• Published 4th Dec 2014
  • 1,461 Views, 13 Comments

Luna's Misunderstood Night - Purpleblackkiwi

As a maid curses herself for once again having to spend the night helping Princess Luna, she only hopes to keep her job. However as the night continues she slowly realizes that perhaps everypony ha misunderstood the Luna.

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Mornings Dream

As the night ended so did Sweet Night’s shift. In her tired state she walked with Princess Luna down the hall to her room, she could feel her disheveled mane as her own weight began to betray her balance. She could do little for the sway as she walked with the princess. She glanced up at the princess to look for any sign of exhaustion but once again the princess showed no sign of any weakness. Her mane still flowed perfectly as if she had just awoken from a deep slumber. From the tip of her muzzle to the very end of her tail she still held the grace, just as she saw when the alicorn was waking up. They had waded through dozens of meetings, dozens of worrying citizens, dozens of tasks. Even for a night owl like herself, the night shift was always draining.

As the two finally made their way to the double doors, Luna stopped Sweet Night by outstretching her wing.

“Thank you, miss Night, for all your help tonight. I will be fine for the rest of the night, you are dismissed.” Luna commended her for all her hard work.

“Y-yes your majesty.” In truth, as much as Sweet Night wanted to help her majesty, sleep took a much larger precedence.

Luna smiled, noticing how tired the maid was: the mare reminded her or another pony she knew. As Sweet Night began to trot away, all demeanor of professionalism collapsed. Her steps varied in length, and it seemed each step could be the end of her.

Sweet Night stumbled back into the rooms provided by the castle. The rooms were located in the back of the castle, away from any social gathering and close to many workstations assigned to each pony. Each room were shared by two ponies of the same gender, male and female were separated, locked down under strict rules. Although in their free time they had the chance to mingle as they wished, it was just the rooms that were off limits.

As the mare stumbled down the hall, she managed to gather the attentions of onlookers. The fatigue kept Sweet Night from caring, however she could pick up the continuation of previous rumors. Rumors that Luna had run Sweet Night ragged, how she gave unforgiving work. Then there was that one pony who had claimed she had witnessed Luna suck the energy from her.

She didn't care, all she cared was her wonderful bed she had spent her hard earned bits on. Finally arriving at her door, she quickly grabbed the key from within her uniform, opening the door by pushing her dead weight into the door.

Sweet Night noticed the multiple items strewn across her bed. The minutes before her shift where frantic, as her manager had failed to inform her of her new shift. Sweet Night barely managed to throw half of the items on to the floor, before finally giving up and collapsing onto her bed.

Her face fell into her pillow before she finally began to drift into sleep; she could feel the familiar sensation of falling as her mind began delve deeper into her long awaited slumber.

For the moment everything was peaceful, at least until a large bang was heard throughout the halls. The resounding sound of a door being swung open then shut closed, the sound was like a gun shot within the small room. Which wouldn't have disrupted Sweet Night’s sleep, until a large scream came after the door.


The scream came from none other than a pony known as Peachy Breeze, her antics and stunts where that of legends. She was also the roommate to the exhausted Sweet Night.

Sweet Night could have sworn she was in the middle of a large field of grass, laying on her back as she enjoyed her wonderful dream, until a large voice had raised alarms in her brain. She awoke to a mare pulling at her skirt, not in the fashion in checking who was wearing them but rather crying into her skirt.

“No! My little pony, why have you left me? You have left me to fight the endless slings of arrows of life alone!” Peachy Breeze was attending school for acting, yet she tended to find terrible times to practice what she learned.

Sweet Night brought herself to sit on her bed. She looked down at the once again over dramatic mare before pulling away her skirt away from her weeping eyes.

Peachy Breeze looked up at her friend in which she had believed was gone forever.

“Nighty!” Exclaimed Peachy before practically jumping at Sweet Night and wrapping her hooves around the poor mare.

Nighty was the nickname given to her by Peachy Breeze, she received the name within the hour of meeting her. Although the name itself was nothing special or creative, she enjoyed hearing it nonetheless. However Peachy Breeze’s hugs where nothing to laugh about, if she truly wished she could squeeze the very life out of anypony. Luna had not consumed her, however Sweet Night could feel the air leaving her lungs as Peachy squeezed her.

Sweet Night gave an audible groan as her midsection began to tense, luckily Peachy Breeze released her hug giving was for eye contact.

As Sweet Night gazed at her relieved friend, subtle anger and agitation began to rise within herself. Mainly because she was no longer asleep.

“Peachy, would you mind just letting me sleep for a while.” A headache began forming as Sweet Night stayed awake.

Peachy Breeze began to frown; she desperately wanted to know what had happened the previous night, of how she had nearly been consumed by the princess of the night.

“I will tell you all about it later.” Sweet Night responded. Sweet Night had known Peachy Breeze long enough to read her like an open book.

With that Peachy Breeze smiled and hopped off of the bed. With a bounce she retreated to the room door. She looked back at Sweet Night before asking something of her.

“Promise you’ll tell me?” Peachy Breeze then gave a mock salute, a sign of her signature promise.

Sweet Night smiled then gave her own salute back. No one understood why it was a salute, she’s heard of promises regarding locking hooves and an even weirder case involving cupcakes. However the Peachy salute was her sign of an unbreakable promise.

With that Peachy left the room, lightly closing the door behind her. Sweet Night realized although she was tired, she was awake enough to properly prepare herself for a long sleep. She trotted into the bathroom that the two roommates shared. She looked at herself in the mirror, what she saw was herself in the worst state possible: Her mane still in a terrible mess, along with the dark circles that had seemed to magically appear under her eyes. Her uniform was in ruin after she had promptly squashed them against the bed and she decided it was time to take it off.

The maid’s cap on her head was barely holding by a single knot. Sweet Night pulled of the strings with ease, the silk strings rubbing as they did. She looked down at the cap taking notice of the black center surrounded by a white lace. Each uniform was tailor made to the pony, each piece of the uniform held the ponies cutie mark somewhere. In the center of the black cap was a violet sky filled with stars. What was always funny about her cutie mark was that no one could quite discern what constellation was reflected from her cutie mark. Many ponies would give different answers, and each time when they asked her what it actually was she wouldn't be able to respond.

She placed the cap on the sink and untied her hair from the single pony tail at the back of her head. Her hoof gently pulled the small band from her mane, after removing the band her jet black mane fell to her sides. She could feel each individual hair as they tickled her shoulder, the tension of her scalp released as she shook her mane from side to side.

She felt around her chest to untie the small string that tightened her uniform to her body. Her hoof fumbled with the tight knot, but eventually the knot loosened and released allowing the uniform to begin to slip. The uniform rubbing against her back and legs as it fell, the black and white uniform slipped off revealing a coat of dark grey with a tinge of blue. As the uniform hit the ground Sweet Night could feel the air around her as the humidity of day began. She looked once again at the mirror to see her eyes against her coat. Her violet eyes could outshine stars: like the perfect amethyst gem creating stars against her owns coat’s dark background.

She threw her clothes into a small basket to wash at a later time. She debated running a bath, however her heavy eyes seemed to have finally chosen for her. Making her way to her bed, she removed all foreign item from her sheet before finally climbing into her bed ready to sleep.
As she laid her head on her soft pillow she could smell the humidity in the air as a heavy atmosphere began to fill the room. She began to regret not running a bath, however as she closed her eyes her mind began to drift.

“Y-you can’t do this!” Yelled a filly. Her cries for help falling on nothing but misunderstanding.

“Sweet Night we have made our decision and that is final! You must take responsibility now, you have a younger sister who needs your help. I’m sorry you have to-” A large stallion spoke to the filly, frustration began to show on his face. The stallion was relatively still young, barely past his prime, his large shoulders pulling more weight in single week than most ponies would in a month. He sat in his chair at the kitchen table, as the Sweet Night yelled at him from the doorway.

“But it’s who I am! It’s my cutie mark!” Sweet Night began to argue hoping to grasp at something to keep herself from crying.

It was until the stallion stood up out of his chair threatening to punish the poor filly. In contrast to the small fillies the stallion’s coat was a bright brown, his mane a dirty blonde. No one would ever connect the two ponies to be related, never mind father and daughter. The chair fell with a clatter, the large sound awoke a small baby in the next room.

The two ponies simply stood as they began to hear the cries in the room over. Their eyes still locked, waiting for the other to stumble. It was the father who made the first move making his way to the room with the crying baby. He called for his wife to assist him with the baby all the while leaving Sweet Night.

Sweet Night ran as fast as she could to confide herself into her room. The door slamming with a shut, and the metal of the locks sliding in place. She could never remember a time in which she had cried harder, a time in which she wished so hard to disappear and be a different pony.
Soon her dream faded as her mind wandered from memory to memory. When Sweet Night would wake up she would have no recollection of the dream, just as it should be. She would wake up regret her decision another day. What the filly in her dream didn't realize, was the large figure standing behind her. A large pony who was given the responsibility to watch over the ponies in equestria, not in the day but during the night.

Author's Note:

Edited By Twilight_Scratch

This chapter was written to fill the much needed description of Sweet Night.