• Published 24th Dec 2014
  • 1,966 Views, 7 Comments

Somewhere In Bucklyn - StoneWare13

Soarin meets a new mare at a train station on his way to his first week at the wonderbolt academy, he falls deeply I love with her but what will happen when he discovers who she really is?

  • ...

Lost in the crowd

Author's Note:

Well... I'am back!!!!

It's been a stressful month this January, so I am glad to be back with the 3rd chapter. This chapter only took a few days to finish, as I had a plan which only came to me last Thursday. I also have the next 3/4 chapters planned... Yes you read that right... 3/4 more chapters to go. then I will need to fine something to do.

Well I hope you enjoy this chapter As much as I did planning it.



Somewhere in Bucklyn

Lost in the crowd


Sorain trotter with excitement as he looked over the many stalls, every table was flooded with food, drink, gems and other assorted items, he felt like a colt in a candy store. He failed to notice a mare; minded her own business, as he wondered strait into her, knocking her tiny body to the cobbles street below.

"Goodness, I am so sorry! are you ok?" He asked,the clumsy colt tried to help her up. Her thin legs stumbled as the mare rose to her feet, looking up to her attacker, he remembered that Amber streaked tail. from behind her mess of a mare was her golden eyes, the eye he could never forget. his jaw dropped in pure shock... It can't be!

"Ow its you again!" She moned as she atempted to dust off her coat. "you do know it's rude to stair?" She pointed out, giving the paralized stallion a disapproving look.

"Wh.. What's you name?" Soarin blurted out. his head needed to know the true identity of the mare who seemed to control his thoughts.

She rose a single eyebrow and she seemed to qustion his thought process, but soon forgot and gladly answered. "Well is you must know it's...."



THUD.... Soarin bounced his head firmly off the grayed carpet of his new room befor a pile of messed up sheets fell upon his twisted body, a pounding pain rocketed in his skull.


The first thing he noticed was a stunning light that hit his face like a bat. Part blocked light with a shadow of a pony looking down at the Brock stallion.

"Soarin..... SOARIN!"

"WHAT!" He yelled back in annoyance of his perfect interrupted dream.

"Hahahahaha... Ow Soarin you goofball!" He finaly saw that face of the dream destroying pony that seemed to enjoy his pain.

"Go away Fleetfoot, I wanna sleep more!" Moaned Soarin as his hoof massaged his swelling head in a circler movement.

"Tuff luck rookie, up and out... It's almost 11 plus you might miss that Apple pie that's in the mess hall" she teased, attempting for a reaction. Which he gladly gave.

"I'am up, I'am up!" Said Soarin, as he practical flew to his desk. grabbing his brush and straining put the mess he called a mane and following hot on Fleetfoot's heels, out towards his pie.


"So how did you get in my room?" Asked Soarin, stuffing his face with the fresh baked pie.

"It was open. You must have left it open when you fell asleep, that or somepony Broke into your room," she giggled to herself.

"So wait... do I have this right you where in his room this morning, is there something I should know?" Teased Surprise, who had joined the pair only minutes before.

"Nonononononon!" Fleetfoot shocked her head, masking her now ruby checks.

"Ooooo some pony has a crush" hummed Surprise. She was always the one for teasing ponies but it was all in good faith, well... Soarin hoped.

"I'am right here you know?" Complained Soarin, removing his muzzle from the now empty pie bowl.

"Yyyyyup" sang Surprise before turning back to Fleetfoot. " sooooo do you think the captain will be happy if you have a crush on the rookie?" Surprise continued giving the cyan filly I knowing look. Soarin knew he was hopeless with mares; he was pritty sure it was genetic. but the 2 mares sat across the table knew something. they where not letting on.

Soarin saw no need to continue the awkward conversation. "well I think I shall leave you two mares to yourselves and look around the city!" Deep down he prayed to Celestia they would stay and not follow. that wasn't going to happen, not in a million years.


Each day Soarin left the Colosseum with Surprise by his side. In some ways it wasn't too bad as she know the city like the back of her hoof, on the down side, God that mare knew how to talk and talk she did.

It was Sunday or as Soarin saw it the last day of Freedom as tomorow was the start of his official training. what hurt the most was the fact he was no closer to seeing that mare again. yes he had dreamed of her strong hooves running over his body and her lips up against his own and the odd little more intermit dreams... well maybe more than a few.

He spent most the days searching the many shop that looked similar to the ones he dreamed that first night but no Amber filly was even spotted, she had seemed to disappear, never to be seen again. he wondered back to the Colosseum with a feeling of overwhelming loneliness.

As he sat in the mess hall on his own for once, he failed to notice a stallion trot up toward the sulking Soarin. "You ok mate? You look a little.... Lost!" Hazzard pointed out as he reached the lonely stallion, Soarin didn't move. he just gazed into his large hooves.

"I feel it too" said Soarin

"What's happened? You can tell you old captain!" His Captain insisted, sitting across the large mess hall table.

"Well I... I met a mare at the train station" started Soarin, he was depressed and needed the confert from any pony who would provide it.

"Ow I see... let me Guess! you have spent the hole week searching for her but no luck... now you feel lost! am I right?" A smug grin covered his face and Soarin knew his captain was right.

"How did you know?"

Fire Hazzard leans back into the seat and crossed his trimmed hooves befor talking. "Same happend with me and my perfect wife"

"What happened?"

"I met her in a old restaurant. When she left, I couldn't find her for almost a month, until I found out she lived next door to me..." Soarin saw the truth in the stallions eyes, the way he Spoke about his wife was the same true feeling he had for that golden mare. "I tried to hard to find her so I didn't notice her standing right in front of me."

A welcome silent as calm as a sky after a storm lingered in the air, Hazzard interrupted it. "Well... Let's get off that subject and on to one that involve alcohol!"

"Alcohol?" A puzzled look crosses Soarin's face.

"Yes? the drink that makes y..!"

"I know that it is!" shot Soarin, insulted but his Captains thoughts.

"Ow... well tomorrow night the wonderbolts are having a party at a local bar, as a way to welcome you and say ferwell to myself! You coming?" Asked the greying stallion.

"I sure am!"

"Right I gotta go. gotta sort out the new captain, you better get a bit of flying done, your behind!" Advised the Orange stallion, rising from his seat.

"Yes sir!" Sorin saluted in a casual manner.

"Get to it!"

"Wait! who is you new capti...! "Before he could ask the qustion that had been at the back of his love struck mind. His captain had left trotting into the hall where the main offices where located, he could have followed to meet his captain-to-be, but he had gym work to do. Maybe that could clear his mind!