• Published 26th Apr 2012
  • 744 Views, 5 Comments

Tales From The West: Grit & Lead - Docks

Ponies in the Wild West. Doing Wild West things.

  • ...

Chapter Five: The Stallion With A Name.

Chapter Five

Ballad rubbed his eyes as he began to feel the grip of sleep begin to pull his eyes shut. "It's gettin' quite late. How you foals holdin' up?" The aged pony slowly asked.

"Come on Grandpa, we're not the little ponies you used to tuck into bed." Sugar Sap grumbled.

The old stallion let out a gruff chuckle. "Shoot, I ain't worried that much 'bout you two, I'm more worried 'bout myself. I'm afraid I might just drift off to sleep any minute now."

"Ahhhh, but they just got to the town, I wanna hear what happens next!" Ballad’s grandfilly whined.

"Oh, well if you're tired Grandpa, I'm pretty sure me and Sugar Sap can hear the rest of the story in the mornin'." Dusty quietly answered.

Ballad waved a hoof in response. "Don't fret about it youngin', these old bones of mine still got some step in 'um. Tell ya what, I'll finish this part of the story up before we all turn in for the night, sound fair to you two?"

Both ponies excitedly nodded their heads and eagerly awaited the next section of their grandfather's story.

"Let's see, Oh yes! Our hero just arrived at the town of Cross Roads..."


"Hehehehe. Oh Celestia, I kinda feel bad for that poor unicorn, hope he doesn't get amnesia or worse, after that monster of a buck you gave him." Soft Touch joked.

"He got what was comin' to him." Thistle coolly replied.

"Shoot, if you hoof out a beat down to a crazed and dehydrated pony, I'd hate to see what you'd do to a sane pony that scuffs your horseshoes!" The carriage driver shouted before succumbing to laughter once more.

The gunslinger sighed in response as he continued to endure his companion's banter. "Care to tell me anythin' more about Cross Roads? Besides how its brothels are the finest in all of the Frontier." Thistle interjected.

Soft Touch’s laughter began to taper off as he tried to collect his wits. "Where to begin...Oh yes, Cross Roads is an independent tradin' post, does business with all sorts of folks. We've got ponies, griffons, donkeys, diamond-dogs, and even some of dem mysterious zebra characters."

Soft Touch continued to answer his companions questions as they kept on their journey, eventually the ground underneath the pair gave way to a makeshift road and the two stallions began to pass by small wooden cottages that blanketed the town's outskirts.

The pair entered the town square through its eastern road and were greeted with a diverse group of inhabitants scattered amongst the town’s various wooden buildings. Even though night was firmly established; the massive town of Cross Roads was still awake with activity.

Thistle paused in front of a massive wooden billboard that was planted in the town's square. "You weren't lyin' when you said this place was large." Thistle called out as he watched a caravan worked by a mixed batch of races past by him.

Soft Touch nodded his head in agreement. "I was amazed when I first arrived here. You should see how hectic this place is in the mornin'." The stallion answered as he pointed a hoof down the town’s southern road. "Come on, I promised to buy yah a drink." Thistle broke from his sightseeing and promptly followed behind his guide.

The two earth ponies trotted down the populated street passing by various stores illuminated by candlelight that were still catering to customers. The pair eventually ended up in front of a small wooden two-story building with a faded sign hanging overhead.

Thistle took a short glimpse at the lackluster building and turned his head towards his companion. "I don't know about this place, all I'm seein' from this place is watered down piss water is all we have." The gunslinger snidely stated.

Soft Touch let out a small chuckle. "I know it don't look like much, but trust me on this partner!" The ex-carriage driver soothed before entering the small establishment through its simple door.

Thistle looked around for any other alternatives to his companion's choice, seeing nothing nearby the pony let out a bitter snort. "At least its gonna be free." The earth pony grumbled as he trotted up the wooden steps.

Thistle found himself in a large sparsely decorated room with brown wooden walls and empty circular tables occupying most of the room. The stallion looked around to find his companion seated at the empty bar located at the back of the homely inn. "Nopony home?" Thistle asked as he took a seat next to Soft Touch.

Soft Touch shook his head and rang the small bell that rested upon the bar's dusty marble counter. A resounding *PING* echoed throughout the empty room, and soon a muted voice began to resonate from the open doorway that divided the glass cabinets behind the bar counter. "Alright! I'm goin' already...bloody slave driver!" The voice’s owner indignantly yelled.

The faint beat of horseshoes meeting wood soon followed and an old mauve colored unicorn with a grayish-white mane popped out of the doorway. The wrinkled stallion quickly inspected the grimy looking pair, before levitating an empty mug onto the bar counter. "What will you fine gentlecolts be having tonight?" The unicorn casually asked.

"Well that's a fine way to greet one of yer regular customers!" Soft Touch exclaimed. The bartender immediately looked up from his cleaning and slowly examined the dirtied earth pony. "Well I'll be! What in Celestia happened to you Mister Touch? I didn't even know it was you under all that dirt and grime!" The bartender exclaimed as he extended a hoof towards his friend.

Soft Touch flashed a grin whilst he eagerly shook the unicorn's hoof. "It's a longggg story Regale, how 'bout givin' me 'n my friend here a shot of yer finest whiskey ‘n I'll tell ya all about it." The weathered stallion suavely asked.

The bartender let out a small chuckle as he brought down an unmarked black bottle from the highest glass counter, whilst levitating up two small shot glasses from underneath the counter. Regale began to pour the bottle's dark gold contents into an empty glass, before promptly giving the first glass to Soft Touch. "Now let's hear this tale of yours." The unicorn goaded as he slid the second glass over to Soft Touch’s companion. "Deary me! No offense sir, but you look even worse than Soft Touch does!" Regale exclaimed once he took stock of the seated gunslinger.

Thistle let out a biting snort before downing his drink in a single take. The old stallion raised an eyebrow and flashed Soft Touch a bewildered look. "By Celestia's flowing mane! What the hay happened to you out there?" The unicorn scrutinized.

Soft Touch took his glass and finished his drink in a long winded swig. "It all started with a buncha buffalo...." The next few hours flew by as Regale continued to serve the pair whiskey, whilst Soft Touch informed the bartender about every single detail surrounding the past two day.

Soft Touch made sure to omit the part about his attempted at robbing of his acquaintance, whom in return silently objected with a scornful look directed at the blabbering pony. The flow of alcohol slowly came to a stop as Soft Touch’s tongue and mind gradually failed to convey coherent thoughts.

"...Andddddd-the-the-thereeee yaaa have *HIC* it!" Soft Touch slurred as he finished his twelfth shot of whiskey. "Why is everyythinggg spinningggg." The stallion began to sway in his seat until finally dropping his head onto the marble counter with faint plop.

Thistle finished his own twelfth glass and looked at the now snoring pony, before letting out a light chuckle. "Lightweight." Regale shook his head as he noticed Soft Touch’s tongue jutting out and beginning to cover his counter with a layer of drool.

"You can hold your liquor I'll give you that." Regale jested as he levitated a small flask from underneath the counter. "So, I'm quite curious, is Mister Touch's story true? Or am I being lead astray by one of his fanciful anecdotes?" The bartender questioned before taking a drink.

Without looking at the inquiring unicorn Thistle gave him a simple nod. "He did leave out the part of him tryin’ to rob me whilst I was face first in the damn sand.” The dirt crusted gunslinger muttered. Regale gave a confused look at the seated pony. "Did you say something about being robbed?"

"Did I say that? Must be the whiskey finally kickin' in." The stallion answered behind clenched teeth.

"Well, it's amazing to meet a pony who was able to hold their own against a buffalo, but its even more amazing to meet a pony responsible for saving a whole entire town!" Regale declared through a smile.

Thistle quickly looked up from his empty glass. "How the hay do you know 'bout that?" The gunslinger demanded.

Regale let out a dainty laugh as he began to clean up the shot glasses surrounding Soft Touch. "Rumors and gossip can spread fast when you've got pegasi delivering your mail." The unicorn stated matter of factly as he placed the final glass back under the counter. "Say, you sound like being known as a hero is a bad thing."

Thistle let out a disingenuous laugh. "Havin' a reputation like hero 'round these parts is a quick way to gain some unwanted attention."

"Well you know what wise ponies say, being a hero isn't easy." Regale quietly quipped. Thistle flashed a frown at the teasing unicorn. " I ain't no hero, not by a long shot." The gunslinger mumbled. "...Anyhow, It's gettin' late, how many bits fer a room?"

"Considering what you've two been through, the beds on the house." Regale politely stated as he levitated a key to Thistle. "The room you want is the first door you reach after climbing the stairs."

Thistle looked over at the snoring form of Soft Touch. "What about him?"

"He always does this whenever he gets leave from caravan duties, don't worry about him. But there is one little issue we need to cover before you turn in for the night." Regale gingerly stated.

"And that is?" Thistle curtly replied.

"Well you two did go through one of my more expensive stocks of whiskey." The bartender declared as he shifted his attention away from the disheveled gunslinger.

The earth pony let out a gruff laugh in response. "Oh that, put it all on Soft Touch's tab." Thistle nonchalantly answered.

Regale looked at the knocked out stallion with trepidation. "Will he be fine with that arrangement? Because I don't wanna wake up in the morning to an angry hungover stallion."

"He owes me." Thistle promptly stated, and without another word the stallion took the floating key before heading up the stairs towards his room. The inn's bedroom was small and simple, echoing the atmosphere of the inn’s first floor. A single bed and a small chest was all that decorated the barren room.

Thistle closed his eyes and began to reflect upon his new found reputation. "Tartarus, it could be a lot worst." The pony mused before beginning to undress himself, storing his gear in the wooden chest, before slowly climbing into bed. His mind began to wander as he slowly slipped into unconsciousness.


"Before I left for work, I coulda sworn you detested learnin' to play an instrument. What made you change yer mind?"

"...Well, when you were off traveling with Flowing Field's caravan, Pa took me to see one of those minstrel shows that stop in town and I saw this showpony playin' the nicest tune I ever heard! So, when we got back, I asked Pa if he could teach me to play."

"Well it's nice to see you picking up something worthwhile. Celestia forbid that father of yours decides to pass on his trade to you."

"I'm kinda curious, why do you hate Pa's work so much Ma?"

"I don't hate his work, its just that...Look, I'll tell you when you’re older, but for now let's get the table set before yer father comes home and throws a fit 'bout there bein' no food on the table."


"Guh...damn griffons, always flyin' around, can't be bothered to be nice 'n stand still for me."

"Glad to see you've made it home in one piece hun, now get yerself washed up so we can finally eat the dinner I slaved over."

"Of course my lovely wife, I'll go wash up my hooves nice 'n good. I'll do my best to keep the dirt off my hooves when I come back inside after using the water pump."


"I was only jokin'! No need to give me that face."

"Hurry yer flank up, that colt of yours has been waitin' to eat for two hours now!"

"I’m going, i’m going!"


"How was work Pa? Did you take down any bad ponies today? "

"Yeah, I did! But they weren't ponies, they were a buncha blood thirsty griffons! "

"Oooooh! Aren't griffons able to fly?"

"Indeed they are son."

"So that means you would have had a hard time dealing with 'um! How the hay do you fight somethin' that is zoomin' around in the sky?!"

"Tell you what, i'll tell you the full story of how your father stopped some mean old griffons, after you clean up yer plate ‘n get yourself into bed, deal?"

"I'll be quicker than a jack rabbit runnin' around with his tail on fire!"

"That's my boy, now get along now, me and your mother need to discuss some matters..."


Sunlight began to seep through the small window above Thistle's bed; the sun's rays beginning to dance upon the sleeping pony's face. The distorted sounds of Cross Roads' citizens going about their business seeped through the inn’s wooden walls and into the sleeping pony’s ears.

The stallion let out a tired groan as he began to feel the sun bake his unprotected face. Thistle let out a frustrated groan as the heat began to overwhelm him. The earth pony promptly got up from his bed and began to stretch his limbs out. "Ugh, who the hay decided to put the damn window right under the bed..." The earth pony ran a hoof through his mane before heading towards the small chest inches away from him.

Thistle dressed himself before making his way out of his small room. The stallion descended down the flight of stairs and noticed Soft Touch still asleep at the empty bar counter; he sat himself down before ringing the bar counter’s small bell. "I hope you were able to get a decent night's rest, Mister Thistle." Regale called out as he popped out of the open door frame.

The earth pony cracked his neck as he let out a long drawn out yawn. "I've had better." The stallion quipped as he began to rummage through his pouches. "You wouldn't happen to have seen this pony around here?" Thistle questioned as he put down the photo of his quarry on top of Regale's counter.

The bartender grabbed the photo with a hoof and levitated a pair of circular glasses onto his face. Regale shook his head and returned the photo to Thistle. "Sorry, never seen a stallion like him before, your best bet would be heading over to the town's bounty board."

Thistle stashed his photo and thanked the unicorn before heading for the inn's only door. Regale hesitantly eyed the still dozing earth pony. "Not gonna wait for him to wake up?" The unicorn hollered.

Thistle let out a gruff snort as he paused in front of the door. "Nope, but when he does wake up tell him his debt is cleared. He'll know what that means...Thanks for the hospitality." The gunslinger quickly answered as he trotted out onto the crowded street.

The stallion eyed the tall wooden board that was barely visible above the moving mass of the town's inhabitants. On his way towards the plank of wood, Thistle began to notice the diversity Soft Touch told him about. Thistle trotted by dressed business ponies talking politics, donkey and diamond-dog prospectors arguing over claims, and griffon merchants hawking their goods to anyone that passed their stalls.

Thistle's stomach began to grumble as he began to past stands that were selling a wide selection of food items. Succumbing to his body's need, Thistle headed for the nearest fruit vendor. After heckling with a stubborn donkey, Thistle continued trotting down the bustling street with a bag full of apples gripped in his mouth

The stallion threw what was left of his breakfast to the side as he finally arrived in front of the large billboard. Thistle noticed a vacant seat next to the board and a small sign with the words: "Be Back In 10." messily scrawled in chalk.

Thistle let out a frustrated sigh at the minor inconvenience impeding him. Having nothing else to do but wait, the earth pony began to examine the various posts and papers that adorned the faded wood.

“Let's see here.” Wanted: Routing Charge aka. The Stallion Sized Hurricane: responsible for the destruction of the towns of-How in Tartarus does one pony destroy a whole entire town? Bounty: 600,000 bits! Whoever this poor bastard is must be up to his neck in bounty hunters. What else do we got...How the hay do you even pronounce this name, Moo Gin? Mew Gen? Buck it. Thistle was halfway through another post until he noticed the shadow of a gryphon block out his reading light.

A young gryphon with a white head and grey body neatly landed next to the chair with a flap of his wings sending dirt and debris in all directions. Thistle shielded his eyes from the oncoming gust and let loose a profanity when the gryphon finally took his seat.

The gryphon was oblivious to the irate pony a couple feet away from him and began to hum to himself. Thistle let out a loud braying snort and marched straight towards the seated gryphon.

The unaware gryphon was still ignorant of Thistle's presence; his head facing the opposite way of the fuming stallion. Thistle let out a sigh and jabbed his hoof into the gryphon's shoulder. The bill board worker let out a sharp squawk in response and quickly turned to face the furious stallion.

"What do you want?" The young gryphon crassly questioned as he gave the poncho clad pony a quick look over before letting out a faint sigh. "Look donkey, I don't have any bits on me, so just leave me alone."

The muscles around Thistle’s neck began to bulge as he had to restrain himself from outright beating the grpyhon's face in with his bare hooves. "I'm not some damn begger, nor a donkey, you feathered idiot!"

The gryphon did a more thorough examination of the livid pony. The gryphon's eyes immediately lit up and in a feathered flourish the gryphon took to the skies and left the now confused earth pony behind.

"What in the? Celestia damn griffons..." Thistle grumbled as he watched the gryphon’s silhouette drift northwards, heading towards the hilly countryside that surrounded Cross Roads. “At least I can stock up now...” The stallion openly thought as he headed down the town’s western road.

After asking for directions from a passing unicorn, Thistle found himself in a small shop browsing over the various goods it sold. The stallion trotted over towards the store's owner and asked the donkey if he sold what he was searching for.

"Yeah we do, mind tellin' me what you’re lookin' for so I can search my stock?" The store manager asked.

".44 Stalliongrad cartridges."

"Ponies still use those? I'll look, but no guarantees." The donkey headed through the open doorway behind him. Several minutes passed before the store owner returned with a tied up bag between his teeth.

The wrapped goods made an audible thunk as it landed upon the wooden counter. "Lucky you, found a few boxes of 'um, they even come with some of dem fancy speed-loaders. There a bit dusty but they should be fine." The donkey stated.

"How much do I owe ya?"

"Fifteen bits." Thistle fished amongst his various pouches and placed fifteen gold coins upon the counter. Thistle thanked the store owner and began to move his purchase into the pouch strapped to his left foreleg. The donkey raised an eyebrow as he watched the pony work.

"Say compadre, you wouldn't happen to have heard the rumors about that pony who took down some banditos in Agua Fria? Thistle let out a sigh as he knew where the donkey's question was heading. "I've heard the rumors. What of it?"

"Well the rumor has it this stallion is an earth pony like yourself and well the description of him fits you..." The donkey eyed Thistle one last time before slowly shaking his head. "Nevermind, most of you ponies do tend to look a like. Must be coincidence. Need anything else sir?"

Thistle finished his task and showed his wrinkled photo to the donkey.

"Can't say I've seen a pony with a mark like that around here, you try lookin' for the gryphon who manages the town's bounty board?"

Thistle immediately frowned in response. "I tried to, but that gryphon just flew off in a tizzy before I could ask him."

"Sorry I couldn't have been more help." The donkey replied.

The stallion thanked the store manager and headed back outside. Thistle let out a weary groan as he watched the busy denizens of Cross Roads go about their business. Might as well get a buckin' drink...Again. Thistle made his way to the nearest bar he could find; he entered a partially crowded establishment and sat himself at the hazy room’s furthest table.

After spending the rest of his morning snout first in a glass of whiskey, the earth pony was the only patron left and about to make his leave until he noticed a pair of griffons sauntering towards his table. Both gryphons had the standard gryphon colors of a white head and golden body.

The two griffons sat themselves down at Thistle's table; he quickly looked them over and noticed they didn't have any visible weaponry on their bodies.

"Can I help you fellows?" Thistle calmly asked.

"Cross Roads has been a buzzin' with the tale of an earth pony who took down six bandits by his lonesome." The gryphon to Thistle's right answered.

"Yes and I'm gettin' mighty tired of hearin' um." Thistle dryly stated.

"Well, we also heard that this pony was able to best a buffalo in hoof-to-hoof fightin'." The gryphon said in a calm tone.

How in the hay? Soft Touch you fast talkin’ bastard...

Thistle fixed his gaze upon the two gryphons and let out a snort of hot air. "Alright I get it, you two know who I am. Let's quit beatin' around the bush. What the hay do you two want with me?" The gunslinger demanded.

Both gryphons exchanged looks and a couple of hushed words. It was the gryphon to Thistle's left turn to speak. "We'd have it no other way. You see our boss is lookin' for talented folks like yourself and he would like to extend an invitation of meeting him in person to you."

"I feel honored to have someone interested in my skills, but alas I ain't lookin' for a job right now." Thistle lazily answered.

Once again the two gryphons shared a whispered discussion between themselves. "I assure you that that our boss will pay you handsomely if you decide to work for him." The gryphon on the right implored.

Thistle slowly rolled his eyes in response. "Look, I'll say it again, I ain't interested...now buck off 'n leave me be." The stallion bluntly countered.

The gryphon on Thistle's right quickly got up from his seat and pointed a claw at the slack pony. "Listen here dirt pony, we’re tryin’ to be civil here. So you better watch your tone!" Thistle’s hoof instinctively reached for his revolver and pointed it at the blustering gryphon.

"Come again?" Thistle vehemently growled. The offending gryphon let out a faint squawk and sat himself immediately back down. The gryphon to Thistle's left waved both his talons in surrender. "Please forgive my friend he can be quite hot headed...Perhaps if you knew what our boss was going to reward you with you'd reconsider your position."

Thistle nonchalantly nodded his head for the calm gryphon to go on. "Our boss is ready to pay you a massi-" Thistle cut the gryphon in mid-sentence with a sharp cough. "Bits? That's all your boss is offering? If that's it, I still ain't interested."

The gryphon quickly flashed a beaked frown in response. "You didn't let me finish. You see our boss knows your lookin' for somepony. Along with that large amount of bits, he has information on this pony of yours." The gryphon slyly finished.

Thistle's whole body perked up as he registered the gryphon’s offer. The stallion began to mull over the gryphon's claim. "I'll hear him out, but if your boss is lyin' to me and this turns out to be some sort of dirty trick...Y’all gonna be findin’ yerselves six feet under." The stallion grimly implied.

"Then we have a deal?" The gryphon asked as he offered his claw to Thistle. The earth pony holstered his firearm and shook the offered claw. The pair of gryphons exhaled in relief and escorted Thistle back onto Cross Roads’ crowded street.

It was high noon as Thistle followed his two escorts out of Cross Roads and into the hilly outskirts. After walking two more miles down a makeshift path Thistle came to the top of a hill and saw a massive estate situated in a small grove below him.

"Who exactly is this boss of yours?" Thistle asked the two gryphons. Without pausing to answer the pair remained silent and headed for the manor below. "I can already tell I'm goin' to hate where this is goin." The stallion grunted out as he followed his two guides.

After trotting along the path for half an hour Thistle finally saw the mansion in its fullest. The estate's front yard had willow trees planted all around and the main building was painted a crisp white with pristine windows running across both the first and second stories of the house. The two gryphons both knocked upon the massive polished doors as Thistle stopped behind them.

The massive doors swung open and a pegasus wearing a clean two-piece suit greeted the three. "I see you were successful. Now Mister Thistle, if you would be as kind to come along with me. The master has been waiting for your arrival for quite some time now." The butler cordially declared.

Thistle slowly nodded his head and entered the white manor. His eyes were immediately greeted by the building’s lavish interior. From the marbled staircase to crystal chandeliers that dotted the massive parlour room; he couldn’t keep his eyes away from the grand decor.

"Coming sir?" The butler implored as he motioned for Thistle to follow him up the staircase that dominated the room. The earth pony grunted out an affirmative and made his way behind the pegasus butler.

"So who exactly is this gryphon I'm meetin'?" Thistle inquired as the two ponies trotted down a bright and heavily decorated hallway.

"Sorry sir, but the master has been quite adamant that he remains unknown until you meet him face to face." The butler immediately answered.

"I had a feelin' you'd say that..."

Thistle and his guide finally came to the end of the hall and stood in front of a large oak door. The pegasus opened the door for Thistle and signaled for him to enter.

The stallion entered into a slightly dim room and after allowing his eyes to grow accustomed to the lighting. Thistle noticed a single large window illuminating the whole room and its modest furnishings. Simple brown furniture were neatly placed and bookcases encircled the entire room; a far cry from the garish environment Thistle had just been in.

"Ahhhhhhh, I've been expecting you."

Thistle slightly flinched as he promptly tracked the voice’s source coming from the desk directly across from him. The stallion trotted toward the desk and slowly noticed a bulging silhouette popping out of the chair.

"Care to share who you are first?" Thistle commanded.

"I'd expect somepony like yourself to cut straight to the chase." The seated figure replied.

"I usually am, but when I plan on workin' for someone, I'd like to know who the buck they are first." The gunslinger retorted.

"Smart stallion." The seated figure flashed their wings in a grand flourish before standing up from their seat. The stallion was promptly confronted by a husky gryphon, dark teal head feathers and a black suit covered the gryphon’s gray coat.

"The name is Regard Highcrown and I have heard of your amazing feats, Mister Thistle." The gryphon recited as he began to pace behind his wooden desk. "But you see, i'm a little skeptic of your abilities. Sometimes these kind of stories get stretched beyond belief and well...I'd like to see you prove your skills to me before we get down to business."

"I didn't come here to have you string me along!" The agitated stallion fired back.

Regard stringently eyed Thistle and let out an exaggerated sigh. "Oh? Then why did you come here then?"

"Your boys told me you know i'm lookin' for somepony and that you have information about this pony. I'd like to see some proof that ya do before I do a single damn thing for you." Thistle gruffly answered.

The gryphon's flabby chin began to flap around as he let loose a biting laugh. "I had you pegged to be a lot less intelligent, but I was clearly mistaken! So you want proof?" Regard took a key from his coat’s breast pocket and unlocked a shelf from his desk before throwing a collection of papers onto its wooden top.

Thistle’s eyes immediately latched onto first paper amongst the stack. A crisp black and white picture of a familiar stallion confounded the gunslinger. He began to quickly scan the cluster of papers before the large gryphon blocked his view. Thistle's fiery amber eyes locked upon the gryphon’s own pair.

"How did you...Who exactly are you?"

Regard let out a curt chuckle as he scooped up the papers and locked them away in his desk once more. The gryphon sat himself back down and matched Thistle's steely gaze. "Everything will be made clearer in due time. But for now here's what I want you to do for me...”