• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 4,520 Views, 138 Comments

Rise of The Ancient Summoner - Hekkar

One purchase and suddenly a new defender is made. The worst part is that his new powers.... has no manual for it. This is going to be a long life.

  • ...

Chapter 3: From Ground to Air

Author's Note:

"Ladies and gentlemen.... Let's get ready to rumble!"
-Michael Buffer

Yeah making this go to three chapters to touch base with each hero type.

Drake/Dragon Knight POV

It felt so weird. This burning flame in me, this armor, these weapons. I never used them before, but it felt.... natural, as if I WAS Davion the Dragon Knight "Wait..... I turned into the Dragon Knight does that mean-?" my thought got interrupted when I felt a pair of fists collide into the shield I raised without knowing it. I turned and saw Applejack hop back as I remember were here as a brawl, but.... it felt more like a test. As I looked at my armor, a thought came to me of what I could do. A single thought came to me as the words 'Breathe Fire' flashed in my head before I could feel the fire raise from my stomach and from my mouth a stream of fire came out and hit a lavender force field.

As I saw the fire dissipate, I just started to laugh as I looked at them "I got it! I know what it does!" I yelled out ecstatic about what I had done, who I became, and what I could do. As I spun the blade a bit in my hand, I looked at them "Where I come from, there is a... group of heroes with powers and special skills in three categories. This, my dear pony friends, is Davion the Dragon Knight, a Strength class hero. With this hero, I have the power of fire and the skills of a warrior" I said in my new, booming voice. The pieces fell together after a moment of thinking and looking at shocked faces.

I was a Summoner. I have the memory of each hero and their powers. I have access to the heroes themselves. I have a literal army at my hands.

Twilight's POV

Amazing! Simple amazing! Right before our eyes, Drake had turned into some kind of armored human and breathed fire! So much research possibility, I could hardly contain myself.... luckily my friends kept me from forgetting what we were doing "What's ta plan Twi?" I heard the voice of my friend Applejack.

"Alright, so we know he is strength, but also of fire, but.... something feels off" I said. I could feel some kind of power, deep in him, waiting to come out. I shook my head "Alright. Remember we're just testing the gauntlet and not trying to hurt him. Rainbow attack from above while Rarity and I attack from the front" I told her as I saw her fly high up into the sky. As I turned my attention back to Drake, I saw him raise that shield of his, ready for a attack. The attack however came a bit late since Rarity was lost in the fashion of the armor and with some rough shaking, I got her out of it. Rainbow descended from the sky like a falling boulder, ready to plant her hooves on his helmet, yet with just as much speed, Drake had dodged and slammed his shield into her, sending her back a bit and causing her head to loll about as if stunned.

When Rarity and I attacked, he only brought the shield up to block my spells as his armor seemed to make the rocks and other objects Rarity throw just break on contact. Drake simply laughed "Davion has a power called Dragon Blood, making him a lot tougher to harm" he said. Of course he would know that, he said they were from his world. Nonetheless a question did enter my mind however. If he knew about this group, how many more were in that gauntlet of his? I mean it would make sense of that magical aura I had felt when I examined it during his sleep spell in the hospital.

I heard a loud groan as I saw Pinkie had surprised him with a party cannon, just as AJ came up and bucked him into the sky to get knocked into the ground by Rainbow. To our surprise, he just got right back up as he knocked his sword against his helmet and groans "Cheap shot" he accused. To of said the brawl went on for a good few minutes would be a understatement. It went on for a good hour actually, but the worst part came when AJ went to buck him.

Drake POV

This... this was amazing! Of course it hurt like a bitch, but I felt myself heal just like from the game. The fight went on for quite some time, the only one staying out of this was Fluttershy, not that I could blame her, she was the pacifist of the group. As I saw AJ coming for a buck, I felt.... strange. I looked over and saw the Dragon Knight color fade from me as a shock revelation came to me.

I had reverted back into my old self just as the hooves made contact with my stomach and sent me flying, tumbling all the way back and across the ground like I just got hit by a fucking bus. As I laid there, I groaned from the sheer pain, but glad about one thing "At least she didn't kick me lower.... then I have to be called a female". As that thought entered my head, I felt myself get rolled over as I saw the worried look on everyponies face...... everypony? My mind is definitely adjusting already to this world. Anyway, after furious apologies and of course a healing spell thanks to Twilight, I was sitting up and looking at them all "Seems you can only keep the form for about an hour" Twilight said as everything got calmer.

I just simply nodded "Yep. Still felt nice to know what powers I got now.... welp, time to continue the sparring" I said as that made them all looked shocked "Look I know I literally just got knocked the fuck off my feet, but I want to know what this gauntlet does incase.... I don't know I go all evil or something. That way you girls know what to do in order to stop me from hurting the innocent. Call it thinking ahead" I told them. I've read enough books, stories, and seen enough movies to know that this power may corrupt me someday, or may do nothing at all. Either way like to plan ahead.... plus gives me a chance to see about the other heroes.

Looking at the gauntlet, I saw the gem was a dull grey color as I looked at Pinkie who was bouncing happily and thought of something "Hey Pinkie!"

"Yes?" she asked as I put my gauntlet on her head and felt the magic draining into the gauntlet. I pulled my gauntlet off as she giggles "That tickled!" she says happily. I got back to my position as I nodded to Twilight, as if that alone told her I tested the siphon effect. As I looked at my gauntlet, I decided to take a different approach to it as with my right hand, I touched the blue pool. Loe and behold there in the gem appeared the icons of all the heroes within the intelligence range. From all of the intelligence people, I needed one for range, but also to avoid the pegasi mares.... only problem is I know jack about flying. As a British man with a bow tie and fez once said "Allons-y" I muttered as I clicked a icon of a flying hero.

3rd Person POV

This time it was different though. Instead of all three colors, only the blue came out as it cascaded over him like water. As the color glowed a bit, the ponies could see two appeandages grow from his back as his feet changed as well. When the color faded, what stood before them was what looked like the mix of a human and some avian species. It had wings like a bird and a pair of talons for feet, but still had the face, body, and arms of a human. Its eyes were as blue as the sky, but was also adorned in black and gold armor and carried a staff as it looked at the mares "Skywrath Mage!" in a voice that spoke volumes of it's knowledge.