• Published 30th Apr 2012
  • 1,356 Views, 14 Comments

Life In Equestria - Minecraftzero1

A man lives a new life in Equestria, but what will happen in his new life?

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Chapter 2 "The Change"

It had been roughly a week since I had arrived in the, strange, cartoon world. I had grown accustomed to their ways and diet but I was in no way prepared for what happened that day.
It was a usual morning, I woke to the feel of the soft bed beneath me, eyes cautiously opening to the sun which radiated throughout the room, the only sounds which penetrated the air were the birds whistling and… Twilights’ screaming.
I sat up with a jolt, looking around for any signs of immediate danger before asking her what had alarmed her so.
"You might want to look at your back." She mumbled hesitantly.
"What are you ta...” I stopped mid-sentence as I turned to look over my shoulder “…WOW!"
Somehow during the course of the night my body had somehow sprouted two feather lined, glistening white wings. I turned to Twilight in the futile chance she knew what had happened, but unsurprisingly she hadn’t a clue, and then came the words I knew were coming. "We are going to need to see Princess Celestia."
I nodded in agreement, it was the only thing I could think of doing, the only pony that had a chance of offering an explanation. The two of us gathered the rest of the ponies before once more heading for the train station in shocked silence. Rainbow Dash was the only one who broke the tension, asking how the wings had grown, but as I explained that neither Twilight or I knew Apple Jack joined the conversation.
"But that doesnt make sense." She said, looking just as confused as I felt.
“I know it doesn’t” I replied “But that’s why we’re going to see Celestia, she may have some answers”.
"So we’re hopefully going to get some answers on what the heck is going on." Twilight said.
"It’s definitely unexpected, but it’s actually pretty cool" Rainbow Dash said
"If you say so, I’m still too freaked out to consider whether or not it’s cool" I responded with a slight chuckle.
"Well does anypony have any logical reason for him growing wings?" Rainbow Dash said.
"Not right now but i am thinking of one." Twilight said, a confused look written in her expression.
After the tedious 3 hours of questions and stared we made it to the city, and made our way to the castle. When we got there Twilight once again led us to the room wherein the Princess was sat.
"Oh my” she said, obviously startled “what happened to Jake." Princess Celestia said seeing me with wings
"I don’t know he just woke up with them I don’t really have a logical way he cou... Wait! Could it be my magic affecting him rather than just teleporting him here, could this spell have two effects instead of just the one." Twilight said.
"Hmm, this is certainly strange, though, your theory might be right or at least in the right direction" Celestia said, entertaining the theory. "If this other effect is true then we have got to find a way to reverse it, if not he will probably be a like this forever once he is fully transformed."
"Well I’m going to teleport you guys home we can try to find a spell to reverse this." I had barely enough time to process what she had said before I felt her magic envelop us and we found ourselves in the Ponyville library once more.
"Ok now I got to find something that can fix this problem." Twilight said
"Are you going to have Spike help you?"
"Yes… SPIKE!!!"
"What Twilight? Wow, what happened him… he, uh, has wings."
"I’ll tell you later."
"Hey Jake wanna race to my house" Rainbow craftily whispered in my ear,
I smirked before yelling "BEAT YA TO THE FINISH LINE!" And bolted off to Rainbow's house, I caught her off guard when I bolted to her house because she hadn’t expected me to accept. An indignant cry of "Oh horse apples" could be heard from my position in the sky when I bolted off. She tried to catch up but despite my unfamiliarity with flying, that head start had given me the boost needed to win.
"Race you back?" I said, offering her a chance for redemption which she accepted. "Ready...Set... GO!" having grown accustomed to my wings I flew faster than last time but this time Rainbow Dash caught up to me and beat me. When we got back Twilight was stood with a stern look in her face, staring us down. "Jake and Rainbow Dash stop fooling around this is serious." She scalded.
"Calm down Twilight” Rainbow chastised “it’s just all in good fun, you really need to lighten up."
"Yeah totally lighten up when somebody is being turned to something they’re not!" was her uncharacteristically sarcastic reply.
"Man Twilight wouldn’t it be cool to have another pony to hang with?"
"Yeah but Jake as he is, is good enough!"
"Meh" Rainbow casually replied, despite the fact that she really looked like she wanted another Pegasus pony to hang with.
"Do I have to be turned back human I mean seriously, I’m already living a new life here so what’s the difference."
"Yeah Twilight what’s the difference? I mean… he's living in a world different from his own and he is the only human here, to be honest I just don’t get it."
"Why not just let him go with it?"
"Well I..."
"I mean come on Twilight it would only just make sense I mean seriously." Rainbow Interrupted,
"You know what, I guess you two are right I should just let him go with it if that’s what you want” Twilight mumbled hesitantly “Spike take a letter."
"I’m on it." Said the eager assistant, appearing beside the unicorn moments later, parchment and quill in claw.

"Dear Princess Celestia,
I Would like to report that I would rather have our friend Jake go through with his transformation after all he is living in our planet and is the only human here, It would only make sense to let him go with it
Your Faithful Student,
Twilight Sparkle."

"Alright Spike Send It!"
Spikes breath blew the letter into the air to go to Princess Celestia, only moments later we got a response

"Dear Twilight Sparkle,

If Jake is comfortable with this we can let him go through this change if he really wants to he can we don’t know if anything else will happen so we must hope for the best, ultimately it is Jake's choice and I will not stop you from doing this.

Princess Celestia" Spike said once the letter came in,

Twilight approached me and, with a concerned expression, said "Are you sure you want to go though with this?"
"You know I’m sure after all I’m much happier here than I’ve ever been in my world." I replied

"Ok, In that case it’s settled, you will proceed with this change and once you are a pony there’s no going back." I nodded in agreement and she continued "Ok then."
Rainbow walked back up to me with a sly grin, challenging me to another race.
"To where?" I asked cautiously
"Sugercube Corner sound good?"
"Ready? Set. GO!" Rainbow Yelled as we both bolted to the pink pony’s home.
We were neck and neck
"You’re not gonna win Jake!" She cried with a mocking laugh
"I wouldn’t be too sure about that." I replied bursting more speed out as I gained more confidence with my wings.
It was close but I beat her to out predetermined checkpoint. It was then she challenged me to yet another race, her ego having taken a hit
"Ok what about to that cloud and back to my house and back to Twlights?"
"Anytime, anywhere!" I retorted cockily.
"Don’t get too confident" She said, her confidence back in her voice as she stretched her wings,
"Ready? Set. GO!" She said as we both bolted once again
I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins when Rainbow suddenly managed to get in front of me. I pushed out an enormous amount of speed, wings forcing down the air and my hair whipping my face. The air started to form around my hands in front of me; I cautiously looked behind me to see Rainbow Dash floating there dumbfounded. I knew what this air forming was but I couldn’t believe it, Rainbow was the only one who had been able to perform a Sonic Rainboom, but then I reached maximum speed and then I had done the one thing only the one pony had accomplished, I looked back to see her face full of bewilderment. I felt the wind on my body and as I was flying by Rainbow's house I saw the other five mouths wide open. I just thought to myself "Nice Holyshit Faces" When I looked at them I just smiled, and then I finished the race despite Rainbow being left behind. I landed outside Twilight's house, greeted by Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, And Applejack as Rainbow Dash was flying towards us.
"Was that you who just did that Sonic Rainboom?!" Twilight said, her voice betraying emotions of shock but you could tell she was impressed.
"Heck yeah it was!" I replied smiling smugly
"Man… Jake you’re a pretty awesome flier!" Rainbow Dash said
"Thanks” I said, “I didnt even expect that Sonic Rainboom to happen, I just tried to go faster and I guess I over did it."
"Over did it? That was awesome!" Pinkie Pie said, hopping in her usual fashion.
"Yeah it was” I sighed, “I’m tired.”
"Yeah after a Sonic Rainboom I get tired out but then I just nap," Rainbow replied with a reassuring laugh.
"Well I guess that’s what I should do right now" I mumbled, but it never happened. The six ponies and I talked for about three hours before night fell and we headed our separate ways to bed.
"Goodnight Jake!" Twilight said in her optimistic tone and I returned the gesture before covering myself with the blanket, the events of the day burning into my mind. I smiled as I fell into sleep.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Another strange day greeted with along with the sun. To compliment my wings I had woken as a pony, a ponies body, hooves, wings, horn… "Y-y-you’re an alicorn!" Twilight yelled