• Published 19th Dec 2014
  • 15,822 Views, 408 Comments

The Price of Power - kingrulerword

Being sent to pony world was weird. Getting powers was weirder. Getting imprisoned in stone was probably the weirdest. But I'm getting out soon. And I've got big plans for this world.

  • ...

Chapter 25

“First off, I want you to know: I’m not mad. I’m just disappointed.”

“Really?” Trixie asked, hope in her eyes.

“Fuck no,” I stomped all over her hope. “I don’t think you fully understand just how much you fucked up.”


“Shhhh,” I held my finger to Trixie’s lips. “I don’t want to hear it. Let’s start with how you ignored my explicit instructions to not fight the fourth most powerful beings on the goddamn planet!!”

“Psh,” Gilda snorted. “I think you may be overestimating yourself.”

“And I think you’re confusing explicit and implied,” Sunset added. “You never actually said the words, ‘Don’t fight Princess Celestia’. It’s always just sort of been implied that we shouldn’t.”

My eye twitched just the slightest bit. “How about, ‘don’t draw attention to yourself’, you idiots! Did you conveniently forget that? You went ahead and forcefully grabbed the attention of one of the few creatures actually capable of killing you. What do you have to say about that, smartasses?”

“Do you mean Princess Celestia or Princess Luna?” Trixie asked quietly.


“Well you just said only one of them could kill us,” Sunset said. “Which one is it?”

“BOTH!!” I screamed.

“But you just said-”

“That’s it,” I activated my mangekyou. “I’m going to burn you three to death and start over in another thousand years.”

“Whoa there, Sasuke” Gilda held her hands up. “Why don’t you just calm down and we can try to talk this out again?”

I ran my hand through my hair and took a deep breath. “Fine,” I exhaled. “The reason this is so bad is that now Celestia is serious about trying to stop me.”

“She wasn’t before?” Trixie asked.

“No. We have a pretty close history together so she was conflicted,” I explained. “It was making her sloppy and keeping her off balance. However, seeing her ‘daughter’ under my influence has no doubt steeled her resolve. She’s going to come at us for real now.”

“Then on to plan B now, right?” Sunset wilted under my gaze.

I sighed, “We’re on, like, plan Q now. Things are a lot harder to account for than I originally planned.”

“Should we be jumping ship,” Gilda whispered.

“I still have everything under control,” I glared. “And if you leave now, the best you can expect is a life on the run constantly being hunted like an animal.”

“Dammit,” Gilda frowned.

“Anyway, I have a plan for just about anything so just follow goddamn instructions next time, got it?”

“Isn’t that like saying you have no plan at all,” Trixie asked.

“Shut up and get out of the wagon.”

As we all climbed out of the wagon, the sirens were sitting around smirking. Smoke Puff and Starlight were sitting together talking.

“Done lecturing the children?” Adagio laughed.

“Shut up,” Gilda growled.

“Was he too rough on you,” Starlight hip checked her sister.

“No, it was fine,” she replied.

“Ladies and… I guess just ladies, gather round and let’s get started,” I said, pulling out a map. “We are here,” I pointed to the edge of the badlands. Queen, Mirage’s hive is here, I pointed east of our position. Unfortunately, there is no paved path in that direction so the wagon will sink in the soft sand. So guess what?”

“Please don’t tell me we’re walking in this Faust forsaken desert,” Aria sighed.

“That’s it exactly,” I smiled. Everyone else groaned. “The sooner we start, the sooner we get there.”

The trek through the desert wasn’t that bad. It had been early morning when we started so we were going to finish before too long. I fact we were approached the entrance to the hive before the heat of the day even began.

“Alright, we’re here,” I said.

“We’re where?” Sonata asked. “All I see is sand, more sand, and, ooh some sand over there too!”

“Use your sharingan and you’ll see it,” I said, tired of reminding them.

“Oh,” they all said together, finally seeing what I was seeing. An enormous hive palace stood before us with changelings flying all around it. A dome of changeling magic usually hid the entire structure from prying eyes but seeing through illusions is a sharingan specialty.

“Oh and pony magic won’t work here,” I told them. “Only ninja skills.” I took a step forward into the dome. Ten guards immediately materialized into existence. They surrounded me with lit horns.

“Are you the creature known as Sasuke Uchiha?” The lead changeling asked.

“Yes I am,” I replied. “These are my trainees. I seek an audience with Queen Mirage.”

The changelings looked amongst themselves and their horn glows dimmed. “The Queen is expecting you. Follow me and do not try anything.”

I signaled to the girls to follow me. “Me? Try something? Nah.”

The changeling walked us into the hive. From the inside, it looked like a bustling city, full of stands and shops. Thousands of changelings buzzed around us as we walked towards the center structure. Many of them stopped to watch the parade of strange creatures. As we got closer and closer to the queen’s chamber, Adagio got more and more antsy.

“What’s the matter,” I whispered.

“It’s just,” Adagio hesitated. “The last time I was here, Mirage and I didn’t exactly see eye to eye.”

“Oh shit,” I mumbled. “What did you do?”

“What did I do?” Adagio whisper-screamed. “More like what did that bi-”

“Ahem,” the changeling cleared his throat. “We have arrived.” We stood before two very large ornate doors, each with its own guard. They looked wary of us but opened them nonetheless. Stepping forward into the throne room, the changeling who had led us in, announced, “Presenting Sasuke Uchiha and party.”

We walked in and I had to shield my eyes. Sit on a radiant throne in the center of the room was Queen Mirage. Light poured in from the ceiling and bounced off the throne drowning the room in rainbow colors. Sitting atop her throne, Queen Mirage was enveloped in the light, her butterfly wings on full display and complementing her rainbow mane.

“It is customary for all creatures to kneel before a queen,” Mirage said in her musical voice.

The girls, sans Smoke Puff, all knelt instantly. Smoke Puff gave me a questioning look.

“Like I told you before,” I smirked, “I’m not really a ‘customs’ guy.”

“I remember it like it was yesterday,” Mirage smiled warmly. “I see you’ve brought some friends this time. Oh, what’s this?” Mirage examined the girls magically. “They all have your unique power, how fascinating.”

“Yes,” smiled nervously. “I found a way to mix Equestrian magic with my own.”

“But I already had a way,” Mirage smirked at me. “And my way is so much more... satisfying.”

“Your way creates a new generation unnecessarily,” I argued. “My way, gives the power to you directly.” I took out a syringe and offered it to her. “For your help.”

Mirage frowned. “I am very old, Sasuke. I do not need more power. What I need is to know my daughters will be fine out in the world.”

“Then one for each daughter,” I tried.

“Sasuke, you misunderstand my intention,” Mirage said. “I need a new type of changeling, not to turn my race into humans. I will not forsake my race for power. Our strength comes from our family and I am mother to my hive. I will only accept a child born of you and me. Otherwise, our business is concluded.”

“Very well,” I conceded.

“You may, of course, stay as long as you wish,” Mirage offered.

“Thanks,” I said. “We’ll be out of here tomorrow.”

As we turned to leave the throne room Mirage spoke one more time. “My offer stands should you ever want to take it.”


I stood on the balcony of my room looking out at the hive when I heard a knock at the door.

“It’s open,” I yelled without turning around. As soon as the door opened, I could feel a changeling princess walk into the room. “And who do I have the honor of greeting today.” I turned to face the blue maned princess.

“Mother would like to know if you’d be interested in a princess instead,” Glamour said politely but sternly.

“No thanks,” I said to the princess’s obvious relief. “Tell Mirage-”

“Queen Mirage.”

“Fine, tell Queen Mirage that the partner isn’t the problem,” I sighed.

“Then what is?”

“I’m… not thrilled about the idea of having kids here,” I said.

Glamour looked offended. “I’ll have you know this hive is an excellent place to raise your young should you ever be so lucky!”

“I didn’t mean-”

I tried to talk to her but she had already stormed out of the room. Sunset walked in shortly after.

“What was that about?” she asked.

“Nothing,” I said. “What do you have for me?”

“You were right,” she started. “One Princess Chrysalis is missing and apparently took a troop of changelings with her. Queen Mirage’s network can’t seem to track her.”

“That last part is surprising,” I mused.

“Is the Queen’s spy network really that good?”

“It is literally the best in the world,” I explained. “Changelings make up about 15% of every major population except dragons.”

“Are you serious? Does the Princess know about that?” Sunset’s jaw was on the ground.

“Of course,” I laughed. “Princess Celestia helped them infiltrate. In exchange, Queen Mirage is supposed to share any information that comes out of Equestria or indicates a threat.”

Sunset blinked owlishly. “Threats to Equestria….. Like, you?”

“I wouldn’t really call myself a threat,” I said thinking. “I’m more of a minor nuisance…. Right now.”

“Yeah now that I think about it all you did was steal from a national museum, attack a city, and assault multiple world leaders,” Sunset said sarcastically.

“Exactly,” I said. “Minor annoyances.”

I turned back to the balcony and waved to Sunset. However she continued to linger at the door.

“Is there anything else?”

Sunset took a deep calming breath, “Soooo, I originally wanted to question Princess Celestia about why she abandoned me but I kind of lost myself in anger and didn’t let her explain.”

“And you think I might have answers.”

“You do seem to know everything about everyone,” Sunset narrowed her eyes. “For some strange reason.”

“Whaaaaaat naaaaaaw,” I snickered.

“You know why Princess Celestia didn’t come to get me, don’t you?”

“I do,” I admitted. “But if I tell you, what will you do with that information?”

“I,” she hesitated, “don’t know.”

I sighed. “The mirror has conditions for its use. The first is that it only works for three days every 30 moons. The second is that the being passing through has a certain level of magical ability.” Sunset nodded in understanding. “The third condition is that you not be Celestia.”

“Wait…. What?”

“Yeah, Celestia actually caused a lot of problems with an entirely different but similar mirror so when Starswirl made the new one, he made sure Celestia would never be able to use it.”

“But, b-but-”

“But she could have sent someone in to get you? There was no one who could use the mirror. Her only chance at the time would have been Cadence but Cadence isn’t exactly magically gifted. Don’t get me wrong, the girl has plenty of raw alicorn power but its not like she’s some magical prodigy. Also, she wasn't much older than you. Celestia probably intended to send Twilight Sparkle after you. So, what now?”Sunset fell to the ground and I walked over to her. “If you want my opinion: nothing has changed. So now you’re not sure about getting revenge. So what? I never promised you revenge. I promised you the power to become a princess. I’m not quitting if you aren’t. Still with me?”

Sunset tearfully looked up into my eyes and nodded. I grinned.


Author's Note:

Hello people still reading this! Wow, it's been what, a year+? That's such an excessively long time to wait for not even 2,000 words of a story. The author ought to be ashamed of himself. Anyway, if you were wondering the the delay was caused by a combination of writers block, bad story ideas, a move, and other assorted issues that have been resolved. Good news is, I swear if i ever give up, you will at least get an ending. But for now, I'm back on the horse (metaphorically speaking, as I own no actual horses)