• Published 1st Dec 2014
  • 1,029 Views, 8 Comments

The Keys of Reformation, Sonata in C - Red_Feather

Mabye trying to bend an entire school's will to match their own wasn't the best of ideas in the long run.

  • ...

Measure one

Sonata and Sunset shuffled down the small sidewalk towards a small apartment building, The silence wasn’t as awkward as Sunset had assumed it would be. It was probably due to the siren not really paying attention.

“So,” Sunset spoke up finally, “why did you go along with the whole ‘hypnotize the school’ thing in the first place? When you agreed to do this meeting thing you told me it wasn’t very fun.” Sonata looked over to Sunset and shrugged, a questioning frown on her face.

“I was mostly in it for the energy, I guess. It’s kind of like food to us but not like food food. Magical food Anyway, it was all Adagio’s idea and all if it seemed like a good idea at the time. I mean, we would get to feed, our power would grow, people would adore us, and Adagio would get her power fix.“ She sighed and messed with her bangs. Sunset nodded, not entirely sure how it made sense.

“What about your pendant? Didn’t it break?” The flame haired girl questioned and motioned towards the heart shaped gem on the leather strap around Sonata’s neck.

“It did but right now it’s healing. It’s kind of like a broken bone, you know?” Sonata carefully took off her choker, gently setting the heart in her palm and holding it out so Sunset could get a better view. “If I try to use magic it won’t be able to be good again and it’s going to take a long time to work.”

“Wait, if it’s going to fix itself why did you ask for help?” Sonata blushed and looked down at this comment.

“Well, I didn’t tell Adagio or Aria, so they don’t know that it will heal on its own. They don’t know many things about them but when we were still in Equestria I looked into them. I know a lot about these now. I asked for help because I don’t know how to be a good person, and I don’t want to be bad. I didn’t want to leave my friends behind, though, so I lied.” She frowned again, “I guess I’m already off to a bad start at being good, aren’t I?” She said in a quiet voice. Sunset frowned as well.

“Hey, don’t tell Applejack this, but I think that sometimes a small lie can help. Just make sure that it doesn’t get out of hand.” She reassured Sonata and cautiously rested a comforting hand on the other girl’s shoulder.

Maybe it’s her innocence, but I think I’m trusting her too quickly. Sunset thought to herself. Then again, it took my friends less than a minute to get used to me. She tried to reason. Still, she felt a bit unsure of herself. Was that a good sign? She shook her head and pulled her hand back to her side. A few more moments of silence followed before the two arrived at Sunset’s apartment. Luckily it was located on the first floor so they didn’t have to worry about the stairs.

“Pretty snazzy place you got here, Sunset.” Sonata stated, not a drop of sarcasm in her voice. Sunset raised an eyebrow curiously. The living room was small and had only one couch and a very small television but apparently that was snazzy by the siren’s standards. This made Sunset wonder how bad off they had been during the two months that had gone by since their defeat.

“Thanks, I guess. So, are you hungry?” She asked as she dropped her bag by the door and took off her boots. Sonata gasped and nodded her head quickly, following Sunset’s example by removing her shoes. Well, trying to.

“Do you mind if I take a shower first?” The blue haired girl asked, a light blush finding its way to her cheeks.

“Oh, right, of course! I’ll get you a towel and something to wear” Sunset nodded with a smile. She quickly ran into her room to get a towel and some spare clothes: a simple grey T-shirt and black sweats. She walked back into the living room to find Sonata struggling to get a particularly difficult knot out of her laces. With her brow furrowed and her tongue sticking out in concentration Sonata’s situation made Sunset smile and chuckle lightly. This made The siren look up and blush again.

“I, uhh, need a little help.” She mumbled and leaned back, offering her shoe to Sunset.

She’s got to be doing this on purpose. No one can be this innocent and try to take over an entire school. Sunset knelt down, putting the towel and the clothes on the couch, and began trying to undo the knot. Sonata awkwardly messed with her hands as a very uncomfortable silence fell between the two. In a sudden attempt to break it Sonata blurted out the first thing that came to her mind.

“Your hair reminds me of bacon!” She chirped in what was meant to be happy tone and not a nervous squeak. “N-not that that’s a bad thing. That that’s. That's a weird combination of words. I-I’ll be quiet now.” She looked away, too annoyed with herself for a blush to form.

“Thanks?” Sunset looked up momentarily, a slightly amused expression on her face as she finally managed to get the laces loose. “Here,” She said as she stood up and handed the towel and clothes to Sonata, “The bathroom is the first door to your left.” She helped Sonata to her feet and guided her to the hallway.

“Thank you.” Sonata grinned, happy that she hadn't completely goofed up earlier. Sunset shrugged a thank you and waved it off.

“I should have dinner done in a few minutes. We’re having nachos.” She smiled and motioned for Sonata to go. The siren nodded and walked to the bathroom. Sunset listened quietly for the sound of running water. A few seconds after she had heard it she also heard a loud gasp. “Oh, the handle is on backwards so the water will be really cold if you try to make it warm!” She warned, realizing that it was a bit late for that.

“Y-Yeah, I figured that out on my own.” Sonata called back, causing Sunset to laughed quietly and shake her head.

“Well,” She huffed to herself, “time to make dinner!”