• Published 12th Nov 2014
  • 2,180 Views, 20 Comments

Dogfight Over Equestria - Blastshot

A few pilots from WW2 end up in equestria. The rest of the war gets dragged in with them, but can they defend equestrian with just 5 planes?

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Live to fight and fly

“GAH!!! IM HIT!!!” screamed Patt as fuel leaked out in a dark cloud. Another stream of bullets knocked at him, going straight into his engine. “IM GOIN’ DOWN!!!! Wait, I can land this bird!” Making sure to keep the control stick pulled up at all times, he put out his landing gear, and touched down on the grass.

“AHHH!!!! ITS COMING!!!!” Twilight yelled, as both Rainbow and twilight jumped out of the way as the flaming metal bird touched down. It turned until it was broadside to them. “GAH!” Twilight yelped as she jumped behind Rainbowdash. A huge piece of glass slid open and a big, hairless (accept on top of the head as it revealed when it took its helmet of) ape jumped out, coughing and wheezing as smoke flowed out from the glass.

“Stupid Plane! Ya take 50 rounds of bullets and you’re already down!” it said as it threw its helmet on the ground.

“Wha- What is that- THAT THING!” Rainbow Screamed as it proceeded to kick the metal bird it called ‘a plane’.

“Well, I guess its not entirely THE PLANE’S fault” Patt calmed himself. He stopped kicking the plane. It’s burning Rolls Royce engine seemed to have put itself out. He looked into the distance, and saw a Pegasus, and a unicorn, staring at him with wide eyes. He looked back, and screamed “GAHHHAHAHA!!” and jumped into his plane.

“AHHHHH!!!!! IT LOOKED AT US!!!!” Twilight screamed. Another plane, this time with a black swastika instead of a star, swooped down, shooting fiery projectiles at them. Both Twilight and Rainbowdash screamed as they pierced the ground around them. The other ‘human’ as Twilight remembered from Lyra’s description of them jumped into his plane, and took off, only to circle around and dive behind the other plane. “Great now another ones joining in on the fun!!!” Twilight screamed as Rainbowdash took off. But Twilight soon realized that the plane with the star on its wing had no intentions of harm, as it shot at the attacker, which then fell to the ground and exploded. The other plane landed again, and the human climbed out, as more planes landed, all with the same stars on their wings. All except three, two with the swastika, one of them which was chasing Rainbowdash, (who was slow because her wing was obviously bleeding) and the other with a star, chasing after the attacker. The swastika plane (which she classified as the ‘bad guy’) fell to the ground. Rainbow stopped her flight, and hovered, and the star plane did a little spin. It then landed. Or, at least she thought it would, as it was shot at. Rainbow heard a scream come from the plane, and blood flew out as it slowly fell to the ground. Out of rage, Rainbow flew over to the cockpit of the last plane, kicked open the glass, and, as she prepared to throw the human out, it said “was der…” which means ‘what the’ in German, but she didn't know that, as the human fell to the ground, screaming.It deployed some sort of cloth, which slowed its fall, which she disposed of by ripping it. She was breathing heavily, hovering over the ground. Then she looked over from on puddle of blood, to the other, the one with her savior. She flew down, with tears of rage in her eyes. She somehow mustered the strength to pick the human up, and get Twilight to teleport him to the hospital.

“Is- is it gonna be alright?” Rainbow questioned the doctor.

“Well, it got multiple fragments of metal and glass stuck in its body, and it was scorched by massive flames." Replied the nurse

“But will it live?!” Rainbow asked frantically.

"Yes, it will. In fact, it should be awake right now. We already have Twilight Sparkle questioning it” The doctor informed.

“So, where did you come from?” Twilight asked the mysterious creature.

“I came from America” it replied. “Are you a male, or a female?” Twilight went on. “I’m a male”

“What are you?” Asked twilight.

“I’m a human, duh”

Twilight suddenly had flash backs of the 37 times she told Lyra that humans DON'T exist. “Uhhhh, just one second, I need to get somepony.” A few minutes later, she came back with Lyra, who was jumping up and down in excitement.

“So, how healthy is he?!” Lyra asked.

“He just almost DIED, how do you think he is?” Twilight retorted.
“Oh”. The rest of the mane six were in the hospital room, Rainbowdash talking to human the most.

“Oh, and by the way, what is your name?” Rarity asked. “My names Drake, and could you tell me where I am?!” he said. Just then, Patt, Henz, Rick, and Jane burst in.

“WHO ARE YOU AND AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH DRAKE?!?!” Jane shouted, a pistol trembling in her hands. She was just about ready to shoot everyone in the room if she didn't get answers quick.

“We ain’t tellin’ ya’ll nutin’ till’ ya tell us why yer’ threatenin’ us with a black stick!” Applejack yelled, ready to fight. Lyra was just silent.

“Black stick, huh? well, I’ll show you a black stick!” Jane shouted as she twirled the pistol around one he finger, and shot Applejack's hat off.

“So, how could that do anythin’ to us?” the now hatless Applejack said. Jane shifted her aim to the wall, and fired. A huge black mark was left there.

“NOW. AS I SAID BEFORE. WHO ARE YOU, AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH DRAKE.” The rest of the squadron then walked in, pistols high in there hands.

“Drakes right there, and we nursed him back to health. Now, I think we got off on the wrong hoof, or in your case, foot. please, calm down, and we can-” Twilight was cut off bye the sound of more gunfire, as a bf 162 circled above, firing its turrets at the ground. Luckily it didn't have any bombs in it, but it was still destroying buildings and on the verge of killing somepony. Drake leaped out of bed, and then fell down again. “What are you doing?! your leg is broken!” Twilight shouted. Lyra was still quiet, stunned by the sight of an actual human.

“Sorry, its just instinct for me to jump up and get in a plane and shoot down germans” Drake explained.

When the rest of the team got into their planes, there was a fighter escort with the bomber, and weird black ponies on the ground trying to kill the civilians. A small child was backing away from one of the attackers. Henz swooped over, and fired streams of bullets, making sure not to hit the kid. By the time he was out of the dive, the black pony was dead.

“Lyra, get out here, this is what you wanted to see, humans!” But Lyra didn't move. All she said was:

“im not going out there! I could get killed!” She yelled, as two Focke wulf 190s swooped overhead, Heading towards the mustangs.

A 190 slipped onto Rick’s 6 o’ clock, which he quikly countered by flipping his plane over, slowing down, speeding back up, and flipping topside again. The 190 tried to out-turn him, but no luck, as Rick’s marksmanship kicked in, and put his plane in just the right direction, and fired. Half of the 190’s tail wing flipped off, as the engine burst into flames.

Drake limped out on the crutches twilight fitted for him. He saw something diving for cover in the bushes, but didn't know what it was. He limped over to the bush, holding his pistol in his hand, using his foot to push up the one crutch. It was painful, but it worked. Just as he peeped his head behind the bush, he heard a German say, trying his best to speak English, “Put your hands up!” Drake did so, and, as he did, he looked up, seeing a heavy, but fairly loose branch hanging above the German. He fired his pistol at the branch, and it toppled down on his captor. The German fired several shots from his MP40 submachine gun, but all missed, as drake shot his hand. The German screamed in pain as blood spilled from the palm of his hand. Drake pushed him out, holding a pistol to his head. He found a shovel from a construction site, and dug the prisoner into a wide, deep hole that he couldn't get out of.

“10 ft deep. I’ll be keeping an eye on you” drake added

After the huge battle was over, the German was Still sitting there, sulking. The men (and one woman) found a jail cell to put him in. The interrogation was to be held at 7:00 PM. For now, it was just time for some socializing.

“So, what’s your story? I mean, how did you all get in the army?” Twilight asked.

“Well, it all started when my brother enlisted” Drake started. “I was just 17, and my brother was already fighting in Italy. I really wanted to help, but I was too young. So I lied that I was 19, and got in the USAAF as a fighter pilot. Short story” Drake finished.

“Well what about you, er…” Applejack looked up at the tall woman, motioning for her name.

“Jane, its Jane” she finally said. “Well, there was a draft up for one woman as an experimental fighter pilot program, and I just happened to get drafted in. I fought in the Battle of Britain, and then Went to Italy to help the Americans with strafing runs and air support. I got lost, and ended up land at these joker's base, and-"

"And then a hot girl jumped out of the cockpit." Rick cut off.

"I'm right here, idiot!" Jane said as she hit him on the head with the back of her gun. "Patt, could you take girl crazy out of the room?" Asked Jane.

"Yeah, sure" said Patt as he got up to drag rick out of the room.

"And then I joined up with their squadron" finish Jane. "Well, I-" Patt was cut off by what sound like an air raid siron. He heard bangs as he looked outside and saw a bunch of black ponies with holes in them banging on his fighter plane. "HEY! YOU! MY GIRLFRIENDS TAKEN!!" He said as he ran out, all the other pilots running behind the, and then the ponies filing out.

The pilots drew their pistols, and Rick started to "negotiate". "Ok, we can do this your easy way, you... things... surrender. Or our easy way, we kill you." Said Rick. Some of them shook their head, and drew for his spear. One even chuckled. One of them spoke up and said

"or we could just stab all of you" and started charging towards them.

"Well, if you want" said Patt blankly. An array of gunshots were heard, and the attackers were dead. More insect-like ponies approached, this time gripping rifles. And then, a big surprise. Krauts.

"HERE WE GO!! Shouted Rick as he dart for his plane covering his head. The rest of the pilots ran for their lives, on the way to their planes killing two Krauts, and then taking off the runway. Five BF-109's screamed across the sky as the sun set.