• Published 5th Dec 2014
  • 1,068 Views, 5 Comments

Teenage Little Ninja Ponies - SS_Jeriks

In the Tmnt 2012 relm, Leo stumbles upon a portal to another world. so when a turtle falls in, a pony comes out.

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Chapter one: The portal

As I approached the old statue and pond, I kept an eye/ear out for humans. I looked all over the place and saw no one. I relaxed a little bit and walked to General Washington.

I took a deep breath and breathed in the old, mossy, scent of the rock. I gently laid my right hand on the pedestal like it would break if I pressed any harder. I slid my fingers on the relatively smooth surface that had a few nicks and scratches. I walked around the whole thing and saw nothing peculiar. After about a minute of inspection, I sighed and dropped my hand to my side.

I guess there wasn't anything here after all.

I turned and started for the city. I looked back over my shoulder one more time and when I saw nothing, I turned my head forward. I took another step but felt something grab my ankle. I didn't even have enough time to yelp as my body came into contact with Turtle Pond's water.

I closed my eyes and waited to feel the water engulf me and get me soaked. /Man if I come home wet, the guys will never let me live it down. But the H2O never came.

I opened my eyes and I saw something that confused me on so many levels. I was in what looked like a two-dimensional world at night. Where am I? I wondered as I looked around. I was glad for the dark because I didn't want anyone to see me.

I had a giant migraine so I decided not to try to get up. Instead I wanted to see how I got here and what my surrounds were. I turned my head around and saw a large cement statue of what looked like an old unicorn in robes. I was so confused as to why a monument was made to a mystical creature but I dismissed it for now. Something felt off about my body, besides the headache, and that was far more important than a bizarre statue at the moment.

I felt - achey. Every muscle in my body felt sore and weak. I also felt different - like really different, and not in a good way. Did I break a bone or something? But I didn't feel an impact, or anything that could break bones.

I closed my eyes and felt around. I determined I was lying on my side, with my limbs all pointed to my left, towards the statue. I gently tried to move my arms and legs, and to my relief everything cooperated. So no broken bones then. Just aches and a really, really odd feeling.

I slipped my hands under me and pushed myself up into a sitting position, with my legs spread out besides me.

I opened my eyes again and took time to thoroughly scan my surroundings. I seemed to be in a field, the only thing in the immediate area the weird statue of the unicorn. Off in the distance in one direction, I could see a large forest, with tall, leafless trees and lots of shrubs. In another direction, not as far away as the forest, I saw a single tree, both tall and wide, and what looked like a small town.

Something blue flitted into my vision, and I jerked back in surprise. The blue thing jerked too, and then settled again half over one eye. It looked like string, or maybe silk. I blew at it and watched it bounce up before coming to rest in the exact same place. I blew at it again, a little irritated now, and to my annoyance it didn't blow away. I rolled my eyes and raised a hand to bat it away, but it wasn't a hand that rose in front of my vision.

It was a hoof.

My breath caught in my throat and I stared in disbelief at the - the hoof that was in the place of my hand. It was green and round and a hoof! Why the shell was a hoof my hand?!

I nervously looked down at my other hand, and saw another green hoof. AND, instead of my plastron, I saw fur - green fur. I looked frantically back at my legs, and saw two more hooves and - God, I saw a blue tail! A long, hairy, blue tail!

I had hooves and a tail!

I admit it. I screamed. Loudly. I mean, I had a freaking tail and hooves!

I scrambled onto my feet - I mean hooves. My legs shook under the sudden weight, but I ignored them as I began turning in a circle, trying to catch a glimpse at the rest of me. Before I could though, voices reached my ears - or whatever else I may have had in place of them.

"Twilight, I'm telling you, I heard a scream." An accented female voice insisted. I scanned the direction of the voice, and to my horror, saw two shapes making their way towards me.

"I didn't hear anything, but if you're sure -" Another female voice started to say.

"I'm very sure. Something screamed out here, and we have to find out what. Or, rather, you have to find out. That's your job, right?" The accented voice cut her off.

"Okay then Rarity. Let's look." The second voice sighed.

I began backing towards the statue. I could let this Rarity and Twilight see me. I had no clue if they were friends or foes. The only experience with beings from other dimensions I had was the Kraang, and they were most definitely for. Plus, I wouldn't be able to fight in this form if I had to.

My back or bum or whatever made contact with the base of the statue. It was cold and smooth, and for a second, it felt like glass. But then it seemed to bend, and I found myself being pulled backwards. It felt like I was being pulled through liquid glass.

Then, the next thing I knew, I was breaking the surface of a pond. I quickly crawled onto the bank and checked my hands. To my eternal relief, they were hands again - my hands. I did a check of my entire body and saw that I was back to being a mutant turtle.

What the heck just happened?!

I scrambled to my feet and took off to the city. As I was running, I quickly pulled out my T-phone. The time was 12:53 am.

Dang, the guys are gonna kill me! I yelled internally.

I sped through the shadows and hurried up the nearest fire escape. I saw that I was pretty close to a manhole that lead easily to the lair and dashed in that direction.

Once my body was in autopilot, the thoughts of what happened flooded my brain. I seriously could not comprehend what happened back there. One minute I was walking, another I was tripped and falling, another I woke up in a different world, and another I was some kind of - of equine!

I don't know what I'm gonna do about this!

I found the alley I was searching for and hopped down to the center. I heaved the manhole cover off and dropped into the sewers. I started running home and prepared myself for the raging storm I was about to meet.

I leaped over the turnstiles as I sped into the lair. And just as I suspected, Raph was waiting there for me.

"WHERE THE SHELL HAVE YOU BEEN!?" Raph screamed, obviously not happy with me. "You said a walk, Leo? Where'd you walk to, Jersey?! You've been gone for two hours."

How did it get so late? I asked myself as I faced Raph's fury.

"Um, somewhere?" I answered, not exactly sure where I was myself.

"Somewhere? Somewhere?! You don't just disappear for two hours and come back without an explanation!" Raph yelled in an uncharacteristic tone. Usually it was me yelling about coming home late.

"I know! I'm really sorry but-" I tried to explain but Raph cut me off.

"But what?" My temper flared at not being able to speak.

"Maybe if you shut it and let me speak, I'll tell you!"

Raph looked shocked that I, the level-headed calm one, had snapped at him like that, but it did keep him quiet. I noticed that my other brothers had come out of their hiding places to see what was going on.

I sighed. "Ok. Thank you. Now the reason I was gone so long is that I think I fell in a portal and ended up in other world." I can't believe I just put it that blatantly; they'll never believe me!

My brothers all looked at me like I was insane before Raph broke the silence by laughing. "Wow! You are really getting better at lying! I almost actually believed that that happened."

I hung my head low and tried to explain it to him in a different way, "It really did happen! There's a - a - a 'portal' of some sort in Turtle Pond by the George Washington statue in Central Park. If you still don't believe me, go there and check it out yourselves."

Raph scoffed. "Yeah right. What were you really doing, Leo?"

"I'm telling you the truth! I tripped over something in the grass and fell into the pond! Instead of going underwater, I ended up in this freaky other dimension, next to a freaky statue! I - I wasn't even myself anymore! I was this - this - horse thing! I don't know! I heard voices and backed into the statue and ended up on the banks of the pond again!"

"I think he's telling the truth, Raph." Donnie piped up.

"Yes! Thank you, Donnie." I said gratefully.

"You really went through a portal and became a horse, then went back through and came out two hours later and a turtle again?" Raph asked skeptically.

I wanted to throttle him, but settled for yelling, "YES!"

"Well I believe you, Leo!" Mikey beamed, coming over to stand next to me.

"Me too. We've seen stranger things than that, so why not?" Donnie shrugged his shoulders and moved to my other side.

Raph stared at all three of us like we had said we had said we were becoming vegans, but finally sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay. I guess it's possible that there's a portal in a pond in Central Park. So what do we do about it, Fearless Leader?"

"Easy." I grinned. "We go through it and find out exactly where it goes, and whether the inhabitants are a threat to Earth. Then, if they are, we find a way to close the portal. But not tonight. It's getting late. Tomorrow, though, we go through."

Author's Note:

Hooray for this chapter! Did leo really go through all this? Find out in the next chapter!