• Published 10th Dec 2014
  • 3,689 Views, 30 Comments

My Little Pony: A Giant in Equestria - Abyssal Angel

Not your usual HiE story. The show is known as My LITTLE Pony right? So how would a human do in Equestria if we took that to it's logical conclusion?

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Chapter 3

With the Princesses gone, I turned back to Twilight, and things descended into a bit of an awkward silence.

“So Ponyville has its own Giant now!?”

Well that didn’t last long. Most everypony there turned to Pinkie with exasperated looks on their faces, whilst I was just amused. Twilight just shook her head and then turned back to me.

“Right! Well, I have plenty of questions, and I’m sure you have plenty as well. Unfortunately, it’s been a really long night, so if it’s alright with you, perhaps we should all get a least a little bit of sleep before we start the day in earnest?”

I nodded, “That sounds reasonable.”

“Hold up.” Called Applejack. “’Fore we go anywhere, this one,” she nudged Rainbow Dash, “Needs to say somethin’” Rainbow Dash huffed and gave a stink eye at AJ, but she just stared her down while everyone watched. Finally Dash turned away and ambled forward in my direction, mumbling, “Alright, alright already…”

Turning back to me, Rainbow scuffed her hoof, looking a bit sullen but also kinda… disappointed? “Hey, look… I’m… sorry for earlier. All I knew was that this giant something shows up and everyone starts screaming. I just kinda reacted, and hey, the Princess fixed your nose and all, so… we cool?”

I almost immediately said yeah, but then a devious idea entered my head. Instead I responded,

“Yeah… maybe… you did hit me pretty hard… how about you make it up to me?”

Rainbow winced and the others looked a bit concerned at that.

“Yeah… alright, fair’s fair. What do you want?”

Smiling, I said, “Just hold still.”

Rainbow looked confused, “What-Hey! What are you doing!?” I picked her up. The two guards left behind stiffened and raised their spears, but before anyone could do anything, everyone’s jaw dropped.

“Hey! Come on, put me… dooown…” Rainbow’s voice trailed off unbidden as I scratched her behind the ears. I couldn’t help it. There’s just something about these ponies that just screams ADORABLE at me. It’d taken a lot at this point to hold myself back. Sure, maybe it’s not manly, but I grew up with four sisters, and out of my whole family, only the youngest sister was young enough to really be my playmate, and with her being two years my elder, most of the games we played were up to her. So I grew up playing house, dress up, and dolls. Thanks to that, gender roles to me are pretty much nonexistent.

After thirty seconds of thoroughly enjoying myself petting Rainbow Dash, whose small size means her barrel fits perfectly on my hand with her legs dangling over the edges of my palm, my attention was drawn to both Applejack and Pinkie Pie collapsing on the ground with laughter. Even Rarity was doing her level best not to laugh, holding it in with a hoof. Twilight looked amused while Fluttershy had a warm smile on her face. The guards had thankfully lowered their spears, but beyond that didn’t react.

Rainbow for her part didn’t even notice. I hadn’t stopped petting her, and she’s almost dead to the world, with one of her legs twitching slightly. It’s both amusing and heart warming. It certainly helps that she’s really soft, and I could probably be satisfied sitting here petting her for the rest of my days. It’s almost weird how fulfilling it feels to pet this little pony, kind of like how it feels to pet a cat sitting in your lap almost. If you’re not paying attention you could end up doing it for hours.

“Having fun there Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked, smirking.

Rainbow just mumbled something and waved a hoof lazily in her direction. Unless I miss my guess, it almost sounded like she said ‘Don’t knock it till you try it.’ In mumblese.

Rarity tittered and said, “You realize Rainbow, that after this you’ll have no choice but to join me at the spa? I won’t take no for an answer anymore darling!”

Fluttershy seemed to jump up at this, “Oh! Rainbow’s going to join us at the spa? Oh that would be so wonderful…” It was all I could do to stop my heart from melting at the soft golden yellow pegasus’ voice. If I didn’t already have my hands full I might have scooped her up to pet her on reflex at this point.

Rainbow winced, and mustered up enough energy to respond, “Sorry Flutters. I’ve got nothing against the spa, I just don’t like hooves touching me like that. This though… spa ponies have got nothin’ on this…”

‘Spa Ponies?’ I wondered to myself, bemused. Unbidden, an image of how a pony might try to massage someone of my size entered my head. It looked vaguely like Pinkie Pie jumping all over my back. I dismissed the mental image only to notice Pinkie hopping in place with a smile so wide it made her eyes look closed.


At this point Twilight yawned, and this set off a chain reaction of yawns from the others.

“Well that’s it for me. I’m plumb tuckered out. I’m gonna go get some shut eye ‘fore I havta catch up with the work over at Sweet Apple Acres.” I winced. That apple farm would have to be hers wouldn’t it? At least I didn’t break anything, but I hope she doesn’t mind any large boot prints I accidently left behind. Applejack glanced over at Rainbow, then headed off chuckling.

Pinkie bounced over and said, “Well, I’m not tired at all! I should get back over to Sugar Cube corner and help the Cakes restock after- Zzzzzzzz…” Everyone sweatdropped as midjump, Pinkie suddenly stopped and drifted off to sleep instantly, still standing up.

Rarity tutted and said, “I will get this one home before I head off for some beauty sleep myself. Tata darling, I look forward to speaking with you about the fashions of your land sometime in the future!” Rarity said that last part with almost a sing song voice. I nodded weakly and called out a goodbye as she left with Pinkie Pie slung over her back.

Fluttershy mumbled something about getting back to her animals and not having enough time to sleep before slowly trotting off.

“It was nice meeting you! I hope we can be good friends and talk in the future!” I called out after her. Fluttershy eeped, then turned back and waved shyly to me, before cantering off at a slightly faster pace. I sighed, wishing that could have gone better.

Rainbow slurred out whilst I continued to pet her, “Dun worry bout her… shez jus like her name… she’ll come’round…” I smiled at the words from the practically comatose pony in my hand.

Twilight giggled, then seemed to hesitate, then asked, “You’ll be alright here while I’m gone?”

I nodded, “Yeah, I should be able to keep myself entertained here for a while.”

I guess I wasn’t able to keep the doubt off my face, because Twilight asked, “Is everything alright?”

I shrugged and said, “I’m just a little worried … this is all kind of sudden and I’m trying to catch up with it all… it wasn’t so bad when I thought this was a dream, but now that I’m pretty sure I’m awake… I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I’m going to eat or where I’m going to sleep… it’s just a lot to take in all at once.”

Twilight nodded sympathetically and patted my ankle, coincidentally in the same spot Fluttershy had. “Don’t worry. Everything’ll be fine. The Princess is on the case, and I’m sure she’ll be able to help you find your way home.”

I nodded, smiling slightly. “Thanks Twilight.”

Twilight smiled, “No problem Matthew. I’ll be back as soon as I can ok?”


With that Twilight waved and headed off. I waved back then resumed petting Rainbow, who I soon found to be snoring softly under my ministrations. Amused, I turned to look at the guards. They’re both standing vigilant, covering both me and the area around us.

“Are you two going to be on guard the entire time?”

The two flicked their eyes to me but remained motionless.

“Geez that sucks. I hope there’s a rotating schedule so you can take a break every now and then. I can’t even imagine how awful it would be to be on guard 24/7.”

They still didn’t say anything, so I simply left them to it, and continued to pet Rainbow Dash whilst I went over in my head everything that’d happened so far and what I should do now.