• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 881 Views, 22 Comments

Runeplate: Gemstone Hunter - FaustiusRune

A unicorn colt, and an old friend of Rarity, has just arrived in Ponyville to visit her.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Just normal day, a train has arrived in Ponyville at its exact time. Steams puff and whistle as the engine cools its heat to minimum, waiting for the next set of passengers as the previous and tired ones disembark. A unicorn colt of gray-to-white mane, and dark gray coat; with a cutie mark of a gray rock with light-yellow spiral-- is one of those passengers. Carrying a single saddlebag , he pulled out his ticket to show a confirmation to the station guard.

As he slowly trot off from the station, he observes the old town he grew up. Most of the houses he remembers are still standing. Few are rebuilt into larger residence, some bungalows are now two-storey, and the apple farm is much larger than before. Some shops have expanded their space and no more dusty road that could burn his eyes. Few folks recognized him, greeted by his name and wave hellos, he waves back but there are no memories of who they are. It must've been a really long time.

After a while of reminiscing, he picked up the pace in search of an old friend, one of the few ponies he remembers. He asked few townsfolks for direction, they pointed out the place but their instructions are unclear to his understanding. But one pointed him to the Sugarcube Corner, the bakery of his mother's bestfriend. He approached the familiar establishment, only larger and more colorful than before. As he walks on the door to check the place, a pink pony greets him.

"Oh, hi there!" she waved a welcome after putting down a pan of freshly baked Zap Apple Cupcakes then dashed close to him. "Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, home of the sweetest, most delicious, mouth-watering baked goods and few bads, too. But not baked bad that makes your face go green and hurl all over the place. It's like for the bad guys or good guys with a bad attitude... *gasp* You're new in Ponyville aren't you!? Aren't you? Aren't you? Huh...? Huh...???" he stepped back one step as the blabbing pink's face got too close with a big welcoming smile on her face. "What's your order, mister?" dashing back at the counter.

"No, I don't want any... I'm just looking for Mrs. Cake." then a gasp from the door, from the baking room, got his attention.

"Oh my gosh, Runeplate, is that you?"

He nodded "Yes, Mrs. Cake, it's me." she looked from the tip of his horn down to his hooves, observing his appearance and squeezing her cheek in disbelief.

"Oh my. You don't look like the old skinny filly I used to remember. If it wasn't for your voice, even if it became stallion-ly, I won't recognize you." but he just chuckled.

"Mrs. Cake. It's been years. I--" the pink pony interrupted him, gazing on his appearance with widening eyes and shrunk retinas, then she looked on Mrs. Cake. "He's not new here? How come I don't know him? I know everypony and I mean everypony but not him!" stretching her arm at him in a 'ta-da' pose, switching her eyes repeatedly between Mrs Cake and Runeplate.

She laughed and put a hoof on the surprised pony’s back. "Pinkie, relax. His family moved long before you moved here. That's why you don't know this colt."

He coughed for attention "Mrs. Cake, do you know where she lives now?"

She giggled like she heard an exciting gossip. "Oh! Yes! Yes...! I already knew what you're here for after recognizing you. She's at the boutique. It’s not far, few blocks to the left after walking out. Or maybe Pinkie Pie could show you the way." Pinkie squee’d but he reject the offer with a raised hoof "No, Mrs. Cake. You know I have great sense of direction." she giggled again as she trots back to the baking room "Sure you have, especially for her." he sighed loudly and facehoofed, then he walks out of the bakery. "See you again Mrs. Cake."

Few minutes of walking, he finds the boutique. Looking upon the shop, he made a deep breath to release the tension of feeling that his talk won't take him anywhere. Relax. It’s in the past, Rune. She should’ve forgotten that incident. Plus, you need here gem-detection again. He walks in, glanced from the doorway, searching for the boutique's owner. Looking around the shop, he found two ponies: a lavander unicorn of purple mane, and a pale-yellow pegasus with pink mane.

“Uhm… Is Rarity here…? I’m looking for her.”

The unicorn answered him with a greeting smile “She’ll be out in few minutes. We’re going to the spa.”

He sits down and took another deep breath. His sigh caught the unicorn’s attention. She approaches him, gave him some company as the owner is preparing upstairs.

“Hi, I’m Twilight. Why are you looking for her? You don’t look like any fashion-mumbo-jumbo-critique or something.”

He looked at her and looked down sighing once, “Well, I came here for a visit.” she’s not satisfied with a small answer, so she asked him about between them.

“Rarity and I were known best of friends when we were fillies but our friendship didn’t really last long. My family had to move to Manehattan.”

But she nodded in disagreement and sat down beside him. “No, friendship is not lost with that reason." she put a hoof on his shoulder "Look, you miss her and you wanted pay her a visit. That’s a good trait of a friend. I think she’d be happy to see and old friend like you.” He put down his saddlebag and rested his back on the couch. “You don’t know what is really between us. Maybe when she sees me, she’d flung a scissor in front of me as a--” the said item flew and stabbed the wall, barely missing Runeplate’s nuzzle “--warning shot.” Both of them widens their eyes and looked back to the projectile's source.

“YOU!!!” an angry white unicorn with curlers on her purple mane stepped out of the room. Snorting steamy breath and grinding her teeth in anger as she approaches Runeplate. She levitated all her scissors and needles, aimed at him. Twilight galloped away from the crossfire that is about to happen.

“WHY ARE YOU HERE?” slowly stomping the floor. He quickly lit his horn and stomped the ground; rocks with glowing ancient writings formed upward, making a wall surrounding him; blocking her floating scissors and needles.

“Rarity, please, listen. I just wanted to talk.”

She shouts with unforgiving rage towards the cowering pony “You almost had me expelled because of your shenanigan! If you weren’t proven guilty, I’d be the one who moved away from Ponyville!” while stomping the wall Runeplate summoned. “Did you know how much humiliation I felt after that incident?!”

In frustration of calling him out of his protection, she walks back few steps, dropped all the curlers and levitates her jewels from the chests, drawers and even the embedded ones from her finest dresses. “GET…” fusing all of those precious crystallines into something Twilight have never seen done by Rarity. A large crystal drill, ironically colorful; as large as Rarity's body and as long as the angry pony's tail. “…OUT OF THERE!” and she started piercing through. The spear force itself through the wall, but he keeps it at bay through durability repair on his only protection. The destructive power of the drill is on-par of the wall’s regeneration. Dust clouds forms in the whole room as each other’s earthly forces are battling. Twilight and the yellow pony resorted to makeshift bunker made of whatever they can find as shattered rocks and crystals are flying everywhere.

Runeplate feels frustrated as her: the pressure of refreshing the wall's durability and the blurry thoughts of how to stop this. He gathered his mana at one point of the wall making a glowing rune pattern where the bejeweled spear is drilling Alright! Stop! one stomp, he shattered his wall against the spear with magic precision, deflecting it cutting it in half, knocking back Rarity. He saw the two chunks flying, each to her and Twilight but in quick reflexes he summoned walls of rock, barely protecting them from the landing debris. While the dust clouds clear, both of the battling ponies were seen catching for air. “Can’t we talk like… How do you say this? Like a civilized Canterlot noble?” breathing heavily, she stood up straight and nodded. So much exhaustion, they gave up, and sat down.

The place is in ruin. Rubbles everywhere, crystal shards stuck on the ceiling, unearthened boulders, wooden furnitures are shattered, broken glass outside the shop-- but even Rarity's eyes for disgust in dirtful chaos didn’t even mind it. Dirt around her few products and displays, shattered flooring from the Runeplate’s wall, scattered scissors, ribbons and fabrics. They’re just there staring at each other, with only a table between them, waiting for who’s going to talk first. The yellow pegasus, shivering for a bit due to the event, slowly walked to Rarity “Uhm, Rarity…“

She looked at her angrily and shouted “WHAT?!” the shy pony meep'd walked back and hid back on the counter, took a peek on Rarity then hid again. She chased her and pulled her up, sweeping the dust on her wings. “Sorry, Fluttershy, darling. I just can’t contain my anger after seeing this… this… thief.” Twilight approached her with a disbelieving face “Wow… Rarity… that magic. I-I’ve never seen you do that.” She took a deep breath and looked at the Twilight “Darling, rage like this can make me do that.” pointing at the half-shattered jewel spear. she closed her eyes, thinking of what to do, then she looked up to the unicorn. ”Twilight, maybe I’ll pass with our spa treatment for today. Don’t mind the payment; I’ll take care of that. As you can see, I have a… *looks at him angrily* …very important matter to attend to.” Twilight looked at them both then she rolled her eyes. “Obviously. Alright, take care… but please, no more fighting.” They walked out of the boutique slowly and waving goodbye to Rarity.

Minutes have passed and nopony talked and place is still thrashed. Few moments, Rarity broke the silence. She slammed her front hoof on the table “Why… are you… here?” as she’s staring at his eyes with anger; Runeplate gulped, scratched his arm and looked around the place as he can’t make a direct eye contact. “Wow… I thought you’ve change back to neat freaky pony. I mean, look at the mess we made--” she slammed the table with her other front hoof again. “Answer me!” she growls in rage. “Easy there. I came here to apologize. Look, as a gift, I brought these along with me.” He opened up his saddlebag and poured down six jewels; Jewels of the rarest, or one of a kind, to be precise for some.

“Are…Are those…?” she widens her eyes, with a gaping mouth Runeplate nodded "I can't believe it... You have the half of Eternal Birthstones?! How did you--" interrupted by his hoof, he said with confidence "I'll tell you." and levitates the jewels to her one by one.

A garnet with flickering orange, embedded in a large locket. “This is called Rune Gaia, won at an auction by my father. This is also where my parents took my name from. Such a family treasure.”

A heart-shaped amethyst, the passing light emits relaxing sparkles. “Valkryian Love, one of a kind, confiscated from a black market raid.” He eyes dilated and her mouth gaped to the alluring shines of the item.

A dark red gem, with a light faintly pulsing from the inside. “Warlock’s Bloodstone, I think you’ve heard of this in the newspaper, in the supernatural section." She nodded "Yes I've read of it. The warlock's very soul was sealed in there..." scoofed in disbelief "...as if a soulstone really exist."

"I won this from a very competitive auction. I almost emptied my account for this.”

A white gem lit up with the unseen glow of his magic. “Chandelier Diamond, amplifies any magic's aura focused on it, even of the smallest strobe, by ten times. See the glow in my horn? Very thin. A good emergency flashlight, and flashbang too, you know.”

A green gem with unremoved, hardened moss, radiating a very strong aura. “Deep Sea Emerald. This one’s funny. I stole this from that sea dragon’s hoarded treasures Far northwest from Fillydelphia. He didn’t even know this is a rare type of gem and he was just gonna eat it. But he's a dragon, why would he care?” he laughed, but slowly fading though. She said “You really are a thief.” Rarity scoffed. “Hey, of all the gems I’m showing, this is the only stolen one. Besides, I took it from another thief -- a fire breathing thief.”

And the last one, coloful green flicks to their eyes. "I know this one." She said. “Celestial Agate. Point this at the sun by dusk, noon or dawn; sparkling rainbows can be seen in the prismatic structure of the gem." He smiled after knowing the trivia. "Very colorful.”

“Well, that’s all of them. I need the other 6 to complete the set. The Dragonfire Ruby, Judgement Peridot, a topaz called Stance of Faith, Absolute Sapphire, Opal of Hope, and Bedrock Turquoise.” He smiled at Rarity but she gave him a raised eyebrow and crossed arms, “Really… And why are you showing these to me?”

She looked at Rarity in the eyes, “I’m bringing you for another adventure...” giving her a confident smile. “And this one’s gonna be long and more treacherously difficult that what you read on any Daring Do stories.”
