• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 295 Views, 1 Comments

Adventure of shadow - Midnight-

Shadow Wakes up in a mysterious place, knowing not what to do but think or how the hell He got there. Maybe he'll figure it out or maybe not. It up to you to find out...

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Note:hey guys this has mostly characters you see on the tv series I have no idea how to choose multiple charcters so I put original characters I hope you guys like it.
My little pony is owned by hasbro.

Chapter 1: the beginning.

“Uh” I said as I woke up, “my stomach hurts maybe if I eat something” I said as I made myself a bowl of cereal

“What a dream …. Wait where am I” I said as I looked around “this isn’t my home my home isn’t finished yet this one is-“

“Ahh your awake” a mysterious voice said from the shadows

“Who are you” I screamed “where am I who are you.”

“Relax” said the voice “I’m Magnus and you’re in canterlot, in equestria and your under house arrest” Magnus said

“For what” I said

“For being a spy” said Magnus casually as if he seen this many times

“A spy I’m not a spy do I look like a spy.” I said angrily

“No but-“Magnus said a little annoyed

“But nothing” I said cutting him off “I’m not a spy and never will be ok”

“I’m just following orders guy so shut up” he screamed furiously.

“Fine” I said leaving his sight and entering the living room. “I just have to find a way out” I said looking around.

“Or a weapon” I said as I looked a broom stick so I walked over and broke the broom stick in half making many sharp edges and peered over the corner to see if Magnus had his back to me and luckily he did so I crept over ever so silently and put the broken broom stick around his neck and he screamed as he thrashed around trying to get me off and after 10-20 minutes later he stopped moving I checked his heart beat and found that he was just knocked out so I check him for better weapons and found a tazer.

“well it’s better than nothing” I said taking the tazer so I ventured down the hall a bit until I found a door and when I enter I stared in horror as it was just filled with cells with crazy people in them just whooping and hollering trying to get out as soon as I came out of it I searched the place for someone I can use but I didn’t so I continued searching for weapons, armor, or supplies after an hour of searching I heard someone coming so I quickly hid in a storage room as they left I searched the storage room for any supplies but all I found was illegal weapons that are supposed to not have existed yet I found laser guns, thunder cannons, and freeze ray’s and also plasma grenade’s as I continued searching I saw loads of guns and quickly dug In when I was done I had two revolvers that shot slugs instead of bullets and had a berretta sniper rifle on my back and had spas pump action shotgun and as I looked around I saw the door open and quickly hid and saw two men walking up with glock 17’s coming in my direction so I panicked not knowing what to do and remembered I had guns so I used my shotgun on both and killed them so I exited the building and then I got hit by someone and everything went black.

Chapter 2: the rainbow factory
I wake up in a dimly lit room hearing muffling and 10-15 minutes later I regain my sense’s hearing crying as I got up I saw someone on the ground as I got up to help him I saw two figures wearing black standing next to him he didn’t move for a good 30 minutes until I got the idea that he was dead and then before I know it we have to leave as I’m walking past some large pipes I notice a big machine with glass container’s next to it with a hole on the bottom that was covered by something as we stand next to it I saw a scientist talking about the place then what he said next I was in shock. This is the rainbow factory he said grinning and I looked to the left and right and saw guards on both sides and when I looked next to the scientist and saw something with rose colored eye’s and there was something about her that seemed familiar as a brown colored creature was dragged up to the big machine he was chained and he was brought up over a hole on the top of the machine and I look at the creature with horror as the chain’s were moving everywhere breaking its arms and legs as the creature stopped screaming in pain his arms and legs were torn off and the rest of its body was dropped in the hole and the glass containers were filled with different colored liquid and the thing that was covering the bottom released as the rainbow colored liquid fell into a pool that also was filled with the same liquid and the prisoners started panicking and after a little while the black suited creatures started putting them back in the area and a pinkish colored creature screamed

"how could celestia stand this" then I tuned her out by looking at the rose eyed creature that was looking at the machine as I turned around the pinkish colored creature gasped as so did the others when looked at her I also was shocked to see rainbow dash’s face behind the mask then I thought this was a nightmare I tried to wake up but I couldn’t as dash laughed manically I looked around to see that the doors were blocked except one then I thought that we could use the door to escape but when I tried to warn them I heard clear fly fall complete so I got the message to get to the door to escape and heard “3…2…1…go” and everyone started to head to the door including me but I heard a soft voice saying

“Help me…..help me….. help me” so I headed towards the sound and found out that it was coming from a black crystal when I touched it, it started glowing white then I blacked out and woke up with my arms and legs chained with a orange colored creature then rainbow dash appeared all bloody the thing I could tell it was her cause of the rose colored eyes and she had spots of fur missing in different places and said

“Any last words you worthless piece’s of crap” the orange colored creature looked up with courage in her eyes

“you have beautiful eyes” it said just after lowering its head

Then she looked at me furiously “now you” she said

And I looked at her horrified then summoned every ounce of courage I had left “I expected more” I said the a determined look on my face

As I said that she got angry “you are the first to die then” she snarled

So I closed my eyes to except my fate... wait she didn’t kill me but why? As I opened my eyes I saw a knife in my front of my face two more inches and I would have been dead

“Why don’t you fear me?” Said dash

“Cause I don’t fear death augh!” The tremendous pain flew up my body it felt like a thousand knives stabbed me at ounce my head throbbing my arm’s and leg’s feeling excruciating pain and my body hurt like crazy everyone was looking at me as I passed out

Chapter 3: sweet apple massacre.
I woke up in a hospital as I got up a creature dressed up as a doctor

“Easy- easy you’re body needs a rest after we operated.” It said concerned

“Operated? On what?” I said worrying

“You’re body had massive damage so we had to operate.” The doctor said

“Huh?” I said confused

“You don’t remember coming here?”he asked

“No all I remember is feeling massive pain all through my body for five seconds then nothing, is that bad?” I explained

“No- no it isn’t bad just minor amnesia that’s all.” He said I sighed with relief as he said those words then that relief turned into horror as rainbow dash came in my eyes widened as she stepped into the room.

"Get away from me you murderer" I said as rainbow dash came closer.
“Relax she was there as you walked in here.”

“What!” I said panicking “are you serious!” I said panicking

“Yes I’m serious she admitted everything and served in prison for it and now she wants to say sorry.” The doctor explained

“Wait how long have I been out for.” I said grasping my head

“About five months” the doctor deadpanned

“What! Five months holy crap that’s a long time … wait how long did she serve?”

“About five months.” The doctor once again deadpanned

“Oh wait shouldn’t she have been spending a longer time than that?”

“Yes but she was released early for good behavior.” The doctor said regaining his normal cheerful voice

“Wait what about the rainbow factory she told you about what they were doing right?” I said hoping he would say yes

“Yes she did and the rainbow factory was condemned for pony slaughter.”

“Oh” I said sighing with relief.

“So will you forgive me” said rainbow dash nervously

“Okay” I said smiling.

“O thank you thank you thank you thank you” she said hugging me.

“Okay” the doctor said “he needs his rest.”

“Okay” rainbow dash said leaving. So I fell asleep.

“Ugh what a dream” I said getting up from my hospital bed
Then the doctor came in

“ah your awake just in time too you’re free to go but watch the stress okay?” he said

“Okay” I said getting up “where’s my pants.”

“Right here” said a nurse nearby.

“Thanks” I said taking the clothes. As soon as I’m out of the hospital I decided to find new clothes as I’m looking around I accidently bump into rarity we both fall down and as I get up I notice all the stuff she was carrying was all over the ground so I apologized and helped her get her stuff together and offered to help her with some of it.

“It would be nice” said rarity struggling to keep most of the stuff from falling so I help her and when we are at her boutique she notices how messed up my clothes are and said

“augh those dreadful clothes look awful I’ll be right back to get you’re measurements.”

“Uh okay” I said nervously as she left the room and came back ten minutes later with a bunch of fabric and something to measure me with

“Hold still this will only take a second” she said coming towards me and ten minutes later I’m in a black tank top, blue boot cut jeans and a black hoodie on with combat boots.

“Hey this looks good thanks uh.”

“Rarity” she said smiling.

“Yes rarity thanks again” I said as a walked through the door exiting the boutique so I continue on down the road a couple miles and see sweet apple acres as I approach their house I hear screaming coming from the basement and as I enter the basement quietly I see big Macintosh with the orange creature’s left wing and I saw two others clamped down on a table of some sort one white one with a horn and another yellow one with a bow on so as I approach big Mac without being seen I grab a copper pipe that was laying on the ground and swung it at big Mac and I hit him in the shoulder so big Mac screamed in pain and turned around to hit me so I dodged it and swung a powerful blow at his head and knocked him out so I ran over to the orange creature and helped her up and freed the other’s as we exited the basement another orange creature with blonde hair was standing right there waiting for me and our eye’s met we stared at each other for a good 15 minutes until she broke the silence

“Bring her inside and I’ll patch her up” so I brought the orange creature inside and laid her on the couch and as soon as the orange creature with blonde hair started big Mac bursts in

”I will kill you all now” he said everyone looks at big Mac terrified and so I had no choice but to break his legs so when I do he’s crawling to us so I knock him out again. After the orange creature with blonde hair finish’s I ask her for her name

“Applejack the name’s apple jack” she replied

“Nice name” I said with a small smile

“Thanks” said applejack as we headed to the hospital. As soon as we enter the orange creature in the hospital they quickly bandage her up and when we left, we all went our separate ways but the children stayed

“What’s your name?” the orange creature said

“Call me shadow got to go kid seeya” I replied

“That’s great“said the orange creature

“my name’s scootaloo and the white pony is called sweetie belle and this is apple bloom.” Scootaloo explained

“Nice to meet you all I got to go seeya.”I said walking away as it gets dark I look for a place to crash so I went to an abandoned hotel for the night and as I enter I get knocked out.

Chapter 4: pinkenema and butchershy.
I wake up clamped to a table of some kind and when I look around all I can see is the dead remains of whoever was here last and so I start to panic I see a pink creature and a yellow creature.

“Who are you people” I said cautiously.

“I’m pinkenema” said the pink creature “and this is butchershy.”

“Uh nice name’s” I said uneasy “where am I.”

“You’re in the operating room.” Said pinkemena

“OPERATING ROOM!” I said panicking some more as the two laughed manically then everything started to spin then everything went black. I wake up in the hotel with a brand of a skull and crossbones on both of my arms and when I look in the mirror I have three scar’s going down the side of my face taking the color out of my right eye so my eye color is a really light blue color and so I exit the hotel and head for the hospital and when I get there I pass out and wake up to be in a hospital bed with a huge scar going down on both sides of my ribcage when I start looking around I found scootaloo, sweetie belle, and apple bloom sitting beside me and the doctor enters and see’s I’m awake.

“Hello sleeping beauty” he said as he tries to wake up the three as they wake up they greet me with a huge hug.

“Ouch careful of the ribcage” I said as I hold my rib cage.

“Sorry” they all said stepping away a couple inches

“We thought you never would wake up” said sweetie belle smiling.

“Well I did” I said chuckling.

“You lost a lot of blood” said the doctor “you’re lucky these three were following your blood trail and managed to get you here”

“Thanks” I said smiling “so when am I back in action doc.”

“Right now you look fine just don’t do any running for awhile okay.” Said the doctor checking me over “Alright” I said and so when I exit the hospital then I notice rainbow dash getting beaten up by some bullies so I go over to help and give a massive blow to one of the bullies knocking him down but when I turn around another hit’s me in the rib cage and I scream in pain and so I get up and kick the bully in the testicles and so he scream’s in pain and they both retreat in a dark alley

“Thank you” said rainbow dash.

“You’re welcome” I said holding my side.

“Are you okay” dash said looking at my side.

“I’m fine” I said “just got out of the hospital after a surgery on my ribcage.”

“What!” Said dash “you shouldn’t do stuff like that after you have surgery okay you could kill yourself doing that okay.”

“Okay” I said.

“Oh cheerilee’s having a play today wanna come with me.” Dash said still looking at my side

“Sure I guess.” I said mumbling a bit

“You guess this play will be awesome I think the answer you’re looking for is yes.” Said dash

“Fine I’ll go” I said “so what time.”

“Tonight at 8:00 okay” dash replied

“Okay” I said looking at my watch “oh I gotta go seeya dash.”

“Bye” she said as she too had somewhere to go so I left and I went to rarity’s to visit and so after we talk and do some stuff I look at my watch 7:30

“I got to go… oh Rarity are you going to the play.”
“Yes dear I’ll be there soon.” Said rarity sewing up a dress on her sewing machine

“Okay rarity see you at the play” I said as I head to the theater where the play was being held when I entered It looked like they postponed it till 8:30 cause they were down a man so I offer to help and she gave me the part of a royal guard I don’t say anything just stand there so after I get my costume on it’s already 8:20 so I get ready for the play so after my part I head to the back of the stage and wait after the play was over then everything went black.

Chapter 5: cheerilee’s play.
I wake up in a empty room and I get up and find that cheerilee was up in a room with bullet proof glass so she can see me then she pulls a lever then a machine comes out of a hidden door and start’s wrestling me after a hour of fighting I black out I wake up to find I can’t feel anything to my waist down when I get in a position that I can see my legs I find out I don’t have anything from my waist down it was torn off I didn’t know how I was alive but I didn’t care I had to get out so lucky me that a door was open when I crawled through the door I made my way to a hidden passage when I went through the passage a way’s I found out that scootaloo was going to be crushed then I saw cheerilee smiling I went over grabbed her hoof as tight as I could and pulled so that she would trip and as she fell I seen that she was knocked out so I pulled the lever to make the roof go up and unlocked the door scootaloo was unconscious so I managed to drag scootaloo out in time so I left her hidden by a pile of boxes and propped her up so she wouldn’t bleed and I passed out for a little while what woke me up was silver spoon being dragged to a secret lair so I tried to follow them but I passed out in front of cheerilee then I woke up to find that silver spoon was missing a eye and tongue and was in a hole and diamond tiara was making her way there and cheerilee was saying good but shadow here has to make it there too if you want to leave and when she said that it reminded me of pinkenama’s kills and filled with rage and adrenaline I noticed that I was bound and I wasn’t letting that stop me I ripped my bindings off and put my hand out and smashed the ground as hard as I could and made my way to silver spoon and I found that tiara was down the hole already then I fell down and hit the cement hard ignoring the pain I started coming up the dead body’s that were piled high and when I got there I saw that silver was close to death when I made it there and with all my might

“LET THEM GO!!!” I said with courage and pride and with this cheerilee looked mad.
“yeah about that I lied” she said then this clear acid fell down then I pushed spoon and tiara aside so they couldn’t get hit by the acid they fell to the cement and looked terrified at me as the acid hit me as it stopped I looked up with courage and said is that all you got I said to cheerilee then she said no that’s not it then I blacked out and woke up staring in a mirror I couldn’t recognize the person staring back at me I was one of the creature’s but had black spot’s in some places and had the left half my face along with some parts of my body looking like it was melted and had half my body with the brand on both my arm’s and as I look over I see scratch’s on sweetie belle and was looking at me crying with cuts all over her body and I got in a position to crawl and made my way to help sweetie belle and released her and fell back on the floor then sweetie belle offered to carry me out I accepted when she went on stage everyone gasped as they saw what was looking at them.

“this is what cheerilee did to me and shadow-” she said and then I cut her off saying.

“look behind some piled boxes and bring whoever you find behind there and put her on stage” and she did she brought out scootaloo and I told her were the rest were when they came out alive I said also these people were victims of cheerilee they will survive… luckily when everyone saw this they went behind stage and brought cheerilee to justice then when I saw her being put in jail I closed my eyes awaiting death.

Author's Note:

This book was inspired by rainbow factory, cheerilee’s garden, pinkemena Diane pie and butcher shy, and sweet apple massacre I do not claim to own these books and/or videos and I do not claim to own my little pony friendship is magic the characters in this book are owned by Hasbro hope you guys enjoyed the book cya next chapter