• Published 16th Nov 2011
  • 1,523 Views, 7 Comments

Elements of Earth - Fluorescence

When chaos breaks out, Twilight Sparkle & friends must call upon other existing Elements to help.

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Marnie Meets Ponies (Intro)

I had just fallen asleep on my plush, soft bed when- fine, it wasn’t soft, but it was soft enough to make me happy.
Fine, okay, it wasn’t soft enough to make me happy. That isn’t the point!

After a long night of drawing, I slumped over to bed and crawled under the covers, and for some reason, my heart was racing. When I closed my eyes to go to sleep, what I thought was my bed was damp. I'm pretty sure I never wet the bed. The last time was when I was like, 3, okay? I opened my eyes to see the sun beaming down at me, and short, earthy smelling grass tickling my face. Or, it was the ground that smelled like earth. That would make sense, since earth is made of crust and- I'm rambling.

Anyways, that startled me enough to get me to groggily stand up, or, rather, just stumble to my feet. 'Groggily stand up' makes me sound more elegant than I am. What was in front of me, you ask? It's not 'what', it's 'who'. Ponies were in front of me.

Okay, okay, you probably think I’m insane by now. I swear I’m not. Maybe. I think. Sometimes.
I can't really talk about MLP in front of... a certain pony, okay? She'll freak out. She's already giving me weird looks, see? I guess you can't really see her glares though... In short, they all looked like ponies I know. Actually, they probably are the ponies I know:Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy.

After a bit of gawking at the Princess’s long flowing mane, I realized I must have fallen asleep and that this was one of those lucid dreams. After all, that was the only thing that would be rational, and possible for my brain to process.

“Twilight!” I had said, turning to the purple unicorn.

I'd almost been ready to run over to her and tackle her until I realized that she stared at me with wide eyes, as if I'd just spoken a foreign language. No way. In any of my dreams, we would have been frolicking in meadows by now. Not to mention that I’ve never smelled anything in my dreams. Huh, I didn’t stop to think of that at the time… I feel pretty stupid right now.

“How do you know my name?” the pony asked.

Now this situation was getting really odd. By now, I would’ve woken up, as I usually do when I’m about to do something important (as much as I hated that stuff to happen, I knew it would). Plus, I still smelled flowery scents. Yeah, that was really odd. Cue freak out? Cue freak out.

“Okay, this is not a dream.”

Backing away from the colorful equines, I tripped over something and tumbled backwards, hitting my head on something and blurring my vision.

A voice that I assumed was Princess Celestia spoke to me while I was trying to recover from the tumble.

“Marnie, wielder of Magic, female representative of the land of Earth, I humbly introduce you to the land of Equestria. Do not worry about your absence on Earth, there is a doppelganger filling in for you. Now, I and a few others, save Twilight, must go. Later, you will meet Luna and the others.”

“Wha-“ was all I could say before a brilliant white light blinded me. (Equestria had been really raising the bars for bad eyesight.)

Once my vision returned, I only saw Twilight standing there, presumably like she didn't know what was going on either.

"Princess, I thought we had agreed that you would stay here during my introductions." Twilight sighed, speaking to thin air.

"Okay, maybe I had too much sugar. Sugar gives humans overactive imagination, right? Right?" I tried hollowly assuring myself in a crouched position, hugging my arms.

Then, Twilight had done something unexpected. She closed her eyes, leaned her face towards mine, and... conjured a potato out of magic glowing from her horn. It landed in my hands (which had let go their hold of my arms by then regrettably), and immediately I felt a burning sensation. That sensation was probably the feeling that you get when you obtain first degree burns.

"Hot potato!" I screeched, throwing the potato upwards and scrambling away from it.

"You acknowledged pain, and therefore you aren't dreaming." Twilight said, sounding much more chipper than she should be about burning people's hands.

... For one of my favorite ponies, Twilight was starting to become less likable.

"Oh... those burns look serious." Twilight looked over my hands. "I hadn't realized that humans were so sensitive to heat. Normally if a heated starch fell into anypony's hooves, we would be alright."

Twilight's horn glowed again, and another potato reappeared. After the pure shock of seeing another potato come out of thin air, my hands didn't move out of the way when Twilight used telekinesis to put it onto my hands. Oddly, this time, the potato actually seemed to sap out the pain from my hands.

"Nothing can't be done with the power of friendship!" Twilight said triumphantly, although I had no clue as to how making magic potatoes was related to friendship. Twilight's face then shifted to look more serious. "I know all of this may be too sudden for you, but I need to take you to Ponyville right away if we are to be on time. I'll discuss the details with you on the way."

Oh well, crazy ponies and stuff. I'll continue this recording later.
