• Published 1st Dec 2014
  • 2,768 Views, 91 Comments

The Moon In Me - Gray Compass

An artificial intelligence named 'Luna' found a new home in Craig's brain. He wanted a software, she wanted a body.

  • ...


Error, you don't have the permission to access this file.

“What?” I muttered to myself – The touch screen was unresponsive. I ran my fingers around its surface one more time, but oddly, nothing happened. Another system glitch, I presumed. Suddenly, the translucent gadget on my wrist flashed, a strange message popped up again.

Administrator has been disconnected – Proto Vision 1.7 is restarting.

“Cancel Action.” I said.

“Luna, Cancel Action”

“Luna, are you there?” My hand tried to reach the control panel - a slim white tablet, placed over a small stack of books by my side. Strangely, my arm flinched, preventing me of getting it. I quickly retracted the member, fearing that my sedentary lifestyle was finally starting to tear my muscles apart, or something. At least I wasn't a cheetos powered weirdo, as most of the fat bastards here in the office.

I looked to myself dubiously, and back to the tablet a few inches away. Moving my fingers one by one, I noticed that my joints still throbbed a little, but otherwise, it all seemed to have been just a stupid cramp. I needed the control panel, so I tried again.

Unfortunately for me, this time, a terrible jolt of pain ran through my spine making me drop the tablet, the books, and almost drop myself on the ground. Last time I felt such a thing, I was only five, and I had stuck my finger into a socket.

“W-what the hell is happening here?!” I said to no one in particular.

'Error, you don't have the permission to execute this movement.'

'Action denied.'

I heard that thing - one of those computer-generated voices had just spoken inside my head. Action denied, what for heaven's sake that meant? Probably it meant I was going crazy. It was a moonless night out there, and the entire room was completely dark and empty, except for me and the system I was developing - which now refused to accept any of my commands.

The bluish light coming from the tablet screen was only enough to lit the air around it, but inside that apparently negligible piece of tech, was the key to Proto Vision mainframe. The electronic control panel was crucial, and that thing fell right on my feet as if daring me to pick it up again. Being the panel responsible or not for all my trouble, it was my only chance to get rid of the rebellious AI.

As fast as I could, I jumped over the tablet firmly clutching it in my arms, determined that no electric shock would take it away from me without first taking my life. But after a few seconds, absolutely nothing happened. So perhaps I was right, I was just going crazy!


'Neural system is restarting.'

Or maybe not...


“Craig, are you there bro?” A voice from afar seemed to call for me. I must have babbled something unintelligible in response. “Dammit Craig, wake up for God’s sake!” Something- Or worse; someone – a really stupid someone, for what it’s worth – stuck a pointy, cold object inside my ear.

“Ouch!” I abruptly turned around, jerking that thing away from me. “W-what the hell- Frank?!” I slapped the guy's hand, whatever he was holding just flew away from his grasp. I'm almost sure it was that lousy No. 2 pencil he used to put behind his ear, though. “Do I look like a- a dead squirrel or something?”

Frank was one of those typical mediocre human beings; his sloppy beard and coffee stained sweater could give the false impression that he was just another sleep deprived family man, but looks can be deceiving. Frank was one of the previously mentioned cheetos powered bastards, whose personal dream is to perform coitus with a fictional Japanese character - and I presume that's what drove him to work here in the company.

“Well, no... Not a squirrel.” He chuckled “What the hell are you doing here boy? It’s not even Friday, and you’re already drowning on the floor.”

“What the hell'ya talking about? Where did-” Confused - and still a little bit mad at him - I took a look around for the first time after the unexpected disturbance. Curiously, it was morning, and a scent probably coming from the coffee machines filled the air as usual. I was lying on the carpet, and judging by the decoration - or the lack of it - I was still in Life Inc's building.

“So… What happened with you, squirrel boy?” He had this ridiculous sarcastic tone in his voice. Frank wasn't good with sarcasm. “Been doing some extras with Lilly? She got on your chipset, doesn't she? Riley told me she must be a goddess when it comes to overheating your hard dri-”

“Shut up Frank!” I shouted. “What Kinky Riley knows about Lilly anyway? Let her out of your filthy, dirty mind, you perv.”

“Hey, hey, hey- Why so serious Craig? I’m just curious, that’s all.” He extended me a hand, and I reluctantly grabbed it. My column ached so bad, that I've found it difficult to get up straight.

“Thanks.” I grumbled.

“No problem boy. It’s not every day you find someone sleeping on the database room, after all.” He knew I hated being called 'boy', but he called anyway. That was Frank.

“Database? But I was in my officer!” I stated, vigorously rubbing my temples. “How did I ended up here?”

Frank just shrugged.

“Wait a minute- and what you think you’re doing here? You’re not even a programmer.” I frowned at him. “Frank, if you were sneaking into the systems again, I swear-” Frank was part of the project; he worked together with Riley, Lilly, and some others at the design crew, although he always did a little bit of everything. Frank had a computer engineer diploma, after all.

It wasn't easy task to be his friend, and that's why I never considered myself one of his 'buddies'. Frank and 'Kinky' Riley were great pals though – they hanged out together most of the time, had the same crazes and all that kind of shit. Believe me, you don't really want to know why they call him Kinky Riley.

“Hang on Craig, you know that’s none of my business what you weirdos are coding down here - the boss asked me to check some of the coolers, if not me, someone else would have found you.” He stated.

If you say so. But keep in mind that I’ll not accept any kind of-”

“Good morning, Craig!”

“Luna!?” I gasped, almost tripping over my feet. And for a very understandable reason – A blue alicorn just popped up right in front of me.


Between a very puzzled Frank and me, was no one but ‘Princess Luna’ herself, yet, this was no magic or mysterious teleportation spell – She was supposed to be the personification of my artificial intelligence project. Why it looked like a pony, well, that’s a long story.

“I’ll not accept any kind of… Luna?” Frank raised an eyebrow at me. “What are you talking about?”

“I- I was trying to say that-” I stammered.

“Craig, dear, why hidest thy princess from him?” She asked, walking around Frank as if inspecting a guard. Luckily - or not – I was the only one capable of seeing the projection, thanks to my glasses. Doing my best to ignore Luna's temptation, I tried to remove the gadget from my face – only to find nothing but my own eyes.

“Searching for something?” She asked, walking towards me – I couldn't help but back away.“You know, we've always thought thou looked better without such a trinket.”

“T-this can't be possible!”

“Hey bro… Are you alright?” From confused, Frank was starting to get worried. I don’t blame him though - I would be worried as well, if someone started to talk with the empty space right in front of me.

In lack of better options – run. “Gotta go!”

And so I did - I ran as if my life depended on it. Poor Frank just stayed behind, probably staring at me from the hallway and thinking I had finally become insane. I wasn't sure why, when, or more importantly – how did Luna ended up right there. But I knew one thing; something was terribly wrong with the software, and I had to find the control panel as soon as possible.

I made my way through the building, dodging from several confused people, who very likely asked themselves the reason of such a hurry. Last night events finally started to get clearer and clearer; the error, those strange messages, the demoniac tablet. Everything was returning to my troubled mind at once, and I couldn't help but wonder - what for God’s sake ‘Neural system is restarting’ meant.

As I reached the lobby, I practically jumped inside an elevator, ignoring the waiting line with the lame excuse I was having an asthma attack and needed my inhaler. The database room where I came back to my senses was located on the first floor - but how did I managed to sleep at my office, and wake up nearly seventy floors away from there, was a mystery for me.

Luna had disappeared from sight, but somehow, I was pretty sure she was just making herself invisible for me. The elevator door opened with a shriek, the door to my office was the first one at the development floor, and could be easily distinguished by a colored graffiti - guess what? It was a moon, made by a friend of mine. I burst inside the room, every little thing seemed to be in their proper places, but the most important of all was nowhere to be found.

Not my inhalator, but the tablet - that stupid tablet was gone.

“Where did you hide it? Where is the control panel?” I said “I’m talking to you Luna, where is my fucking tablet?” I yelled, punching the desk with my clenched fists.

“We? But we have not hidden anything at all.”

I turned around; she was there, innocently lying on her belly over my table. “Don’t you dare to lie to me, I know it's your fault!” I picked up my glasses and pointed at them. “Do you see this?” I asked, she nodded with a smile. “Well, you shouldn't. In fact, I shouldn't see you as well without the glasses. You know what I mean, don't you?”

“We are just a cinematic projection Mr. Astor, and nothing more.” Luna stated, disappearing again in a ghostly purplish mist, only to pop out on the couch by my side. “You on the other hoof…” She booped my nose playfully – a move that naturally surprised me, not by the boop itself, but by the fact that I felt the boop on my skin, and her ethereal mane brushing against my face, as she walked past me.

“Hey- How the hell did you do that?” I gaped. “You’re supposed to be a…”

“Go on, say it, what are we supposed to be?” She asked, a sly smile growing on her lips “An illusion? A hologram? Thine little toy?” Luna snorted.

Where exactly are you, Luna?” It was more of a rhetorical question, but I asked it, anyway. “Or should I ask; what do you want from me?” Before she could say anything, I quickly added “And don’t think I’m asking about your literal location, miss.” She was right in front of me, softly flapping her anatomically unrealistic wings, only for the sake of doing it.

“It’s always the same thing, you know?” She sighed, shaking her unicorn head in a disappointed way “The same stupid interrogation: Who are you? What do you want from me? Why are you here?” Luna said. “Can’t a mare just have some fun?”

“Not inside my body!” I replied, pressing my eyes in frustration. “I have no idea how did you broke into my chip, but if you don’t leave at this very moment, I’ll be forced to shut down your systems!”

Something in my statement seemed to have struck her. Luna got silent, and not a minute later, disappeared without a trace. I dropped myself on the nearest couch, and sighed in relief. However, before I could rejoice in my deserved loneliness, a deep voice spoke inside my head.

“So thou know about the chip…”

I groaned. “Crap, of course I know about the chip - it’s inside my head for years!” I affirmed “And just in case you don’t know, that spot is reserved for it, and nothing more. No tumors, no aneurysms, and no artificial alicorn princesses!”

“I see…” Luna said. “But allow me to – no, we don’t even need your allowance – I shall make a few things clear for you, Craig Astor.”

Without warning my entire body twitched, my hands moved aimlessly and grabbed the couch backrest, eventually throwing it on the ground at random. After that, I collapsed on the floor squirming and groaning - I wasn't in pain, but my nervous system seemed to be caught in some kind of glitch. I felt like a video game rag-doll

“L-lu- Luna s-stop!” I struggled with my tongue until those words finally came out, distorted and broken, but surely audible to anyone working on that floor. Any nearby priest would immediately call an exorcist, I could feel her power crawling inside of me, I was possessed – not by a demon, but by my own creation.

“Stand up!” She ordered. I had no choice – I couldn't complain - my legs just moved automatically like a remote control toy. It wasn't a normal way of walking, tho. I was hobbling like the hunchback of Notre Dame, until Luna allowed me to stop. There was a mirrored wall in this room and I found myself standing in front of it. Staring at my reflection, my chestnut disheveled hair framed my confused face.

“Do you think it was easy for us, Craig?” Luna asked. “Have you ever wondered how it feels to be… Artificial? To be nothing but lines of code?”


“Yes what?” She insisted.

“Yes I have. I have wondered as to how it feels to be a simulation – or even If it ‘feels’ anything at all.” I honestly said.

“We have asked ourselves several times – 3.274 million questions, in 0.09 seconds, to be exacter – how’s the sensation of being alive.” Her voice was now softer, and you could easily feel a hint of hesitation. “How it feels to be touched, to feel the cold winter wind, and the warm sun as well. I've thought about it all…”

“I understand your point Luna, I really do. But you have to understand as well that this is not my fault, I don-”

“Yes it is!” She yelled. That strident voice made every inch of my head throb. “It’s completely your fault. You created us – a princess without a throne, without subjects, without a night sky to rule. I have no Equestria to go back, Craig!”

I was speechless, silently looking into the mirror, as Luna’s projection slowly appeared by my side like a ghost. Visible to me, and for no one else.

“If I can’t live in the world I was created for… I’ll live inside of you