side, but Celestia was shocked once more. The real story? As far as Celestia knew, the Voyage was a journey by Gaia and Cronos to find a gem they had used to drive back the forces of Chaos that used to rule Equestria. There had been companions, but they had faded into obscurity as years passed and no pony remembered who they were. Cronos and Gaia had been elected to rule after that. Was there any more to the old tale?

"What do you mean, the real story?" Celestia questioned. She glanced down at the picture of Gaia and Cloudchaser as fillies, playing together. She'd never heard her mother mention Cloudchaser before. If it hadn't been for the picture, it would've been possible that Cloudchaser was simply tricking them. But Gaia had told Luna and Celestia to go see Cloudchaser of Manehattan, and that she would have the answers. Perhaps this was what Gaia had meant by that.

"I'll tell you the whole story, the real story," Cloudchaser offered just as the kettle began to whistle. Cloudchaser rose gracefully to her hooves and smiled down at the two fillies.

"As soon as I serve the tea, of course." It was several minutes of getting out teacups and pouring tea and adding just the right amount of milk and sugar before the three were back by the fire. Now Luna and Celestia were sitting in front of Cloudchaser, sipping on their tea while she stared into the fire. Both waited expectantly, staring at the Pegasus. A minute went by, then another, then another. Finally, just as Celestia was about to break the silence, Cloudchaser began to speak.

"Long, long ago, back before there was any Equestria or ponies, there was Chaos...." Cloudchaser's became a soft lullaby to the sisters as they listened to her describe the reign of Chaos and Order. She described Gaia coming from Order and traveling from planet to planet, freeing them. They listened to their parents meet and fall in love before escaping to make their own world.

"A world where Order and Chaos coexisted peacefully, as yet unheard of. For many years they allowed the denizens of Equestria to roam free and wild as they watched as god and goddess. However, such peace did not last. Chaos found their world and slowly began to corrupt the joy there. Darkness took over and it seemed all hope was lost for Equestria. However, Gaia and Cronos saw that their ponies needed them and so they made the ultimate sacrifice. They gave up their status as god, their memories, and even each other to be born of mortal parents on Equestria."

"Each were born as one of those that are rarest among our kind; a pony with both horns and wings. Neither remembered the other, or the love they had once shared and for the first years if their life they never even met. Each one felt something missing within them, however. They looked on the world that was ruled by Chaos and felt a deep instinct that they would be the ones to change it. Gaia grew up in Cloudsdale and her life was hard. She was looked upon as a freak by those around her, except for one Pegasus who became her friend."

"I remember that Gaia was always talking about how Equestria was not meant to be like this. I, being around her age, had never known a time before Chaos and thought it could not be stopped. Gaia never believed that, however, and she spent her days researching what powers could be used to save Equestria. One day she came to me, talking of something she had learned about. A jewel that contained within it power much greater then any else the Universe held. I tried to talk her out of it, but Gaia insisted on going to find the jewel. I went with her, along with an Earth pony by the name of Silver Runner. He was the fastest pony in all of Equestria, and we only met him by accident one day."

"I don't know how Cronos ended up on the same trail we did. I assume his tale was much like Gaia's. All I do know is that the instant those two met, they fell in love. They were as opposite as fire and water, yet they fit together perfectly. In all my life I've never seen any two ponies as perfect for each other as those two."

"Accompanying Cronos was two other creatures. One was a young dragon named Lephisto and the other was a gryphon named Celtus. Together, the six of us journeyed far and wide searching for that jewel. It was elusive and the only clues we had were whispered rumors and old tales passed down by generations. This was the journey that would later be known as the Voyage in all those books, although my part and the parts of Silver Runner, Lephisto, and Celtus were mostly cut out. It took years, and many losses before we found the jewel. When we did finally find it, Gaia and Cronos were the ones to enter the cavern in which it lay. I never knew what happened in there, but when they came out they were..... different. Less like normal ponies and more like gods. They had regained their memories then, and their powers, which they used to drive away Chaos."

"We were hailed as heroes, Gaia and Cronos considered gods. They were elected to rule and they brought together the land. The power of that jewel was great, and it left with each of us a different gift. Mine was a life longer then most ponies. I am not immortal, far from it, but I age slowly. The others in our group have passed away after living fulfilling lives. Sometimes I envy them. How I wish I could see them all again and now it appears I am the only one left alive."

Cloudchaser's voice faded away, leaving nothing but the crackling fire to fill the silence it left behind. Luna was staring, wide eyed, at the mare with a new respect. Celestia, on the other hoof, had directed her gaze to the fire and seemed to be pondering what Cloudchaser had told them. So many new facts, so many things she had never known about her parents. They were gods. Did that mean that she and Luna were part-god?

"Wait, so we're the children of gods?" Luna spoke. Her eyes were still wide as saucers as she stared at Cloudchaser. The mare let out a soft chuckle, her own eyes gleaming with misty memories.

"That you are, my little pony. Gaia knew this day would come, and she made plans to keep you two safe," Cloudchaser responded. Suddenly Celestia's head jerked around and she stared at Cloudchaser.

"Keep us safe? How can I just hide while my ponies suffer in darkness?" Celestia demanded. She stood, eyes narrowing as she looked down at the still sitting Cloudchaser and Luna. Her mother and father had sacrificed so much to make sure that all the ponies lived in peace and happiness. Now they were gone and Chaos once more ruled the land. Celestia couldn't just leave her ponies to this fate if there was even a chance of saving them.

"What could you do, Celestia?" Cloudchaser murmured. Her voice was tired, worn and defeated. Too many years had weathered away the courage that once held strong in her. Now she was an old mare, waiting to rejoin those she loved in the afterlife. Luna bit her lip, staring as the two faced off. Celestia paused, wondering what exactly she could do. But then inspiration struck and her resolve was strengthened once more.

"The jewel; what happened to it?" Celestia inquired.

"It should still be in the cavern where we found it. None of us ever told anyone where it was," Cloudchaser informed her, at first confused. Then her eyes widened as she realized what Celestia was thinking. Slowly life began to return to the old mare and she too stood. Cloudchaser began to pace in between the seated Luna and the standing Celestia. Her tail flicked behind her as she thought.

"It might work.... You definitely have godlike powers that you haven't tapped into.... The jewel could awaken those and it might be enough to defeat Vortex," Cloudchaser thought aloud. Celestia nodded along, although she hadn't really known what she would've used the jewel for when she first suggested it.

"Right! You'll look after Luna, and I'll go find the jewel," Celestia said, determination clear in every fiber of her being. Just then Luna jumped up, her hooves clattering noisily on the floor. Celestia and Cloudchaser turned go look at her in surprise and were met with a glare. Luna approached the two of them, staring up defiantly.

"I am going with you, Celestia. They were my parents too, and you can't do this on your own! I won't leave you," Luna exclaimed. Celestia opened her mouth to protest, then hesitated at the look on Luna's face. Finally she relaxed and a smile spread across her features.

"I'm glad. It would've been lonely to do this without you, sister," Celestia murmured. She bent her head down to nuzzle Luna's shoulder and Luna pressed herself against her sister's legs. Cloudchaser watched the scene with a smile. It brought back memories of her own family and those times she had played with Gaia. Cloudchaser allowed the moment to go on for a little while longer before gently interrupting.

"Well, there's no point in starting off now. It's already eleven o'clock at night and there's a lot to do," Cloudchaser pointed out. Luna backed away from Celestia a hoof step and shared a look with her sister. Celestia turned to Cloudchaser with a determined look.

"Let's start preparing, then."